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Messages - Joe

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You can do tib raises on a lying leg curl machine, on the roller pads. Depending on the design of the machine.
At least I did so at my old commercial gym back in the day

But using oly shoes (which lengthens the moment arm) and doing them leaning your butt against a wall works well, or hanging your feet over an edge, adding weight when it gets easier.
That's how I do mine

Oh nice ideas! Using the Oly shoes for against the wall one is super smart. Alas I also splashed the cash on this bar thingy, which works pretty well at least.


160 x 7, 5

B - Rev Nord
+20 x 9, 8 + +5x9

A - One Arm Lat Row
55 x 12, 9

B - 45º DB Inc
32.5 x 12, 9

A - Hammer Preacher
17.5 x 7  :personal-record:
15 x 13

B - Pushdown
35 x 16, 13

C - Lying Lateral
12.5 x 9, 8

Neck Curl
10x10 + 7.5x13 + 5x18 + 2.5x20

DB Finger Curl
27.5 x 6+5  :personal-record:
25 x 10+6

Neck Flexion
27.5 x 13
25 x 16

Reverse Wrist Curl
12.5 x 9, 7 + 10x12 + 7.5x12  :personal-record:

Tibialis Raise
15 x 20, 20

Reverse Crunch -> Hanging Leg Raise -> Hanging Knee Raise drop set x 1


Knee seems to be 100%, again most bizarre injury I've ever had! Was fully limping for like 18 hours and then poof.

Bought one of those knees over toes guy tibialis bar thingies b/c the machine I use for it at the gym kind of sucks. Not sure there's any real reason to train it, but there is some vague application to BJJ, and having more muscle in random places seems like a good thing.

Touching new weights on hammers and both wrist/finger things. I used to do reverse wrist curls regularly a about 18 months ago, and never got past using 10kg, with which I peaked at like 10ish reps? Dunno why I've rapidly jumped past that already, maybe the finger curls helped the reverse somehow? Anyway, that's cool.


30 min stationary bike


Been slacking on cardio a bit. BJJ rolling is some solid zone 4/5 work, but that's only like 10-30 mins a week depending on how long I have at the end of classes. Should be aiming for more lower intensity stuff on top of that.

Resolving to spend at least 90 seconds a day in a deep horse stance to work on adductor flexibility.

Going to start doing a weekly round-up on main lifts, so I can compare them easily week-to-week. Just like the "best set" from the _main_ lifts for the week. If these lifts are progressing over time, then I'm happy.

RDL - 140 x 7
Pendulum 35 x 6

Pullup - +30 x 8
BB Row - 100 x 11
CG Bench - 80 x 10

Hammer Preacher Curl - 12.5 x 10
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 9
Lying Lateral - 10 x 11
Finger Curl - 22.5 x 7+6

RDL - 140 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 8 [+2 reps]

Pullups - +30 x 9 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 105 x 10 [+5kg, -1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 11 [+1 rep]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 12 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 12 [+1 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+6 [+1/-1 rep]

Nice, progress basically everywhere.

RDL - 150 x 7 [+10kg, -2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 10 [+2 reps]

One Arm Lat Row - 55 x 6 [new exercise]
BB Row - 105 x 11 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 8 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 13 [+2 reps]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 15 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 14 [+2 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+5 [-0.1 rep, but impacted by elbow]

RDL - 150 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum 40 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

One Arm Lat Row 55 x 9 [+3 reps]
BB Row - 110 x 12 [+5kg, +1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 9 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher 15 x 10 [+2.5, -3 reps]
OA Pushdown 17.5 x 10 [+2.5kg, -5 reps]
Lying Lateral 12.5 x 7 [+2.5kg, -7 reps]
Finger Curl 25 x 8+6 [+2.5kg]

Comparing everything to two weeks ago rather than mixing and matching with the deload bc of laziness.

RDL - 160 x 6 [+10kg, 3 reps]
Pendulum - N/A

One Arm Lat Row - 55 x 10 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 115 x 8 [+5kg, -4 reps]
CG Bench - 90 x 6 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 15 x 13 [+3 reps]
OA Pushdown -- I seem to have subbed this out unthinkingly, lol
Lying Lateral - 12.5 x 8 [+1 rep]
Finger Curl - 25 x 11+4 [+3/-2]


A - CG Bench
90 x 6, 5
80 x 8

B - Chinup
+30 x 10, 8, 7

A - DB Pullover
30 x 10, 8

B - DB Incline Fly
15 x 8, 7

A - EZ Bar Curl
37.5 x 10, 8

B - Cable Rear Delt Fly
10 x 15, 13

C - Overhead Cable Extension
15 x 11, 9

D - Lateral Raise
15 x 17, 15

DB Finger Curl
25 x 11+4, 9+5

Neck Curl
8.75x13 + 5x11
7.5x18 + 5x13 + 2.515
Neck Flexion
25 x 19, 15

Reverse Wrist Curl
10 x 16+10+6
10x10 + 7.5x12 + 5x16

Lunging in various directions, light BB squats, GMs, front squats, good mornings to see if anything hurt the knee. All was okay. Can even do copenhagen planks on it without ill effect.

