Author Topic: Scrawny to Brawny Journal  (Read 230031 times)

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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #375 on: September 13, 2011, 12:19:12 am »
Back to logging. Just check my post on Aiir's journal if you wanna see why I haven't really done much. I'll be back to posting regularly now that I set up wifi on my Zune HD on campus. I can basically just update while I'm working in the library after the gym. If anyone has tips on college snackage I'm all ears, I need all the help I can get.

Anyway, this'll be a brief first post back and it'll be more detailed from now on and into later stuff.

Last Thursday (only major lifts):

-Squats: 160x5, 170x5, 180x5, 190x5. (Gotta get up to at least 225, I'm going deep now though, which is good, getting back to indoor track lifting strength that I had despite a crappy diet)

-Overhead press: can't remember all did 3x5, then ended on 105x5, felt okay. Shoulder seem to be on and off though, I'm never consistent in strength on my overhead press.

-Farmer's walk


Monday 9/12/2011:

-Trapbar Deadlift: 170x5, 190x5, 210x5, 220x5
-Bench press: 135x5, 140x5
-DB Bench: 45x5, 55x5

-Side Bends: 2x12 each side (with 60 lb DB)

-Farmer's walk w/55's. (with sleeves rolled up for the ladies  :ninja: jk (but seriously, I lost some fat since school started, arms look so shredded while I'm holding the dumbbells at the end of the walk. Maybe I can keep that look as I make progress. So siiiiiick)


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #376 on: September 13, 2011, 07:28:24 am »
glad to see you're back putting in work.  :highfive:
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

black lives matter


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #377 on: September 13, 2011, 10:20:43 am »
glad to see you're back putting in work.  :highfive:

Thanks, man. A few days ago I had like an anxiety attack or something, I got super stressed out because I hadn't figured out my schedule and I was eating terribly with no time to work out. It was making me frustrated that I had no time to do that or anything else. I've kinda settled into the college routine though and I'm carrying a lunch box for lunch and some snacking. (Even though having a backpack on while carrying a lunchbox and a trumpet case looks kinda silly, haha)


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #378 on: September 17, 2011, 12:07:19 pm »
Friday 9/16/2011 (AKA: Mexican independence day):

-Progressive warmup

-Squats: 145x4, 165x5, 175x5, 185x5, 195x5 (Felt good. Finally consistently getting 200+ on deep squats next week? Yep)
-Overhead press: 75x4x5 (Strength is crap on this, forcing myself to do lighter weight so I can actually make some progress)
-One-arm DB row: 40x5, 45x5, 50x5, 55x5 (Felt pretty good. Can probably do 60s next week)

-Farmer's walk w/60 lb DBs (~1 min or more)

-Easy-ish core.


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #379 on: September 18, 2011, 10:43:47 pm »
Just recorded a webcam vid of my thoughts on Scrawny to Brawny as a program. Looking through it now to see whether I like it or not. Will probably upload later.

Edit: Nope... not working. Audio on youtube's upload is dumb and it cut off half the video. I'll try again tomorrow.


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #380 on: September 25, 2011, 01:03:27 am »
Screw that, don't have time to record anything, I'm barely home to sleep. This music major business is busy stuff, anyway... here's an update of my week.

Monday 9/19/2011:

-Deadlifts: 170x5, 190x5, 210x5, 230x5
-DB Press: 45x5, 50x5, 55x5, 55x2, 50x3

Bah... don't remember rest for this day, just the main lifts

Thursday 9/22/2011:

-Squats: 135x3, 155x3, 170x5, 180x5, 190x5, 200x5 (First time I've done 200 going deep, still not really a PR though)
-Overhead press: 70x5, 85x5, 85x5, 75x5
-Weighted pullups: BW+10lbs: 4x5; BW: 1x10

-Farmer's walk w/ 60lbs until failure

-Dips: 2x8 w/35lb plate


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #381 on: September 25, 2011, 01:15:13 am »
Got a message on youtube a couple days ago from this dude.

That's the "poster boy" for Scrawny to Brawny. Apparently he found my video on scrawny to brawny from over a year ago and he stopped to message me about my journey hoping I hadn't given up hope. Said he was reaching out.

At first I thought, there's no way, or maybe it was a one time message, I actually replied with a few details and he messaged back about how he always read every word motivated people send him. Said hurdles were pretty badass and his little sister had just started track. He gave me a few tips on easy calories and what he did with a giant lunchbox to carry food around.

Pretty cool dude actually. Offered some help if I ever got back on S2B again, which I've been considering for a while once I hit 225 for squats on the 4x5 so I can use my strength to put some serious mass on (for the college ladies).

He mentioned the online coaching program they do (which is kind of expensive), but he wasn't really pushing anything. Cool dude all in all. Actually hearing, personally, from someone like him who went from 133lb marathon runner to 205 bodybuilder has really motivated me since last night.


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #382 on: September 25, 2011, 12:59:33 pm »
holy shit.


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #383 on: September 25, 2011, 02:16:48 pm »
Me, or the guy in the picture? Haha, just kidding.

I've seen his page several times and I used to stop by regularly to remind myself that anything is possible, but like I said in the lat post, hearing from him directly was really motivating.


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #384 on: October 10, 2011, 01:26:12 am »
To those who read my journal and actually care and respond (LBSS, mostly):

I haven't taken a break from training nor am I being lazy. I've decided to severely limit my time online in order to focus more on getting a proper intake of food throughout the day, improving my aural and trumpet playing skills and other aspects of college life, and focus more on my training.

