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Messages - CoolColJ

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Saturday 30th April 2022

Whole body is sore, especially my pecs, upper back and biceps

Right Achilles feeling a little worse after yesterday, where I did smash the back of my heel on the floor when getting up from the inverted rows...

resting up for BBall tomorrow

Upper mobility work and stretches

Finger tip ISO  - 4x 30 secs
Sissy squat hold - 2 legs at 60 degrees - 3 x 30 secs
single leg, with other leg on floor] - 2x 30secs

Friday 29th April 2022

Lower body still pretty sore, and upper back a bit as well, but I feel decent, system wise after 2 days of rest

Upper mobility work and stretches
Finger tip ISO - 4x 30 secs

Tendon health+rehab -  Upper 1, day 2

Bodyweight with shoes - 92.7kg

general mobility drills
side leg raises - x 20

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 10 mins - felt good and crisp

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 35 secs
Front plank x 35 secs
glute bridge hold x 35secs
Side plank x 35secs each side

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - 6 sec concentric, 15 sec hold at top, 15 sec hold at 60 degrees x 15kg, x22.5kg
30 sec hold at 60 degrees - x 30kg, 32.5kg, 35kg, 35kg, 40kg

B) Lateral leg drive against wall ISO - glute medius - 3x 30secs @ 70% effort

C)SSB Calf Raise - single leg -  Bodweight warmup
30 secs hold at slightly below neutral x 30kg, 50kg, 60kg, 65kg @ RPE 7
6 sec eccentrics - 55kg 2x6 @ RPE 8

Minimal pain/discomfort

Single arm kettlebell band resisted bench press holds: - 5kg plate held sideways x 4 reps with 10 second hold, each arm

Bench press - 20kg x10, 40kg x10, 60kg x10, x3, x3, 70kgx3, 80kg x2
belt on
85kg x9 @ RPE 9  (PR!!! +1 rep)
80kg x9 @ 8.5
thumbs on smooth, paused - 75kg x7 @9

a bit of shoulder pain on the wider grip sets, at the bottom when  reversing,  but none of the close grip set
It's when the elbow dips below the body, which doesn't happen when using a close grip

High angle rows - deadlifted off the floor to start - 20kg x12, 60kg x10, 80kg x3
straps on -
90kg x6 @ RPE 10
80kg x8 @10
70kg x9 @8

reps well down, I'm going reset back to 80kg next time. 90kg is just too heavy

Deficit push up: - feet elevated 20 inches, hands on Powerblock dumbbells - BW x15 @ RPE 7
Military Press - barbell - 20kg x12, 40kg x8 @ RPE 8

Pull up - scap shrugs BW x20
dead hang/paused, wider - BW x7 @ RPE 8

Floor flies- dead paused on floor - 5lbs x10, 15lbs x10, 20lbs x12
25lbs x15 @6
27.5lbs x12 @6

Weight still too light
less harsh on the shoulders compared to the bench version, but right shoulder still hurt at the bottom.
I guess years of daily throwing with that shoulder has kinda messed it up...

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

Inverted row: - 15th hole on rack, body just above the floor
Overhand grip -
BW 2x10 @ RPE 10  (body an inch away from bar in last rep)

Dumbbell, overhead press, arms in line with ears -  rotating grip - 15lbs x10, 30lbs x16 @ RPE 9 PR!! +1 rep

Dumbbell curl - 15lbs x10, 25lbs x6, 35lbs x7 @ RPE 9
30lbs x7 @7
25lbs x9 @8

Lying dumbbell tricep extensions: 15lbs x10,  25lbs x6, 30lbs x8 @ RPE 9
25lbs x9 @8

reps down on curls and extensions, due to fatigue from other exercises

Chest supported YTWL raise complexx - 30 degrees, 3 sec hold at top -  2.5lbs x5 each
5lbs 3x5 each @ RPE 7/8/9


Thursday 28th April 2022

Still pretty sore all over.
Didn't feel like training, so more rest

Upper mobility work and stretches
combo couch/TFL stretch x 3 mins
low body stretches

