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Messages - Joe

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Cool to see you posting regularly again! Way back in the day, I used to watch your squat videos for inspo all the time. Still some of the cleanest form I've ever seen.

Can I ask what the motivation for the carnivore diet is?


BW - 72.4

A - GM
85 x 11, 10, 9

B - Rev Nord
+5 x 12, 10

Lengthened Leg Extension
18x13 + 17x6

HS Incline [white machine]
60 x 13
60x10 + 55x6

10 x 12, 10

OH Cable Extension
31x7 + 23x7 + 16x8 + 11x9 + 8x11

12x8 + 10x8 + 8x9 + 7x8 + 6x8 + 5x10

+Chains x 9 + BWx9 + 6

30 min stationary bike


BW - 72.2 [was 72.0 flat yesterday!]

Leg Curl
82 x 15 + 5

Lengthened Leg Extension
18 x 10 +5 [realised I wrote it down wrong, and last session would have been using 17 and 15, rather than 18 and 16]

DB Flye
12.5x9 + 10x5

OH Cable Extension
31x8 + 23x8

Machine Lateral
11x12 + 9x8

HS Low Row
103x9 + 89x5

Preacher Machine
10/10/0 x 11 + 5 [machine was plate loaded and had three places you could put the plates, so that's what the weird numbering is]

Reverse Pec-Dec
something x something

30 min stationary bike ~100 watts average


Lol doesn't look like much of a deload session written down, but session RPE was chill because didn't do any of the "big" movements (hacks, gms, incline press, dips), backed off RPE by 1 or 2, and did fewer drop sets. Will take the weekend off other than maybe doing some more cardio.

The finger curl variant I did on Wednesday feels much better -- actually got a pump from them, think having that bigger ROM makes a difference, and my forearms remain very sore (they haven't been sore for months and months).

Made a lentil curry yesterday, and sometimes my digestion doesn't handle legumes (esp lentils, tbh) very well. So this morning I had the weird situation of being hungry while also having a bit of a stomach ache from feeling bloated. How fun.

Edit: forgot note, have what feels like a super minor strain in right hamstring. sort of thought it was just soreness at first, but it's lingered beyond the DOMs and the sensation is quite different. hopefully clears up soon.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Raptor's log
« on: March 01, 2024, 07:09:14 am »
He also gave me pregabalin, a medicine for chronic pain, to take for 2 weeks or so - maybe my body will "forget" that pain "needs" to be there. I will try.

My idea is to continue to go to the gym but use moderate weights instead of heavy weights. That should put less pressure on the back and allow me to use better form. He said that he thinks my landings from jumps are the most probable cause, since that is much more impactful on the spine than gym work, especially as my right leg was injured and couldn't properly absorb the landing.

What do you guys think?

Pretty much all pain experts agree that keeping up some sort of loaded movement that doesn't cause pain is good, so I think this sounds pretty smart. You can always build back into the higher impact stuff over time, not like you are in a rush to achieve some very specific goals at the moment, beyond getting pain-free.


BW - 72.3

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-12.5 x 1
-5 x 1 [v hard R, easy L]
-15 x 2, 2

20mm Grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1, 1, 1
50 x 2, 2, 2

30 x 12+5

DB Row + Shrug
32.5 x 18+8

DB Finger Curl [across a bench so I get a stretch]
20 x 8, 6
15 x 12

Incline Hammer
20 x 12, 8

DB Preacher
12.5 x 9 + 5 + 10x8



Few bad nights of sleep (first time in a long time, don't know what's caused it rn), so didn't feel 100% for this sesh. Still glad to hit the 5kg assisted OAC both sides.

Was a big article on grip/forearm strength on StrongerByScience that resolved my long-standing question about whether there are the same muscles involved in finger and wrist flexion (answer: yes), so subbed out bb finger curls for db ones over a bench, where you can (a) get a stretch and (b) train both functions at once.

Edit: haven't actually had a deload yet this calendar year. Performance wise, I don't feel like I need one -- stuff is either holding still or pgressing, which is v good given the degree of calorie deficit i'm in. however i am just dead tired this week. Fell asleep while watching a film with my wife last night, which hasn't happened for like a year, and today I'm just dragging my feet around. So, might take rest off week light -- will go to gym on Fri and just hit 1 moderately hard set of all my movements, and do some back stuff there as well, then weekend totally off (maybe some light cardio)


BW - 72.9

Stationary bike 50 mins


BW - 72.6

A - Barbell Good Morning
80 x 13, 12
90 x 6

B - Reverse Nordic
+10 x 9, 8

Lengthened Leg Extension
17 x 12 + 15 x 6

HS Incline (white one)
55 x 18
60 x 11 + 55 x 6

DB Flye
10 x 13, 10

OH Cable Ext
25x11 + 20x7 +15x6 + 10x7 +7.5x8

11x10 + 9x8 + 7x9 + 6x8 + 5x9

BW x 22 + 10 + 7 + 5

20 min stationary bike


Smith machien was taken. Preferred the feel of barbell GMs anyway, although the Smith variant seems to be very trendy in bbing online circles these days. Rev Nordics I prefer to sissy squats bbc easier to be consistent with form/more stable.


BW - 72.7

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-10 x 1

Eccentric OAC
BW x 11s + 7s
BW x 8s

Incline Hammer Curl
20x12 + 15x9 + 12.5x8

BB Finger Curl
70 x 13
70x9 + 60x10+7+5


Busy weekend, abbreviated workout. Still in the 72s to my surprise, so that's nice.

OAC eccentrics feel brutal lol, but very happy to get over 10s on first attempt. Was LRLR for that first set.


BW - 72.6

Leg Curl
75 x 22
75 x 14+5+5

Hack Squat
95 x 9 + 80 x 6 + Sissy Sq x 9

Super Incline
45 x 14
45 x 9 + 35 x 7

DB Flye
10 x 12, 9

Cable OH Extension
50x10 + 40x6 + 35x5 + 30x5

65x8 + 55x8 + 50x8 + 45x8 + 40x6

BW x 21+8+6

15 mins incline walk


Was 72.4 yesterday. I still think I will be ~73 tomorrow. Tues/Wed/Thur all slightly anomalous. Tue/Wed dinner was more calories dense/lower volume than usual, and last night I had more liquid calories than usual, so think "true" stable weight is a bit higher. Anyway, am definitely getting to the phase where I transition into being actually lean (at least relative to my own set point, etc), and am starting to feel hungry more often. Still got energy and lifting is going well, but just noting it.

Not hungover today (liquid calories), but felt a little less than 100%, so reduced volume slightly. Strength still there.

Thin I will reduce load on the leg curls like I did today -- think to move the 96 weight I don't get into as good of a stretched position, and it becomes like a "seated lying leg curl" which defeats the point.

Very happy to get 95 for 9 reps on hacks.


BW - 72.5 [lolwut]

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-12.5 x 1
-5 x 1 [easy on left, RPE 10 on right]
-17.5 x 2, 2, 2

20mm Grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
60 x 1
55 x 3, 2, 2

DB Row + Kelso Shrug
32.5 x 20+7, 12+6

DB Pullover
30 x 11

Incline Hammer Curl
20 x 9
17.5 x 10

DB Preacher
12.5 x 8 + 5

BB Finger Curl
70 x 10, 7



That's ties the least assistance I've ever done an OAC with, but last time I did a -5kg one I was ~69kg and not actively cutting. Optimism grows.

Losing weight faster while eating the same kcal as at the start of the diet, weight loss is so weird and unpredictable. Still, confident it's mostly fat since lifts are staying stable or progressing, and my daily protein intake is generally >150g, so the core boxes are being checked.


BW - 73.0

Stationary bike 50 mins


BW - 73.4

A - Smith Machine Good Morning
80 x 9
70 x 11
70 x 8 + 60 x 5

B - Sissy Squat
+10 x 10, 9
+10 x 7 + BW Reverse Nordic x 8

HS Iso Incline
45 x 14
45 x 11 + 35 x 9 + 30 x 7

Flat DB Flye
10 x 10, 9 [angle feels like it allows me to get a deeper stretch than incline, also going up higher hence rep dropoff. easier to track if i do the full rom]

OH Cable Extension
23x16 + 18x7 + 13x7 + 8x8 + 6x9 [the drop off here is so stark -- anyway feel a much better connection/pump/etc than the machine, for whatever reason]

65x11 + 55x10 + 45x10 + 40x8 + 35x8 + 30x6

BW x 20 + 9 + 6

20 mins cardio [half moderate incline walking, half fairly intense on elliptical]


Was kind of dreading this workout, but went well. Going to do one day where I do GMs + sissy squat super set, then the other day the leg curl + hack squat. Make sure I hit the rectus femoris with the sissies and glutes with GMs, then the bicep femoris gets some love with the leg curls.

Last week I averaged like ~2450 kcal because of birthday + Chinese New Year, hence sticking in the mid-high 73s. Back to pushing this week. Goal is ~69kg. Abs are starting to come in. It's funny, I get veins in my lower abs before I get a six proper defined six pac. Also my ass always holds fat so long lol. My arms looked gnarly in the gym lighting with the tricep and delt pump today though  :P


BW - 73.8

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1, 1, 1, 1

20mm Grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
50 x 7

DB Pullover
30 x 12

Hammer Incline Curl
17.5 x 14, 7


felt meh, got it done in abbreviated fashion


BW - 73.3

Seated Leg Curl
96x13 + 82x13 + 75x10 + 68x10 + 61x18

Hack Squat
90 x 10, 8

Super Incline [yet another machine, this one gives the best stretch]
45 x 12, 9, 7

Incline Flye
15 x 13, 10

Panatta Lateral
65x10 + 60x8 + 50x8 + 45x8 + 40x6 + 35x8

Overhead Cable Extension
couldn't be bothered to write down exactly what I did, but it was 4 drop sets to failure, think I prefer just using a cable setup to the machine I'd been on previously

BW x 16+8+7

20 min incline walk


BW - 73.6

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-12.5 x 1
-7.5 x 1 [better than last week]
-17.5 x 2, 2

20mm Grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1, 1, 1

Row -> Shrug superet
32.5 x 19 + 9

DB Preacher
15 x 6 [PR]
12.5 x 11

Hammer Incline
17.5 x 11, 9

BB Finger Curl
70 x 11, 7

Abs [sequence, for refrence, is standing ab wheel to ~failure -> kneeling ab wheel to ~failure -> weighted crunch to ~failure]


Felt v tired. Underground was busted last night so had to walk an extra like 10k steps compared to normal. Still sore from Monday.

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