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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1245 on: May 29, 2022, 05:14:30 am »
Sunday 29th May 2022

calves, legs and hips moderately sore this morning, along with my upper back and shoulders... from the dribbling and walks yetseday...?

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches
soft tissue work on feet, calves, legs and back

BBall practise session at WLC outdoor courts - 40 mins

Bodyweight without shoes ?

Dribbling drills - 20 mins

Low intensity jump shots, layupspost moves, around the rim, and slow jogs after ball here and there, on balls of feet

Rotating sets - 30 secs to 1 min between each

A)Pogo hop - medium- 4x10 - 2/10 Right achilles pain on some reps
increased intensity today, overall felt good, just some slight aches

B) Jumps in place. Continuous: - Jumping 12 inches 3x5 (+1 set)
increased jump height 6 inches. all felt good and pain free

C) Jumps/standing dunks on 8 feet rim x3 warmup
x3 - standing, single arm
x3 - dunks on 8 feet netball rim
x3 - standing dunks on 8 feet netball rim, and windmill
x3 - standing dunks on 8 feet netball rim
x5 - 3 step jumps, both L-R and R-L plants

Standing vertical - Touched about 9'4.5" - Just past middle of hand on 9 feet backboard,  3.5 inches higher than last session
1 inch higher off a small step

Standing Box jump - 20 inch wall, landing with straight legs 3x3

post session - 
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 50  secs
Wall sit, heels off the floor - 1 min


Decent session dribbling and BBall wise.

Happy with jumps though, no pain on take off, plants or landings.
Big improvement in my left patella tendon
Jumped pretty hard today, especially on 3 step jumps
Landings no longer feel jarring
felt pretty soft on some 3 step jump plant practise

Standing vertical was around 24 inches. I should be jumping 27-28 inches based on my squat and bodyweight ratio.
Pretty sore, so fatigue is a factor

Didn't test single leg jump yet


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1246 on: May 30, 2022, 03:28:25 am »
Monday 30th May 2022

Moderately tired and beat up feeling all over - less than previous weeks, despite jumping much harder
Left patella tendon fine, and achilles insertions no worse than current baseline upon waking

Although when I tried to do some bodyweight squats, that left sartorius tendon insertion, to right of VMO hurts at a 6/10

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Half kneeling Kettlebell weight shift - 5kg 5x5 secs, 10kg 4x5secs x 4 sets
working on fixing my hip shift issues

Tentative plan for main lifts then next few months of base building - 3 week waved progression

Week 1 - 2x12 @ RPE 6
Week 2 - 3x12 @7
Week 3 - 4x12 @8

Starting at 2-4 x12, then 2-4 x10, 2-4 x8, and then maybe 2-4 x6, for the next few months, each wave getting heavier off course
Each new set added is a bit heavier than the first 2 sets of week 1

Other lifts -
Week 1 - 1 top set @6
Week 2 - 2 top sets @7
Week 3 - 3 top sets @8

Each time a wave resets it acts like a deload after pushing the hardest and highest voume on week 3

Still deciding between 2-4 sets and 3-5 sets on the main progression

After this, onto peaking phase for a few months and then hopefully reach my strength goals
« Last Edit: May 30, 2022, 06:18:14 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1247 on: June 01, 2022, 07:05:17 am »
Tuesday 31st May 2022

Winter has arrived, started to supplement with 5000IU of Vitamin D3

Lower body and erectors low down aches.
Tweaked something in my left adductor/glute tie in area from Sunday, as it was playing up when walking down stairs and eccentrics of single leg squats until I warmed up

Should have rested an extra day, as body felt like it was still recovering from BBall/Jumps.
Might need to also drop the volume of jumps as well

Week 1 of base building plan underway.
And some deloading as well.
Glad I didn't go heavy today as I would have picked up an injury...
Session are still too long, need more tweaks!

