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Messages - Joe

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 102

Seated Leg Curl
96 x 12, 10, 8 + 89x9 + 75x12

Leg Ext [different one again]
19 x 10, 8, 7 + 17x6 + 15x6

Abductor Machine
13x14 + 11x11 + 9x11 + 7x14 + 6x13

21x + 20x + 19x + 18x + 16x [cba to count reps]

Adductor Machine
102.5x10 + 95x9 + 87.5x6 + 80x7 + 72.5x9

SL Leg Press
60 x 6, 6, 6

Low Row
150 x 6
140 x 9, 7
130 x 8

One Arm Pulldown
8 x 7
7 x 9, 7

Cable Lateral
13.75 x 14, 13
16.25 x 7

BAyesian Curl
16.25 x 8, 7, 6

Preacher Machine
20/0/0 x 11, 8, 7

Panatta Lateral
70x + 60x + 50x + 45x [couldn't bother to keep count of reps]

3 sets machine crunch/ghd lb


That's the top weight this low row machine goes too. Only 6 reps, so plenty of room to grow, but fun to max something out.

Weight randomly spiked last couple of days. Realised I accidentally bought (a) salted peanut butter and (b) a brand of cereal with more salt than usual. Given quantity of those things that I am consuming lately, I guess I have the culprit. [and dw, i get my vegetables, omega 3s etc in abundance too, it's not just trash in my diet]


Run - 46 min, 7.56km


120 x 11, 8

+40 x 9, 8

DB Pullover
32.5 x 11, 10

Incline Fly
17.5 x 8, 7

DB Lateral
20 x 19, 18, 16

EZ Bar Curl
42.5 x 10, 8, 7

EZ Tri Extension
42.5 x 9, 7
37.5 x 12

Side Bend
50 x 9, 8, 7

Finger Curl
30 x 7+6, 6+4

Neck Curl
15 x 10, 8

BB Wrist Ext
30 x 11, 8 + 20x12

Lateral Neck
10 x 11, 9


Run - 40 min, 6.9km


170 x 6, 4

Reverse Nordic
+20 x 12, 10 + 5x11 + BWx8

OA Lat Pulldown
60 x 12, 10

45º Incline Bench
32.5 x 16, 13

Lying Lateral
12.5 x 15
15 x 7
12.5 x 11

Hammer Preacher
17.5 x 13, 11, 10

40 x 14, 12, 10

Neck Curl
12.5x13 + 10x18, 12.5x11 + 10x17

Finger Curl
30 x 7+6, 6+5

Lateral Neck
10 x 10, 9

Wrist Extension
15 x 9
12.5x16 + 10x10

Neck Extension
32.5 x 14

Abs x 2 drop sets


Switching from stationary bike to running has me needing like 3300 kcal. Replaed my oat-based meal to a huge bowl of cornflakes (lowest fibre cereal) topped with peanut butter.


Run - 38 mins, ~6.9k

Going to start doing a weekly round-up on main lifts, so I can compare them easily week-to-week. Just like the "best set" from the _main_ lifts for the week. If these lifts are progressing over time, then I'm happy.

RDL - 140 x 7
Pendulum 35 x 6

Pullup - +30 x 8
BB Row - 100 x 11
CG Bench - 80 x 10

Hammer Preacher Curl - 12.5 x 10
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 9
Lying Lateral - 10 x 11
Finger Curl - 22.5 x 7+6

RDL - 140 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 8 [+2 reps]

Pullups - +30 x 9 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 105 x 10 [+5kg, -1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 11 [+1 rep]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 12 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 12 [+1 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+6 [+1/-1 rep]

Nice, progress basically everywhere.