Finger tip ISO  - 4x 30 secs
Split squat hold - heel off the ground, most of weight on front foot, at 90 degree knee angle - 3x 30secs
Sissy squat hold - single leg, with other leg on floor - 1x 30secs

Wednesday 27th April 2022

moderately sore in lower body and upper back. Lower back feels great
Mild drained feeling

Patella tendons feel good. Achilles still achey when cold

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Tuesday 26th April 2022

Lower body still pretty sore from all the jumps and BBall 3 days back, but in a deep down bruised different way

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches
soft tissue work for lower body

Finger tip ISO - @ 70% effort - 4x 30 secs

Tendon health+rehab - Day 1 Lower 1 - Heavy

Bodyweight in shoes = 93.1kg
general mobility drills

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 35 secs
Front plank x 35 secs
glute bridge hold x 35secs
Side plank- x35 secs each side

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - 6 sec Concentric, 10 sec hold at top, 60 and 90 degrees, slow eccentric - 15kg, 22.5kg
3 sec Concentric to 60 degrees, 30 sec hold -  30kg, 35kg

B) olys with 20kg bar - powercleans, hang snatch hi pulls and power snatches
C) Overhead squat - slow tempo - BW x10, 20kg x 10 in Nano X
D) Low bar good morning: 20kg 2x10

1 set of high bar, then low bar until main work sets - then all low bar sets first

Low bar squat: - oly shoes - 40kg x10, 75kg x6, belt 90kg x5, 105kg x5, 115kg x3, 125kg x1
belt -
130kg x9 @ RPE 8 (+1 rep)
140kg x6 @ RPE 8 (+10kg -2 reps)

High bar squat: - oly shoes - 40kg x10, 60kg x6, belt 90kg x5
belt -
120kg x8 @ RPE 8  (+10kg -1 rep)
110kg x10 @ RPE 8 (+1 rep)

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Instead of repeating the Low bar squat 130kg set, I decided to go up to 140kg after it felt easier than last week.
140kg felt OK, some iffy reps where I went forward onto my toes

Went up 10kg on first High bar set as well, that went well
Legs are feeling much stronger, squatting once a week.
I need the recovery with this much volume and the weights getting heavier, plus my age...

Alternating sets - 2 mins rest

A1)Sumo Deadlift - Nano X shoes, belt, hook-gripped - 60kg x10, belt+straps 100kg x5
A2) Romanian deadlift: - Oly shoes, deadlifted off floor for first rep
straps - 120kg x12 @8 (PR!! +2 reps)
straps - 120kg x10 @8

B)SSB Calf Raise - single leg -  controlled, 10 sec hold at top, middle, 10 sec at bottom  - BW x3, 30kg
ISO at neutral position - 35secs x 50kg, 60kg 60kg
6 sec eccentrics - 55kg 2x6 @ RPE 8

C1) SSB tibialis raise - in oly shoes, Romaleos 2 - BW x12, 30kg x 10, 55kg x11, x9, x10 @ RPE 8 (+2.5kg, +1 rep)
C2) Single leg, split stance, Tibialis raise - in oly shoes (Romaleos 2) -  BW x15, x14 @ RPE 9 (+2 reps)

Alternating sets - 2 mins rest

A) Leg Curls - end of unit elevated 5 inches - 20kg x10, 30kg x6
35kg x12, x9, x8 @RPE 9/9/8.5   (PR!! +1 rep on first set)

B) AB wheel: - On knees, down to floor, 3 way middle/right/left - 3x12 @ RPE 5/6/6 

A) Single leg, leg extension - leaning back,  3 sec up and down, dead stop -  20kg x6, 25kg x9, x8 @ RPE 8  (+1 rep)
B) Jefferson curl, single dumbbell, 3 position - alternating to front, left and right - 5lbs x9, 15lbs x15, 17.5lbs x15

Monday 25th April 2022

Tired and sore lower body from yesterday
hamstrings, adductors and calves the most

Both achilles slightly achey when cold, but decent enough.
Patella tendons feel fine

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Sunday 24th April 2022

Lats and posterior chain, adductors still pretty sore

Right middle finger tendon feels worse after yesterday, where I did finger tip partial hangs/lat stretch.
Will lower the intensity