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches
soft tissue work for lower body and whole back, plus biceps, front delts

Tendon health+rehab - Day 1 Lower 1 - Base Building Week 1

Bodyweight in shoes, winter clothing = 92.6kg
general mobility drills

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 30 secs
Front plank x 30 secs
glute bridge hold x 30 secs
Side plank- x30 secs each side

Half kneeling Kettlebell weight shift: - 25lbs 5x3 secs x 2 sets

left side is worse than right side, and also the side I hip shift on squats

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - 6 sec Concentric, 10 sec hold at top, 30 and 60 degrees, slow eccentric - 15kg, 22.5kg
3 sec Concentric to 60 degrees, 30 sec hold -  30kg

B) olys with 20kg bar - powercleans, hang snatch hi pulls and power snatches
C) Overhead squat - slow tempo - BW 2x10 in Nano X
D) Low bar good morning: 20kg 2x10

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Clean/Snatch high pulls - 3x clean high pull + 1 snatch high pull  - 40kg, 60kg, 65kg

felt crisp and explosive, much better than last week

1 set of high bar, then low bar until main work sets - then all high bar sets -  facing up slope of garage

Low bar squat: - Oly Shoes - slow eccentrics - 40kg x5, 60kg x3, 75kg x3, 90kg x3, belt 105kg x3
in flat shoes, facing down slope - 60kg x5
testing things out at the end

High bar squat: - Oly shoes - slow eccentrics - 20kg x10, 40kg x5, 60kg x5, 90kg x5, belt 105kg x3

belt - Oly shoes - facing up slope of garage
90kg x12 @ RPE 6
90kg x12 @ RPE 6.5

Nano X, facing down slope -
90kg x5 - Left glute adductor tie ache on eccentric

Squats still feeling hard and heavy on my back, so performance has nose dived.
Glad I didn't go heavy today or else injury would be likely
Wasn't sure what weight to use to get clean, comfortable sets of 12, but 90kg felt OK
First set was piston like, second set felt quite a bit harder

next week will most likely be 95kg x12, 90kg 2x12

Did some tests after main sets in various shoes and facing down slope - it just feels easier in flatter Nano X shoes facing down the slope.
And in the Low bar squat, flat barefoot style Merrell vapor glove 4, the same.

Half kneeling Kettlebell weight shift made a difference already, bottom of squat feels much more comfortable, and I didn't notice any hip shift today

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest
A1) Stiff legged deadlift - lowered down to a soft tissue on floor, dead stop - 60kg x5, 80kg x5, 90kg x10 @ RPE 5
A2)Sumo Deadlift - flat shoes, belt, hook-gripped - 60kg x10, 80kg x5

B1) SSB tibialis raise - in oly shoes, Romaleos 2 - BW x12, 30kg x 6, 40kg x3, 50kg x12 @ RPE 7
B2) Single leg split stance tibialis raise, in oly shoes - BW x8 @ RPE 6

C) SSB Good Morning: - belt - 30kg x10, 40kg x10, 50kg x10
belt -
55kg x10 @6

D)SSB Calf Raise - single leg -  1 sec up and 3 secs to just below neutral  - BW x6, 30kg x 6, 40kg x6
55kg x6, 60kg x6 @RPE 7

No pain

SSB Bulgarian Split Squat -  hand supported - each side back to back, 3 secs down and up - rear foot on 6 inch step, toes down. 3 secs down and up, Non lock - BW x6, 30kg x6, 35kg x6
40kg x6  @ RPE 6
45kg x5 @ RPE 8

Left leg wanted to buckle on the eccentric on the earlier sets down to mild pain in left flute/adductor, until it warmed up
2/10 left patella tendon pain on first few reps of 45kg set
Note to self - remember to put front foot on a small bumper plate, and hang heel off the edge to load soleus next time!

Leg Curls - end of unit elevated 5 inches - 20kg x10, 30kg x6
explosive concentric
32.5kg x9 @RPE 7

wanted to do a comfortable set of 12 at RPE 6 with 32.5kg, but even the 30kg warmup set felt much harder than usual, so hamstrings probably fatigued from stiff legged deadlifts

Jefferson curl, single dumbbell, 3 position - alternating to front, left and right - 15lbs x6, 25lbs x15
« Last Edit: June 01, 2022, 09:17:43 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1248 on: June 01, 2022, 09:54:51 am »
Wednesday 1st June 2022

Nice, no drained feeling...