RDL - 150 x 7 [+10kg, -2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 10 [+2 reps]

One Arm Lat Row - 55 x 6 [new exercise]
BB Row - 105 x 11 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 8 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 13 [+2 reps]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 15 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 14 [+2 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+5 [-0.1 rep, but impacted by elbow]

RDL - 150 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum 40 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

One Arm Lat Row 55 x 9 [+3 reps]
BB Row - 110 x 12 [+5kg, +1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 9 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher 15 x 10 [+2.5, -3 reps]
OA Pushdown 17.5 x 10 [+2.5kg, -5 reps]
Lying Lateral 12.5 x 7 [+2.5kg, -7 reps]
Finger Curl 25 x 8+6 [+2.5kg]

Comparing everything to two weeks ago rather than mixing and matching with the deload bc of laziness.

RDL - 160 x 6 [+10kg, 3 reps]
Pendulum - N/A

One Arm Lat Row - 55 x 10 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 115 x 8 [+5kg, -4 reps]
CG Bench - 90 x 6 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 15 x 13 [+3 reps]
OA Pushdown -- I seem to have subbed this out unthinkingly, lol
Lying Lateral - 12.5 x 8 [+1 rep]
Finger Curl - 25 x 11+4 [+3/-2]

RDL 160 x 7 [+1 rep]
Pendulum N/A

OA Lat Row 55 x 12 [+2 reps]
BB Row 120 x 7 [+5kg, -1 rep]
CG Bench 90 x 6 [==]

Hammer Preacher 17.5 x 7 [2.5kg, -6 reps]
Overhead Ext 15 x12
Lying Lateral 12.5 x 9 [+1 rep]
Finger Curl 27.5 x 6+6

RDL - 160 x 7 [==, better form/lower RPE]
Pendulum - 40 x 6 [-1 but haven't done it for a while]

One Arm Lat Row - 60 x 6 [+5kg, -6 reps, though I changed the angle to be more difficult]
BB Row - 120 x 8 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 90 x 7 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher - 17.5 [+1 rep]
Overhead Ext - 15 x 12 [==]
Lying Lateral - 12.5 x 9 [==]
Finger Curl - 27.5 x 8+6 [+2 reps]

RDL - 160 x 8 [+1 rep]
Pendumlu - 40 x 7 [+1 rep]

One Arm Lat Row - 60 x 8 [+2 reps]
BB Row - 120 x 9 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 90 x 7 [==, but +1 on the second set]

Hammer Preacher - 17.5x10 [+2 reps]
Overhead Ext - 15 x 13 [+1 rep]
Lying Lateral - 12.5 x 10 [+1 rep]
Finger Curl - 30 x 6+5 [+2.5kg, -2 reps]

RDL - 170 x 5 [+10kg, +3 reps]
SL Leg Press - 50 x 10

One Arm Lat Row - 60 x 10 [+2 reps]
BB Row - 120 x 10 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 90 x 8 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher - 17.5x12 [+2 reps]
Overhead Ext - 15 x 15 [+2 rep]
Lying Lateral - 12.5 x 13 [+3 reps !?]
Finger Curl - 30 x 6+6 [+0+1 reps]


90 x 8, 5
80 x 9, 7

Overhead Extension
15 x 15, 13, 12, 10, 10

Incline Fly
17.5 x 7, 6
15 x 10

Lateral Kas Set
20x15 + 10x12 + 20x7

Finger Curl
30 x 6+6
27.5 x 11+7

Neck Curl
12.5x12 + 10x15
12.5x10 + 10x13

Wrist Extension
15 x 8, 6

Lateral Neck Flexion
5 x 12
7.5 x 12

Side Bend
50 x 9, 8

Tib Bar
20 x 17, 15

Neck Extension
32.5 x 13


Bench progressing so slowly, though it is progressing. Maybe hampered slightly by doing it day after the massive Friday workouts. That said, it has always progressed slowly for me, which I find out since all the other pressing/fly/tri movements I'm doing are going up nicely. The ambitious goal for the gaining phase is 100x10 close-grip bench.

Noticed I feel right side of neck more than left so adding in lateral work to balance that out.


