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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #150 on: March 10, 2013, 09:27:05 pm »
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #151 on: March 14, 2013, 12:09:00 am »
Late update for Tuesday....we lost by 19. They had one small school D1 guy and two D2 guys and DESTROYED us on the glass. We stayed with them until about 12 minutes left in the second half and we went cold for a few minutes and went from down 7 to down 25 just like that. We battled back hard but their dominance on the offensive glass did us in. We had 4 points on 3 offensive rebounds lol! I landed on a guys ankle with 7 minutes left and sat the rest of the game. It's tender still but the swelling went down quickly with ice so I don't think its too bad. I bought a brace today and I'll wrap it and throw the brace on and give it a go tomorrow, see what happens.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #152 on: March 14, 2013, 09:34:53 am »
from my n=4 experience (i.e., four ankle sprains), ace bandages are better than braces.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #153 on: March 14, 2013, 10:21:33 am »
Thats what my mom said (25+ years of ER nursing), then she gave me two ACE bandages, some tape and some gauze stuff lol! It was like a training room walked into my house last night lmao!

Its still sore this morning but the swelling appears to be all gone so thats a positive. Its not a high ankle sprain according to mom so thats good as well. Either way gameplan is wrap, warm up good and ibuprofen lol!
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #154 on: March 14, 2013, 12:03:29 pm »
Late update for Tuesday....we lost by 19. They had one small school D1 guy and two D2 guys and DESTROYED us on the glass. We stayed with them until about 12 minutes left in the second half and we went cold for a few minutes and went from down 7 to down 25 just like that. We battled back hard but their dominance on the offensive glass did us in. We had 4 points on 3 offensive rebounds lol! I landed on a guys ankle with 7 minutes left and sat the rest of the game. It's tender still but the swelling went down quickly with ice so I don't think its too bad. I bought a brace today and I'll wrap it and throw the brace on and give it a go tomorrow, see what happens.

that's rough.
In my experience rolling my ankle, wrapping it and  playing on it the next day has always gained me further injury.
any chance you can stay off it for a few more days?
5'10"- 175lbs - 44 yrs - reach - 7'6" (90") - 27" SVJ - 30" RVJ - 245# Full squat
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #155 on: March 14, 2013, 12:52:38 pm »
Not really unless we are absolutely killing whoever we play tonight. :/ I rolled it Tuesday night so its had 48 hours to get a little better (not great I know) but I can walk on it with a little soreness but almost no pain and I have a decent ROM currently so we'll see. I'll tape it and warm up slow, if it is painful I won't play (just a rec league anyways). If I play and it swells up afterward or the soreness/pain increases then I'll skip lifting Sat and rehab hard.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #156 on: March 14, 2013, 11:52:36 pm »
Good news is we won!!! Great news is my ankle doesn't seem to be any worse off than it was, but I'll re-evaluate in the morning.

Despite not having our starting center and being outsized at almost every position we controlled the glass and shoot very well. We ended up winning by 16, 110-94 and it really wasn't that close. They couldn't stop us off the dribble which led to open 3s off kick outs and easy pull up jumpers. Very pleased with how we played today.

As for the ankle, I took some ibuprofen pre game and had it taped up very tight which felt weird during warm ups and the first few minutes but I got used to it pretty quickly IMO. It doesn't appear to have swollen any (I've stretched and iced it already, now its back in some ace wraps) currently so thats a good sign. It's still sore/stiff-ish but I had no sharp pains cutting or jumping tonight so I'm happy.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #157 on: March 20, 2013, 01:22:40 pm »
Skipped my planned workouts this weekend and focused on resting/rehabbing the ankle. After last nights game I believe I'm basically 100%. We finally played the #1 team in the league (record wise) and we put up a hell of a fight. We ended up losing in triple OT by 1. I missed two threes that should have ended the game, one in the first OT with 10 seconds left that was in and out and another in the 2nd OT that would of put us up 5 with 45 seconds left. On both they felt good, just unkind rims I guess. Other than those I played pretty good and our posts did a great job holding their own on the boards despite a significant height disadvantage.

I felt very energetic and bouncy last night, I think the skipped workouts let the rest of my body heal as well. Seeing that I'll probably take a week off or do light weights for a week after the season ends then hit.the weights harder than ever.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #158 on: March 23, 2013, 11:39:47 pm »
No workout today. Im laid up with some strain of flu. Bodyweight is down to 175 and I look like shit. Trying to stay hydrated but this thing is kicking my ass lol! Hoping to get over it enough to play Tuesday.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #159 on: March 27, 2013, 07:35:46 pm »
The end of the season tournament started last night, double elimination style (yea this is a short league, they have longer ones later in the year). We ended up playing two games. We mercy ruled our first opponent with 7 minutes left to play. Our backup wing played the best I've ever seen him play, just outside his mind on last night. Was awesome to watch. I played 10 mins and played like shit I feel. I'm obviously not over this sickness crap although I stopped throwing up early Monday. Jumper was off and I just felt drained energy wise. When I pulled myself out of the game I was pouring sweat like I'd been playing for an hour lol!