Lower and mid erectors pretty sore, followed by calves.
Quads, upper back and shoulders a bit.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Walk - 20 mins
Lower body stretches post walk


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1249 on: June 02, 2022, 12:05:07 pm »
Thursday 2nd June 2022

achey all over - quads seem more sore today.
Lower back the most sore.

had to drop most of the cuff and shoulder health work as they all flare up my upper left bicep tendon to some degree.
Changed arm work and others to more tendon friendly options and tempos for tendon healing


Tendon health+rehab -  Upper Week 1, Wave 1

Bodyweight with shoes, winter clothing - 92.4kg

general mobility drills

BBall dribbling: - 8 mins - Good

side leg raises - x 20
Band pull aparts - high to low reverse grip: Light rogue band x20

Larsen Bench press - 20kg x10, 40kg 2x6, 50kg 2x5, 60kg x1
60kg x12 @ RPE 6
Thumbs on smooth - 60kg x12 @ RPE 7

Will use closer grip variant, which does not compress my left bicep tendon

rotating sets - 2 mins rest

A) Pull up/Chin up - Hang and 20 scap shrugs, 10 wide grip
alternating between 1 pull up, wide pull up and chin set each rotation

Pull up - leg assisted x5
BW x3 @ RPE 5
leg assisted - BW x 12 @6

Wide, snatch grip -  BW 2x2 @7
leg assisted - BW x 12 @6

Chin up, shoulder width - leg assisted x 5
BW x3 @4-5
leg assisted - BW x 12 @6

B) Military Press: -  Hold at top, bulldog grip - 20kg x10, belt 30kg x6
37.5kg x12 @ RPE 7
35kg x12 @ RPE 6

Thought 37.5kg would be OK, but it was harder than expected most likely due to bench fatigue

Dip shrugs: BW x 20 @5
Incline flies: - 30 degrees - 15lbs x10, 25lbs x12 @5
High angle rows - 20kg x12, belt 40kg x10, 50kg x6
belt- 55kg 2x12 @6

maybe a tad too light

Lateral leg drive into wall ISO: 30 Seconds x3 sets @7
Incline Dumbbell curl - 45 degrees, arms angled out, 3 secs up and down - 15lbs x10, 17.5lbs x8 @8
20lbs x6 @8

Lying dumbbell tricep extensions: - 45 degrees - 5lbs x10, 15lbs x8 @6
20lbs x6 @6.5

SSB Calf Raise - single leg - BW warmups - hold at neutral, with 1 inch ROM slow Raises (x12) - 30secs x 30kg, 50kg, 60kg, 60kg @ RPE 8
ISO only - 30secs x 65kg

1/10 right achilles insertion pain on first 60kg set
felt harder today, so stayed at 60kg

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: 90 degree knee angle - 35secs x 3 sets
Incline Dumbbell hammer curl - 45 degrees, arms angled out, 3 secs up and down - 20lbs x6, x5 @ RPE 8

Leg extension, single leg - 3 secs up and down between 10 and 60 degrees for 36secs - 15kg, 22.5kg, 30kg
3 secs up and down between 60 and 90 degrees for 30secs - 35kg @ RPE 8

Kettlebell rotator cuff corkscrew: 5kg 2x15
Half kneeling Kettlebell weight shift: 5x3secs 10kg x 2 sets

High bar squat: facing down slight slope. Belt - 20kg 2x10, 40kg x5, 60kg 2x5
paused - 75kg 3x5

Wasn't planning on squatting but I wanted to test some things out. 75kg should not be too taxing although it didn't feel that light ether.

I look super deep from this camera angle.
Even in oly shoes, facing down a slight slope and a wider stance with feet turned out, I am far from upright with high bar, the curse of longer femur to torso/shin ratio

« Last Edit: June 02, 2022, 12:56:24 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1250 on: June 03, 2022, 12:26:27 pm »
Friday 3rd June 2022

Decent feeling, just achey all over, but less than previous weeks
Quads, biceps and calves the most sore

total rest day


Thinking about moving to a 3 day split for weights -
BBall/jumps, rest, rest (?), Lower, rest, Upper push, Upper pull, rest


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1251 on: June 04, 2022, 05:42:24 am »
Saturday 4th June 2022