Seated Leg Curl
96 x 10, 7
89x12 + 82x10 + 75x8

Leg Extension [different one from usual]
139 x 9, 7, 6 + 124x5 + 110x7

Rotary Calves
33x 16
36 x 10, 8, 7

Adductor Machine
95x11 + 87.5x8 + 80x8 + 72.5x9 + 65x9

Single-Leg Leg Press
50 x 10, 9, 8

Low Row
140 x 10, 8, 5 + 120x7 + 100x7

One-Arm Pulldown
7 x 9, 7
6 x 8

Cable Lateral
13.75 x 13, 11, 10, 9

Bayesian Curl
16.25 x 7, 6
13.75 x 11, 9

Preacher Machine
15/0/0 x 16, 13, 10

Panatta Lateral
60x15 + 50x9 + 40x9

Standing Glute Abductor
50 x 11, 8, 7

3 sets each of GHD low back and machine crunches


Good workout.

Trying out SL leg presses. A few years ago when I went to a physio about hip pain from running/squatting, but in a period when I wasn't going to a gym that machines (i lifted at my climbing gym), they were a strong advocate for SL leg presses as a controlled setting for improving hip function/strength. Seems plausible. Related reason for me to add in the abductor/glute work – getting hips strong in all planes can't be bad if I want to run more.

The knee pad was removed (!?) from the adductor machine, so that was (a) uncomfortable and (b) meant the ROM/stretch was less than usual, so could lift a bit more weight.

BJJ instructor was leaving the gym as I was arriving, lol, but he seemingly did not recognise me, so an awkward interaction was avoided.


Run - 35 min, 6km


GPS went bonkers in the same spot, wonder what that's about

zone 2 running 4 lyfe



BB Row
120 x 10, 8

+40 x 8, 7

32.5 x 11, 9

DB Incline Fly
15 x 13, 12

Lateral Raise
20 x 17, 15, 13

EZ Curl
40 x 14, 12, 10

EZ Lying Extension
40 x 12, 10, 8

Side Bend
45 x 9, 8

Finger Curl
30 x 6+5
27.5 x 12+6

Neck Curl
15x8 + 10x15
15x7 + 10x14

Wrist Extension
12.5 x 16, 12 + 10x13

Neck Extension
32.5x13, 11

Ab drop set x 2

Tibialis Bar
20 x 17 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 5


A+ workout.

To my surprise, 0 soreness today from yesterday's run. Genuinely feeling quite chuffed about the pace/effort of yesterday's run. Will try to keep it around as a cardio option. Forgot how much I enjoy going for an easy run.


Run - 35 mins, ~6km


that was more fun that indoor biking. tried to keep to what I recall as like an upper z2/easy run rpe, so around the point where noise brearthing is sustainable but challenging. pace is estimated since gps got out of whack for like 5 mins in the middle


170 x 5

Reverse Nordic
+20 x 11

170 x 19+10+7

OA Lat Pulldown
60 x 10

45º Inc DB
32.5 x 15

Hammer Preacher
17.5 x 12

40 x 12

Lying Lateral
12.5 x 13

Finger Curl
30 x 6+5

Neck Curl
12.5x12 + 10x14

Wrist Extension
12.5 x 14 + 10x14

Neck Extension
32.5 x 13

Ab drop set x 1


Feeling a little out of sorts/under-recovered. Hamstrings still like 7/10 sore and quads similar. So, just one set to failure on everything. Pretty decent numbers.

Weight has been staying stable, or even dropping, despite gradually increasing food intake. Might have to get up to like 3200 or to keep up a slow gain. Am at ~75.5-76kg, 31" waist, still have abs (feel like they've really hypertrophied from actually getting focused work!). Feels expensive to eat this much every day lol.

Going to start doing a weekly round-up on main lifts, so I can compare them easily week-to-week. Just like the "best set" from the _main_ lifts for the week. If these lifts are progressing over time, then I'm happy.

