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Re: Loopie's Log
« Reply #870 on: December 22, 2018, 07:21:15 pm »
12/2/18 Sunday BW=169.8
Bench 3x185, 5x205, 5x205, 1x225, 4x205.
Pull up 5, 5, 5, 5
Ab roll out 5, 5,     
Leg raises 10, 10, 10.

12/6/18 Thursday BW =
Dumbbell bench 12x75, 9x75,
Fat grips bench close grip 10x135, 10x165, 10x165, 10x165.
Pull up 4x6

12/7/18 Friday BW= 170.6
Rowing machine 45mins 8700 meters

12/8/18 Saturday BW = ?
Rowing machine 45mins 9480 meters

12/9/18 Sunday BW =
Bench 3x185, 2x225, 1x235, 1x240, 1x245, 2x225, 4x205, 3x205.
Pull 6, 6
Leg raise 10, 12,

12/14/18 Friday BW=172.6
Bench 5x185, 5x205, 4x205, 5x205, 7x 195.
Pull 7, 7, 7
Leg raise 12, 12, 12.

12/15/18 Saturday BW =
Rowing machine 30 min 6324 meters

12/16/18 Sunday BW = 170.0
Bench (fat gripz) 8x185, 4x205, 8x185, 8x185.
Pull up 8, 8, 8
Leg raise 15, 15, 15

12/20/18 Thursday BW =169.8
Bench 5x185, 5x205, 5x215, 5x205, 2x205 (Paused) 5x205.
Ohp 3x8x95
Pull 3x5

12/21/18 Friday BW = 170.0
Squat 5x135, 10x135, 10x135, 10x135
Deadlift 10x135, 10x135, 10x135, 10x135
Leg raise 12, 12, 12, 12

Finally got in a leg workout after giving my knee a good long recovery period. Went nice and light but I can still feel it in my lags today. Should get back into playing basketball after the new year. With any luck I will be back to 100%.

5'10"- 175lbs - 44 yrs - reach - 7'6" (90") - 27" SVJ - 30" RVJ - 245# Full squat
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Re: Loopie's Log
« Reply #871 on: December 29, 2018, 01:31:28 am »
12/22/18 Saturday BW = 170.8
Rowing machine 30min 6300 meters

12/23/18 Sunday BW = 171.4
Bench 5x185, 5x205, 2x225, 5x205, 10x185.
Military Dumbell press 8x50, 6x50, 7x50
Seated shrug 15x45, 15x95, 15x95

12/27/18 Thursday BW = 171.6
Bench 5x185, 5x205, 4x215, 3x220, 3x215, 5x205, 8x185.
Pull up 6, 6, 6
Leg raise 15, 15, 15.

12/28/18 Friday BW = 172.2
Box Squat 10x135, 10x185, 10x205, 10x225.
Deadlift 10x135, 10x185, 10x185, 10x185.

Got another set of deadlifts and squats in. My wife got me a high roller last week and I have been working the hamstrings. Feels like progress!

5'10"- 175lbs - 44 yrs - reach - 7'6" (90") - 27" SVJ - 30" RVJ - 245# Full squat
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Re: Loopie's Log
« Reply #872 on: February 17, 2019, 02:27:54 am »
Wow long time no post. Seems as 2019 has me off my game. Still going "extra medium" as the kids like to say. Knee is feeling better every day. No complaints. Here has been the last bit....

12/30/18 Sunday BW = 171.6
Bench 5x185, 4x205, 5x205, 5x205, 5x205.
Pull 6, 6, 6
Leg raise 15, 15, 15

1/3/19 Thursday BW =
Bench 5x185, 5x205, 5x215, 3x220, 3x215, 5x205, 8x185.

1/4/19 Friday BW = 171.2
Box Squat 10x135, 10x185, 10x225, 10x245, 1x225.
Deadlift 10x185, 10x205, 10x205.

