Author Topic: Adding reactive work to my 5/3/1 template  (Read 28337 times)

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Adding reactive work to my 5/3/1 template
« on: December 25, 2011, 12:32:47 am »
Hi Lance / Adarqui

Ok so i just wanted some advice with adding in some reactive work to my 5/3/1 template, my main priority is still to milk my strength gains as much as i can but i also want to start working on my ultimate goal which is dunking. my training schedule is as follows:

squat 5/3/1 - method
Goodmornings - ranges change rep weekly from 10 - 5
Ab/Lower back work

Bench 5/3/1 method
Incline Barbell - ranges change rep weekly from 10 - 5
Pendlay Rows 3 x 10
Weighted Dips 3 x 10

Deadlift 5/3/1 method
Squat - ranges change rep weekly from 10 - 5
Ab/Lower back work

Millitary/Push press - 5/3/1 method
Close Grip Bench Press - ranges change rep weekly from 10 - 5
Pull ups 3 x 10
EZ Bar Bicep Curls 3 x 10

I havnt tested my max's in around 3 months but at my current body weight which is 73kg id estimate my squat to be 160kg - 165kg, deadlift 170 - 180kg and my bench is around 120 - 130kg but the bench is irrelevant really.

i'd appreciate any advice and suggestions you guys have.



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Re: Adding reactive work to my 5/3/1 template
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2011, 05:51:51 am »
before OR after 531 lifts, depending what works bets for you


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Re: Adding reactive work to my 5/3/1 template
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2011, 10:53:47 pm »
Thanks, but i was looking for what exercises i should do and advice with volume and frequency, or if i should dedicate specific training blocks to it. Im a newbie when it comes to training for increases in vertical leap so i think all i need is a basic template to set me on my path of killing some rims in the future. Thanks in advance.


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Re: Adding reactive work to my 5/3/1 template
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2011, 04:00:01 am »
  Just jumping all out,  15-30 jumps, 2-3 times per week will take you a long way right now.  Try and schedule the jumping days when your legs feel the freshest, it can be before legs, on upper body days, or on off days, whatever gives you the best jumps consistently.  Jump until drop off and repeat, keep pushing the weights up in the WR and youre set.


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Re: Adding reactive work to my 5/3/1 template
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2011, 02:50:55 pm »
  Just jumping all out,  15-30 jumps, 2-3 times per week will take you a long way right now.  Try and schedule the jumping days when your legs feel the freshest, it can be before legs, on upper body days, or on off days, whatever gives you the best jumps consistently.  Jump until drop off and repeat, keep pushing the weights up in the WR and youre set.

Thanks for the advice lance, its good to hear that i dont need to do much to progress at the moment. Il jump twice a week on my off days. Do you think i should just do a dynamic warm up and then do 15-30 rvj's and thats it?

Appreciate the help.


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Re: Adding reactive work to my 5/3/1 template
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2011, 05:43:45 pm »
  No problem man, and yea, warm up well, then some light jumps (maybe svj maybe rvj) just to warm up the movement pattern, then start counting once you are at max effort and intensity.  Do the most of what you want to improve the most, if you want to improve rvj the most, then do mostly rvj.


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Re: Adding reactive work to my 5/3/1 template
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2011, 06:39:14 pm »
simple and makes complete sense. glad to finally be on the road to dunking in the near future, if you have anymore tips for me im always willing to learn, il be keeping a training log so il let you know how im doing.



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Re: Adding reactive work to my 5/3/1 template
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2011, 02:44:51 pm »
Just to let you know I did my 1st jump session today and i have to say it was pretty poor but i guess its to be expected, it looks like my reactive ability is way behind my strength totals at the moment and i definitely need to work on my RVJ technique, its a start i just need to work and im sure il improve.


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Re: Adding reactive work to my 5/3/1 template
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2011, 04:46:14 pm »
Just to let you know I did my 1st jump session today and i have to say it was pretty poor but i guess its to be expected, it looks like my reactive ability is way behind my strength totals at the moment and i definitely need to work on my RVJ technique, its a start i just need to work and im sure il improve.

 Start with 2 and 3 step run ins if youre having technical issues on your running jumps.  Make sure you accelerate into the jump and are getting faster and faster each step.  Once youve mastered the shorter distance run up, move it on out a little, but its pointless to start from too far back when the 2 and 3 step take offs are not on point.


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Re: Adding reactive work to my 5/3/1 template
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2011, 05:21:57 pm »
yea thats what i was doing, im sure it will improve with time. I havnt done any jumping for a couple years now so cant really complain i just need to work on it, its starting to get cold outside and its always pissin down with rain in london but i dont really care imma just be that crazy dude jumping in the rain.


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Re: Adding reactive work to my 5/3/1 template
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2011, 10:15:18 pm »
hah, be careful about jumping when its wet man.  Try to find somewhere indoors if you can, 2 step jumps dont take much space and will do you tons of good when you cant get to a dry court.


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Re: Adding reactive work to my 5/3/1 template
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2011, 12:32:26 pm »
yea dont worry il find a way to jump outdoors and indoors. I know its still early days and im not in any rush but i just wanted to know whether jumping 2-3 times a week will be enough in the long run or will i have to add other techniques at some point?


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Re: Adding reactive work to my 5/3/1 template
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2011, 07:15:51 pm »
yea dont worry il find a way to jump outdoors and indoors. I know its still early days and im not in any rush but i just wanted to know whether jumping 2-3 times a week will be enough in the long run or will i have to add other techniques at some point?

depends, running jumps at max effort and high volume can be a VERY intense stimulus, but the way a lot of people tend to do them isnt.  Adding explosives to your weight training schedule is always good if you know how to perform them properly and give a measurable way to track speed strength increases in the weight room.

  Jumping exercises/drills and true plyometrics have their place but also need to be used correctly.  Most jump drills and exercises are less intensive than all out running jumps, in many cases the best use for them is BEFORE all out jumps in the training plan.   True plyometrics are often more intensive than running jumps at max height, but not the same skill or movement pattern, so that has to be factored in, and they tend to be more effective once youve peaked or plateaued in your training with all out jumps of the nature you want to improve.

  A good way to add in a progression of high intensity jumping exercises and plyos is to

 1. movement efficiency work/ low intensity jump drills

 2. landings off low boxes, svj, rvj, bounding (low intensity)

 3. landings from higher boxes, depth jumps, higher intensity bounding, max effort running jumps

the higher intensity the exercise, the lower the volume and vice versa.  Skipping ahead to the latter stuff will make it much more dangerous and much less effective.


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Re: Adding reactive work to my 5/3/1 template
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2011, 08:50:48 pm »
Great info lance. Basically your saying dont play your best cards all at once, work hard with the basics and progress to more advanced techniques when needed, well im in it for the long run so its all good, thanks for your time mane.


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Re: Adding reactive work to my 5/3/1 template
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2011, 10:33:26 pm »
Great info lance. Basically your saying dont play your best cards all at once, work hard with the basics and progress to more advanced techniques when needed


, well im in it for the long run so its all good, thanks for your time mane.

no problem bud, good luck.