Sore all over

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Combo Bicep curl/finger ISO - 3x 30 secs

Walk - 30 mins
Lower body stretches post walk

Wall Sit holds - at 60 degrees, heels off the floor  3x 50 secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1252 on: June 05, 2022, 05:01:31 am »
Sunday 5th June 2020

Fat loss cycle 3 - Week 5
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 90kg (-0.1 ), 198.4lbs

waist - 36.75  inches (-1/8)
hip = 42.25
upper thigh = 27 1/8 (+1/8)
Right calf = 15 7/8
Neck = 15.75 (-1/8) 
Chest = 43
Right Arm (flexed) = 15.75 (+0.25)
Wrist = 6 5/8

Tanita scale bodyfat % = 26% (+0.1)

Total loss so far - weight 0.7kg Waist 7/8 inches  BF% Tanita 0.2%

Phone app TDEE is at 2950
Fitbit said I averaged 3315 for the week

Averaged 2733 calories over the week, 200g protein, 140g carbs, 146g fat.

Not much change in weight but my waist is getting smaller


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1253 on: June 05, 2022, 05:20:41 am »
Sunday 5th June 2022

Whole lower body and erectors still pretty sore
Upper body a bit as well.
But feeling good mood wise.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches
soft tissue work on feet, calves, legs and back

BBall practise session at WLC outdoor courts - 40 mins

Bodyweight without shoes  - 91.5kg

Dribbling drills - 18 mins

Low intensity jump shots, layups, post moves, around the rim, and slow jogs after ball here and there, on balls of feet

Rotating sets - 30 secs to 1 min between each

A)Pogo hops- medium effort 5x10

Stiffer pogos today
third set, 1/10 right Achilles pain, 2/10 pain on 4th set, 5th set OK

B) Jumps in place. Continuous: - Jumping 12 inches 4x5 (+1 set)
All pain free and easy

C) Jumps/standing dunks on 8 feet rim x3 warmup
x3 - standing, single arm, 1 inch past top knot of Blacknet. About 9'5" inch touch
x4 - single arm, 1 step jump to 9'7" touch
x4 - 3 step jumps
x4 - standing dunks on 8 feet netball rim
x3 - jumps against 8 feet netball rim. Standing vertical, touched elbow on rim, 1.5 feet from elbow to finger tips

Standing vertical - Touched about 9'5.5",  1 inch higher than last session
2 inches higher off a step, 3 inches higher off 3 steps

Standing Box jump - 20 inch wall, landing with straight legs x3

post session - 
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - 2x 50  secs
Wall sit, heels off the floor - 2 x 50 secs
single leg Calf raise ISO - at neutral  2x 50secs


legs and hip muscles pretty sore today, but still felt pretty explosive.

Standing vertical was around 25+ inches, where I touched my elbow on 8 feet, so up an inch from last week.
Top of my head is about 2 inches higher than my elbow, so head was above 8 feet today on vertical.
Top of head traveled around 26 inches on that jump
I feel like I have another 3 inches in me if I was fresh.

First time jumping off a step against the 9.5 feet backboards in a long time, and got 2 knuckles on it, so around a 9'8" touch
Wasn't expecting that, at my current bodyweight and fatigue, so progressing well.

left patella tendon hurt at a 3/10 on one jump landing, but fine on the others
« Last Edit: June 05, 2022, 05:31:21 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1254 on: June 06, 2022, 06:58:32 am »
Monday 6th June 2022

Not too tired like past weeks, but low level aches all over.
Erectors pretty beat up.

Both achilles insertions sore, but not flared up.
I think pogos are not for now, will drop them

total rest day


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1255 on: June 08, 2022, 08:42:33 am »
Tuesday 7th June 2022

Trained today, but still feel sore in lower body from Sunday, and overall fatigue as well.

