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Re: FP's log
« Reply #735 on: June 24, 2018, 12:59:05 am »
practice *2 hours
-ankle not quite there. another week at least  :uhcomeon:
-i need a lot more high level touches. dropped an easy clap and had an around throwaway where i had a loose backhand grip that ended up slipping with the wet weather

trap bar DL:
235*27 in 60 seconds
-mid back rounding. it feels completely fine but it looks bad on video

safety bar walkouts
145 *100 steps
235 *100 steps
265 *110 steps

ss *3:
-good mornings 145*8,8,7
-landmines 75 3*12 PR

ss *3:
-natural glute ham raises (ecc focus) 3*6
-suitcase carry (strapped) 110 *45s, 45s, 30s /ea side

ss *3:
-crunches 20lb behind head 3*20
-leg raises w/ hip lift 3*15
-situps w/ 20lb behind head 10, 8+2, 7+2+1

ss *3:
hip hikes 40lbs 3*12 / ea side
sl-rdl 40lbs 3*5 / ea side
« Last Edit: June 27, 2018, 10:24:47 pm by FP »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #736 on: June 25, 2018, 06:46:39 pm »

3 hour hike


ss *4:
-rfd bb OHP: 85*8,8,8 95*8
-rfd pullups: 4*6

max speed caps chair: 4*20
-changing the direction from the top part of captains chair is actually pretty hard when you are aiming for max speed. I believe this will carry over really well to my stride frequency.

weighted caps chair:
+25*8, +35*8
-decent but mostly challenging in middle ROM. not a whole lot of other more intense hip flexor exercises so this might be a staple for the future.

weighted pullups:

amrap v-ups /35 secs (120s rests):
*23, 22, 20, 20

pullups *12


Alt. battle ropes:
4* 20s on/ 40s off

-I like this scheme for hitting the hip flexors. I hit them for max RFD, max strength/middle ROM, and bottom ROM. All I need is some weighted iso knee-up holds and I'm hitting them from every angle.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #737 on: June 26, 2018, 07:46:42 pm »

Hucks *150
-upwind (+slight RL cross) flicks worst, complete opposite of last time i threw with this wind. Need to slow down and get my flick technique down, I think im overcomplicating the arm motio ln
-overall pretty inconsistent, especially upwind. Downwind im controlling the angle much better, everything was looking decent towards the end.

15 min tempo run, 50's at 95%, 100's at 80%

Tennis * 90 mins
-just rallying, didnt want to bug the ankle. Focused on hitting more difficult baseline shots rather than blocking, understandably inconsistent. WIP. Ankle felt pretty decent.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #738 on: June 29, 2018, 12:27:30 am »
Going through some job interviews for minimum wage shit. Not looking too great. My friend is hooking me up with a decent second part-time job in mid-July so that should help. I wish it was as easy to make art as it is to work out. My laptop just got fixed today after 2 weeks so with careful planning and some momentum, I can get back into a rhythm with setting art goals for myself and really pushing it while maintaining my other part-time work.


Block (above knee) power cleans:
205*3+1+1 (15secs between singles)
-form looked somewhat mediocre and I'm landing more in a half squat than a quarter squat, hard to claim it's power position. still, I couldn't do this ever before.

squat 225*3
definitely feeling something in the ankle. Weird how I can play sports but not squat



10 mins between sets, 150 secs between reps
set 1:
400m *1 @60s
set 2:
400m *2 @78s, 85s
set 3:
400m *2 @83s, 89s
set 4:
400m *3 @78s, 78s, 82s
-since I tend to die hard after really intense efforts, I decided to just go close to ME on the first rep (could have maybe shaved 2-3 seconds off, but I would have been totally dead). Then try to do the rest of the workout after that super fatiguing first rep. I was so fucked, never really recovered, despite 3x 10-minute breaks. That last set kind of evened out though, weirdly enough. I really wanted to give up after the third one.

