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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2013, 07:03:23 pm »
Frisbee Tourney today
We played In the A division (A-D, A being the best)
We won 3/4 of our games - We lost a game by one point
Did not experience any shin pains for the entirety of the tournament  :D

Back to track tomorrow
Been feeling fatigued lately
Thinks it's time for me to have a set bed time that I MUST abide to, as well as a set diet
I'm tired of random little things holding me back

Also, might be building a wooden squat rack for my house


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2013, 11:03:55 pm »
So apparently the season ended Monday, and no one told me -_-

Soo.. I guess this means i'm back to gym workouts

4/24/13: 7 hours sleep
Frisbee practice after school - did some running, and got a sweet layout. Experienced very mild lower leg pain

First Gym workout in like 2 weeks -
Tricep Pulldowns: 4x8 80-100lbs
Ham Curls: 4x8 150-170lbs
Ab Crunch Machine: 3x8 130-150lbs
Bosu Ball Balancing: 120secs x2 per leg
Chest press: 2x8 + 1x4 150lbs
Glute Raises: 3x12 175lbs (max machine weight :() x each leg
Curls with bar: 3x8 60lbs


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2013, 11:01:33 am »
what is a machine glute raise? trying to picture it and failing.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2013, 02:05:27 pm »
what is a machine glute raise? trying to picture it and failing.

Dunno if It's actually called a "Glute Raise" machine


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2013, 02:59:09 pm »
oh got it.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2013, 09:40:21 pm »
4/25/13: 10 hours sleep

Diet: Breakfast: Cereal
-Some dark chocolate
Gym Workout
-Protein Shake
Dinner: Meat on Sticks, Rice, Salad

Gym Workout
Varying Leg Step Ups with dumbbells: 1x16 60lbs, 1x16 80lbs, 1x16 100lbs, 2x16 110lbs
Weighted Planks: 1x60s 45lbs, 2x30 90lbs
Side planks: 1x45s 45lbs
Squat (HB, ATG): 1x5x45, 1x8x135, 1x7x225(failed ATG on last rep), 2x8x185
Seated Calf Raise: 4x8 110lbs
Weighted SL Glute Bridge: 3x30secs 45lbs each leg
Bar Curls: 3x8 65lbs
Chest Press: 1x8 150lbs, 1x2 170lbs


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2013, 11:45:35 am »
4/27/13: 11 hours sleep

Pasta with Sausage

Squat (HB, ATG): 1x8x45 1x8x135 2x8x185 1x8x205 1x8x185
Weighted Planks: 1x60x45 2x60x90
Weighted Side Planks: 2x45x45 (each side)
Decline Crunches: 3x8x10
Shoulder press:3x8x70-80
Seated Calf Raises: 5x8x160
Lunges (With Barbell): 3x8x135 (each side)
Curls with bar: 2x8x65, 1x2x65 :(
Weighted SL Glute Bridge: 3x30x45 (each Leg)
Ham Curl: 1x1x190
Chest press: 1x8x150 1x4x150

Whew, 12 exercises. Almost double my usual workout. Really fatigued, BS'ed the two last exercises :/. Doing Plyo's today (4/28)


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2013, 11:27:35 pm »
Didn't do Plyo's today or yesterday
My glutes and hams were sore

Okay, I think It's time to establish a concrete goal, and how I plan to achieve it

I think a 40 inch vert by the end of the year is doable, with plenty of hard work
The way I'm going to go about this is to increase Quad, Glute, Ham, Calf and Core strength, as well as increasing reactivity with plyo's
I think I will take it one step at a time, and do all out workouts focusing on only a few of the previously mentioned groups at a time
I want to start with Quads, Calves and Core
Maybe later on I will focus on Glutes and Hams
By the end of this week, my goal is to obtain my 1RM for my squat, which I expect to be around 280 at this point (1x8 225)
Standing calf raises get a lot of praise on this website, so that will most likely be another exercise I will focus on
Weighted Planks are probably going to be my main core exercise
However, I'll research calf and core exercises more before deciding on my set workout
Starting next week, I should have a fully developed workout combining several routines to emphasize Quads, Calves and Core (mostly Quads, though), and maybe some upper body
I'll probably do low intensity plyo's on off days, and leave high intensity for another time

I might skip Squats in tomorrows workout, depending on if my Glutes/Hams are still sore because I want an accurate measurement for my 1RM


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2013, 07:05:29 pm »
4/30/13: 7 hours sleep

Light workout, glutes and hams still a tiny bit sore
Decided to go for the squat 1RM anyway

3x8x70 Overhead Press
3x8x110 Rows
3x8x150 Chest Press
8x45 2x135 2x185 1x225 1x245 1x260 Squat
3x30sx175 Plank (My friend sat on my back with a 25 pound weight)
3x8x65 Curls with Bar
5x6-8x180 Sitting Calf Raises

My squat was doing OK, and then I didn't get parallel on my 260. So then I did it again and stumbled backwards and almost fell over, barely caught myself in time.
So I think I'm going to say that's my Max for now :(
Not great but It will get better fast If I keep at it
So I guess I'm doing some research today


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2013, 04:25:20 pm »
So I'm still mulling over the exercises, sets/reps and schedule I want to use for the routine
Here's what I've got so far though