1/6/18 Sunday BW=
Bench 5x185, 5x205, 5x205, 5x205
Leg raise 3x12
Pull up 8, 8, 8

1/9/19 Wednesday BW= 171.4
B-ball 1.0 hour

1/10/19 Thursday BW = 171.4
Bench 5x185, 5x205, 5x215, 5x205, 10x185
Pull 10, 10, 10.
Leg raise 15, 15, 15.

1/11/19 Friday BW = 171.2
Kettlebell swings 20x20, 30x20, 40x20, 45x20
Leg raises 15, 15, 15.
Deadlift 5x225, 5x225, 5x225.

1/12/19 Saturday BW = 171.2
Rowing machine 30 mins 6198 meters

1/16/19 Wednesday BW =173.2
B-ball 1.0 hour

1/17/19 Thursday BW = 171.0
Bench 3x185, 5x205, 4x215, 3x215, 5x205, 10x185.
Dumbbell OHP 8x50, 8x50, 6x50
Leg raise 1x15

1/19/19 Sunday BW = 173.8
Kettlebell swing 3x20x50
Deadlift 5x185, 6x225, 6x225, 8x225.
Leg raise 15,

1/23/18 Wednesday BW=171.4
B-ball 1.0 hour

1/25/19 Friday BW= 173.2
Bench 5x135, 5x185, 6x205, 6x205, 6x205, 6x205, 6x205.
Leg raise 18, 18, 18.
Chin up 3, 3, 3.

1/26/19 Saturday BW = 173.2
Kettlebell swing 3x20x50
Deadlift 5x185, 6x225, 6x235, 6x245, 6x245.

1/27/19 Sunday BW = 173.2
Rowing machine 30min 5717 meters
Leg raise 3x18

1/30/19 Wednesday BW = 172.2
B-ball 1.0 hour

1/31/19 Thursday BW= 171.0
Bench 5x185, 5x205, 4x215, 5x215, 5x205, 10x185.

2/1/19 Friday BW=172.0
Kettlebell swing 3x20x50
Deadlift 5x135, 5x205, 5x255, 5x255
Leg raise 20,

2/2/18 Saturday BW = 171.6
Rowing machine 30min 6050 meters

2/3/19 Sunday BW = 171.8
Bench 5x185, 5x205, 5x205, 5x205, 5x205, 5x205.
Row 8x80, 8x80.

2/7/19 Thursday BW = 172.8
Bench 3x185, 1x225, 1x245, 0x250
Pull up 6,
Leg raise 20,

2/8/19 Friday BW = 172.6
Kettlebell swing 20x50, 20x50, 20x50.
Leg press 12x270, 12x270, 12x270.
Leg raise1x 20

2/14/19 Thursday BW = 172.6
Bench 5x185, 8x185, 8x185, 8x185.
Leg raise 25, 25, 25
Cable row 20x35, 20x35, 20x35.

2/15/19 Friday BW = 173.6
BSS 5x30, 6x30, 6x30, 6x30
Pull up 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.
Box Squat 3x3x225

2/16/19 Saturday = 173.4
Life cycle 35 mins 5 miles
Leg raise 25, 25, 25.
5'10"- 175lbs - 44 yrs - reach - 7'6" (90") - 27" SVJ - 30" RVJ - 245# Full squat
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Re: Loopie's Log
« Reply #873 on: March 17, 2019, 02:25:41 am »
2/21/18 Thursday BW = 174.0
Bench 5x185, 5x205, 5x205, 5x205, 5x205,
Cable row 3x20x50,

2/22/19 Friday BW = 175.0
Kettlebell swings 2x20x50
Deadlift 5x185, 6x235,  5x255, 5x265.

2/23/19 Saturday BW= 175.2
Rowing machine 30mins 6527 meters

2/24/19 Sunday BW = 174.6
dumbbell ohp 4x12x35
Pull up 4x5
Leg raise 4x 20

2/27/19 Wednesday BW =173.6
B-ball 1.0 hour

2/28/19 Thursday BW = 173.4
Bench 5x185, 5x205, 5x205, 5x205, 5x205.
Pull 10, 8,
Leg raise 20, 20.