30 minute moderate intensity cycling


Diifferent set up in relation to the bench for the neck flexions, which was more comfortable but harder.

Knee feeling like 90% today? Most bizarre injury I've had tbh. Might still give BJJ a pass on Tuesday just in case, but seems like I should be back in commission for Thursday?


Had forgotten to post about how my elbow is basically 100% recovered. Never feel if in day-to-day situations or at the gym, and only very rarely at BJJ.

Was reminded because last night I started to get a pretty bad pain on the inside of my right knee. Had to adjust gait to walk, hurts to bend knee at certain angles, etc. Attempted to walk to gym this morning but it felt futile after I got like 50m out my door.

So, think I have a mild strain of my MCL? Or something like that? Didn't hear or feel anything from my knee during BJJ, but the top side of the position we were working definitely puts some strain on that area.

Fucking annoying. This is why bodybuilding is the best sport, so hard to get injured and so easy to work around it when you do. Hopefully this heals up quickly...

Edit: want to further note, had noticed my adductors being sore from working half guard stuff. since i do more BBing style trianing without regular squats, seems quite possible they'd got weaker. i had in fact already written in my intended workout for today to do some work on an adductor machine. wonder if doing that for the preceding months would have avoided this injury!

Edit 2: Knee feeling a lot better this evening. Did 60 mins light peddling on my stationary bike to get some blood flowing etc. Feeling more optimistic/less annoyed.


BJJ 1 hour -- working that same deep half-guard sweep to back control


Felt like crap in the warm up, was out of breath easily and felt slow. Worked with a different guy who I've had productive sessions with before though, ad really got the hang of the movement. Then came sparring. Felt like I was on a totally new level. Able to slow down and control thinkgs better. Executed the back take move we'd been working in the live spar, and heard the coaches shout "yes, perfect technique!". Final roll of the session was with a blue belt (!), and I was able to pass his guard, though ultimately he passed me back and made me tap with a choke. Again, just felt like I was on a new level today. Feel like I'm progressing quickly -- having all this lifting strength as a background is super helpful, but I think the movement jives well too.

Might sub out BB Rows for something less taxing. I do two rowing movements on Friday, so can probs get away with another more vertical movement.


A - BB Row
115 x 8, 7

B - Dips
+30 x 14, 12

A - DB Pullover
30 x 9, 8

B - DB Incline Fly
15 x 8
12.5 x 13

Hammer Preacher
15 x 13, 11, 9

Lying EZ-Bar Extension
37.5 x 11, 9, 7

Lying Lateral
12.5 x 8, 7, 7

Side Bend
50 x 8, 7

Finger Curl
25 x 10+5, 9+5

Neck Curl
8.75x10 + 7.5x11 + 5x13 + +2.5x13
6.5x10 + 2.5x6

Reverse Wrist Curl
10 x 17+10+7

Neck Flexion
25 x 23, 18

Decline rev crunch > Hanging leg raise > Hanging knee raise x 1 drop set


Measured biceps with a pump. 16.25" on the left. Waist is currnetly 31.5", so bicep > half my waist, which seems cool.


BJJ 1 hour


Working more deep half guard stuff, staring to feel more comfortable in the position still. Learnt a back take from the position that took a while for me to understand, but which I was happy to get the hang of. My training partner was a blue belt who was super helpful, felt like we worked together well to get a bit deeper into the nuances of the positions, will try to train with her again.

Need to work on controlling top mount better.


160 x 6, 5

B - Reverse Nordic
+20 x 8, 6 + 5x10

A - One Arm Lat Row
55 x 10, 9

B - 45º Incline Bench
32.5 x 11, 9

A - Hammer Preacher
15 x 11, 10, 9

B - Pushdown
35 x 13, 11, 10

C - Lying Lateral
12.5 x 8, 7
10 x 13

Finger Curl
25 x 9+5, 8+5, 7+4

Neck Curl
7.5 x 20, 18 + 5x~15 + 2.5x~15

Neck Flexion
25 x 17, 16

Reverse Wrist Curl
10 x 16, 14 + 7.5x13 + 15x13

Decline Reverse Crunch -> Hanging Leg Raise -> Hanging Knee Raise drop set x 2


Didn't feel particularly well recovered from Fri/Sat, so only one set each on the big pushing/pulling movement. Close to the sweatiest I've ever been from a lifting session today too.

First time I've been this consistent with ab work. The side bends keep me engaged b/c they're easily trackable/progressible compared to ab wheel stuff, and then the drop set feels productive enough that even if I don't really count reps, it's nice to have there. As such, feel like my abs have properly hypertrophied for the first time in my training career. Plan is still to slow gain until 2026, though.