Need to start leaning back down. Sub 80kg with a 29 inch waist would be ideal.
Currently 90+kg with a 37.5 inch waist

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Finger tip ISO  - 4x 30 secs

soft tissue work on feet, calves, erectors, glutes and lats

BBall practise session at WLC outdoor courts - 52 mins

Bodyweight without shoes 91.2kg

Dribbling drills - 10 mins

Low intensity jump shots, post moves, wrap around layups and tons of inbetween the leg shots around the rim
very slow low effort jogs after ball here and there

2 hand vertical jumps/standing 2 hand dunks on 8 feet rim - at 70% effort, landing deeper, hips back - 3x5
Jumping about 20+ inches

2.5 min rotation
Drop squat - down to bottom of jump landing position - 3x5 (+1 set)
Low pogo hop - 2x10 (+1set)

post session - 
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle -  2x 40  secs


Felt sluggish from heavy soreness, but decent session overall

Wasn't planning on doing any jumps yet, but I did a standing 2 hand dunk on the 8 feet netball rims, and it wasn't hard, nor did it hurt, So rolled with it.
Landing deeper, hips going back, as opposed to shallow, stiffer landings.

Also did one 3 step R-L plant jump, 1 each of low effort single leg jump off left and right. Felt good, no pain, but intensity was low.
Since I haven't jumped in ages, I'll see if I can retrain myself to be a better R-L plant jumper as that is how I dunk, instead of being a dominant L-R planter...

Did one standing jump reaching up to 9.5 feet backboard, not trying too hard or aggressively, quite slow dip, and was 3 inches under- so about a 22-24 inch vertical

Saturday 23rd April 2022

Lats and posterior chain, adductors sore as hell

Upper mobility work and stretches
combo couch/TFL stretch x 2 mins

Finger tip ISO  - 4x 30 secs

Friday 22nd April 2022

Lower body still fairly sore

I haven't done this workout in a while, so no advances, just at holding pattern it seems.
Although I was hoping just general muscle size/strength invreases would carry over

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Tendon health+rehab - Upper 2, day 4 - fasted

Bodyweight with shoes - 92.1kg

general mobility drills

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 35  secs
Front plank x 35 secs
glute bridge hold x 35secs
Side plank x 35 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - front of unit elevated 5 inches -  6 sec concentric, then 15 sec hold at top, 60 and 90 degrees - 15kg, 25kg
3 sec Concentric to 60 degrees strap, 30 sec hold x 30kg, 32.5kg, 35kg, 37.5kg, 40kg

2/10 left Patella tendon pain on 30kg and 40kg concentric. increased weight a bit, quads getting stronger.

B) Single arm kettlebell band resisted bench press holds - band from wrist to wrist - 4x10 sec holds x 2 sets each arm
Stability drill for shoulders, and fires up the cuffs and rear delts

C) Military Press - barbell - 20kg x12, x10, 40kg x6, Belt 50kg x5
Belt -
55kg x8 @RPE 10 
50kg x8 @ 8
45kg x11 @ 8
45kg x10 @ 8.5 - narrower grip

back to current best, but no better.

rotating sets - 2 mins rest

A)Pull up/Chin up - feet assisted pull up x10, Hang and 20 scap shrugs,
alternating between 1 pull up and chin set each rotation

Pull up - dead hang/paused,  wider -  BW x1, x1
BW x9 @ RPE 9
BW x7 @9.5

Chin up, shoulder width - 
BW x9 @9.5
BW x8 @10

B) Calf Raise - single leg ISO - BW warmups - 30 sec hold at slightly under neutral - 30sec x 30kg, 50kg, 60kg, 65kg, 65kg, 65kg

C) Scaption raises: - full range of motion - BW x10, 5lbs x8
10lbs x12 @7
12.5lbs x9 @9
12.5lbs x8 @9.5

had to velcro weights onto the Powerblock dumbbells to get the 12.5lbs

A) Dip Shrugs- BW 2x20 @7

B) Single arm dumbbell row - supported - controlled down, straps - 32.5kg x6. 45kg x1,
belt -
45kg x11 @ RPE 10
45kg x8 @9

A) Dumbbell Curl - 15lbs x10, 25lbs x7,
30lbs x9 @ RPE 9
25lbs x11 @9

B) Lying dumbbell tricep extensions - 15lbs x10, 25lbs x 6
30lbs x9 @RPE 9
25lbs x11 @9

C) Band extended scap external rotation against wall:Light Rogue band 3x30 @ RPE 5/6/7


Thursday 21st April 2022

Lower body and upper back still fairly sore.