-chin-ups: 6*8, 2*6 = 60
-push-ups: 8*20 = 160

-having a pullup+pushup volume competition with some teammates. stupid shenanigans that interfere with my real training but fuck it
« Last Edit: June 29, 2018, 12:37:58 am by FP »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #739 on: June 29, 2018, 03:55:20 pm »
first 400 is beast. nice strategy.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #740 on: June 29, 2018, 11:48:47 pm »

3v3 ulti *45 min
-worthless reps. I really need to keep a lookout for higher level pickup cause im in desparate need of touches but this is not the answer.

50-50 jump balls *15,15
-YES. Managed to talk some dudes to do these with me. I did 15 with 2 different people.

vs Mason: most of the throws were low and blady so bodying out was extra important. Really tough finding a balance between maintaining your space, not fouling, getting a good read and jumping through contact. I only got a few from outside position, caught almost everything from inside position. He caught 1 by sneaking into the inside space when I didn't body well enough and completely boxing me out. Bodying up is extra important with bladier shots, can't use vertical to compensate at all. In fact, I only managed to get 1 or 2 good verticals out of 15.

vs Jeremy: we are pretty close to evenly matched: his reach is slightly higher and he is bouncier but I am about 25lbs heavier and much stronger. I ended up with 8 catches and he got 5. The throws were pretty perfect 50-50's and easy to read with little wind and his playstyle was little contact. 80% of my jumps were above 30" for sure. Had an SL jump that felt close to PR level based on air-time.

An excellent experience. Heres what I can gain from it.
-statistically, my best chance on a disc by far is with inside positioning.
-I should work on disrupting momentum based jumpers by initiating contact during their runup
-I can't go up with a hand which i'm using to box out. Some situations might be better to box with a shoulder.
-I need reps against people much better at bodying out and with wind.

Sumo DL
Up to 355*3 (a little rounding in the back = weight drop)
345 5*3
345 *5
315 *9
225 *20 in 60s (had a lot left in the tank, bad pace)

Safety bar walkouts
285 3*100 steps

Good morning
135 3*8

So fucking beat. I need rest
« Last Edit: June 29, 2018, 11:52:08 pm by FP »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #741 on: June 29, 2018, 11:54:59 pm »
first 400 is beast. nice strategy.

Thanks. Want to hit a big PR towards late July and then transition to more skill-oriented conditioning


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #742 on: July 02, 2018, 06:57:27 pm »
60 mins pickup
Throws *100


400m *3 @ 75s, 76s, 76s (2 min rests)
10 min rest
400m *2 @ 79s, 77s
-98 degrees. Fuuuuuck this
-Im fishing for good times: first 200 i run with good upright form and the last 200 i hunch over, get low and muscle my way through. This is fine for a race but for practice i should have consistently good form throughout


Hang power clean
135 8*5
185 3*5
-technique work. Most 135's look perfect but most 185's don't

-still not ready

Sumo DL
315 2*5

RFD sumo DL (60s rests)
275 8*5
295 2*5

Caps chair amrap /25s

-V-ups amrap/ 35s  * 24,22,21
-hollow body hold 3*30s
-90s rests

Knee up weighted iso:
R: 10lbs *30s, 28s, 26s
L: 10lbs *27s, 25s, 24s

10 mins stretching


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #743 on: July 04, 2018, 12:45:18 am »

20 min treadmill @ 8:49/mile pace

-face pull end ROM 37.5 3*12
105 2*6

-adductor chair adductions 3*8/ea leg
-BB rows
145 3*8

-Landmines 60 3*12
-Hip hikes 45 3*12/ea leg

-barbell shuffle->anti rotations: 135 2*16, 185 *12
-reverse flys (end ROM): 10's 3*8

-Waiter carry 50lb DB 3*45s/ea arm
-adductor machine 295 3*12

core circuit:
-Windshield whipers 3*20
-Plank with leg lift+rotation 3*20
-Advanced bird-dog 3*12

alt. battle ropes max speed:
20s on/ 40s off *4

-threw a few new things in. that core circuit was killer. the shuffle->barbell anti-rotations I'm not even gonna try to explain but I believe they will carry over really well to my cutting. Hip hike PR but nothing special. Arms trying to internally rotate on battle ropes, something I noticed in my sprinting too. Focused on staying upright and not letting my traps take over.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #744 on: July 06, 2018, 05:56:49 pm »

-10 laps left side breathing
-10 laps alternating sides
-15 laps right side only
-working on breathing on my weak side. Pretty terrible. In fact, both sides are pretty terrible.