Leg Strength Exercises I want to use for sure:
Squats, RDL/DL, Calf Raise
Leg Strength exercises I might use:
Ham Curl, Power Cleans, Weighted SL glute bridge, Lunges, Step-ups, Weighted Hip Thrusts, BSS, 1/2 Squat, Reverse Hyper,

Reactive exercises I want to use for sure:
Bounds, Depth Jumps
Reactive exercises I might use:
Shock Jumps, Ankle Jumps (pogos), Consecutive Vert Jumps, Jump Squats, Weighted Jumps, Sprints, Power Skips, Med. Ball Throws, Side-to-Side box jumps

5x5, 3x5 most likely
maybe an extra set to failure at the end

2:1 Strength: Reactivity
mon:Foundation Strength
wed:Muscle Specific Strength
fri: Reactive
sun:Foundation Strength
tues:Muscle Specific Strength
3-4 workouts per week

What making this workout feels like:

Any Advice? I could really use some


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2013, 05:10:15 pm »
don't do too many things.

also, what is muscle-specific strength.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #26 on: May 01, 2013, 05:30:03 pm »
lmaoo i love that doggie.

I used to workout kind of like that, I had strength days and intense plyo days scattered throughout the week with all sorta of backwards sideways pogo jumps.

But now I think it's better to focus on strength for at least 3-6 months for a beginner, with some jumping, and then more plyos and serious jumping later. Full ROM strength work isn't just beneficial for improving your vert, but for better posture, knee tracking, fixing muscle imbalances, and preventing injury in the future. A 34'' running vert surely isn't bad at all.

So if I were to make a recommendation, I would suggest you pick the exercises that are not crossed out.

Leg Strength Exercises I want to use for sure:
Squats, RDL/DL, Calf Raise
Leg Strength exercises I might use:
Ham Curl, Power Cleans, Weighted SL glute bridge, Lunges, Step-ups, Weighted Hip Thrusts, BSS, 1/2 Squat, Reverse Hyper,

Reactive exercises I want to use for sure:
Bounds, Depth Jumps
Reactive exercises I might use:
Shock Jumps, Ankle Jumps (pogos), Consecutive Vert Jumps, Jump Squats, Weighted Jumps, Sprints, Power Skips, Med. Ball Throws, Side-to-Side box jumps

I would add in bounds and sprints later after a phase of developing strength, along with reverse hypers if you like em. In my experience doing too many things at once confuses your nervous system and prevents you from getting really good at one movement. Even doing too many lunges could take away from your squat for example. Bounding, even worse. Depth jumps, probably not since they are a similar movement.

As far as programming, I would just focus on squats and deadlifts for a while 2-5d/wk and add in once a week a jumping day (maybe integrate it with a fun activity like pick up bball) with some of your "msucle specific strength" exercises, which I'm just assuming you mean jumping specific.
"Performance during stretch-shortening cycle exercise is influenced by the visco-elastic properties of the muscle-tendon units. During stretching of an activated muscle, mechanical energy is absorbed in the tendon structures (tendon and aponeurosis) and this energy can subsequently be re-utilized if shortening of the muscle immediately follows the stretching. According to Biscotti (2000), 72% of the elastic energy restitution action comes from tendons, 28% - from contractile elements of muscles.


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2013, 07:46:50 pm »
also, what is muscle-specific strength.
with some of your "msucle specific strength" exercises, which I'm just assuming you mean jumping specific.
Well In the Stronglifts manual the guy pretty much talked about how all you needed was the squat and Deadlifts, and to not do Calf Raises and Core and stuff like that because it would naturally come with Squatting (taken a little out of context)
Then, I read something adarq posted (I can't find the post in my history) about building a foundation in strength before doing really specific exercises, or something like that
Anyway, I accidently combined the ideas and blurted "muscle specific strength". I guess jump specific would make sense

It's good advice though, and I wasn't going to do most of those exercises, I just picked a wide range to choose a few from
I'm a little worried that you crossed off calf raises though. I get that I should do less variety of movement, but how are my calves gonna keep up with the rest of my leg?

Other than that, thanks a lot for the advice, I'll probably be good to start tomorrow
« Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 07:52:53 pm by Final Phenom »


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2013, 04:59:15 am »
Skimmed some of your posts and read that you want to focus on quads and calves. I'd recommend you get both quads and hamstrings stronger, at the very least. Strong hamstrings can only help. They also protect the knee, so, y'know, that's a big plus right there.


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Re: FP's Jump Journal
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2013, 09:46:35 pm »
Played some Ultimate Frisbee today
Wore myself the fuck out
Reminded me that I need to add cardio and conditioning to my workouts

EDIT: I hit 32" on my RVJ today :) Might have gotten 33" had I jumped more than a few times, but still, this is the highest I've jumped since track started (1.5 months) I feel a PR coming in 2 weeks or less  ;D

Skimmed some of your posts and read that you want to focus on quads and calves. I'd recommend you get both quads and hamstrings stronger, at the very least. Strong hamstrings can only help. They also protect the knee, so, y'know, that's a big plus right there.

That was my original plan, to focus on certain muscle groups
I think what I'm actually going to do is just build a good Foundation strength with few specific exercises
So Squats, Lunges and DL should all hit the Hamstrings, as well as the other muscles I mentioned
« Last Edit: May 02, 2013, 10:10:24 pm by Final Phenom »