Will add another day of rest next week between BBall/Jumps and this session.
Also thinikng about shoving an upper body session into this slot, and move this session back one day.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches
soft tissue work for lower body and whole back

Tendon health+rehab - Day 1 Lower 1 - Base Building Week 2 - Wave 1

Bodyweight in shoes, winter clothing = 92.7kg
general mobility drills

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 30 secs
Front plank x 30 secs
glute bridge hold x 30 secs
Side plank- x30 secs each side

Half kneeling weight shift: - 10kg in plates 5x5 secs x 2 sets

left side hurts quite a bit more than right side

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - 6 sec Concentric, 10 sec hold at top, 30 and 60 degrees, slow eccentric - 15kg, 22.5kg
3 sec Concentric to 60 degrees, 30 sec hold -  30kg

B) olys with 20kg bar - powercleans, hang snatch hi pulls and power snatches
C) Overhead squat - slow tempo - Broom 2x10 in Nano X
D) Low bar good morning: 20kg 2x10

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Clean/Snatch high pulls - 3x clean high pull + 2 snatch high pull  - 40kg, 60kg, 65kg
crisp and snappy

High bar squat: - Oly shoes - slow eccentrics - 20kg x10, 40kg x5, 60kg x5, 75kg x5, x1, 90kg x1, belt 95kg x1
belt - Oly shoes
95kg x12 @ RPE 6.5
90kg 2x12 @ RPE 7

Still feeling heavy, so recovery not there yet. Too close to BBall/jumps session.
Closer stance today, and form was much better

Sets of 12 today was pretty brutal, but good for dialing in my form...4 sets next week!
Next week will be 100kg x12, 95kg x12, 90kg 2x12

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest
A1)Sumo Deadlift - oly shoes, belt, hook-gripped - 60kg x5
A2) Stiff legged deadlift - oly shoes, lowered down to soft touch on floor, dead stop - 60kg x5, 80kg x5, 95kg x12 @ RPE 7

felt hard today, due to squat fatigue, but it still felt heavy for my upper body

B1) SSB tibialis raise - in oly shoes, Romaleos 2 - BW x12, 30kg x 6, 55kg x10, 50kg x12 @ RPE 7
B2) Single leg split stance tibialis raise, in oly shoes - BW x9, x8 @ RPE 7

C) SSB Good Morning: - belt, oly shoes - 30kg x10, 50kg x6
belt - 55kg 2x12 @ RPE 6/6.5

D) SSB Calf Raise - single leg -  1 sec up and 3 secs to just below neutral  - BW x6, 30kg x 6
50kg 2x8 @RPE 7 

2/10 right achilles insertion pain on last set

SSB Bulgarian Split Squat -  hand supported - rear foot on 6 inch step, toes down. front foot heel off edge of small step.
Each side back to back, 2 secs up, 3 secs down - Non lock - BW x6, 30kg x6
47.5kg x5 @RPE 8
47.5kg x6 @RPE 9

getting some random pains in lower sartorius tendon area on both legs on the first reps on heavy sets

Leg Curls - end of unit elevated 5 inches - 20kg x10, 25kg x6
explosive concentric
27.5kg 2x12 @RPE 6/7

dropped the loads way down

Jefferson curl, single dumbbell, 3 position - alternating to front, left and right - 15lbs x6, 25lbs 2x12


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1256 on: June 08, 2022, 08:52:30 am »
Wednesday 8th June 2022

A little tired, and moderate soreness in lower body, posterior chain and upper back

A bit of experiment to do my Upper Push session today, straight after Lower yesterday
Went ok, but did feel energy waning towards the end

Walk - 27 mins

Tendon health+rehab -  Upper Push - Week 2, Wave 1

Bodyweight with shoes, winter clothing - 92.7kg

general mobility drills

BBall dribbling: - 5 mins - decent

Band pull aparts - high to low reverse grip: Light rogue band x20

Larsen Bench press - 14 inch grip - Thumbs on smooth - 20kg 2x10, 40kg x10, 50kg x6, x3, 60kg x1
60kg 3x12 @ RPE 5,6,7

still getting some slight left bicep tendon twinges, so may drop bench for a while

Military Press: -  Hold at top, bulldog grip - 20kg x10, belt 30kg x6
35kg x12 @ RPE 7
32.5kg 2x12 @ RPE 6,7

had to drop loads a bit as well due to bench fatigue

Dip shrugs: BW 2x20 @6
Incline flies: - 30 degrees - 15lbs x12, 25lbs 2x12 @5/6

Lying dumbbell tricep extensions: - 3secs down - 12lbs x12, 20lbs 2x7 @RPE 6/8
20lbs x6 @6.5



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1257 on: June 10, 2022, 10:08:00 am »
Thursday 9th June 2022

Third training day in a row, and not feeling too bad.
Thanks to training sub-maximally and not feeling drained after each session.

