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Re: FP's log
« Reply #720 on: May 31, 2018, 08:36:48 pm »
So the cranked heel/ankle is a little worse than originally anticipated. It was pretty bad yesterday and I was limping, today it's a LOT better but I'm not sure it will be 100% in saturday morning.

The tryout is gonna be one hell of an ordeal. We will be playing Patrol, PoNY and Dig, and GSU who were ranked #'s 9, 10, 12, 25 in the nation last year. The club team I played for the last 2 years will also be there, we will play them day 2.

I really need to accept my limits and be aware of my strengths and weaknesses the day of the tourney. It doesn't matter if I was fast yesterday, I need to recognize what my strengths are at the moment.

Focus on:

-shutdown defense, but heavily prioritizing taking away unders
-active, dynamic mark, listening to sideline
-sky the shit out of some clown who tries to take me deep

-only take deep shots in stride on D points
-take the first available safe throw, even if it's a dump
-focus on cutting timing, setting up cuts carefully and reading my matchup accordingly

speed bench: 135 4*6, 155 2*6
captains chair (fuller ROM): *25,18+2, 17
Palloff press: 3* 5*6s hold/side
side planks: 45 plate, 45s/side

30 laps swimming
« Last Edit: May 31, 2018, 08:38:23 pm by Final Phenom »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #721 on: June 03, 2018, 06:53:05 pm »

ankle was messed up the entire tryout. decided to play day 1 anyway, not really to my benefit. day 2 it hurt to jog so i couldnt play at all.

injury took away my explosiveness, braking, all layouts and jumps became terrible off the left leg. my throws were pretty mediocre, despite my relentless practice. my defense was ok at best but my injury was a big blow to my confidence and my offense was very indecisive.

the bright side was that for the first time ever, i felt humble, selfless and it felt refreshing to have something that i cared enough about to sacrifice my ego for. i also feel like i did the best i could without putting myself at risk for further injury.

practice squad is a low percentage possibility. after being out there with a team of this caliber, its crushing to imagine myself going back to a mid-level regionals team

i just need to get lots of reps and touches in for the rest of the season and focus on focusing. i dont need to spend any more time in the weight room: conditioning and sport specific movements. maybe getting some reps playing other sports

edit: oh yeah and the team went 7-0
« Last Edit: June 03, 2018, 07:51:20 pm by Final Phenom »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #722 on: June 05, 2018, 02:22:15 am »
med men, right? say hi to my friend russell if he's there. he was on the team last year. we used to play mixed together a few years back.

oh dude, i met your friend russell. he almost layout d'ed me a few tryouts back haha. forgot you posted this and didnt mention you.

throws *300

ankle not good, will probably take more than a week to recover. now that tryouts are over i will keep pressure off the ankle, focus on short range throws, fitness-oriented upper+core lifting, and swimming once the ankle can handle it


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #723 on: June 05, 2018, 07:58:17 am »
med men, right? say hi to my friend russell if he's there. he was on the team last year. we used to play mixed together a few years back.

oh dude, i met your friend russell. he almost layout d'ed me a few tryouts back haha. forgot you posted this and didnt mention you.

throws *300

ankle not good, will probably take more than a week to recover. now that tryouts are over i will keep pressure off the ankle, focus on short range throws, fitness-oriented upper+core lifting, and swimming once the ankle can handle it

word! yeah he's a good player. super nice dude, too. last time i saw him was in islamabad, randomly: we ran into each other outside my office building. turns out his company has an office downstairs from ours. small world.
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Re: FP's log
« Reply #724 on: June 07, 2018, 12:34:43 pm »

swimming *36 laps

bench 135 3*5, 155*5, 135*8,8
v-ups amrap/35 secs * 21, 18, 20
face pull 35lbs *20,20
fire hydrants *15,15
-palloff press lvl3 band 3*5s hold *8/side
-side raises 65 3*12/side
hip hikes 35 3*12/side

