Author Topic: New year new me  (Read 319568 times)

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Re: New year new me
« Reply #435 on: December 30, 2022, 11:49:18 pm »
Happy new year everyone!!!

Pull ups 10, 10, 7 + 1 + 1 + 1
Db OHP SA 24kg X 7, DA 20kg 2 X 10
Face pull 16kg 2 X 15
Db pullover 22kg 2 X 12
Inc curl 14kg 2 X 12
Tri pdwon 25kg X 10  20kg X 15
Lateral raise 8kg 2 X 12


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #436 on: January 04, 2023, 01:19:39 am »
Physio, high box squats bw 3 X 20, assisted Peterson, rom work
20m ski erg

Left leg quad stuff first with brace off!!! TKEs, low step ups (awful eccentric control)
SL RDL L bw no brace 3 X 10, 10kg brace 2 X 10, R 26kg 3 X 10

Leg press R 51kg 3 X 10
SL calf raise 3 X 12
Leg ext R 35kg 3 X 10 L 7kg min range 3 X 10
Leg curl R 21kg 3 X 10 87kg min range 3 X 10
Hypers 3 X 15


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #437 on: January 05, 2023, 05:17:59 pm »
Chins 10, 10, 8+1+1
Db BP SA 36kg X 7 DA 30kg X 2 X 10
Seated row SA 26kg 2 X 12
Inc dbbp 22kg 2 X 10
Curls 18kg X 10
Tri pdown Reverse with bar as elbow sore X 15
Lateral raise 8kg X 15

And usual physio stuff


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #438 on: January 13, 2023, 02:08:02 am »
Steps/single leg rdl bw/tkes/glute band walks
Pull throughs 26kg 3 X 10
R leg pistols assisted 3 X 10
SL calf raise 3 X 12
Leg ext R 35kg 3 X 10 L 7kg 3 X 10
Leg curl R 21kg 3 X 10 L 14kg 3 X 10
Rev hypers 3 X 20

Pull up 10, 10, 10
Db OHP 24kg X 8 (sa) 20kg X 10, 9
Face pull 18kg 2 X 12
Db pull over 24kg 2 X 10
Inc curl 16kg X 14kg X
Tri pdown 25kg X 20 kg X
Lateral raise 9kg 2 X 12

Physio stuff
Ski erg 30m

L tKe 3 X 20
Glute band walks X 2
Rdls R 26kg 3 X 10 L 10kg 3 X 10
Peterson L 3 X 20
Swiss ball balance thing- 3 X 1 min holds (right Leg up jamming Swiss ball against wall standing on left leg - hits glute med nice)
Bw squat to above parallel box 3 X 20
Leg press R 58 3 X 18 L 16kg 2 X 20, X  35
Calf raise 3 X 12 SL
Leg curl R 21kg 2 X 10 7kg 2 X 15
Leg ext R 35kg 2 x 10 L 7kg 2 X 20 short rom
Hyper ext focus left glute squeeze - 2 X 20

Really seeing progress now. Walked a good like 5k with a single crutch yesterday and knee isn't overly pissed today. RoM well over 80 degrees approaching 90 - best its been since September the 8th!!


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #439 on: January 18, 2023, 06:22:54 am »
Chins 10, 10, 8, 3
Db BP 38kg R 5, L 7, 30kg 12, 10
Seated row 31kg 2 X 12
Inc dbbp 22kg 12, 10
Curls 20kg 8R 7L 16kg X 10 few resets grip done
Tris triangle 25kg X 13 rope 20kg X 14
Lateral raise 10kg X 10
Ysl 3kg X 10 8

TKE 3 X 20
SLRdls L 12kg 3 X 10 R 28kg 3 X 10
L low step up 8kg CW 3 X 20
Bw square 3 X 20 to high box
1 Leg balance R leg pushing SB against wall 3 X 1 min
Leg press L 16kg X 20, 2?3kg 2 X 10, 16kg X loads of reps
R leg pistols with TRX assist 3 X 10
Leg ext R 35kg 2 X 12 L 7kg 3 X 20 + a bunch of reps to failure on last set limited rom
Leg curl 21kg R 2 X 12, 10, L 7kg 3 X 20 lim rom
??? Forgot the rest wrote up later

