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Re: FP's log
« Reply #375 on: August 29, 2016, 03:02:56 pm »
Season is over. We were seeded 9th and got 6th, top 5 teams are going to regionals. We had our whole team together for the first time in a while so I played starting D-line and only a few O-line points. I played mostly shutdown defense, wasn't able to get too many poaches cause i was usually covering the best cutter. 0 layouts, 0 true D's. I didn't get beat deep at all but I gave up short unders occasionally, twice i got beat up the line: this is a sign that either my footwork is bad or that I don't accelerate fast enough, both problems I need to address. I know I played good.. Just wish the captain let me play O-line I could have contributed a lot. I got a few tips on run-through D attempts and 3 touches on pointblock attempts. Got lots of goals.

Anaerobic Endurance wasn't a problem at all because I only played about half the D points (long rests between points) and there were no marathon points. I was slow though: not explosive at all. I really should have done more short sprints during the last 2 weeks, 5 interval sessions at submax speed with not a whole lot of speed work to balance the fiber counts was poor planning.

Gonna start thorough GPP asap, all hamstring stuff on hold cause I'm almost positive my hamstring pain is tendinitis. I thought it might be DOMS but it's only in 1 leg and only bothers me directly after intensive running (but not 24-48 hours later like doms). It's a very dull and achy pain. Similar symptoms to groin tendinitis. After I get my hamstring problem sorted out I wanna do 1:1 weight room GPP: speed/power session. I have 6 months of offeason to train for spring.

Eventually going to write out a more detailed plan.

I dunno about frisbee but in football when I have a corner who never gets beat deep and keeps giving up plays underneath or in the flat... It's not athleticism but it's just poor strategy...  Is frisbee not the same?  In football I try to remind players that you want to get beat deep 0.99 times per game - if that makes sense...

I only gave up short unders against the most athletic cutters and I didn't give up a whole lot of them. I didn't get scored on a single time. The most yards an offensive player got on me was probably 15, and that was maybe once during 7 games of playing starting D-line. I did try to bait a few deep throws but I don't think anyone actually threw it even when I gave the cutter steps on me. I don't like forcing the cutter deep because that takes away your visibility of the whole field and the person with the disc.

It's also obviously bad that I got 0 D's, but players tend to not throw it if it looks contestable especially at the club level.  It's a little different from football because the player doesn't get to run after catching it. Once the cutter catches it I get to set up on them, start counting to 10 and use my body to prevent them from throwing to half the field. If I get to 10 and they don't throw it it's a turnover. Since I have a good mark, offensive players rarely get good continuation throws after catching it, so it's a good option to give up 5-10 yard unders and half the time the cutter is going to throw it for negative yards to reset the count.

Jumps could have also been better. I almost jumped over a kid going LSLRVJ but I was like a foot away from the disc  :-[. I did get a solid 1-step DLRVJ sky for a goal. I need to work a lot on reading and positioning for the disc, being able to jump well while bumping and tussling with the player on the opposite team. Improve plant speed and GCT for both DLRVJ and SLRVJ, learn how to make a stutter steps give me extra jump height rather than making my jump worse.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #376 on: August 29, 2016, 04:22:17 pm »
yeah FP is right, ultimate isn't exactly like football in that way. play is continuous, and conservative man d (i.e. keeping the disc in front of you by not always committing all-out to underneath cuts) can be a good strategy especially against a non-elite team, which is likelier to make a throwing or cutting error on a relatively short throw. everything is different in a zone, but it sounds like FP's team was playing mostly man. the punishment for getting beat deep is severe because it means the receiver has an open throw and that the rest of the D is momentarily out of position. the punishment for getting beat under is generally just that you have to mark and that you didn't get a turnover.

not to say that selling out on d is never called for on an in-cut -- it is, and a block coming back toward the disc often leads to a quick point -- just that the relationship between defender and cutter is different than between WR and CB.

also, fwiw, i'll second FP's analysis of his own mark: it's good. he's long and gets low and wide and moves laterally pretty well. i was never an elite handler and already had years of rust accumulated when we threw around last year, but i'm not a schlub and he was able to get some good blocks.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2016, 04:25:06 pm by LBSS »
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Re: FP's log
« Reply #377 on: August 29, 2016, 10:57:26 pm »
We didn't play zone a single time cause it wasn't very windy  ::)

A lot of the time I would fully commit to taking away the under: then the defender would get open on a lateral cut out of their initial under cut. This is probably the way I got beat the most actually. If I get too much speed on the initial commitment it will take me longer to do a chop-step, 90 degree acceleration out of it. The good thing is this "7 cut" generally doesn't generate as much yard gains as an "under cut".

