Author Topic: FP's log  (Read 414123 times)

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Re: FP's log
« Reply #585 on: November 03, 2017, 11:58:53 pm »
Practice 2 hours

Pullups 7x7 (longer rests for later sets)
Deadbugs 6x20 slow eccentric

Practice 2 hours
Team positions announced and I will be a starting O-line handler cause it's what the team needs. This position is all about consistency, excellent throws and smart decision making. Just mentally not there this practice (possibly because of under-eating). I threw 5 awful turnovers during 7v7, all attempts at difficult break throws. This cannot happen ever again.

GYM 3 hours

SL cable ham hyperextension:
40 x6 /ea leg
45 2x6 /ea leg :personal-record:

Alt. bounds:
20 sets of 4 bounds (not sure if I should be focusing on short GCT/quickness or distance. Inclined to think short GCT will be better training because I'm strength>power dominant)

Hang Power clean:
185 x5
205 x2+3
215 3x2 PR tie (feel like I could do more but grip is giving out)

Power clean from blocks (upper thigh, short rests):
165 x5
155 4x5
165 x5

Trap Bar DL:
325 x5
375 x5
385 x4F (really felt like I could have done 5.. forgot my straps at home  :uhhhfacepalm:)
375 x5

225 x5
275 x5
295 x5
305 x5
315 x5 very uncomfortable for knee but it got better each set. Good to know I can still full squat, it's been like a month

Paused half squat:
295 x8
315 x8 wiped

Natural ham curls
sled push

Core Circuit (60s rests):
-Deadbugs: 5lb ankle weights, 10lb hand weights x15,15,10
-Russian twists: 45 deg torso, 2-4s slow reps x15,15,10
-Ab wheel x12,12,8


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #586 on: November 04, 2017, 09:34:51 am »
congrats on the designation, vote of confidence from the team.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

black lives matter


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #587 on: November 05, 2017, 06:19:21 pm »
congrats on the designation, vote of confidence from the team.
Thanks. Will be focusing more on acceleration and agility from now on, as well as upper body to keep hucks strong. Lots of throws as well. The thing that sucks about O-line handling is I don't get to rely on athleticism that much. Will definitely be a learning experience in terms of character and chemistry.


30 mins throws

Gym uppers
RPE 4.5

DB bench:
40's 4x15 (60s rests)

-Banded Palloff Press: 3x10
-Banded scapula adductions: 3x10

Pullups: 7,7,7

DB OHP: 35's 8,8,7 (60s rests)

Sprint SPP lower ROM: 25's 3x20

Assisted one arm pullups (sprint SPP upper ROM): -115 x8,8, -100 x6 /ea arm

Flys: 25's 2x8, 22.5's x8 (60s rests)

Rows: 80 3x8

Stretches, rolling x 10 mins


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #588 on: November 07, 2017, 01:41:13 am »

20 mins cycling
15 mins rehab rolling +stretches

Machine trap bar DL:
420 2*5

90 mins throws
Push-ups 8x20

Just feeling all around beat. All work and no play.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #589 on: November 12, 2017, 06:30:44 pm »
Took the week off training to prepare for my last fall tourney which was this weekend. Been having a number of pains and injury symptoms and didn't want to aggravate anything.

Tourney went well. We were seeded 14, placed 8th. Got some skies, layouts, a layout D. 0/4 completed hucks (2 badly executed blades just out of reach, 2 ended up getting poach D'ed).. There might be some video footage at some point. I made my share of mistakes but the problem is not really with me. Our team is super top heavy (4-5 really good people, maybe 5 okay people and a lot of people that don't know what they're doing that well) and our coach played a lot of developmental lines which is fine in the fall season but not great for winning.

Really want to get people serious about doing workouts in the winter offseason. I will be building a program for myself prioritizing acceleration with a secondary focus in change of direction which I will post soon.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2017, 06:34:56 pm by Final Phenom »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #590 on: November 18, 2017, 06:38:19 pm »
Another easy week. Had 2 hat tourney's Friday and Saturday. My teams won both. The one on Friday I was going off: repeatedly getting poach deep D's, overall scoring/assisting more than half of our total points. Last game we were playing against the other stacked team but no one could contest me in the air and we won on universe. After my Summer training I have come to realize my best strength is acceleration 0-15Y.

Finished writing my program will post shortly.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #591 on: November 23, 2017, 03:38:58 pm »

2 hrs frisbee pickup:
I forgot to eat breakfast and I was in for hell on earth. Glycogen stores felt completely depleted it was pretty embarrassing how gassed I was getting from moderate level of play. Was ridiculously windy too.


400m in 1:15
10 min stretches + dynamic warmup

Jumps x25
SVJ:~30" (PR 32.5")
R-SLRVJ (3-step): 32.5" PR tie
RL-DLRVJ (3-step): 34.5" (PR 35.5")

40Y sprints x5
kind of slow. Hip flexors just not moving as fast as I would like . I think my QL is a weak link because after each sprint I naturally put my hands on my hips for extra support.

