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Messages - Joe

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A - Good Morning
90 x 13, 11

B - Reverse Nordic
+7.5 x 10
+7.5 x 8 + BW x 7

Incline Bench
75 x 8  :personal-record: [looked back through logs -- some time last year I hit 75x7 while weighing 5kg more than I do atm, so this is pretty significant given I've only had this lift in for 3 sessions]
70 x 9

Everything below was done as a giant set/various mixings of superset that I cba to accurate notate here

DB Flye
12.5 x 13, 11

25 x 13, 11, 10, 9

Lying Lateral
7.5 x 10, 9
7.5 x 8 + 5 x 10

Deficit Decline Push-up
BW x 14 + 6


BW - 72.2 [been +-1 0.1 from here while eating +600kcal, so it's just extra water weight from carbs + bulk]

Assited OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1
-15 x 2, 1

+40 x 7

20mm Grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
60 x 2
55 x 3

10mm Grip
40 x 5
45 x 3

DB Wrist + Fing Curl
20 x 11+5

DB Preacher
15x6 + 12.5x8 + 10x12 + 8


Feels good to lift again. Before planning this little deload, i didn't think about the fact I'm away for 4 nights at the end of this week, so guess I'm getting back-to-back rests.


BW - 71.6 [woop]


Going to take a few days off training and also goign to eat at maintenance. Only deload I've done in 2024 was that one at the start of this month, which was barely a deload (combing back and push+legs into one session, only did like 30% fewer sets and RPE was still pretty high), and I've been pushing the diet pretty hard, so psychological and physical fatigue are piled up.

Reminding myself that there's no need to push super so hard -- I'm not on a deadline and I'm doing this for fun ultimately.


BW - 71.8


Zombie mode today. Didn't do any "proper" cardio, but took a long, brisk walk that probs worked out to a similar energy cost.

Sleep has been not great quality, but still around ~8 hours. So, probably a combo of diet + training fatigue. Will take an easy day of lifting tmrw and see how I feel on Fri. If still rekt, may take a diet break for a week.

makes sense. same for us regarding priorities, with the addition that (1) we like being kind of in the geographical middle of our friends, (2) being close to the metro is critical because when we do commute, that's how, and (3) we are trying to have a kid, so it'd be nice to be near a good pre-k/elementary school. although, given that we lasted less than two years in this place before getting kicked out, (3) is a relatively low priority.

Ah yeah, being near a tube stop is our one big criterion as well. Hopefully having relatively fledixle restraints means we both have an easy time searching!


BW - 71.7 [i have weighed this exact weight so many times]

A - GM
90 x 11, 10, 8

B - Reverse Nordic
+7.5 x 9, 7
+5 x 7 + BW x 6

Incline Bench
75 x 7
70 x 9, 7

A - Flye
12.5 x 11, 8

B - Lying DB Extension
10 x 17, 15, 14

A - Lying Lateral Raise
7.5 x 10, 8
7.5 x 7 + 5 x 9

B - Deficit Decline Pushup
+20 x 5
BW x 10


BW - 72.0

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1
-7.5 x 1
-15 x 1

20mm Grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
57.5 x 3, 2

10mm Grip
40 x 7, 6

One Arm Cable Row
50 x 9

Cable Rear Delt Flye
8.75 x 10

DB Wrist+Finger Curl
20 x 11+5, 8+4

DB Preacher
15x6 + 12.5x9 + 10x12 + 9 + 7

Reverse Wrist Curl
5 x 23 + 13 + 9


Everything solid enough.

in the same boat re: having to move, although in our case it's because our landlady is selling our house. sad because we've loved this place but we are starting to get excited, too. good luck! where are y'all looking to live?

Ah that's annoying -- landlords suck!

We're going to stay in London, but beyond that we're not too fussed about area tbh. We're both mostly WFH, so our main restriction is proximity to stuff we like to do, and just like being able to find a place that suits us, moreso than location.


BW - 71.7 [boom! was 71.7 yesterday as well]

Leg Curl
85 x 17
85 x 14 + 5 + 4

Hack Squat
95 x 10
95 x 7 + Rev Nord x 7

HS Iso Incline (the white one)
60 x 15, 10

DB Flye
12.5 x 9
10 x 13

A OH Cable Ext
23 x 19, 14, 11

B Cable Lateral
8 x 11, 9
6 x 19

+5 x 12 + 7 + BWx7

10 min bije + 20 min incline walk


Best feeling workout in a long while, accompanied by the long-awaited whoosh. Nice.


BW - 72.2

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-10 x 1, 1, 1, 1
-15 x 1, 1

20mm Grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
60 x 2
55 x 4

10mm Grip
40 x 5, 5

One Arm Cable Row
50 x 8

DB Wrist+Finger Curl
20 x 10+5, 7+3

Cable Rear Delt Flye
7.5 x 20

Hammer Incline
20 x 14, 9

DB Preacher
12.5 x 11 + 7 + 10x9



Good workout.