Also another note on my "peaking" training: daily throwing was not a good strategy, especially the amount of hucks I threw. As a D-line cutter, I threw 0 hucks at the tournament. All that time I spent on my throws and It didn't pay off much. Didn't stray from my role and didn't throw anything risky. 0 turnovers. People didn't cut deep or breakside (more difficult throws) as much for me though.

Today at pickup I dropped 3 perfect 70 yard dimes: 1 flick, 2 backhand into a pretty good window to recievers cutting deep. 4 pulls, all comfortably 65-80 yards in bounds.

About HIIT and running intervals:FWIW, I think my anaerboic endurance has experienced a lot of short term gain. Could just be luck but I just haven't felt tired from running since i started running intervals.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2016, 11:12:51 pm by Final Phenom »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #378 on: September 01, 2016, 01:14:17 am »

Tennis: 90 mins

Dunk session: 45 mins
-L-SLRVJ runup (right handed) x25 max 30" got lot of very solid soccer ball dunks, bobbled some bball dunks in
-R-SLRVJ 3-step (right handed***) x15 max 28" a few easy soccer ball dunks
-SVJ x5 max 28"
-1-step DLRVJ x10 max 30"
-2-step DLRVJ x10 max 32" consistent dunks with bball but not very strong
-3-step DLRVJ x10 max 33" without ball
***this is really awkward , but i couldn't grip the soccer ball with my left hand. So I went up right leg, right arm and I actually got pretty high. For frisbee I would definitely need to be able to go up with either arm off either leg.

Pickup: 90 mins

BP 135 x3,3,5,3
Pullup x6,4,4
RDL 135x8, 205x8

Kinda wiped today but I'm gonna take my GPP pretty seriously in the next few weeks. My hamstring is torched, I definitely need to take a break from straining it. Any advice for good anaerobic training that doesn't impact the joints and hamstrings too much? Maybe biking or rollerblading.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #379 on: September 01, 2016, 08:47:48 am »
C2 rower intervals?
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: FP's log
« Reply #380 on: September 01, 2016, 09:26:35 am »
C2 rower intervals?

Yes.  A million times over biking.  Biking shortens the hamstrings and will have short term negative affects on your sprint speed.  And it doesn't really rest it...  And rollerblading just looks lame...

 I know you play frisbee and I know a lot of people might clown you for that - but after I got over the annoying white flight aspect of frisbee I accepted that there are some plays that are look absolutely ridiculously cool...  Rollerblading can be very impressive.  But it's never cool.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #381 on: September 02, 2016, 04:10:45 am »
I am interested in this too. Reps/sets/intensity? Something like 1 min 100% / 1 min 50% building up to 20 mins total?
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #382 on: September 05, 2016, 11:15:30 pm »
So over the last month and especially last week I've pretty much reached an all time low regarding poor lifestyle choices. Smoking weed 3x day, eating extremely shitty, working out very little and not lifting at all, spending my time couch-glued to the internet/watching tv series, not progressing on artwork, barely socializing. But I'm turning/gonna turn it all around because I have in the past. This is gonna be my best athletic year ever, by far.

9/4 sat
parallel squat: 205x5, 235x5, 255 3x5
BB OHP: 65x8, 70 3x8
seated banded knee raises: 3x12 x each leg
30 mins stretching

9/5 mon
45 min bike ride
SL BW calf raises: 3x12, 2x15 x each leg
RDL: 135x15, 205x8, 235 3x8  2:30 rests
BP: 115x8, 135 3x5, 125x5 2:30 rests
Pullups: 6,6,2 2:00 rests


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #383 on: September 07, 2016, 03:47:10 am »
9/6 tues

SVJ x 10 max touch 29"
-1-step x 10 max touch 26"
-2-step x 15 max touch 28"
-3-step x 20 max touch 30" 3-step PR!