Didn't feel like training so rested today, probably due to system fatigue from last session, and I feel like my upper back is too fatigued to do next session well

Upper mobility work and stretches

Finger tip ISO  - 4x 30 secs
Sissy squat hold - 2 legs at 60 degrees - 2 x 30 secs
single leg, with other leg on floor - 3x 30secs

Wednesday 20th April 2022

Mild drained feeling, moderately sore lower body and upper back - much less sore than usual.
Erectors feel "great" - which had been feeling beat up, but ever since I started stretching them every morning when lying in bed after waking up,
and adding in the light 3 way Jefferson curls to pump blood in there, plus some active stretching and strengthening they have felt so much better.
The walking probably helps as well, like a bit of hip rep back extensions and traction

Upper mobility work and stretches

Walk - 23 mins - easy walk


Table of Contents for the free PDF
Comprehensive Research Review articles:

When and How are Flexible Templates Actually Useful? ​
by Michael C. Zourdos

The Link Between Overtraining and Low Energy Availability​
by Eric Helms

Extrapolating From Short-Term Adaptations and Proxy Measures: A Dangerous Game
​by Eric Trexler

The Most Comprehensive Look at Proximity to Failure Yet
​by Michael C. Zourdos

Building Muscle in a Caloric Deficit: Context is Key
​by Eric Trexler
Comprehensive Research Review videos:

Video: Time-Efficient Programming Strategies Part 1
​by Michael C. Zourdos

Video: Periodizing Singles in Powerlifting Training
​by Eric Helms
Research Brief articles:

A Heuristic For Estimating Energy Expenditure During Resistance Training
​by Greg Nuckols

Replacing Animal Proteins With Plant Proteins: Are There Any Downsides?
​by Eric Trexler

The Bench Press May Target Different Muscles in Male and Female Lifters
​by Greg Nuckols

Collagen Protein Isn’t Great for Promoting Muscle Hypertrophy
​by Eric Trexler

Attentional Focus May Influence Strength Development
​by Greg Nuckols

Adding Another Layer to the Energy Compensation Discussion
​by Eric Trexler

The Interference Effect is Getting Less Scary by the Day
​by Greg Nuckols

Is Everything That’s Measured Worth Managing?
​by Eric Trexler

An Update on Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy
​by Greg Nuckols

Cold Exposure For Fat Loss: Physiology Can Be “Cool” Without Being Useful
​by Eric Trexler

Tuesday 19th April 2022

Still a bit sore all over, but I feel decent enough mood and energy wise

Long ass session today, adding in the deadlifts certainly made it much longer

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches
soft tissue work for lower body

Finger tip ISO - @ 70% effort - 4x 30 secs

Tendon health+rehab - Day 3 Lower 2 - Heavy

Bodyweight in shoes = 92.9kg
general mobility drills

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 4 mins - decent

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 35 secs
Front plank x 35 secs
glute bridge hold x 35secs
Side plank- x35 secs each side

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - 6 sec Concentric, 15 sec hold, 15 sec hold at 60 degrees, slow eccentric - 15kg, 22.5kg
3 sec Concentric to 60 degrees strap, 30 sec push at 70% effort -  30kg, 30kg

B) Overhead squat - slow tempo - BW x10, 20kg x 10 in Nano X
C) Low bar good morning: 20kg 2x10

1 set of high bar, then low bar until main work sets - then low bar first

Low bar squat: - oly shoes - 40kg x10, 70kg x6, belt 90kg x5, 100kg x5, 110kg x3, 120kg x2
belt -
130kg x8 @ RPE 8 (+10kg -2 reps)
130kg x8 @ RPE 8.5

High bar squat: - oly shoes - 40kg x10, 60kg x6, belt 80kg x6
belt -
110kg x9 @ RPE 8  (+1 rep)
110kg x9 @ RPE 8.5 (+1 rep)

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Will stay here until I can get 12 reps on the first set, then onto 140kg

Did the second set in Romaleos 4 shoes, as well as the first high bar set, and I've come to conclusion these are trash for squatting...
Gave them a good shot, but the curved front of the shoes was making squats feel sketchy today!
I was rocking back and forwards, just too unstable... So I'm going to get rid of them!