Achey all over, quads still pretty sore when I woke up, but felt better later in the day

Feels good splitting up the upper body session into Push and pull days.

Morning mobility work

Walk - 22 mins

Tendon health+rehab -  Upper Pull - Week 2, Wave 1

Bodyweight with shoes, winter clothing - 92.7kg

general mobility drills
side leg raises - x 20
Band pull aparts - high to low reverse grip: Light rogue band x20

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: 90 degree knee angle - 30 secs

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Lateral leg drive into wall ISO: 30 Seconds x3 sets @ RPE 7

B) SSB Calf Raise - single leg - BW warmups - hold at neutral, with 1 inch ROM slow Raises (x12) -
30secs x 30kg, 50kg, 55kg 60kg, 65kg @ RPE 8

ISO only - 30secs x 70kg

2/10 right achilles insertion pain on 50kg set, 1/10 on 55kg in the first 5 secs
3/10 on 70kg ISO

A) Pull up/Chin up - Hang and 20 scap shrugs, 10 wide grip
alternating between 1 pull up, wide pull up and chin set each rotation

Pull up - leg assisted x10
BW x1, x3, x3 @ RPE 7

Pull up - Wide, snatch grip -  BW x3, x3, x2 @ RPE 8/8/7

Chin up, shoulder width -
BW x1, x3, x3 @RPE 6

High angle rows - 20kg x12, belt 40kg x10, 50kg x6
60kg x12 @7
57.5kg x12 @7
55kg x12 @7

Pull up. Wide grip, leg assisted: BW 2x12 @7
Pull up, leg assisted: 2x12 @7
Chin up, leg assisted: 2x12 @7

Kettlebell rotator cuff corkscrew: 5kg plate 2x20 @3
Front raise band cuff pulses: Light Rogue mini band 2x3

Incline Dumbbell curl - 45 degrees, arms angled out, 1 sec up, 3 secs down - 15lbs x8, 20lbs x5 @8
Incline Dumbbell hammer curl - 45 degrees, arms angled out, 1 sec up, 3 secs down -  15lbs x6, 17.5lbs x8 @ RPE 8

Leg extension, single leg - 1 sec up, 3 sec down between 10 and 60 degrees for 30secs - 15kg, 22.5kg
1 inch ROM at 60 degrees for 30secs - 35kg x 2 sets

Chest supported trap raise, side and bottom: each position, Thumbs down, hold at top - 2.5lbs x6
5lbs 2x12 @7/8

« Last Edit: June 10, 2022, 10:10:15 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1258 on: June 10, 2022, 10:14:48 am »
Friday 10th June 2022

Upper body not too sore despite the volume of work yesterday.
Lower body is pretty sore though

Achilles insertion feeling better again

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Walk - 30 mins
Lower body stretches post walk

Release Sartorius and lots of stretches - I think it's just tight and overactive causing the pain in my lower VMO area, rather than then tendon being damaged.
Sure hurts like hell when pressure is put on the muscle


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1259 on: June 11, 2022, 11:09:16 am »
Saturday 11th June 2022

Upper back, posterior shoulder was achey from all the stuff I did last night, but much better later in the day.
Still some erector soreness
legs feel good, freshest it's been in a while

Sartorius feels much better
Did more soft tissue work on it, and stretches, will continue this daily until it no longer hurts when pressed, like my right TFL last year

Last night -
Hammer curl ISO @70% effort against shelf - 3x 30secs
External rotation ISO @70% effort against wall - 3 x30secs

Trying to fix my bicep long head upper tendons, and also hit my cuffs in a way that does not trigger/compress the bicep tendons

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Walk - 30 mins
Lower body stretches post walk

Hammer curl, 90 degree ISO @70% effort against desk- 2x 30secs
External rotation, stretched range ISO @70% effort against hand - 2 x30secs
« Last Edit: June 11, 2022, 11:17:18 am by CoolColJ »