DB BSS: 32.5s x8, 37.5s x8, 42.5s 3x8 x each leg
Bent over rows: 115 x8, 135 x8,7, 125 x7 2:00 minute breaks

notes: I've figured out a HUGE problem I need to address. I suck badly at breathing during certain movements. Bounding, DL's, RDL's, BSS, sprints. If I sit/stand upright with chest out, I cannot take a deep breath. If I sit upright and also flex my abdominals, I literally can't breathe in for longer than a couple seconds. Either my diaphragm is too weak or my abdominals are too tight or maybe some other problem. Or is this normal?? Really need to stretch abs a lot


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #384 on: September 07, 2016, 09:00:57 pm »
So over the last month and especially last week I've pretty much reached an all time low regarding poor lifestyle choices. Smoking weed 3x day, eating extremely shitty, working out very little and not lifting at all, spending my time couch-glued to the internet/watching tv series, not progressing on artwork, barely socializing. But I'm turning/gonna turn it all around because I have in the past. This is gonna be my best athletic year ever, by far.


sometimes it takes something like this to get us to "flip the switch" ... sounds like you're on your way to doing just that. flip the switch and go consistent beastmode.


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #385 on: September 09, 2016, 08:51:33 am »
So over the last month and especially last week I've pretty much reached an all time low regarding poor lifestyle choices. Smoking weed 3x day, eating extremely shitty, working out very little and not lifting at all, spending my time couch-glued to the internet/watching tv series, not progressing on artwork, barely socializing. But I'm turning/gonna turn it all around because I have in the past. This is gonna be my best athletic year ever, by far.


sometimes it takes something like this to get us to "flip the switch" ... sounds like you're on your way to doing just that. flip the switch and go consistent beastmode.

Thanks bro. I will try my darndest  :raging:

9/7 tues
Groins super tight from BSS. Still haven't got this program figured out completely but it was a planned rest day

9/8 wed

-1-step x 20: max touch 26"
-2-step x 15: max touch 27"  :(
-3-step x 10: max touch 27"  :huh:

+12 hours

20 mins stretching: hams, quads, psoas, abs
BB OHP: 75 3x8 - 1:30 rests
Pullups: 5,5,5,5,4.5 - 2:00 rests
Seated Banded Knee drives: 4 sets - failure x each leg - :30 rests
Parallel Squat: 135 x15, 205 x8, 265 4x5, 270 x5 - 3:00 rests

270 squat was ballsy, almost failed last rep. Sets 3,4 felt light and fast.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2016, 08:54:31 am by Final Phenom »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #386 on: September 09, 2016, 09:02:53 am »
why does BSS make your groin tight? for me it's a loosener.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: FP's log
« Reply #387 on: September 09, 2016, 12:14:30 pm »
why does BSS make your groin tight? for me it's a loosener.

No idea. I'll video the form next time I do it. Groin only became tight the day after


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #388 on: September 10, 2016, 05:21:40 pm »
9/9 fri
unplanned rest day.. Really busy day :/

9/10 sat

SVJ x 25: max touch 31.5" REPEATABLE :personal-record:
2-step (RL) DLRVJ x 15: max touch 32.5"
3-step (LRL) DLRVJ x 25: max touch 33.5"
4-step (RLRL) DLRVJ x 15: max touch 34"
5-step (LRLRL) DLRVJ x 20: max touch 34.5" (only got one, couldn't repeat for camera)

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

ALSO, This is 100 jumps in 1 session. That's a volume PR lol. I must have been out there for at least 1.5 hours
« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 05:35:02 pm by Final Phenom »


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Re: FP's log
« Reply #389 on: September 10, 2016, 05:39:36 pm »
9/9 fri
unplanned rest day.. Really busy day :/

9/10 sat

SVJ x 25: max touch 31.5" REPEATABLE :personal-record:
2-step (RL) DLRVJ x 15: max touch 32.5"
3-step (LRL) DLRVJ x 25: max touch 33.5"
4-step (RLRL) DLRVJ x 15: max touch 34"
5-step (LRLRL) DLRVJ x 20: max touch 34.5" (only got one, couldn't repeat for camera)

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

ALSO, This is 100 jumps in 1 session. That's a volume PR lol. I must have been out there for at least 1.5 hours

awesome post all around.. jump looked really good. looking lean & light too.

massive volume jump sessions feel amazing.

that's a true jump addict session lmao! :headbang: