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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #600 on: August 30, 2015, 08:51:21 am »
Seems I have very similar goals to a few others on here.

- Lose some fat (6-7kgs)
- Get fit (ability to run out games and still be explosive off a full court run in the last minutes)
- Get the body moving and feeling right. Focus here on upper back, glutes, hams and core. Still have problematic left shoulder/trap/neck area and right hip. Just saw today they can be linked via the anterior oblique sling. I do know my lats and have issues too so need to get those sorted. 

Have 6-9 weeks left of the season, depending on finals, so that will give me time to get myself game fit and work on the getting the body right and in shape for next season.

Going for an upper/lower split and it will look something like this:

Monday- Bounding/jumps, Squat, BSS, GHR, core, sprints/run or BB circuit
Tuesday- Hang clean, Incline bench, chins, DB OHP, DB Row, rear lateral raise, BB curl, farmers walks/prowler/battle ropes
Tuesday night- ball game
Thursday- Bounding/jumps, deadlift, hip thrusts, calves, back ext, core, sprints/run or BB circuit
Friday- hang clean, OHP, chins, DB incline press, BB rows, dips, hammer curls, farmers walks/prowler/battle ropes/
Saturday- run (2-5k)

It's mildly ambitious given my ability to stick to a program but the workout length each day is doable. Aiming to cut the a kg a week and the additional cardio should definitely help. Once I get the weight off and the body feeling right I'll start on some new goals (35"+ :D)

*edit- added hang cleans on Upper days. 3-4 sets of 1-3 reps.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 10:57:44 pm by Coges »
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #601 on: August 30, 2015, 08:55:32 am »
Am going to try and test vert as best as I can at gym tomorrow and get a fairly accurate base level.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #602 on: August 30, 2015, 09:56:24 am »
i like it. good luck sticking to it.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #603 on: August 30, 2015, 07:20:47 pm »
i like it. good luck sticking to it.

Thanks mate. That's always the struggle. Day 1 today.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #604 on: August 31, 2015, 01:36:22 am »

Day 1- Let's learn to jump again.

Dynamic warm up, leg swings, sprint starts,

SL bounding complex- my knees hate me!!!

Vert testing. Still going over the footage but I would say my SVJ is around the 22-23" mark  :-[ with the RVJ a couple of inches higher and SLRVJ only another inch higher again :'(
At least there's significant room for improvement. Am hoping that -7kg alone will result in a bit.

bar x 8, 70 x 5, 90 x 3
110 x 5, 5

10kg KBs x 8, 8

GHR- assisted
BW x 6, 6

Med Ball Slams (9kg) & KB Swings (20kg) for 5 x 10

Completely forgot to do core. Will do something at home tonight. Planks potentially. Was going to run but knees were hating me early and are quite puffy/swollen. The med ball and KB circuit went pretty well. Was sweating bullets by the end of it though.  Not sure about GHRs. Felt lots of stress in the hammy (good) but even with significant padding felt lost of stress on the left kneecap (bad). Will give them another go maybe. I do want to work walking lunges and OH reverse BB lunges in there somewhere as I actually enjoy both of those.

1 down. Hopefully many more to go.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #605 on: August 31, 2015, 01:38:45 am »
Side note on programming (reminder for myself). Hang cleans added based on some info from Kelly B re jumping higher with and without the ball. Apparently hang cleans can help reduce the difference here and help make up for the lack of arm swing.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #606 on: September 01, 2015, 07:54:29 pm »
Another side note on programming: Do not place leg day the day before a game. DOMS =  :pissed:
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #607 on: September 01, 2015, 09:27:40 pm »
Went for a shoot around yesterday afternoon. Thought I would try out some half and full court lay-up action. Left knee was really bugging me especially off a long run up. Gave that up and will store it for away for another day when the knee is feeling better. Worked the jump shot and after about 25 mins had a few jumps when the knee was fully warmed. Noticed a few interesting things. My reach is around 8'4-5 so lets say 8'5 in shoes. I need 19" to touch the ring. I did some DOMS affected jumps and they looked like this:

DLSVJ: 21-22"
RDLVJ: 29-30" (LR plant- ball in hand)
RSLVJ: 30-31"(ball in hand)

Now, if only I can get a ball that's not so slippery. It's ridiculous. When I bought it it had a great feel to it and I could palm it easily. After a few uses it's slippery as fuck and palming it is a bitch. I still have my old Nike blue ball that is quite heavy but also easy as to palm. May have to go back to using that one but it's no good for shooting as the extra weight affects my shot when I shoot with the game ball which is much lighter.

On a positive note I see some good improvements on the horizon with losing some weight and becoming more reactive. I would imagine a few inches each on SL and DL by the end of the year and I think the gap between them will widen again if I can get my knee healthy to be able to push more force through it.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #608 on: September 01, 2015, 09:37:16 pm »
Ball game last night. We won by 15 and I had 11 points. We should have won by 40 but we missed sooooo many shots. Legs felt ok but I only played about 25 mins game time. Definitely have to restructure so that I either train legs on game day or the day after. The day before is just not going to work.