3/1/19 Friday BW = 174.2
Barbell lunge 8x40, 8x40, 8x40.
Leg press 12x270, 12x270, 12x270.
Leg raise 20, 20, 20.

3/2/19 Saturday BW = 173.6
Rowing machine 30 mins 6080 meters

3/6/19 Wednesday BW = 175.4
B-ball 1.0 hour

3/7/19 Thursday BW= 174.2
Bench 5x185, 5x205, 5x210, 5x210, 5x210.
Pull up 6, 6.
Leg raise 20,

3/8/19 Friday BW= 174.0
Deadlift 6x205, 6x225, 5x245, 5x245, 5x245.
Box jump (12base) 5, 5, 5, 5.
Leg raise 20,

3/9/19 Saturday BW = 173.0
Recumbent stationery Bike 35min 6.41 miles
Leg raises 25, 25, 25.

3/10/19 Sunday BW = 172.8
Incline press 8x135, 10x135, 10x135, 10x135.
Leg raise 20, 20, 20, 20.
Cable row 25x52, 25x52, 25x52.

3/13/19 Wednesday BW = 173.8
B-ball 1.0

3/14/19 Thursday BW = 174.4
Bench 3x135, 1x225, 0x245, 2x225, 5x205, 5x205.
Pull 6, 6, 6.
Leg raise 20, 20, 20.

3/15/19 Friday BW = 174.4
Kettlebell swings 3x20x50
Deadlift 5x185, 5x235, 5x255, 5x255,
Leg raises 20, 25.

3/16/19 Saturday BW = 173.6
Bike 35 mins 6.61 miles

another month another post. not making a forward progress, but still moving. So many things I need to do different. I know better but.....

5'10"- 175lbs - 44 yrs - reach - 7'6" (90") - 27" SVJ - 30" RVJ - 245# Full squat
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Re: Loopie's Log
« Reply #874 on: April 14, 2019, 01:17:25 am »
Still noodling along. Not getting much done but feeling ok about it.

3/17/19 Sunday BW = 173.0
Seated dumbbell military 12x40, 12x40, 12x40, 12x40
Cable row 25x52, 25x52, 25x52,
Leg raise 25, 25, 25, 25.

3/20/19 Wednesday BW= ?
B-ball 1.0 hour

3/23/19 Saturday BW = 174.4
BSS 6x35, 6x35, 6x35, 6x35.
Squat 6x45, 6x135, 6x135, 6x135.

3/24/19 Sunday BW = 174.0
Bench 3x185, 5x205, 5x210, 2x225, 5x210, 5x205, 7x185.
Pull up 6,6

3/27/19 Wednesday BW = 174.0
B-ball 1.5 hours

3/30/19 Saturday BW =174.4
Pull up 12, 10, 8, 8, 8
Heavy bag kick 20, 20, 20, 20

3/31/19 Sunday BW = ?
Deadlift 5x185, 5x235, 5x255, 5x255, 5x255, 5x235.
Leg raise 25, 25, 25.

4/3/19 Wednesday BW = 174.4
B-ball 1.0 hour

4/4/19 Thursday BW=?
Bench 3x185, 5x205, 5x205, 5x205.
Pull up 7, 7, 7.
Leg raises 20, 25.

4/5/19 Friday BW = 174.0
Front squat 5x135, 5x135, 5x135, 5x135.
Deadlift 5x135, 5x235, 5x235, 5x235.

4/6/19 Saturday BW = 174.0
Stationary bike 45mins 8 miles

4/7/19 Sunday BW = 174.4
Military dumbbell 12x40, 10x45, 10x45, 10x45
Seated cable row 52x25, 52x25, 52x25, 52x25.
Leg raise 25, 25, 25, 25.

4/11/19 Thursday BW = 173.2
Pull 10, 8, 7
Bench 5x185, 5x205, 2x225, 3x215,
Leg raise 25, 25.

