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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1605 on: February 27, 2018, 09:14:57 pm »
she should start a journal on here, i'm tryna see how much work that is. what's her training schedule look like?

The two worlds must not collide haha

ya i've thought about following her on strava but didn't kinda because of that.. haaha.

she's definitely honorary status.

Just asked her though and it was 11-16 hours per week of training which includes an hour of a body balance class, 1 x strength training session and a game of netball.

All other training is HR based training and there's usually 3 run/ride/swim each per week with an additional run off the bike on Sat. Sun was the long run day and Monday was a complete rest day. It's a program she paid for from Training Peaks. Lots of zone 2 & 3 training with multiple efforts thrown in with a few rides in Z2 with Z4 efforts. She said the training wasn't that hard. It was just getting the consistency of doing it and sticking to the plan. She just said it was fun. Probably completed 90-95% of all sessions that were programmed.

She plans to get some more strength sessions in and try to add some muscle over the next couple of months which will no doubt help her in each discipline.

Hapkido class last night. 90 minutes of pure sweat which was cool but copped a knee right on my left VMO which is currently killing me. Massive corky. I was planning to take the weekend easy anyway so it probably won't hurt me too much. My wife is doing a 70.3 on Sunday so we're getting geared up to go away for that. Can't wait. Now that I'm more interested in triathlon it'll be a lot more interesting than the last one where I was there purely to see her run past every 1-2 hours.

bad ass.

She is. She finished in 5:39 which is 8 mins faster than last year and on a harder course too.

1.9k swim- 37 mins
90k ride- 2:57
21k run- 1:57
Transitions- 7 mins

Pretty stoked for her. Lots of training went into this and she's getting better so it's a great boost to know she's on the right track. 

 :ibsquatting: :ibrunning: :wowthatwasnutswtf:


Haha she'd probably be fine with you following her.

hah nice, ya she seems cool. i mean you guys & some others are always cracking on each other, in comments. lul.

It would probably be good for her to start a log though. Maybe...

i dno, logging is hard.. it's an archaic but beautiful process. i'm sure she's capable of it, seems very dedicated.

also related to that, Kipchoge claims to have some ~14+ year training journal.. man i'd love to see that. I'd literally convert it to a thread on here, manually, if I had access. 8|

Yeah you're right. Logging is a beautiful thing. I love that most high level self trained guys/gals will all have logs dating way back. Not that I'm high level but I have logs in one form or another dating back at least the last 10+ years.

Man that would be sweet with Kipchoge. Would make for an interesting read.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1606 on: February 28, 2018, 08:31:03 pm »

Run- 4.03km in 30:53 @7:39/km
Average HR of 137. Still sticking with the MAF method and trying to keep the HR at or around 138. It was all over the place with this run and given the last 2k had some decent hills I never got to recover and get a consistent pace in. Probably won't run that way again for this period of my base building as it was just so interrupted and while I understand it's the training effect that I'm after it's also frustrating to have to slow, walk and stop so much. Also had a decent headache for the remainder of the afternoon from this.

5 mins: crow stand practice and glute bridge
15 mins: Tuck pull through, deadlift and HF stretch

Got 10 mins into the 2nd circuit and called it quits. The headache spiked and it just wasn't worth it with proceeding. Showered and spent 30mins with the lacrosse ball and foam roller.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1607 on: March 03, 2018, 07:33:43 pm »

Hip stretches, glute bridge, thoracic bridge

5 min
Crow stand - 3 x 10s

15 min
Tuck Pull Through - 5 x 5 (progression for l-sit to handstand)
Deadlift- bar x 5, 60 x 5, 80 x 5, 90 x 5
Thoracic bridge

10 min
Tuck front lever - 2 x 10s
Airborne Squat - 2 x 5 each leg

Have a bit of "golfers elbow" at the moment in the left arm. I'm attributing it to all the pull ups and benching I did late last year and early this year after coming off the hand injury where I wasn't using my right hand for any heavy lifting. Going to rest it a little, avoid movements that hurt it and get some good soft tissue work in there. See how that goes.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1608 on: March 04, 2018, 05:48:57 pm »

Arvo Run-

6.55km in in 45:14 @ 6:54/km. Average HR of 136.