Upstairs neighbour's shower is leaking into our living room. Since we've lived here, we've had a leak from upstairs (from various sources) at least once per year, and it just doesn't feel like the repairs needed to resolve this are ever going to happen, so we're going to work on moving to somewhere new. Stressful, but exciting.

my guess is, get ready for a whoosh, especially if the last couple hundred kcal you cut now are from carbs.

Yeah, I imagine so. Next few cals probs partly from fat (i.e. changing my protein sources from eggs to something leaner + reducing some carb portions), though.


BW - 72.5 [???]

Stationary bike 40 mins


Gotta #TrustTheProcess but these random 72.5s after a week of 71.9-72.2 are frustrating.


BW - 72.5 [??]

A Good Morning
85 x 12, 10, 8

B Reverse Nordic
+5 x 11, 9, 6 + BW x 7

Incline Bench
75 x 6
70 x 8, 7

A Flye
10 x 15, 12

B EZ Bar OH Ext
27.5 x 19
32.5 x 10, 9

A Lying DB Lateral
5 x 27 [lol]
7.5 x 9, 7

B Deficit Pushup
+20 x 6, 6 + BW x 6

Cyclie - 20 mins


Been v bloated last couple of days, not sure why exactly. This random high weight is probs related. Think maybe it's more retention from stress + getting to the slightly uncomfortable level of leanness (not really that impressively lean, given my genes I guess). Avg kcals still ~2300 for last week, and my activity levels are decent, so _should_ be in a deficit even with a bit more of a NEAT-drop + metabolic adaptation. Might pro-actively drop kcals to 2100 and see what happens.


BW - 71.9

Assited OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1

20mm Grip
50 x 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

One Arm Row
50 x 8

Hammer Incline Curl
20 x 13, 8

DB Preacher
12.5 x 11 + 7 + 10x9

DB Finger Curl
20 x 9+4

10 mins cycling


Getting to the level of leanness where I start to feel "dieted" as it were. No fun. Energy meh for this workout, so stepped it back a little bit. Let's see how this next week goes.


BW - 72.0

Leg Curl [different machine, usual one was taken]
85 x 15
85 x 11+4+4

Hack Squat
95 x 9
95 x 6 + Reverse Nordic x 7

HS Incline (white)
60 x 14
60 x 10 + 50 x 8

DB Flye
10 x 14, 10

12 x 9
11 x 10, 8

OH Cable Ext
26 x 15, 11
23 x 10

+Chains x 9 + BW x 11 + 8

25 mins stationary bike


did some straight sets instead of drop sets for no particular reason


BW - 72


lats are like 9/10 sore today lol

Cool to see you posting regularly again! Way back in the day, I used to watch your squat videos for inspo all the time. Still some of the cleanest form I've ever seen.

Can I ask what the motivation for the carnivore diet is?

Health - this is the natural human diet. Get rid of all the plant oxalates and anti nutrients.
Didn't matter when I was younger, but things started to go down hill after 45 year old, from all the accumulated dietary damage

Help cure some autoimmune skin issues - psoriasis and eczema.
Fix up my blood sugar and get rid of all my food addictions
Get leaner without having to starve and in a way that you can sustain, without rebounding back like I always do whenever I get down to the 80kg region and 33 inch waist.
Since I no longer have any sugar addictions and cravings, it should go much smoother this time.
Waist is currently 36.5 inches, down from 40 inches,  3 months ago.

I went keto for a while, but that didn't help that much, and I got addicted to cashews..
But it was a nice stepping stone to full carnivore

It's amazing what high fat does to your skin. My skin feels so smooth now, like a Baby :)
Especially my scalp.
High fat should also help out my hormones, and jack up my Testosterone.

I had this wart on my right elbow for decades, and a patch of rough and slightly inflamed skin on both elbows. All gone like that.
I used to get dermatitis on my finger joints and shins every summer, no sign of it so far.

Fair man, glad it's working out for you! I just love fruit + veg too much, and am I'm pretty sold by the science re saturated fat, so I don't think it's a dietary pattern that I'd enjoy personally.


BW - 72.3

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1, 1
-10 x 1
-5 x 1 [still fairly easy L, RPE 10 R, filmed and I think my technique is different on right side, oddly, don't turn my torso in as much. Don't know if that's a cause or artefact of it being weaker though]

20mm Grip Lift
50 x 1, 1
55 x 2
60 x 2  :personal-record:
55 x 4

10mm Grip Lift
30 x 3
35 x 3
40 x 3 [still easy, but this lift feels v precarious so building slowly]

One Arm Cable Lat Row
50 x 7 [swapping pullovers for this]

Two Arm Cable Upper-Back Row + Shrug
65 x 12 + 6

Hammer Incline Curl
20 x 12, 9

DB Wrist+Finger Curl -> Finger Curl [i.e. i do both finger and wrist curl in one movement, then when I can't do the wrist curls anymore I rep out the remaining finger curls]
20 x 8 + 2
17.5 x 8 + 4

DB Preacher
12.5 x 10 + 6 + 10x9



Solid. Changed up back accessory movements b/c I was getting a bit bored with them. Need to find something I like for upper back/rear delts more though.

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