4/12/19 Friday BW = ?
Kettle bell swings 4x25x50
Foam roll calf
Leg raise 2x20

4/13/19 Saturday BW = 174.6
Stationary bike 45 min, 8.82 miles

5'10"- 175lbs - 44 yrs - reach - 7'6" (90") - 27" SVJ - 30" RVJ - 245# Full squat
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Re: Loopie's Log
« Reply #875 on: April 28, 2019, 12:21:38 am »
4/14/19 Sunday BW = 173.8
Military dumbbell 12x45, 12x45, 12x45, 12x12.
Dumbbell row 10x50, 12x45, 12x45, 12x45.
Leg raise paused(slow down) 10, 10, 10, 10.
Pull up 5, 5, 5

4/18/19 Thursday BW = 172.6
Bench 10x135, 8x185, 8x185, 8x185.
Cable fly  hi/mid/long w 17.5/17.5/15x 20
Pull up 6

4/19/19 Friday BW = 172.8
Front squat 3x6x135
Dumbbell Lunges 6x45, 6x45, 6x45.
Leg raise 20, 20, 20.

4/20/19 Saturday BW = 173.6
Stationary bike 45mins 6.89 miles

4/21/19 Sunday BW = 172.6
Bench 8x185, 8x185, 8x185.
Hanging row BW 10, 10, 10
Pull 6, 6, 6.

4/25/19 Thursday BW = 173.8
Dumbbell bench 12x60, 12x60, 12x65, 12x65.
Pull up 6, 6, 6.

4/26/19 Friday BW = 173.0
Deadlift 5x185, 5x235, 6x235, 1x305.
Leg raise 20, 20, 20.

4/27/19 Saturday BW = 172.4
Stationary bike 45 mins 8.84 miles

Been taking even easier then normal. Hamstring cramped up the other day whilst working under my car. Been foam rolling a little bit more, and stretching a little bit more. If I am not going to be strong or in shape, I might as well be flexible enough not to knot up while laying about.

5'10"- 175lbs - 44 yrs - reach - 7'6" (90") - 27" SVJ - 30" RVJ - 245# Full squat
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Re: Loopie's Log
« Reply #876 on: April 28, 2019, 08:32:00 pm »
some of those positions are rough tho... heh.

but ya.. stuff like that pisses me off. trying to work hard on my flexibility the last month or so. trying to turn it around a bit.

be consistent with it & don't rush it, that's all i know.


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Re: Loopie's Log
« Reply #877 on: June 29, 2019, 01:33:03 am »
^^^^^words of wisdom.

 Still moving at medium pace. Haven't logged in a log bit.

5/1/19 Wednesday BW = 171.0
B-ball 1.0 hour

5/2/19 Thursday BW= 170.4
Bench 5x185, 5x205, 5x205, 3x215,
Chin up 6, 6.

5/3/19 Friday BW = 173.8
Front squat 5x135, 5x155, 5x155, 5x155.
Deadlift 3x6x225,

5/4/19 Saturday BW =173.2
Stationary bike 45mins 6.67 miles

5/8/19 Wednesday BW 170.1
b-ball 1.0 hours

5/11/19 Saturday BW = 170.3
Front squat 5x135, 5x155, 5x155.
Deadlift 5x225, 5x225, 5x225.

5/12/19 Sunday BW = 171.2
Bench 3x185, 5x205, 5x205, 5x195, 5x195.
Row 10,
Pull up 7, 7, 7.
Cable row 30x52, 30x52, 30x52
Jump rope

5/15/19 Wednesday BW= 170.0
1.5 hours b-ball

5/16/19 Thursday BW =?
100 push ups

5/17/19 Friday BW = 172.2
Front squat 5x135, 5x155, 5x155, 5x155.