Aqua jogging 30 min - tried this yesterday but didn't get much out of it, looked up technique again MUCH better this time, felt like proper cardio, got endorphins even

TKE 3 X 20
Peterson 3 X 20
Sl Calf raise 3 X 15
Sl balance left 3 X 1 min eye closed
Leg raises 3 X 10
Planks 3 X 10

May start logging physio stuff so I can keep tabs now its becoming a little more structured and feels more like exercise

Rom gains - now able to get a full rotation on a bike, probably at 90 degrees albeit a slight cheat with hip rise, certainly not an option for cardio yet.

Also back at work this week on a graduated return...mixed feelings!


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #440 on: January 23, 2023, 06:16:22 am »
Tke 3 X 20
Band walks both ways
Hamstring Bridge
Petersons on slant 3 X 20

Pull up 10, 10, 10 + 10 scap
Db OHP SA 26kg X 4R 5L 20kg x 10, 8
Face pull 18kg 2 X 15
Db pull over 24kg
Inc curl 16kg 1 X 12
Hammer curl 16kg x 12
Tri pdown 20kg X 15 Rev bar 15kg X 15
Flys cable 8kg 2 X 12 
Lateral raise 10kg 2 X 12

Knee rom work

Tke 3 X 20
Band walks X 2
Petersons 3 X 20
Rdl L 16kg 3 X 10 R 28kg 3 X 10
Leg press L 23kg 3 X 10 R 58kg 2 X 10, 9
Bent Leg Calf raise L 20kg 3 X 15
Bw squat to hi box 3 X 20
Leg ext R 35kg 3 X 12 L 7kg 3 X 20 + amrap
Leg curl R 21kg 3 X 12 L 7kg 3 X 20
Hyper ext 3 X 15
Wood choppers 16kg 2 X 10 ea way u
Medicine ball 3kg 1 Leg wall throws 3 X 1 min


Chins 3 X 10
Db BP 38kg SA R 6 L 7 30kg X 2 X 12
Seated row 31kg 12, 15
Inc dbbp 22kg 2 X 12
Curls 20kg 10 16kg X 12
Tris triangle 30kg X 12 25kg X15
Lateral raise 12kg X 10 8kg X 15

Aqua jog 45m

Tke 3 X 20
Glute band walks ea way
Peterson on slope slight higher than last time 3 X 20
1 Leg elevated Hamstring Bridge 3 X 10
1 Leg Swiss ball push to wall 3 X 1 min
Deadbugs 3 X 20 left si joint goes popopopop
Med ball 3kg 1 Leg wall throws 3 X 1 min

Aqua jog 10m ez 5x 1m on 1m off 5m ez

Doing some stuff for the knee every day but haven't logged it all it's time consuming enough as it is. Quad us really starting to reappear though!!


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Re: New year new me
« Reply #441 on: February 09, 2023, 02:56:45 am »
Tke 3 X 20
Band walks X 2
Petersons 3 X 20
SL RDL L 18kg 3 X 10 R 30kg 3 X 10
Leg press L 23kg pin 9 2 X 15 pin 8 X 20
Trx assist pistol R 3 X 10
Box squats BW 3 X 20
SL Calf raise 3 X 15
Leg ext R 42 3 x L 7kg 3 X 20
Leg curl R 24kg 8, 21kg 3 x 10 X L 7kg 2 X 20, 25
Hypers 15kg 2 X 10, 12
Rkc oPlank 3 X 40s

Tke 3 X 20
Band walks X 2
Petersons low 3 X 20

Pull up 10, 10kg X 7, 5kg X 8, BW X 10
Db OHP SA 16kg x 10 26kg X R 5 L 6 20kg x 10, 9
Face pull kg 21kg  2 X 12
Db pull over 26kg 2 X 10
Inc curl 18kg X 10
Hammer curl 18kg x 10
Tri pdown 25kg X  12 Rev bar 20kg X  15
Flys 12kg 2 X 12
Lateral raise 12kg X 12 8kg X 15