-swimming exhausted my upperbody unexpectedly, so I just did some core work and called it

played a few points in summer league, easy on the ankle
throws *400
-so much more efficient with a partner


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #725 on: June 08, 2018, 12:20:46 am »

sumo DL:
-first few reps of 335 moving unusually fast, back limiting factor as usual. i dont think this rom will bother my ankle

-landmines 65 3*12
-slow ecc deadbugs 3*26

-feet forward pullups *7,7,6
-suitcase carry w/strap: 110 *45s,45s, 30s /ea side

waiter carry: 53lbs *60s, 60s, 45s /ea side

-med ball reverse rollouts (feet on med ball) 3*5
-pushup walkouts 3*5
-alternating arm+leg lift+holds from pushup position 3*8


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #726 on: June 09, 2018, 11:42:40 pm »

135 3*5
-ive regressed and stalled on bench for a while for an unknown reason. might be time to take a break

ss *3:
-max speed alternating battle ropes *25
-moderate speed alt battle ropes *20
-battle rope slams *20
-kb swings 55lbs *20
-90 secs light footwork

20 mins stretching

-dragged myself to the gym today. easily exhausted and pretty unproductive but its something. had brolifting planned but decided against it


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #727 on: June 11, 2018, 09:10:00 pm »

feet forward pullup 3*7
situps 3*40
clap pushups *12,11,10
-easy bodyweight off day


hucks *200
-upwind flicks are the most consistent, weirdly
-pulls in both directions pretty top notch
-downwind flicks, i have poor control over the disc going OI or IO
-on both upwind and downwind backands: 1/3 throws I lose my balance slightly and end up throwing too high

short-mid distance throws *200

key problem with backhand hucks is lack of grip consistency, all the other problems are coming from that

sumo DL:
315 6*5
-going until i significantly lose RFD, focused on good form

push press

ss *3
-landmines 70 3*12
-reverse flys 10 2*10, 7.5 *10

-rows 135 3*8
-russian twists with pause 15 3*20

-face pull 37.5 3*15
-hip hikes 40 3*12 ea side

-adjusted technique on face pulls, reverse flys, russian twiata. need less weight/better technique on landmines. more weight+intensity on rows, keep throwing them in as assistance but they should be a main lift.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #728 on: June 11, 2018, 11:17:01 pm »
that is a lot of throws.  :strong:
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

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Re: FP's log
« Reply #729 on: June 14, 2018, 03:20:35 pm »
Got the ankle checked out yesterday, suspected a fracture because the pain was on both sides of the ankle and it's healing very slowly. X-rays showed nothing, probably just a sprain on both sides. Maybe another week or so before I can start easing back into it.

-pause bench:
135 *7,7,8,8

-a few youtube bodyweight core circuits


sumo DL:
-the heavy sets were bad. The bar speed on the first 315 set was slow, I should have known not to go to 365.

BB rows:
135 *8
155 *8,7,7

core circuit:
-bicycles 3*30
-bird dogs (from pushup position) 3*20
-deadbug partials 3*20

knees tucked pullups *7,7,4

-face pulls 37.5 2*15
-Banded T-row partials 2*15


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #730 on: June 14, 2018, 11:46:26 pm »
good news about the ankle :wowthatwasnutswtf:


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #731 on: June 18, 2018, 06:08:38 pm »
6/16, 6/17
went to a tourney to hang with the team, track stats, film and help out. i will be playing with john doe, a mid level regionals team. we went 1-5 for the weekend
got some throws in but not a whole lot, maybe ~200-300 the whole weekend


sumo dl:
315 *5
335 *5
355 *5,4
-yes! easy, good form. 355*4 looks great on vid, no need to force a 5th rep

standing OHP:
105 *6,6
110 *6,5

waiter carries:
50 lbs 3*45s/ side

adductor machine 295 2*8

core circuit:
-bicycles 3*30
-russian twists 30lbs 3*30
-ab wheel 3*15

65 *12,12

adductor high chair adductions:
3*8/ea side

hip hikes 45lbs *12,12,10 /ea side


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #732 on: June 19, 2018, 06:23:51 pm »