Post game legs were sore AF though and couldn't even really stretch them. Feel better this morning though which isn't too bad.

*Edit- forgot to mention I taped both knees with rocktape last night using this video-

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Have never done this before but I figured it was worth a shot. Knees actually felt pretty good although the tape did start coming off toward the end of the game. If I want to continue this I may have to start shaving the pegs.

Anyone else have any experience with taping their knees.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 09:43:54 pm by Coges »
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #609 on: September 02, 2015, 01:38:43 am »

Day 2

Hang Power Clean-
bar x 5, 40 x 3
50 x 3, 3, 3

Incline Bench-
bar x 8, 40 x 8
55 x 8, 8, 8

Chins (neutral grip)-
bw x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

OH DB Press-
15s x 8, 8

DB Row-
30s x 8, 8

Lateral Raise-
8s x 12, 10

BB Curl-
30 x 10, 8, 5

Trap Bar Farmers Walks (have about 7m to walk back and forth)-
bar + 50 x 7m x 4
bar x 70 x 7m x 4, 4, 4 (1min rest)

Worked pretty quickly with 30-60s rest and supersetted most exercises here. Plan to gradually build volume here as my shoulder gets used to it.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #610 on: September 04, 2015, 12:17:38 am »

Day 3

Dynamic Warm up

SL Bounding Complex- mucho improvement from last session

Wide Grip DL-
60 x 5, 5
100 x 5, 130 x 5

bar x 10, 30 x 10
40 x 5, 5, 5 (easy)

+6kg x 4, 3, 3 (meh)

BB OH Reverse Lunge
30 x 6, 8

Hammer Machine Chest press-
+10 x 15, 15

Low to high cable row
36 x 20, 20

Hanging knee raise-
10, 10 (hard!!! obviously need more work here)

Had planned to do prowler and battle ropes here but considering I had to combine two days into one I ran out of time.

Bounds felt pretty good. DL felt pretty weak. Everything else was ok. Low to high cable row was something I wanted to try. Feel like I have instability around the scap/shoulder area on the left side and these plus the OH lunges worked well.

Going to aim for a run tomorrow...maybe. My gym has also cleared their driveway and I now have a clear 30-40m incline that I can run up. It's bitumen so shouldn't be too hard on the legs.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #611 on: September 06, 2015, 09:10:14 pm »
4 steps forward 3 steps back. Pretty disappointed but I smashed huge amounts of food and alcohol over the weekend. Feeling average but will get on with it.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #612 on: September 06, 2015, 10:53:39 pm »
Looking into getting some new shoes over the next couple of weeks. Love my hyperdunks (2013 I think) but don't know what to get next. I've been looking around at the Jordan's, Kobe's, D Rose, etc. Have only bought two pairs of shoes in the last 6 years or so. Any suggestions?

As far as use goes. 100% indoor. Even though I'm 6'4 and play PF/C, most of the time I end up playing like a swingman and I am making more of an effort to play SF/PF roles. Also, something that would add 4-5" on my vert would be appreciated  ;D
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #613 on: September 07, 2015, 05:19:38 am »
I am a bball shoes junkie, so is ChrisM, we have both fallen in love with the superflys. But from what i read the 4s are not that bouncy, still a great shoe but 3s and 2s ( that me and ChrisM have ) are better. The 2s is a no-brainer. Great fit, traction, freedom, bounce, stability, cushion, reeealy good shoe, i haven't felt so good in a bball shoe since the original 2008 hyperdunks.
I'd be very curious to try bball shoes with boost sole, but full length, so only the Rose 5 boost choice available. I am waiting for the 'next' iteration since Rose 5 was the first attempt. I still run and jump and solo-practice bb in boost running shoes and this foam is indeed magic, it is the shit. I think i recall you wearing boost trainers too at some pic, no?
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #614 on: September 07, 2015, 07:22:31 am »
I am a bball shoes junkie, so is ChrisM, we have both fallen in love with the superflys. But from what i read the 4s are not that bouncy, still a great shoe but 3s and 2s ( that me and ChrisM have ) are better. The 2s is a no-brainer. Great fit, traction, freedom, bounce, stability, cushion, reeealy good shoe, i haven't felt so good in a bball shoe since the original 2008 hyperdunks.
I'd be very curious to try bball shoes with boost sole, but full length, so only the Rose 5 boost choice available. I am waiting for the 'next' iteration since Rose 5 was the first attempt. I still run and jump and solo-practice bb in boost running shoes and this foam is indeed magic, it is the shit. I think i recall you wearing boost trainers too at some pic, no?

Damn good memory. I do have the boost runners/trainers. Got them free on a phone contract. I have only run in them once actually and never balled in them. Might have to try them out before I purchase anything.

Thanks for the advice on the superflys. I will be having a look around over the weekend so will see what's around. At least I kind of know what to look for.
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