Used a second hand pair of Romaleos 2 straight after and these, despite being a bit loose and old, felt much more flat and stable.
But the Reebok legacy Lifter 2 feels the best out of all of them for me.

Alternating sets - 2 mins rest

A)Sumo Deadlift - Nano X shoes, belt, hook-gripped - 60kg x10, 80kg x6, belt 100kg x5
belt, straps - 120kg x5, 130kg x5, 140kg x5 @ RPE 7

B)SSB Calf Raise - single leg -  controlled, 10 sec hold at top, middle, 10 sec at bottom  - BW x3, 30kg x2
ISO at neutral position - 50kg 3x30secs
3 sec up and down - 30kg x8, x7 @ RPE 8

A1) SSB tibialis raise - in oly shoes, Romaleos 2 - BW x12, 30kg x 10, 50kg x13 (+1 rep), 52.5kg x10, x8 @ RPE 8 (+2.5kg)
A2) Single leg, split stance, Tibialis raise - in oly shoes (Romaleos 2) -  BW x13, x12 @ RPE 9

B) Romanian deadlift: - Oly shoes, deadlifted off floor for first rep
straps - 120kg x10 @8
straps - 110kg x10 @8

C) SSB bent knee calf raise: 3 sec up and down - 30kg 2x8 @8

Alternating sets - 2 mins rest

A) Leg Curls - end of unit elevated 5 inches - 20kg x10, 30kg x6
35kg x11, x10, x8 @RPE 9/9/8.5   (PR!! +1 rep on first 2 sets)

B) AB wheel: - On knees, down to floor - 3x12 @ RPE 5/6/7  - 1 lower RPE on all sets

A) Single leg, leg extension - leaning back,  3 sec up and down, dead stop -  20kg x6, 25kg x8, x7 @ RPE 8  (+2.5kg)
B) Jefferson curl, single dumbbell, 3 position - alternating to front, left and right - 5lbs x9, 15lbs 2x15

Monday 18th April 2022

A bit tired from yesterday, and mild to moderate aches all over

Patella and achilles tendon feels no worse after yesterday

Upper mobility work and stretches

Finger tip ISO  - 4x 30 secs
Single leg calf raise ISO - neutral position - BW 4x 30secs
Single leg calf raise -  3 sec up and down - BW x10, x9

Peterson stepup/sissy squat combo ISO on steps - pushing into step at 70% effort - at 60 degrees 2x 30secs
At 90 degrees 2x 30secs

1/10 left patella tendon pain on both

Walk - 25 mins - easy walk

Sunday 17th April 2022

Whole body moderately sore, but I feel decent
Sore erectors

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Finger tip ISO  - 4x 30 secs

soft tissue work on feet, calves, erectors and glutes

BBall practise session at WLC outdoor courts - 46 mins

Dribbling drills - 10 mins

Low intensity jump shots, post moves, wrap around layups and tons of inbetween the leg shots around the rim
very slow low effort jogs after ball here and there

A few reps of inbetween the leg dunk off a few steps, without actually jumping against 8 feet netball rim

Drop squat - down to bottom of jump landing position - 2x5 (+1 set)
Low pogo hop - 1x10

Decent session - did what I wanted, felt good doing it, despite the soreness
Added in low intensity Euro step lay ups to the mix
1 extra set of drop squats - will continue adding 1 extra set each week until 5x5, 25 total drops, which is about the most amount of max effort jumps I would do.
tried a set of pogos, felt ok

Did one 12 inch standing jump to poke ball away from Blacknet when setting it up, waited for something to hurt, but nothing, sweet :)

No pain or discomfort from left patella nor achilles from anything today, even though they are not 100% healthy yet

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