Hucks *150
short throws *100

tl;dr throwing rambles
most of these were in rain. much more consistent than in wind: I was throwing with 8 discs, and on some of the sets I was hitting a 5*5Y box 55Y out with 6/8 discs, I think I got 7/8 once. Hit a handful of money 85Y pulls. The really excellent thing is I am getting my hang time to be much more consistent. Before I would just throw for distance but having a space as a target and tracking hang time will help my game throws a lot.
Realized that my backhand technique just needed a complete makeover, so I was trying out a different technique today. Again, sacrificing some distance for a much better extension, much lower hang time and consistency. The distance will come with practice.
misc notes:
-my first few sets I always anticipate the throw to blade over and adjust for it, leaving an ugly but accurate throw. But as the sets keep coming and my technique becomes better, I should stop adjusting for it because my technique becomes good and throws end up veering off IO.
-Practicing pulls and backhand hucks on the same day is a bad idea because a good stepout backhand huck has a tight torso and a good pull has a loose one. Learning one interferes with learning the other.
-having difficulty transferring momentum from power position backhands to my throw. Maybe throwing more IO would help? I default to always throwing OI backhand. In general my runup/power position hucks need loads more work, they are not as powerful as my stationary throws.

400m workout:
400m*3 1:21, 1:19, 1:17 (90s rests)
6 min rest
400m*2 1:14, 1:18 (90s rests)

I did a few laps and the ankle felt good enough for some 400's. Big improvement from last time, even though I have not done anything anaerobic in more than 2 weeks.
The other thing with the 400's: There are 4 ways I have gotten fatigued from doing these: leg lactic acid buildup, ammonia buildup in the head, core fatigue, and lung fatigue. I almost always get exhausted from lactic acid buildup and sometimes ammonia buildup (horrible headache feeling). Today it was mostly lung fatigue and some core fatigue. Very strange. Possible reasons: my hip flexors are the strongest they've ever been and I think the hip hikes I've been doing have been a game changer. General core strength is around PR levels too. Maybe the swimming improved my breathing? I am completely awful at breathing when swimming.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #733 on: June 21, 2018, 07:18:35 pm »
went to practice hoping to play but ankle not nearly good enough. i have pain in 3 different areas. i think it is a fracture, sometimes they get missed on x-ray
throws *100

BW: 193
CNS: average

sumo DL
375*1,1,1,1, 355 7*1 (30s rests between all singles)
-form fine, 375's slow, mixed grip loosening up, almost dropped the last 375. not sure I could do 405 with good form

135 2*5
165 2*5
135 (paused) *13F

bb rows:
135*8, 155*7,7F 145*7

amrap v-ups /35 secs (120s rests):
*25, 22, 23, 22, 20
-big improvement, last time all sets were 20 and below. but i think i did them off an elevated surface. going back to the elevated surface next time.

dips *8,8,6
face pull 35 3*12

flys 30's 3*8
reverse flys (top rom only) 10's 3*8

edit: throws *250
« Last Edit: June 21, 2018, 09:10:41 pm by FP »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #734 on: June 22, 2018, 06:00:36 pm »
so while my ankle is injured i think these 400s are a great look

hucks *100
heavy wind. upwind i couldnt get my flicks past 40y and no consistency. downwind i focused on choosing whether the disc went IO or OI. too much in either direction and the disc blades or pops up and veers 20y to the side. no point in being able to throw a full field bomb if you cant control it. i did end up hitting a water bottle from 50y out but y'know, it's 1/100. who gives a shit. jk it was a money shot

400m *4 @1:18, 1:17, 1:17, 1:13 (2 min rests)
7 min rest
400m *3 @1:19, 1:20, 1:25 fuck.
bailed on the last rep again. was not expecting such a big drop off after a 7 min rest. hmm
« Last Edit: June 22, 2018, 06:05:31 pm by FP »