Pace getting better at the HR. I also noticed I'm getting better at maintaining a similar pace and not letting the HR jump all over the place. Kept telling myself to be patient and trust the process as I ran.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1609 on: March 04, 2018, 08:08:11 pm »

Hip stretches, glute bridge, thoracic bridge

5 min
Crow stand - 3 x 10s

15 min
Tuck Pull Through - 5 x 5 (progression for l-sit to handstand)
Deadlift- bar x 5, 60 x 5, 80 x 5, 90 x 5
Thoracic bridge

10 min
Tuck front lever - 2 x 10s
Airborne Squat - 2 x 5 each leg

Have a bit of "golfers elbow" at the moment in the left arm. I'm attributing it to all the pull ups and benching I did late last year and early this year after coming off the hand injury where I wasn't using my right hand for any heavy lifting. Going to rest it a little, avoid movements that hurt it and get some good soft tissue work in there. See how that goes.

ah damn that sucks!

ya def avoid anything that aggravates it .. elbow issues can take forever to heal if we keep aggravating it. My tennis elbow injury sucked so bad, running actually helped it hah.


Arvo Run-

6.55km in in 45:14 @ 6:54/km. Average HR of 136.

Pace getting better at the HR. I also noticed I'm getting better at maintaining a similar pace and not letting the HR jump all over the place. Kept telling myself to be patient and trust the process as I ran.


ya trying to get yourself to relax is important. it seems i 'laugh' alot now when i'm getting wrecked, or find myself not relaxing .. it's like a 'lol calm the fu*k down' laugh. seems to help. :D I was laughing up the hill on saturday.. hah.

good stuff tho, progressing.


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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1610 on: March 04, 2018, 09:24:40 pm »

Hip stretches, glute bridge, thoracic bridge

5 min
Crow stand - 3 x 10s

15 min
Tuck Pull Through - 5 x 5 (progression for l-sit to handstand)
Deadlift- bar x 5, 60 x 5, 80 x 5, 90 x 5
Thoracic bridge

10 min
Tuck front lever - 2 x 10s
Airborne Squat - 2 x 5 each leg

Have a bit of "golfers elbow" at the moment in the left arm. I'm attributing it to all the pull ups and benching I did late last year and early this year after coming off the hand injury where I wasn't using my right hand for any heavy lifting. Going to rest it a little, avoid movements that hurt it and get some good soft tissue work in there. See how that goes.

ah damn that sucks!

ya def avoid anything that aggravates it .. elbow issues can take forever to heal if we keep aggravating it. My tennis elbow injury sucked so bad, running actually helped it hah.


Arvo Run-

6.55km in in 45:14 @ 6:54/km. Average HR of 136.

Pace getting better at the HR. I also noticed I'm getting better at maintaining a similar pace and not letting the HR jump all over the place. Kept telling myself to be patient and trust the process as I ran.


ya trying to get yourself to relax is important. it seems i 'laugh' alot now when i'm getting wrecked, or find myself not relaxing .. it's like a 'lol calm the fu*k down' laugh. seems to help. :D I was laughing up the hill on saturday.. hah.

good stuff tho, progressing.

From what I've read a few guys had success with deadlifting for the elbow. Weird but that's what I'm doing now so hope it helps. The pain isn't huge but tender to the touch so I'm just being careful.

Yeah I was imagining ice running through my body as I ran yesterday. Was actually pretty cool (pun intended) and seemed to have a positive effect on my HR.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1611 on: March 06, 2018, 08:35:17 pm »

25 min lunchtime bike trainer session. Some right hip/lower back complaints and phone calls kept me from going longer. 

Spent 30 mins at night with the lacrosse ball and some pancake series stretches


4.18km @ 6.55/km pace - 28:57 total time
The first 2k of this is pretty much uphill which isn't doing anything for my numbers haha
Another 30 mins with the lacrosse ball and stretching. Still getting some pain in back/hip/lat but it's getting less frequent


Lunchtime swim- 650m total- 400m easy, 4x25 hard efforts, 50m cooldown

Swimming is getting noticeably better. The pool was busy AF today otherwise I could have kept going at the easy pace. Next time out am aiming for 1k even of total distance however I need to get there. 

Weights and stretching to come tonight. 
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1612 on: March 07, 2018, 01:44:38 am »
how long did that swim take you?
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1613 on: March 07, 2018, 05:47:57 pm »
how long did that swim take you?

First 400m was 50m in 1m with 1m rest = 16mins
The 25m efforts were at 20s per effort with 20s rest = 2:40
Cooldown 50m didn't time.