Football Pickup x 1 hour
some guys were playing on the turf and they were down a person so I asked to play. Ended up going pretty well although it wasn't super competitive. Scored on a bunch of deep shots although I got beat a lot on defense cause I kept watching the ball instead of my person. I think playing football would help me really improve my rounded cuts.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #592 on: November 26, 2017, 09:16:25 pm »
11/24 Dynamic/SPP volume day

Alternating step up hops:
30's 3x16

Weighted RFD hanging leg raises:
+25 x10,10
+35 x8

Jump squat:
95 x8,8
145 x8

Natural GHR (eccentric emphasis):

Sled lateral shuffles:
+270lbs, Resistance 3, 3x20y /leg

10 mins stretches

Sled Crossover steps:
+180lbs, Resistance 3, 2x20y/ leg

Core Circuit x3:
-Palloff Press x8 w/ 3 sec hold /side
-Side KB raises: 80 x8 /side
-Deadbugs x20 (ecc emphasis)

11/26 Dynamic Effort set -> Strength set-> Volume set
dyna-str- vol full squat:
135 x8
225 x8
295 x5
315 x5 RPE 7

Paused dynamic half squat:
315 x 8,8
225 x 30

4" elevation rack pull DL:
135 x10 (conventional)
225 x10 (c)
315 x3 (c)
385 x2 (c)
405 x1+1+1 (sumo, 30s between reps) RPE 8.5

Sprint treadmill sprints:
8x 8-12s sprints at varying resistances

-Reverse flys: 15's 2x8
-Rotator cuff arm rotations: 10's 1x8, 7.5's 1x8



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Re: FP's log
« Reply #593 on: November 28, 2017, 09:53:59 pm »
11/28 Uppers

-Pullups: 6,6,6,5+1+2
-Clap Pushups: 8,8,8,16

Core Circuit:
- 45lb side plank x45sec,30s,30s/side
- 45lb Russian Twists x20,20,20
- 45lb plank x45s, 30s, 30s

Seated OHP:
85 x7,7,7

-Tricep Pulldown: 50 3x8
-Bicep Curl 20's 3x12

180 2x15
230 x10


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #594 on: November 30, 2017, 10:18:25 pm »
So i'm in a 2 week block just trying to get used to higher frequency training. Doing a mix of stuff for now.

11/30 low rests strength+conditioning lifting

Squat (90s rests):
315 3x5

Sumo DL:
315 x5
365 x3
385 x2

Power clean from blocks (above knee) (90s rests):
185 3x5
205 2x3, 1x3F

Captains chair (slow ecc) (60s rests):

Finished this workout in about 1hr 15mins


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #595 on: December 01, 2017, 09:12:46 pm »
12/1 french contrast test

Superset (1min between exercises, 5 mins between supersets):
-Pause half squats: 315x7, 365x5, 415x1 (tweaked back),315x6
-18" depth jumps: 3,3,3
-Jump squats: 75 3x5
-Wall skateboard pushoff: 3x10
-SVJ x3,3,1

I was kind of in a rush so the breaks I used were too short. SVJ rose by 2" between set 1 and 2 which is good, granted maybe it wasn't super warmed up. Set 3 i tweaked my back.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #596 on: December 02, 2017, 07:52:38 pm »
12/2 AM strength endurance SPP

5 mins cycling + dynamic stretches

DB Alternating Step-ups (90s rests):
50's x 40, 30, 25

SS x3 (90s between SS):
-Leg raises x 35, 30, 25
-KB swings:
--25lbs 2x30 (alternating arms)
--50lbs 1x30

3 mins static stretches

notes: 20 min workout. high RPE throughout, very short breaks. I need to do these more dynamically. Getting a sense of the weight-room conditioning workouts I'll be doing a lot at the end of the spring. Will workout Sunday+Tues and then take a 4-6 day deload.

PM uppers

DB seated OHP
42.5's 3x8

Single arm rows:
77.5 3x10 each side

« Last Edit: December 02, 2017, 11:51:48 pm by Final Phenom »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #597 on: December 03, 2017, 03:17:23 pm »
AM: contrast training SPP

Workout time: 1 hr 45 min
Back is still tweaked so I worked around it this workout.

SS x3 (90s rests):
-Pause RFD Leg Press
--270 x20
--360 x20
--450 x15
-Sled pushes
--(max intensity) 2x 15 sec pushes
--(max intensity) 10s+10s+10s

Sprint starts (15-30s rests):
x15 ea/ leg

SS suitcase carry x2 (90s rests) (-1 set fewer):
-Right arm:
--110 x62 secs (+10 lbs, +2 secs)
--100 x60 secs
-Left Arm:
--110 x60 secs (+10 lbs)
--95  x54 secs  (-5lbs, -6 secs)

SS x3 (120s rests):
-Shuffle sled push:
--(max resistance) 3x8 steps/ ea leg (+higher resistance, -4 steps )
-Skater hops (paused)

SS x3 (30s rest):
-Banded reverse flys (ecc):
-Palloff press:
--3x8 (+higher intensity)


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #598 on: December 04, 2017, 08:14:44 pm »
Workout time: 40 mins

Front squat (90s rests):
215 x8
225 x8
255 2x5
185 x13

-Reverse flys: 10's 3x8 (+1 set, +2 reps, -5lbs)
-Rotator cuff arm rotations: 10's 3x8 (+1 set, +2.5lbs)

SL hack squat rhythmic partials
L:180 x20,20, 230 x12
R: 180 x20,20, 230 x20

Pause RFD captains chair (60-90s rests): (+pause, RFD)
x35, 25, 18 (-0reps, -5 reps, -7 reps)

Pretty beat, had to sit with my head in my hands for maybe 3-5 mins after this workout. Just one more tomorrow to close out the training block.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 09:11:36 pm by Final Phenom »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #599 on: December 05, 2017, 10:01:46 am »
man that sux about the back tweak. how bad is it? Those kinds of tweaks seem much more of a probability when mixing heavy strength reps with explosive jumps/landings from my experience too.. mostly knee/ankle tweaks for me though.

415x1 in there seems pretty intense though, especially after repping 365. pretty big jump in weight.

hope it's nothing.