Our second game we ended up losing by 12. We were up for almost all of the first half and were down 6 at halftime. In the second half their post went off, I've never seen him play like that in all the years I've known the guy and we just couldnt guard him. He did have 2" and 70lbs on our post and he used it very well last night. I only played 12 mins to start the second half and I played better than I did the first game but I still was nowhere near my usual self. I pulled myself after 12mins because I literally thought I was going to pass out. I felt like I'd been playing all of both games and I look at the clock...nope, I played less in both games combined than I normally do in a single game lol! I wish I could say that if I was healthy we would have won but you never know. Oh well, I'm resting as much as possible and have upped the fluid intake today so hopefully I'll be more myself tomorrow. Our first game we should win very easily so I'm only going to play 5-8 mins to get a feel for how I am going and to try and conserve energy because our second game looks to be a tough physical match up judging by the bracket.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #160 on: March 30, 2013, 03:01:45 am »
Finally played up to my standards last night. Played 34 minutes, felt great, good energy, focus and no hint of being sick. We won a battle 105-103. Very physical game (this is the same team that we lost to in the regular season that fouled the hell out of us) but much cleaner this time around although there were a few chippy moments lol! I finally found my jumper and I went off. 61 points, 17 rebounds and a few blocked shots. They kept switching guys onto me but it was either a smaller player that I could post up or they stuck a post on me that had no shot at guarding me on the wing. Since I was shooting so well it was a pump fake or any hesitation move and they'd either jump or fall back on their heels trying to time the shot or drive. Too easy. We should have won this game by much more but our bug guy landed on his ankle wrong with about 9 minutes to go and they started to come back on us by feeding the post but we made enough shots down the stretch to pull it out. Super fun game.

Next game is against the team we went to triple OT with so it should be fun as well. We could use some revenge. ;)
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #161 on: April 02, 2013, 12:11:57 am »
Sat Mar 30 2013

Alright, after 2 weeks of no lifting I was DYING to get back in the weight room!

My bodyweight seems to have stabilized at 177-179lbs depending on fluid intake and if it's before or after a game day for the last week or so. No injuries or soreness although I was a bit tired from work and I believe it showed later in the workout after the adrenaline of getting to lift again wore off. Anyways, I figured I would be weak after two weeks off so I did a light workout both in tonnage and rep/set scheme just to make sure I don't inure myself and my form is still decent.

Depth jumps/bounds (in series):
4 total circuits (20 total jumps)

Banded squats:
225x5 315x3 x3 225x5

Banded RDLs (4"deficit):
225x5 245x5 265x3  Form SUCKED on the RDLs, I'm strongly considering eliminating the bands on these as they don't seem to help like they are on the squats. I *think* they're hurting my form at the top ROM as I unconsciously round a little trying to drive through the extra resistance. Next session I'll try them without the bands and really focus on form again.

Jump squats:
5 w/ 50lbs, 5 at BW

Ham curls (120lbs):

Calf raises on leg press machine:
8x2 (500lbs)

Wow, I'm weak as shit. My approach work I usually do at the end of the session sucked. I sort of expected I'd get weaker during the season tho so I'm just going to maintain as much as possible and get after it hard after the season again.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #162 on: April 04, 2013, 03:37:30 pm »
Well...seasons over. We got thoroughly smacked in the semifinals. We ended up losing by 24 although we kept it close until about 8mins left and ran out gas/subs. Our second leading scorer was out and our first sub so we didn't do too bad. I ended with 44pts but I just couldnt score enough to keep up. Im not too disappointed with our season but I found some things to work on in my game. I got stronger and faster but my first step feels slow this year and my mid range game footwork was off which hurt my overall game IMO because I was using to much space. So, I'll be doing more quickness training this summer amd getting back into a routine with my lifting next week.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #163 on: April 05, 2013, 09:17:50 pm »
Just joined a 24 hour fitness center chain with the woman. So now I can lift at the complex's clubhouse and at this gym. I think switching it up every once in awhile will help. The closest fitness place is 10mins from the house but it doesnt have a court...however, the one 20-25mins away does so now I can hoop and jump whenever which is great because my schedule isn't normal lol!

Anyways, back to full workouts tomorrow night!
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #164 on: April 08, 2013, 10:48:11 pm »
Sunday April 7 2013

Bodyweight was 178 in the morning, 180 pre workout.
No aches or injuries, motivation and energy very good.

Dynamic warmup: jogging, tuck jumps, ankle bounces, a skips, karaokes, etc. Tested my SVJ after warmups at consistent 32".

Depth jumps (18" box):


Banded squats:
225x5 275x5, 325x5 x5, 325x5 275x5. I finally measured the length of my bands at the top ROM in my squat and, according to the chart, they should be between 55-60lbs per side. These things really force me to push through the entire ROM. Awesome.

4" deficit RDLs:
225x5 x5, 275x3 x3, 295x1 x1. I did the RDLs unbanded and instantly noticed better form, I'll continue them this way. RDLs were about 45mins after squats and they sucked, I felt very weak. Next session I'll do RDLs first and more volume.

Ham curls:
120lbs 5x3

Calf raises (500lbs):
8x3 (holds at top/bottom)

Step ups (60lbs):
6x2 (each leg)

Did some light core stabilization work and attempted some approach work but after two very subpar jumps I scrapped that idea.

Overall a decent first workout post season. I'm hoping to quickly regain some of my lost strength (all lifts were down including upper body stuff) and then I'll re-evaluate my weaknesses and attack them. Also going to try to add in a sprint/pylo day in between lifting days.
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