This may seem simple, but my day really is loaded. After some motivation from Paul (the guy in the pic) I've become a little more dedicated to all aspects of my life. I've been eating better, practicing more, working on school more, working more efficiently in cleaning the library, and building better relationships with new friends.

I'm now waking up around 5:30 or 6 am to make breakfast, stretch, and play my trumpet before classes even start. I carry a loaded lunch box with me to last at least until after my workout then I eat a big dinner when I get home around 8 or 9, then a snack before bed. When I get home I usually just end up sleeping. I get everything done at school. Nothing comes home with me so that nothing disturbs my sleep.

I will be this busy until football (read: marching band) ends.

An update on training:

Almost two weeks ago I started Phase I of Scrawny to Brawny. I never did this when I did the program last year. It's a corrective phase meant to address some serious issues and imbalances from injuries/hurdling that I never addressed. The biggest focus is getting my body balanced. Focusing heavily on shoulder hypertrophy that I never really got back after my injury, imbalances between my quads and hamstrings, and my chest and back.

In the last two weeks since focusing on myself more and limiting my free time for enjoying simple things like relaxing, reading, or just talking with old friends, I've gained 6 pounds, lost 4 from getting sick at school and now I'm going back up. I'll be at 145 by the end of the month and I'm planning on being a very lean, fast, and strong 165-170 pounds before I'm 20.

So that's it. I'm not quitting journal logging or this forum, just limiting my time on it. I'll give journal updates every few weeks on my progress and daily in the time between semesters. I'll be logging every workout in a small notebook as I do it and I'll be around the forums for a couple minutes from time to time.

Don't miss my annoying self too much. Haha


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #385 on: October 10, 2011, 01:33:36 am »
Oh, before I forget, this is my morning routine, except I just have 5 eggs with veggies for breakfast.

Pretty much everyone could use that.


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #386 on: October 24, 2011, 10:26:14 pm »
I'm up roughly 6 pounds (average throughout the day, I'm AT LEAST up 4.5 pounds) since a few short weeks ago. Have a bit of free time so I decided I'd post highlights from today.

Squat: 135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 195x5, 215x3+1  failure (Damn it all. That's okay. I was going as deep as I could.  :personal-record:)

I was angry for not finishing the set. So I did 3 bottom position squats with 185 starting basically as low as my body would allow. Super hard. Got weird looks from people. Dinosaur training right there.

Didn't have a spotter for incline bench. Smacked my cheek with the bar on the last set while trying to rack it.  :uhhhfacepalm:

EDIT: just checked my last post. (Last time I actually squatted. That's a pretty damn good PR... I didn't even notice. I just started throwing weight on.


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #387 on: December 18, 2011, 03:54:20 pm »
Monday 12/12/2011:

Squat Warmup: 135x5, 155x5, 175x5
Squats: 185x5, 195x5, 215x3, 245x1  :personal-record:

Le woot. Listed is just the base of course, there are quite a few auxiliary things not listed like cleans and single arm dumbbell snatches. (and a few backflips for maintenance. haha)

Wednesday 12/14/2011:

Bench press warmup: 105x5, 115x5
Bench press: 135x5, 155x3, 175x1 (All time  :personal-record:)

Dumbbell incline press (weight listed is amt in each hand): 45x5, 50x5, 55x5 :personal-record:

Some other auxiliary that I don't care to list.... ha.

Despite the fact that my medial deltoid still hasn't fully recovered from the atrophy of not using my arm much a couple years ago, the anterior deltoid (the part that actually tore) has now officially fully recovered and surpassed it's former strength. I'm happy. Now I need to work on the hypertrophy for the left medial delt so it doesn't look so weird compared to my right......


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #388 on: December 31, 2011, 01:48:28 am »
Haven't updated in a bit. Depending on how busy next semester is, I'll be posting about as much as I am now or maybe a little more. Anyway, didn't get much food in yesterday, felt exhausted today. Still got some decent numbers, and what would've been a PR with the volume I'm doing, but not a PR purely by numbers.

I'm back on Dinosaur training. More of an arm specialization, with heavy/high volume squats 2x per week. (I'm sick of being all legs... yet still looking like I have chicken legs :P)


Squats 135x10, 145x10, 185x8, 195x8, 205x6, 215x3+F (Didn't finish the 6 for a big pr. Dammit), 205x3 super fast.

Next post I'll show the full program.


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #389 on: December 31, 2011, 01:55:11 am »
DT Arm Specialization for Dinosaur Arms (Not short... just powerful :P):


Squats: 2x10, 2x8, 2x6
BB or DB bench press: 2x10, 2x8, 2x6
BB bent over rows: 2x10, 2x8, 2x6
Two DB clean and press: 4x5
Situps or leg raises: 15-40


Standing BB curl: 5x5 (3 progressively heavier warmups, 2 heavy working sets)
Close grip bench press: 5x5 (Weight progression same as curls)
Hammer curls: 4x8-10 (Progressively heavier sets)
Dips: 4x8-10 (Increasing weight each set)
Reverse BB curls: 5x5 (same as bb curls)
Bench dips: 5x10-12 OR One arm DB presses 5x6-8
Grip work


Repeat Monday, but finish with cheat curls for 5x6 and close grip bench for 5x6