I had a glimpse into my fitness in the pool though. I slowed myself down for the first 400m and it was a huge difference. I would normally do 25m in 24s or so as a natural pace. Slowed that to 30s which is a huge difference. Had the pool not been so busy I probably could have done them closer together. I was swimming with 3 other people in my lane. Good practice for sighting though.

I am aiming to swim 2-3 times a week with 1-2 sessions like the one above and building in volume and at least 1 session just seeing how far I can go without stopping. Need to be able to swim 750m for my upcoming tri. 
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1614 on: March 07, 2018, 10:22:42 pm »
cool, thanks. i've never been a swimmer so no idea what the training is like, but i periodically think about triathlons as a thing i could get into in the future so curious.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1615 on: March 08, 2018, 12:27:19 am »
cool, thanks. i've never been a swimmer so no idea what the training is like, but i periodically think about triathlons as a thing i could get into in the future so curious.

I'm a shit swimmer. Not actually that bad. I have good form and can swim quite fast but cannot do it for any extended period of time. It's great though and I love the idea of getting better at swimming.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1616 on: March 08, 2018, 04:59:08 am »
I was an awesome swimmer back in the day. From all the sports i've done, i think the only one i was gifted was swimming. Kept winning all the races too, and with that attitude before starting that 'no way i'm not winning, i am the best by far'. Unfortunately (or not) my parents cut me off early, we had a close relative that was Olympic level and his parents said that it requires too much time and effort and there is no actual reward. Whatever!
Anyway, one really cool workout for distance swimming that i got from a coach once was this: Start every new 50m every minute. If you want to do a WR 25s and then rest 35s , it is fine. If you want to do it in 59s and rest 1s it is also fine. But every minute you must start your next 50m. Something like EMOTM? lol That also helped a lot to not lose track of the distance covered, there were no fitness trackers back then, but with this method you know that you will be doing 500m every 10 minutes. Also allows you to AREG, make it 'LISS' or "HIIT' or fartlek or whatever. Really loved that workout style.
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1617 on: March 08, 2018, 07:15:24 pm »
I was an awesome swimmer back in the day. From all the sports i've done, i think the only one i was gifted was swimming. Kept winning all the races too, and with that attitude before starting that 'no way i'm not winning, i am the best by far'. Unfortunately (or not) my parents cut me off early, we had a close relative that was Olympic level and his parents said that it requires too much time and effort and there is no actual reward. Whatever!
Anyway, one really cool workout for distance swimming that i got from a coach once was this: Start every new 50m every minute. If you want to do a WR 25s and then rest 35s , it is fine. If you want to do it in 59s and rest 1s it is also fine. But every minute you must start your next 50m. Something like EMOTM? lol That also helped a lot to not lose track of the distance covered, there were no fitness trackers back then, but with this method you know that you will be doing 500m every 10 minutes. Also allows you to AREG, make it 'LISS' or "HIIT' or fartlek or whatever. Really loved that workout style.

Man that's a shame you got cut off. I would hate to be a swim parent given the hours the swimmers do but still being good can lead you to all kinds of places.

Good idea on the swim workout. I was swimming 50m in 1m the other day though so that might be a bit advanced for me so far. I like that idea of going on the minute. Might do that with some 25s and work up from there.

*Edit- I'm changing my gym today and will have access to a pool any day I want to now so will be able to get much more swimming in. As much as I liked my old gym and it has a ton of cool shit I never actually used any of it.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1618 on: March 18, 2018, 07:24:51 pm »
Did train last week but didn't get around to posting.

AM- legs session - BSS & nordic curl plus some skipping and stretching
PM- 30 mins bike trainer

AM- Swim- 500m - breathing patterns are still an issue here
PM- 40m MAF run - 5.4k (struggled in the heat- didn't realise it but it ended up at 30 degrees and I was coming in off very little water)

That was it for the week. Work and weddings got in the way.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1619 on: March 18, 2018, 11:48:21 pm »

Lunch run-
Wanted to do a straight 5k with no regard for HR. Was aiming to start at 5-5.30 pace and progressively get faster. Watch took ages to pick up my pace properly. After about 900m it showed I was running at 4:30/km. Way faster than I had intended. Ended up running that pace for the first 1.8k and then doing some 400 on 100 off type intervals.
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