Going to start doing a weekly round-up on main lifts, so I can compare them easily week-to-week. Just like the "best set" from the _main_ lifts for the week. If these lifts are progressing over time, then I'm happy.

RDL - 140 x 7
Pendulum 35 x 6

Pullup - +30 x 8
BB Row - 100 x 11
CG Bench - 80 x 10

Hammer Preacher Curl - 12.5 x 10
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 9
Lying Lateral - 10 x 11
Finger Curl - 22.5 x 7+6

RDL - 140 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 8 [+2 reps]

Pullups - +30 x 9 [+1 rep]
BB Row - 105 x 10 [+5kg, -1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 11 [+1 rep]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 12 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 12 [+1 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+6 [+1/-1 rep]

Nice, progress basically everywhere.

RDL - 150 x 7 [+10kg, -2 reps]
Pendulum - 35 x 10 [+2 reps]

One Arm Lat Row - 55 x 6 [new exercise]
BB Row - 105 x 11 [+1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 8 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher - 12.5 x 13 [+2 reps]
One-Arm Pushdown - 15 x 15 [+3 reps]
Lying Lateral - 10 x 14 [+2 reps]
Finger Curl 22.5 x 8+5 [-0.1 rep, but impacted by elbow]

RDL - 150 x 9 [+2 reps]
Pendulum 40 x 7 [+5kg, -3 reps]

One Arm Lat Row 55 x 9 [+3 reps]
BB Row - 110 x 12 [+5kg, +1 rep]
CG Bench - 85 x 9 [+1 rep]

Hammer Preacher 15 x 10 [+2.5, -3 reps]
OA Pushdown 17.5 x 10 [+2.5kg, -5 reps]
Lying Lateral 12.5 x 7 [+2.5kg, -7 reps]
Finger Curl 25 x 8+6 [+2.5kg]

Comparing everything to two weeks ago rather than mixing and matching with the deload bc of laziness.


Close-Grip Bench
85 x 9, 8

Incline Bench
60 x 11, 9

160 x 17+9+7+5

A - Incline DB Flye
12.5 x 13, 11

B - Pushdown
35 x 10, 9
30 x 12+5

A - Side Bend
50 x 9, 8

B - Lateral Raise
15 x 14, 12, 11

Finger Curl
25 x 8+6, 6+5
22.25 x 10+5

Neck Curl
7.5 x 18, 15 + 5xLots + 2.5xLots

Reverse Wrist Curl
10 x 15, 14 + 7.5x10 + 5x10

Neck Flexion
25 x 18, 15

Reverse Crunch -> Hanging Leg Raise -> Hanging Knee Raise x 2 sets


A - Seated Leg Curl
16x8 + 14x6 + 11x8 + 9x10 + 7x12

B - Leg Extension
131x12 + 117x9 + 103x10 + 89x6

Low Lat Row
140x6 + 120x6 + 100x7 + 80x8

T-Bar Machine
26x10+10 + 24+21+19+17 [cba to remember reps for sets after the first one]

A - Cable Lateral
13.75 x 10, 8
11.25 x 9, 8

B - Bayesian Curl
13.75 x 9, 7
11.25 x 10, 7

Machine Preacher
15/5/0 x 5 + 15/0/0 x 5 + 0/15/0 x. 5

23x10 + 21+19+17+15

Pendulum Squat
40 x 7

A - GHD Situp
2 sets

B - GHD Lumbar Crunch
2 sets


Time crunched so drop sets on everything. Good session.


BJJ - 1 hour - more deep half guard work


Position starting to make a lot more sense. Gradually feeling like I am more and more in control during sparring. Feels so much better when you can pause in a position and try to make plans and active decisions, instead of just terrible gut reactions.


A - BB Row
110 x 12, 9

B - Dip
+30 x 12, 10

A - DB Pullover
30 x 9, 7

B - Inc DB Fly
12.5 x 13, 11

A - Hammer Preacher
15 x 10, 9, 9

B - Lying EZ Ext
37.5 x 10, 8, 7

C - Lying Lateral
12.5 x 7, 7, 6 + 10x9

Side Bend
45 x 12, 10

Neck Curl
7.5 x 18, 14 + 5x13 + 2.5x15

Finger Curl
25 x 7+4
22.5 x 10+5, 8+4

Neck Flexion
22.25 x 22, 17

Reverse Wrist Curl
10 x 14, 11 + 7.5x8

Reverse crunch > HLR > knee raise drop set


Huge row PR. Always hard to judge a bit bc form can make such a difference, but it felt strong, and the second set was good too, as were pullovers. Progress on the isolation movements too -- just took more of an attacking mindset, every rep max velocity rather than pure concentric control

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