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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #660 on: September 19, 2014, 02:06:07 pm »
:) its very, very nice lol! That's a local elementary school gym. Ypu should see some of the high schools!

Been short on updates lately so I'll make a compressed version.

Lifted normally on monday, skipped both upper body sessions on tue/thur in favor of bball skill training on tues and wed nights. Went harder than I ever have for 2 hours each night, physically drained afterwards, no energy to dunk but tried for 15 mins after each workout woth subpar results. Rested Thursday.  Went and played for 2 hours this morning....was only supposed to be an hour and a half max, almost going to be late for work lol! was ON POINT today, laser focused, handle, jumper, everything. Crazy what dedicated skill work does!!!

Since I was/am running late for work I said I'll try 1 dunk before leaving.  Easy 2 hand tomahawk off the dribble. Too easy. So I said to hell with more....

...and got my first pump reverse!!!!!!!! Off the dribble no less. :D The guys said the pump was to about stomach level but idc, I'm re-motivated to train harder!!!!!

And now...I'm gonna go be late to work lol
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #661 on: September 20, 2014, 04:24:05 pm »
Blehhhh! It was bound to happen, shitty day lol! Spent all morning out in the heat with the kids and I believe it drained me not to mention my shoes got soaked and I developed a blister on the bottom of my left big toe. Add to that a 90+ degree gym and my SuperFly 2s popping the right zoom insole, and my left knee flaring up (I think its patellar tendinitis)..... I was completely devoid of motivation today.

All said I still took some video and I'll be damned if I didn't get super pissed at myself halfway through and had a handful of decent jumps lol! I'll post up the video later. Much stretch. Lots of ice.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #662 on: September 21, 2014, 04:54:56 pm »
Quick snippet from yesterday's footage....

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Still working on the rest. Its like 20+ mins of film, might get 4-5 out of it that's worth anything lol!

Also, debating trying the SuperFly3 or the 2 PO's as a replacement.  I REALLY like the SuperFly2s, one of the best shoes for ball ive ever had. Just sucked the zoom pocket busted so quickly. 
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #663 on: September 22, 2014, 04:38:44 am »
I've got the SF2 POs, i love them, most probably best bball shoe i've ever worn too, this and the first hyperdunk. Haven't read the SF3 reviews yet.
Consider the upcoming D Rose 5 boost too, i got boost running shoes ( which i wear at bb skill practice too ) and that foam is really out of this world.
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #664 on: September 22, 2014, 08:03:34 am »
Yea, from what I can tell the POs just take a lil more time to break in? Either way I'll find out soon, I just said screw it and got 2 pairs of POs and another of the original SF2s that were on clearance. Should put me through the end of the year. :)
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #665 on: September 25, 2014, 08:46:08 pm »
I broke my phone....and with it my video. :'(

So....I'll have to go film some more. :)
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #666 on: September 28, 2014, 07:26:49 pm »
New video. Dicked around for a little today but had to take some breaks as my knee is flaring up again. It feels like tendinitis but instead it being across my kneecap on the patellar tendon its slightly higher, like where the quad and tendon would meet? Hmmm. I'm going to be careful with it and ice it frequently so we'll see. Either way, I'm not getting up like I usually do (or at least I dont feel like it) so I worked on some timing stuff today instead of ME stuff.

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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #667 on: October 01, 2014, 02:50:33 pm »
Gahhhhhh.  Shitty start to my week. Had to skip Mondays lifting session because my daughter got sick and we spent all night in the ER. :'( Ended up being an upper respiratory infection so hoping she feels better soon! Did manage a 2 hour skill session last night but had to skip back/biceps work this morning when the lady got a call and we didn't have anyone to watch the mini monster. Oh well. Pressing forward.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #668 on: October 02, 2014, 06:58:40 pm »
Did an hour of drills last night and some 1v1 with a buddy. Nice workout overall. Calves seem sore this morning though,  probably should stretch them a tad more than I do.  Going to rest today amd stretch some. Still working on getting a few lbs off. :/
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #669 on: October 06, 2014, 02:45:50 pm »
Monday October 6 2014

BW: 178lbs.
Energy: not great.  Was happy to be back lifting after not last week but no energy. Chalking it up to lifting way earlier than usual. Also may be getting sick.  Stomach is cramping bad.

Dynamic warmup+bike+jumps

Squats: b=bands, p=paused
(Warmup)bar x5(bp), 135x5 (bp), 225x3 (b), 315x1 (b), 365x1 (b)...was not a great squat. Got it up but it was ugly.
(Worksets) 315x3(b), 315x4 (b), 315x4 (b), 225x7 (b). Stopped sets when I felt less explosive.  Not sure why it felt so heavy. Could be time off/movement deficiency,  tired, etc. Idk. If it happens again next week I'll make some changes.

45lbs: x10, x10, x10.

Paused calf raise on leg press:
550lbs: x12, x12, x12. Felt good on these. Very happy.

120lbs: 3x10 each leg

Jump squat: (banded in squat rack)
135lbs: x5, x5, x5. These felt good as well. Debating adding weight or trying to jump higher. :/ anyone know a decent ratio for jump squat:squat?

Sprinkled in some core work like normal and even tho im dissatisfied with some of my lifts overall it was a decent workout under the circumstances. 