RDL - 140 x 7
Pendulum 35 x 6

Pullup - +30 x 8
BB Row - 100 x 11
CG Bench - 80 x 10

Hammer Preacher Curl - 12.5 x 10
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 9
Lying Lateral - 10 x 11
Finger Curl - 22.5 x 7+6

RDL - 140 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 8 [+2 reps]

Pullups - +30 x 9 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 105 x 10 [+5kg, -1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 11 [+1 rep]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 12 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 12 [+1 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+6 [+1/-1 rep]

Nice, progress basically everywhere.

RDL - 150 x 7 [+10kg, -2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 10 [+2 reps]

One Arm Lat Row - 55 x 6 [new exercise]
BB Row - 105 x 11 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 8 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 13 [+2 reps]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 15 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 14 [+2 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+5 [-0.1 rep, but impacted by elbow]

RDL - 150 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum 40 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

One Arm Lat Row 55 x 9 [+3 reps]
BB Row - 110 x 12 [+5kg, +1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 9 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher 15 x 10 [+2.5, -3 reps]
OA Pushdown 17.5 x 10 [+2.5kg, -5 reps]
Lying Lateral 12.5 x 7 [+2.5kg, -7 reps]
Finger Curl 25 x 8+6 [+2.5kg]

Comparing everything to two weeks ago rather than mixing and matching with the deload bc of laziness.

RDL - 160 x 6 [+10kg, 3 reps]
Pendulum - N/A

One Arm Lat Row - 55 x 10 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 115 x 8 [+5kg, -4 reps]
CG Bench - 90 x 6 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 15 x 13 [+3 reps]
OA Pushdown -- I seem to have subbed this out unthinkingly, lol
Lying Lateral - 12.5 x 8 [+1 rep]
Finger Curl - 25 x 11+4 [+3/-2]

RDL 160 x 7 [+1 rep]
Pendulum N/A

OA Lat Row 55 x 12 [+2 reps]
BB Row 120 x 7 [+5kg, -1 rep]
CG Bench 90 x 6 [==]

Hammer Preacher 17.5 x 7 [2.5kg, -6 reps]
Overhead Ext 15 x12
Lying Lateral 12.5 x 9 [+1 rep]
Finger Curl 27.5 x 6+6

RDL - 160 x 7 [==, better form/lower RPE]
Pendulum - 40 x 6 [-1 but haven't done it for a while]

One Arm Lat Row - 60 x 6 [+5kg, -6 reps, though I changed the angle to be more difficult]
BB Row - 120 x 8 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 90 x 7 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher - 17.5 [+1 rep]
Overhead Ext - 15 x 12 [==]
Lying Lateral - 12.5 x 9 [==]
Finger Curl - 27.5 x 8+6 [+2 reps]

RDL - 160 x 8 [+1 rep]
Pendumlu - 40 x 7 [+1 rep]

One Arm Lat Row - 60 x 8 [+2 reps]
BB Row - 120 x 9 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 90 x 7 [==, but +1 on the second set]

Hammer Preacher - 17.5x10 [+2 reps]
Overhead Ext - 15 x 13 [+1 rep]
Lying Lateral - 12.5 x 10 [+1 rep]
Finger Curl - 30 x 6+5 [+2.5kg, -2 reps]


Close-Grip Bench
90 x 7, 6
80 x 9, 7

A - Incline DB Fly
15 x 12, 10, 9

B - Overhead Cable Extension
15 x 13, 12, 10
12.5 x 16, 14

Lateral Kas Set
20x16 + 10x11 + 20x10

Finger Curl
30 x 6+5
27.5 x 10+6

Neck Curl
12.5x11 + 10x16 + 7.5x20
12.5x8 + 10x10

Wrist Extension
12.5 x 16, 13 + 10x12

Neck Extension
32.5 x 11, 9

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