Throws *200

315 2*5
-back in it. This felt a little harder than I figured it should have. Quads lost strength and i cant get my left ankle into full dorsiflexion

Sumo DL
-weird interior knee pain

Trap bar DL
325 *5
-good form but weight decrease probably because of fatigue from squats.

Trap bar jumps

-ankle bad on landing and triple extension. Shit.

135 2*5
165 2*5
-pretty good. 15lbs off PR level but better than last time

Leg Press:
540 3*8
-ugh. Not super strong but hit me pretty hard.

Really tired throughout, didnt get enough sleep. 2 rest days not enough. Happy with squat.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #745 on: July 08, 2018, 04:01:25 pm »

4 hour practice:

2 consistent mental errors, which I believe to be responsible for like 90% of my problems:
-getting in my head the moment after a mistake. The game goes on but I'm thinking about what I just did wrong and instantly lose focus and double up doing something dumb. consistent meditation and refocusing will help a lot with this, which I will be logging from now on.
-arrogance. making suboptimal choices just because I am overconfident in my abilities.

good: no throwaways. conditioning.
bad: only a few touches. getting into head, arrogance


4 hour practice #2

-maybe one of my best practices ever although still a lot of "zoning out' moments. leg press DOMS hit me HARD and I was completely burned out at the end. was worried about the ankle but as long as I don't go into full extension or flexion it's pretty close to healed.
-When things are going good, it's easy for them to stay that way. My big problem is getting up when things are going bad.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #746 on: July 10, 2018, 10:22:59 pm »
Throws *250
- was supposed to do 400 throws. Legs literally too tired to be able to step out on pivots

Gym closed for a week of renovations, picked up a 3 day trial at the local Gold's

175 3*5
185 *5 - light bar? I hope not
-reverse fly partials 10's 5*12

-rows 120 3*8, 140*8
-tricep pulldown partiala 50 4*15

Core circuit:
-plank w/ full body rotation leg+arm lifts: 3*20
-advanced birddog 3*12
-med ball pushups 3*12

Battle ropes: 30s on, 30s off *3

Rowing machine: 90s hard, 90s easy *15mins

Stretch *10mins


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #747 on: July 12, 2018, 07:16:26 pm »
Tennis *60 mins
Practice *3 hours
-explosive through the roof. Focus pretty off. It's weird, days when Im an athletic freak my conditioning sucks and days when I can run forever my speed is usually average. It might be correlated with diet.


315 *5
335*5 :personal-record:
-below parallel for everything. Form pretty much perfect. Had the tiniest touch from a spotter on the last rep but he said/it felt like all me.

275 3*5 (rfd)
135 3*8 (rfd+jump)

Hammer str leg press (fast drop+ pause)
590 3*8

Pullups *8,8,6

Lat pulldowns 100 3*8


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #748 on: July 15, 2018, 02:08:17 am »

-explosive through the roof. Focus pretty off. It's weird, days when Im an athletic freak my conditioning sucks and days when I can run forever my speed is usually average. It might be correlated with diet.

that is an interesting observation. might be worth logging diet for a little while to see if you can find a clear correlation?

big ups on the squat PR, btw.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: FP's log
« Reply #749 on: July 16, 2018, 09:10:47 am »

-explosive through the roof. Focus pretty off. It's weird, days when Im an athletic freak my conditioning sucks and days when I can run forever my speed is usually average. It might be correlated with diet.

that is an interesting observation. might be worth logging diet for a little while to see if you can find a clear correlation?

big ups on the squat PR, btw.

My idea was that high explosiveness = high carb, while high fat = good endurance. Probably the explosiveness was because i did some heavy neural work: 2-3rep trap bar, squat 5's, had multiple practices, then no lower body for a few days and had a mini peak. I highly suspect the conditioning is because of high fat though. Additional evidence: is that normally I sweat insane amounts but during the double weekend practice despite it being really hot i didnt sweat almost at all. The lack of sweat makes my throws so much smoother, almost worth cutting down carbs just for that.