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Messages - Sam

Pages: [1]
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: October 17, 2009, 05:26:43 am »
Consider my mind officially blown.

I go away for a couple of months, and you completely disappear from the usual hangouts.  So I seek you out... only to find that you've gone enduro-grunt and more.  Wow.  I suppose it's asking too much for an explanation this late in the game.   I'll throw in a couple of -- so you know -- who I am -- .

Yeah, it's fun as hell, but you're sure to injure yourself if you do it long enough.

Leaders of the tricking revolution:

Joe Eigo, very flippy.

Steve Terada, crazy spin kicks

Deans of Parkour:

Darq mentioned David Belle, of course:

My fav from back in the day, Cyril Rafaelli.  Famous for his drops.  Parkour took him to Hollywood.

I used to do some parkour and martial arts 'tricking' so I've seen a bunch of these videos...

And that still F'in blew my mind!

I'll post a few videos of the old-school guys if people like this stuff.

For some reason, this whole discussion of stride length reminds me of Monty Python...

Gonna side with Kelly, myself.

Edit:  OK, not to clog the thread with Monty Python videos, but given KB's frequent attacks on the over-analyzers among us, I think this sketch is particularly appropriate.

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