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Messages - Clarence

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Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: March 10, 2011, 07:04:26 am »
Get some vids of that session tomorrow if possible.  Don't think I've seen any of your SLRVJ's before...lookin forward to it.  Hope that quads good man.

Basketball / Re: women dunkers girl dunkers female dunkers jumpers
« on: March 07, 2011, 05:19:49 pm »
She's not 5'11", but still impressive.  Announcers said 6'4", despite the graphic saying 5'11".  This has her at 6'3"

Quads lookin strong.  Keep up the good work.  How's that ankle coming along?  Mine's a little bit better...i'm not quiet able to sprint or max jump without pain, but i've started playin some ball again.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: beast
« on: March 05, 2011, 05:57:50 am »
That Eric Lillibridge dude, looks like he's built for deadlifting...his form is impeccable...some pretty nice hamstring flexibility too.

Basketball / Re: Carmelo Traded To Knicks
« on: February 23, 2011, 02:39:05 am »
in my wants,


you want your period?

I've seen this guys channel before...he's pretty impressive.  Gets good height on that RVJ and his plant looks a bit awkward.

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Re: Squat vs Deadlift.
« on: February 22, 2011, 06:46:38 pm »
Yeah that's why I said "if you can do full squats safely", because it pretty much depends on structure. By the way, do you feel like you improved on your "bounce (rebound)" at a half squat depth, or is a bounce in there at all?

Why do you think a rebounds is easier at full vs. at half? (meaning - to what do you attribute the existance of rebound anyway)?

Rebound is definitely easier with full squat.   Rebound has 3 parts (that I'm aware of)
1. muscle stretch reflex
2. hamstrings/calves contact  (and possibly stomach on upper thighs)
3. bar momentum

So you basically say that since that the glute stretch at the bottom, and it's SSC effect (reactive effect) on the power induced for that particular squat is better than the quad stretch and it's SSC effect that you receive when you do say parallel squats or half squats?

more muscle stretch with full squat
no physical bounce from tissues approximating with half squat
and easier to harness some bounce from the bar's recoil (not sure if recoil is the correct word, but you get my point)

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Re: Squat vs Deadlift.
« on: February 22, 2011, 06:10:53 pm »
Yeah that's why I said "if you can do full squats safely", because it pretty much depends on structure. By the way, do you feel like you improved on your "bounce (rebound)" at a half squat depth, or is a bounce in there at all?

Why do you think a rebounds is easier at full vs. at half? (meaning - to what do you attribute the existance of rebound anyway)?

Rebound is definitely easier with full squat.   Rebound has 3 parts (that I'm aware of)
1. muscle stretch reflex
2. hamstrings/calves contact  (and possibly stomach on upper thighs)
3. bar momentum


Also, I think I'm gonna try to switch to high bar squats. Less forward lean, easier to get deep. Screw half/quarter squats.

screw you

hahahaha...that was good.

How did the ankle hold up to playing?

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: February 18, 2011, 06:51:19 am »
gotta do the long posts though.. it's my DNA that is forming.. it's my training DNA and you will see the "genes" within it that result in my 45" RVJ.

I dig it... progressive training and other environmental factors creating epigenetic adaptions that result in a 45" RVJ.


I currently can dunk but they're weak girly dunks. So my goal is to gain at least four more inches.

'girly' dunk or not, that's awesome! Please post a vid.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: February 13, 2011, 09:29:16 pm »
Good to see you've started some probiotics...definitely a good idea.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: February 12, 2011, 05:17:24 am » the big dude watchin ya.

FWIW, most bacterial infections are gonna be staph or strep and the vast majority are not serious.  But if you're getting recurrent infections you've got to get to the bottom of why your immune system is weak at the moment.

I'm going to Chapel Hill next month for the game. I'm not a UNC or a Duke fan but let's be real. Duke ain't looking that hot right now. Singler has gone to shiiiit. The only player that really stands out on that team to me right now is Nolan Smith. UNC are gonna take it next a feeling!

Duke ain't lookin' as hot as they did before Irving went down, I will grant you that. But coming back from 16 down to win a rivalry game against a ranked team, while most of the team is playing like garbage, has got me feeling pretty good. Singler's too good to keep struggling like he has, Curry is coming along, the front line is underrated (and underperforming, but still, underrated).

And yeah, Smith is awesome. Maryland native, too.

We're not a great team and probably won't repeat, but anything less than Final Four would be a disappointment this year.

Go Blue!!!

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