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Messages - Dreyth

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MUSiC anD SHeeT! / Re: I wish trance music was still like this
« on: January 17, 2011, 02:42:03 pm »
Blank and Jones! I remember them back in the day... I was like 10 years old when they were popular. I was probably the ONLY kid in my school who knew them because I lived in NYC so everyone was listening to nsync, backstreet boys and other gay shit.

And this makes me happy, a new trance track with a 2002 feel:

MUSiC anD SHeeT! / Re: I wish trance music was still like this
« on: January 08, 2011, 09:51:37 pm »
same song again

rank 1 - airwave (original mix)

MUSiC anD SHeeT! / I wish trance music was still like this
« on: January 08, 2011, 09:50:46 pm »

Man I'd give anything for it to be 1997 right now and watch trance rise in popularity from the underground scene... WITH UNDERGROUND TRANCE, not popular mainstream trance!

Article & Video Discussion / Re: jumpusa
« on: January 06, 2011, 09:58:28 pm »
Well in pretty much any kind of unilateral lowerbody movement you aren't truly using 0% of the non-trained leg... your other leg pushes off on the step up, stabalizes and even pushes a little on a lunge and bulgarian split squat... etc

But about the leg press, that does seem to isolate one leg. Can anyone find any reason why your legs will push more independently? What's the science behind that? The only thing I can think of is that maybe your leg is better positioned for producing/transferring force in the position you're in during a unilateral lift. Also, I forgot where, but I read a study where they proved that the "greater neural whatever" is not higher in a unilateral movement than bilateral. To clarify, it's not true that your right leg has more neural activity during a one legged squat on the right leg verses a two legged squat, even though you're more focused on that leg.

Program Review / Re: Jump Manual
« on: December 31, 2010, 08:22:17 am »
I have never heard anyone bash him, ever.

he sucks

care to elaborate

he sucks ass

hahhaha man this is the funniest shit i've seen in a while. it's even funnier if you read all the posts one by one from the beginning.

yes, i quoted the first page.

Nutrition & Supplementation / Re: Protein powder
« on: December 12, 2010, 12:24:01 pm »
Sorry to revive an old thread, but what do you guys think about

Article & Video Discussion / Re: Interesting Thoughts
« on: December 11, 2010, 07:42:56 pm »
My deloads are usually unplanned. I never do it when I'm on a streak of PR's.

Article & Video Discussion / Re: Interesting Thoughts
« on: December 10, 2010, 12:44:22 pm »
Whatever it is, I was doing 325 for 3x5 last month. Then I missed a workout day...  Yesterday I did 275 for 3x5 with a bit of struggling.

Can you provide some useful links for me because I can't find any about those two things you mentioned.

Article & Video Discussion / Re: Interesting Thoughts
« on: December 09, 2010, 02:29:11 pm »
I'm convinced that high frequency squatting is the thing for me. It's no coincidence that EVERRYYYY TIMEEEEE that I miss a single workout day, or it gets delayd by a day, I HIT A SLUMP. Some people might say "oh, its  a nice deload, you'll come back stronger" but it never happens to me!!! Fuck it, I'm doing smolov jr for at least 3 weeks when I have break from college.

Crazy Weird Analysis & Stuff :) / Re: Resting Heart Rate
« on: December 09, 2010, 02:19:16 pm »
I have about 62-64...

From what I know of, the heart of all the animals has pretty much the same limit in terms of lifetime and beats. The only difference is that for some animals it beats faster, for others, slower.

couch potatoes live longer??? they're hearts have less beats than athletes for sure.

It's kinda true I mean... during last basketball season, I was doing maximal sprints and jumps Mon thru Fri due to basketball practice or games, and I was also squatting heavy as possible with 4x7 and hitting PR's about 7 weeks in a row. Holy shit. I went from like 245x7 to 290x7

I've posted that video before. Anyway, that's what some people would consider a true atg squat.

HOWEVER, I can go like 2-3 inches lower than that. It's weird, after a certain point in my squat, I reach this threshhold where as soon as I pass a certain depth (which is the depth in that video), the squat LITERALLY gets twice as hard. And I mean I am ACTUALLY sitting on my calves and the hamstrings are compressing against my calves! Plus, I seem to lose a lot of balance and I realllllly have to grind the rep out if I reach this depth.

Is this the depth that olympic lifters squat to??? Or is it enough to just touch the calves and hamstrings for a lil bounce and go back up?

I call these rock bottoms squats just to distinguish the two. Does anyone else experience what I wrote up there?
The thing is, when I did rock bottom squats today, I did 295 x 5 4 2 (and failed the 3rd rep on the last set).
It was the first time I've ever failed a rep in squats in my life. A few weeks ago, I did 325x3x5 with the depth in that video up there.

The thing is this squatting has really killed my confidence a lot. I've dropped 30lbs in the work sets just doing it and it's just a 2-3 inch difference!!!

tons of stuff to pick out from the above notes, i love this one though:

"any excessive amount of strength work, executed over a prolonged period of time, reduces movement speed and a muscle's ability to display explosive efforts. A cyclic, wave-like increase and decrease in the amount of strength work provides the same wave-like but steady increase in movement speed and explosive muscle strength".

"a reduction in the amount of strength work, providing a chance for the body to recover and advance to a higher functional level, is quite important at this stage. A brief period of active rest provides good recovery after intensive high-volume strength work, and speed-strength may rise by 10-15%."


Zig-zaging high-volume strenth / explosive FTW!
The Ratio Technique FTW!
Prof. Verkhoshansky FTW!!!

Is he talking about macro=periods or micro-periods here???

Like, should I do 4 weeks of heavy 85% squats 2x a week, then a 1 week phase of explosive work and repeat?
Or, is he saying alternate sets of heavy squats with explosive squats (or maybe just standing VJ)?

Yes, this is an old thread but it's just fucking amazing. Reading this stuff, i feel as enlighted as I did back in the VJB days.

I'm a one-footed strength jumper. I jump while accelerating (never thought about that!) and I also scrape my right foot and swing it up.

However, my RVJ is like 6-7 inches higher than my standing. Maybe this is why my squat transfers so nicely into my SLVJ.

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Re: High squat, low VJ?
« on: December 01, 2010, 10:03:20 am »
for example, a "max strength block" ends up being ~8 weeks of strength work with basically no reactive/explosive work, then they shift into an "explosive block", this is always a bad idea imo.. that time spent re-learning how to absorb/produce force fast will have to occur in the explosive block

Whoaaa, you don't re-learn if you first learn to maintain your strength during plyo blocks, and maintain your plyo during strength blocks!!! I think it's better to just play hard basketball while doing heavy ass squats, and then do heavy ass squats with less volume and frequency to maintain neural and muscular strength while doing heavy plyos.

I still think periodization has a great place in your training regimen. I mean, during my all out strength phase last year where I went from regular 1 hand dunking to two handed tomahawks in a few months, all I did was squat twice a week with no lower body assistance exercises. My explosiveness was maintained by playing basketball for my Varsity team.

I know for sure that if I had instead simutanously done heavy squats and heavy plyos (but both at less frequencies, of course) with much less basketball, I wouldn't have made those same gains.

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