5/18/19 Saturday BW = 168.2
Bench 3x185, 8x185, 8x185, 8x185,
Pull up 7, 7, 7, 7
Dips 12, 15, 17, 19

5/19/19 Sunday BW = ?
Stationary bike 45mins 8.9 miles
Pull up 7, 7, 7
Leg raise 25, 25, 25

5/23/19 Thursday BW = ?
Push ups 3x40

5/24/19 Friday BW = ?
Front squat 5x135, 5x155, 5x165, 5x155.
Lunges 3x6x45,
Leg raises 3x25,

5/25/19 Saturday BW = 170.8
Plate push ups 15, 15, 15, 15.
Hang clean and press 10x95, 10x95, 10x95
Pull up 8, 8, 8, 8.
Dips 25, 25, 25.

5/29/19 Wednesday BW = ?
B-ball 1.0 hour

5/30/19 Thursday BW= ?
Seated ohp 10x40, 12x40, 12x40, 12x40
Seated cable row 4x25x52.5,
Dips 20, 20, 20.

6/1/19 Saturday
Stationary bike 45 mins 6.40 miles

6/2/19 Sunday
Back Squat 6x135, 6x155, 5x185, 5x185, 5x185.
Deadlift 5x185, 6x225, 6x225, 6x225.

6/5/19 Wednesday
B-ball 1.5 hours

6/7/19 Friday
Seated ohp 12x40, 12x40, 12x40
Seated cable row 3x30x52.5,

6/8/19 Saturday
Back squats 6x95,  8x95, 8x95, 5x135, 3x185, 5x185, 5x185,

6/9/19 Sunday
Stationary bike 45mins 6.65 miles

6/12/19 Wednesday
B-ball 1.0 hour

6/13/19 Thursday
Squat 5x135, 5x185, 5x185, 5x185.

6/14/19 Friday
Stationary bike 45 mins 6.62 miles
Leg raise 25, 25, 25, 25.

6/15/19 Saturday
Bench 5x135, 5x185, 5x205, 5x205, 5x195.
BW hanging row 8, 10, 10.
Dips BW 15, 15, 15.

6/16/19 Sunday BW = 168.8
Deadlift 5x185, 5x235, 5x255, 5x255, 5x255.
Reverse hyper 15, 15, 15.

6/18/19 Wednesday
B-ball 1.0 hour

6/20/19 Thursday BW = 167.8
Bench 5x185, 6x185, 5x205, 7x185, 6x185.

6/21/19 Friday
Jump squat 5x45, 5x95
Squat 5x185, 3x205, 5x185, 5x185.

6/22/19 Saturday BW = 168.8
Stationary bike 50 mins 9.89 miles

6/26/19 Thursday BW
Seated dumbbell ohp 3x12x45
Pull up 6, 9, 7
Dips 20, 20, 20.

6/28/19 Friday BW =?
Calf smashing
Stationary bike 30 mins 5.50 miles

Need to be more consistent. Training partner has made some incredible improvements over the last year and that has at least kept me going through the paces. Got my knee to a place were I can load a little weight on the bar and get my full range of movement. That feels awesome!

5'10"- 175lbs - 44 yrs - reach - 7'6" (90") - 27" SVJ - 30" RVJ - 245# Full squat
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Re: Loopie's Log
« Reply #878 on: June 30, 2019, 09:45:01 am »
big recap lol. good work.


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Re: Loopie's Log
« Reply #879 on: July 21, 2019, 01:13:32 am »
way behind on the log  :(

6/29/19 Saturday
Squat 6x135, 3x185, 3x185
Stationary bike 30 mins 5.79 miles

6/30/19 Sunday
Stationary bike 45 mins 6.66 miles

7/4/19 Thursday BW= 166.6
Stationary bike 35 mins 6.98 miles

7/5/19 Friday BW = 166.6
Squat 5x135, 5x185, 5x195, 5x195.
Reverse hyper 15, 15, 15.

7/6/19 Saturday
Stationary bike 45 mins 9.39 miles

7/7/19 Sunday
Bench 5x185, 5x185, 5x185, 5x185, 5x185
Pull 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.

7/12/19 Friday
Squat 3x185, 6x185, 6x185, 6x185.