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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #670 on: October 08, 2014, 12:09:15 pm »
Woke up this morning.....DOMS!!!!! Lol! Quads are pretty sore/tight. So to loosen them up I went and shot around for an hour and did some jumping. Wasnt the greatest but it got some blood flowing and thats good. Vert was down noticeably,  low 40s at best but I figured that would happen. Not a bad way to start my morning tho!
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #671 on: October 09, 2014, 04:30:23 am »
Vert was down noticeably,  low 40s at best but I figured that would happen.

:motherofgod:  :ffffffuuuuuu:  :gtfo:

Just some honest envy, carry on!  :highfive:
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #672 on: October 09, 2014, 11:55:36 am »
As always! Gotta keep pushing. I'm trying to decide if the lost vert is because of the 'cut' I've been on to get back to the mid 170lb range. I've felt a little less energetic than usual lately. Then again it cpuld have been mental based as my body felt sore and I subconsciously compensated by not pushing as hard? Could be a combination.  I'm hoping to be in the mid 170s by early next week so I can reevaluate on fresh legs then.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #673 on: October 20, 2014, 03:40:17 pm »
Ughhh. Took a few rest days because the family got sick and I was just tired.  Started back up last Monday so I'll start updates there.

Monday October 13 2014
BW is 179 after breakfast/before lifting. Still.headed in the right direction.  Goal is 174-176 throughout the day. Good energy for 9am lifting ( a night person lol)

-bike+dynamic warmups+jumps

(Warmups; banded) bar x5, 135x5, 225x3, 315x1, 365x1. Still not getting as deep as Id like in the 365. :/
(Worksets) 315x5, 315x5, 315x5.

-paused calf raises on leg press
550lbs: x12, x12, x12

45lbs: x12, x12, x10. Moved the weight around, definitely targets the glutes better now. 

-jumpsquats (banded)
135lbs: x5, x5, x5

Added a few sets of lunges and stepups to core with core work as a finisher and 2 sets of 225x5 deadlifts to maintain some form. Good stuff. Quads were sore til Wed night lol!


Tuesday: got a hour and a half skills session in after work. Legs were jelly but got some jumping in afterwards.

Wednesday: shot around in the morning for a little with a buddy, didnt plan on doing anything crazy but ended up playing some 2v2 and 3v3 games, not any real comp but it sure helped my quads recover IMO. Threw down a couple dunks for some kids, always feels nice cuz they get so excited. :)


Thursday: planned to rest and do back and biceps a call about some guys playing about a half hour from the house so away I went lol! Got there and almost didnt get to play (inner city YMCA, I was one of 3 guys who weren't like the others...smh. such BS.) ANYWAY, me and my buddy kept trying to get in games and kept getting bumped to the side so we shot around on a side goal.for about 30-40 mins and played some half ass 1v1. Finally got fed up and was about to leave...when a few of the taller guys started trying to dunk on the main court. :) Now I know how to get in a game when that happens.... walked up, BSed with a guy for a minute then gave it the whole 'let me try one' routine. Boomed a cuffed one hander of a lob (I seriously thought i was gna lose it mid air lol) and hey, got to play for the next hour.  Funny how that works. Played alright, got a putback dunk on a fastbreak. Good games overall.



Night session lifting. BW at 179 pre workout.

-bike+dynamic warmups + jumps

(Warmup) 135x5, 225x3, 315x1, 365x1. Very surprised at how 'easy' the 365 was. Figured I would fail it but got it up with decent speed.
(Worksets) 315x5, 315x5, 315x4, 315x5. Added an extra set, need volume to grow. Forgot straps but managed alright. Failed rep 5 in 3rd set, just didnt feel right.  Idk, set 4 was ok. Shrug.

120lbs: x10, x10, x10.  (Each leg)

-paused seated calf raise:
125lbs: x12, x12, x12.  Too easy. Gna go 150 next week.

-ham curl:
140lbs: x12, x11, x12. Goood lawwwwd. Lol! Serious pump. Much effort.

-glute thrust:
70lbs: x10, x10, x10.  Some dude was squatting on the smith machine...had to use the biggest dumbbell available.  SMH.

Core work as usual.


Sunday: shot around for about 2 hours, glutes and hams were sore, bounce was ehhhh. Have some short clips, will post later.


Monday October 20th 2014 (9am)
Bw at 180....gah. weekend diet FAIL! Lol

-Bike + dynamic warmups + jumps

-squats (banded):
(Warmups) bar x5,  135x5, 225x3, 315 x1, 365x1. Little better.
(Workset) 315x5, 315x5, 315x5, 315x5.  This extra set makes spme massive quad pump lol! Sweet.

-paused calf raise on leg press:
550lbs : x12, x12, x12.  Getting easier, maybe 2 more weeks then add weight. 

45lbs : x12, x10, x10. 

-banded jump squats:
185x5, 185x5, 135x1. Was more fatigued thanni was hoping to be, backed off last set for safety.

Ended with the normal lunge/stepup/core circuit. Very good workout. :)

And that should get this caught up lol

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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #674 on: October 22, 2014, 12:46:45 am »
Late night skill work....2 hours of drills in the books. Got sloppy at the end IMO, shot started getting a little off but pushed through and got my reps in. 15 min dunk session afterwards, nothing spectacular at all (never is after 2 hours of drills lol) but I did try a few left handed dunks for fun. Made one but was getting closer each attempt. Something to work on :)
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