Tke 3 X 20
Band walks X 2
Hamstring Bridge 3 X 1w
Petersons incline 3 X 15 w/ 10kg
Leg press 3 X 10 L 30kg 3 X 10 R 58KG 2 X 10, 98
Pull throughs 33kg 3 X 10
Box squat 3 X 20
Seated Calf raise 20kg 3 X 20
Leg raise 3 X 10
Side bends 2 X 10 ea way

Aqua jog 30m

Tke 3 X 20
Band walks X 2
Peterson with tke 3 X 20
Swiss ball 1 Leg balance
Static lunge with dowel balance 3 X 20
Med ball wall toss 3 X 1 min

V tired

Chins 2 X 10, 9
Db BP 32kg 2 X 8
Seated row 57kg 1 X 15
Inc dbbp 20kg 1 X 12
Curls 18kg X 12
Tris triangle 30kg X 12
Lateral raise 10kg X 12

Tke 3 X 20
Band walks X 2
Petersons 3 X 20 with 12kg
SLRDL L 20kg 3 X 10 R 32kg 3 X 10
Leg press L 23kg 2 X 20, 30kg pin7
R pistols trx 3 X 10
L Lunge 3 X 20
SL calf raise 20, 15, 12

SL ham Bridge 3 X
Iso ball stand 3 X
Ball wall throws 3 X 10

Tke 3 X 20
Band walk X 2
Peterson incline 3 X 20

Pull up 10, 15kg X 6, 8kg X 8, BW X
Db OHP SA 10kg x 10 26kg X R 5 L 6 20kg x 10, 9
Face pull kg 23kg  1 X 12, 21kg x 15
Db pull over 26kg 13, 22kg X 15
Inc curl 18kg X 10
Hammer curl 16kg x 12
Tri pdown 25kg X  12 Rev bar 20kg X  15
Cable Flys 11.25kg 2 X 12
Lateral raise 12kg X 12 8kg X 15

Tke 3 X 25
Band walks X 2
Step ups front to high box 3 X 20
Rdl L 22kg 3 X 10 R 34kg 3 X 8
Leg press L 30kg 3 X 15 pin 6, 58kg 10, 9, pin 5
Lunge L 10kg 3 X 15
Iso ball stands 3 X 1 min
Leg ext with range L 7kg 3 X 10 with 5-10sec hold, R 35kg 3 X 12
Bent Leg Calf raise 20kg 3 X 20 L
Leg curl R 21kg 3 X 12  L  7kg 3 X 15
Wall ball throws 3 X 1 min
Woodchopper 23kg X 10, 21kg 1x 10
Plank 2 X 40s

Tke 3 X 25
Band walks X 2
Petersons slant with 10kg 3 X 15
RDL L 24kg 3 X 10 R 34kg 3 X 10
Leg press L 30kg 3 X 15 pin 5
R pistols 3 X 10
RFESS L 3 X 15
Iso ball stand 3 X 1 min
SL Calf raise 3 X 15
Ham Bridge L 3 X 15 sloppy
Leg ext 3 X 20 5 sec holds z
Ball wall throws 3 X 1min

Chins 10, 15kg X 7 8kg X 8, BW X 10
Db BP 34kg X 7R 10L, 30kg 2 x 12
Seated row 67kg X 12 (big gap)
Inc dbbp 22kg 2 x 12
Curls 22kg X 10 16kg X 12
Tris triangle 30kg X 12 25kg X 15
Lateral raise 12kg X 12  8kg X 15

‐----------- roughly up to date haven't logged home stuff/cardio
Life busy with return to work and some new ventures

Been on a few hikes

Knee rom past 110deg now
Quad regrowing
Glutes/hams/calves good
Cardio not so good
Physique best its been maybe ever without really trying lol
Oh and I went vegan lol