7/13/19 Saturday
Stationary bike 50 mins 7.34 miles

7/14/19 Sunday
Pull up 8, 7, 7
Leg raise 20, 20, 20,
Bench 5x185, 5x185, 5x185, 5x185, 5x185

7/18/19 Thursday
Stationary bike 45mins 6.80 miles

7/19/19 Friday
Squat 5x135, 5x185, 5x195, 5x195, 5x185.

7/20/19 Saturday BW = 166.8
Bench 5x185, 5x195, 5x195, 5x195, 5x195.
BW hanging rows 12, 12, 12.
Leg raise 20, 20, 20.

Body is still feeling good nothing nagging. It feels great to get full range of motion out of my squats with no knee pain again.
Still out of shape and weak but pushing. 12 weeks in a row of once a week light weight squats for the win!
« Last Edit: July 21, 2019, 01:24:35 am by LoopieMclooperson »
5'10"- 175lbs - 44 yrs - reach - 7'6" (90") - 27" SVJ - 30" RVJ - 245# Full squat
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Re: Loopie's Log
« Reply #880 on: July 23, 2019, 12:19:11 pm »
no knee pain  :highfive: :highfive: :highfive:
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: Loopie's Log
« Reply #881 on: July 29, 2019, 01:02:23 am »
no knee pain  :highfive: :highfive: :highfive:


keep at it Loop. maybe throw in another day per week more often, but slowly alternate it.



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Re: Loopie's Log
« Reply #882 on: August 03, 2019, 01:47:09 am »
^^^^ Thanks man. just trying to stay in the game. My training, diet and lifestyle are far from ideal. But I feel good and am keeping up that extra-medium pace.

7/25/19 Thursday
Bench 5x185, 3x195, 6x185, 6x185, 6x185.
Cable row 30x52.5, 30x52.5, 30x52.5
Leg raise 25, 25, 25

7/26/19 Friday
Jump squat 5x45, 5x95, 5x95.
Squat 5x185, 5x195, 5x205, 5x195, 5x185

7/28/19 Sunday BW = 167.0
Stationary bike 50 mins 10.74 miles
Pull up BW 3x5

8/1/19 Thursday
Jump squat 5x45, 5x95
Squat 5x135, 5x185, 5x195, 5x195, 7x185.

8/2/19 Friday
Stationary bike 50 mins 7.32 miles

5'10"- 175lbs - 44 yrs - reach - 7'6" (90") - 27" SVJ - 30" RVJ - 245# Full squat
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Re: Loopie's Log
« Reply #883 on: August 10, 2019, 02:10:17 am »

8/3/19 Saturday
Ohp 10x95, 10x95, 5x95, 5x95.
Dumbbell incline 10x50, 10x50, 10x50.
BW hanging row 10, 10, 10.
Pull up 7, 7.
Leg raise 20, 20.

8/4/19 Sunday BW =166.8
Squat 5x135, 2x185, 1x205, 1x225, 3x225, 5x205, 5x205.

8/8/19 Thursday BW = 166.0
Jump squat 5x45, 5x95, 5x95.
Squat 3x185, 1x225, 5x215, 8x185, 8x185.

8/9/19 Friday
Stationary bike 50 mins 7.53 miles

Squats are feeling great again, my knee feels solid and my range of motion is great. Keeping it simple and linear.

5'10"- 175lbs - 44 yrs - reach - 7'6" (90") - 27" SVJ - 30" RVJ - 245# Full squat
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Re: Loopie's Log
« Reply #884 on: August 12, 2019, 12:15:30 am »
8/10/19 Saturday
Bench 5x185, 5x195, 5x195, 5x195, 5x195.
Pull up 10, 8, 6.
Leg raise 25, 25, 25.

8/11/19 Sunday
Jump squats 5x45, 5x95.
Squat 2x185, 1x225, 4x225, 7x205, 10x205.

Squats are making me feel so much better lately. Feel almost explosive.
5'10"- 175lbs - 44 yrs - reach - 7'6" (90") - 27" SVJ - 30" RVJ - 245# Full squat
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