Author Topic: Age vs VO2max  (Read 1419769 times)

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Re: Age vs VO2max
« Reply #4290 on: February 16, 2022, 10:51:25 am »
12 February

5 and a half hours of skiing!!!  :wowthatwasnutswtf: :headbang:

It's been 2 years. Was rusty as f@ck of course, barely got to a decent form at the end of the day.
Still, what a glorious thing skiing is, a very enjoyable sport in a magnificent nature surrounding.
This totally ruined my weekly run-training plan ( no low aerobic run and no HIIT run ). Don't care , totally worth it, skiing makes me so happy! ;D ski skwaaaaaad
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: Age vs VO2max
« Reply #4291 on: February 18, 2022, 11:31:03 am »
YAY!!!! Establish annual skwad ski meeting ASAP, it will rotate continent bi-yearly, kickstart February 2023 in Trois Valeess ,  then February 2024 in Aspen and so on (daydreaming)

Back to reality:

16 February

C1a : OVERHEAD PRESS : 15 @ 25 kg
C1b : BICEP CURLS : 12 @ 25 kg
C1 info : 8 rounds
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: Age vs VO2max
« Reply #4292 on: February 21, 2022, 12:43:00 pm »
18 February

Low aerobic zone run 11K @ 1:21:11 ( 7:23 pace )

Wow big progress, last week it was 10K @ 7:53,so i was 30s per km faster while going 1km more too. Very nice.

19 February

VO2-max run

3.5K warmup
Sprint 5x800m / 3.5 minutes walking rest
2K cool down

Target pace for the 800s is 4:21
I got 4:33 / 4:32/ 4:34 / 4:27 / 4:30

Haven't done the 800m-sprints workout for almost 2 months now. Failed to get target paces but at least i was still around 4:30, pretty close.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2022, 12:46:20 pm by vag »
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: Age vs VO2max
« Reply #4293 on: February 22, 2022, 08:09:15 am »
21 February

Easy run 11K @ 1:03:24 ( 5:46 pace )

Nice, fastest easy run of 2022, 10K pace was 5:41. Gotta get back to easy 5:30 10Ks where i was before xmas.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2022, 10:24:03 am by vag »
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: Age vs VO2max
« Reply #4294 on: February 23, 2022, 04:51:48 am »
22 February

SS1a : PUSHUPS : 15 @ BW
SS1b : BENT ROWS : 20 @ 25kg
SS1 info : 10 rounds

Finally the reset-form 15-rep pushups sets started feeling a little less difficult.
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: Age vs VO2max
« Reply #4295 on: March 01, 2022, 04:57:39 am »
26 February

6 hours of skiing.

Fucking awesome as always. Form obviously improved so much more fun.

28 February

SS1a : PUSHUPS : 15 @ BW
SS1b : BENT ROWS : 20 @ 25kg
SS1 info : 10 rounds

Definitely feeling stronger with the new strict form.

Disappointed from the total lack of running consistency. It is a combination of random bad weather and a hectic and stressful work period.
Gotta get back at it.
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: Age vs VO2max
« Reply #4296 on: March 03, 2022, 03:07:31 am »
2 March

SS1a : OVERHEAD PRESS: 15 @ 25kg
SS1b : BACK WIDOWS : 15 @ BW
SS1 info : 5 rounds

SS2a : UPRIGHT ROWS : 15 @ 25kg
SS2b : BACK WIDOWS : 15 @ BW
SS2 info : 5 rounds
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: Age vs VO2max
« Reply #4297 on: March 03, 2022, 04:53:18 pm »
YAY!!!! Establish annual skwad ski meeting ASAP, it will rotate continent bi-yearly, kickstart February 2023 in Trois Valeess ,  then February 2024 in Aspen and so on (daydreaming)

not even joking, let's do it. but not aspen. i've never skied out west but if i were going to, i'd pick a place like sun valley or big sky, somewhere a little less expensive and crowded.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: Age vs VO2max
« Reply #4298 on: March 04, 2022, 03:54:59 am »
YAY!!!! Establish annual skwad ski meeting ASAP, it will rotate continent bi-yearly, kickstart February 2023 in Trois Valeess ,  then February 2024 in Aspen and so on (daydreaming)
not even joking, let's do it. but not aspen. i've never skied out west but if i were going to, i'd pick a place like sun valley or big sky, somewhere a little less expensive and crowded.

You know what, that's actually a great idea lol. intercontinental flight for a ski-trip is not so convenient, but still. Let's keep it in the back of out heads for next year.
Btw Aspen is the only one i know in the US so that's why i mentioned it, i also much prefer non-crowded resorts that base their cost on what's on the slopes, not around them.

Back to boring reality:

3 March

Easy run 10K @ 58:23 ( 5:50 pace )
Low aerobic HR zone cool down 2K @ 17:22 ( 8:40 pace )

Easy run was expectedly a bit slower due to de-training but pacing was steady and feeling was true easy, pleasant surprise!
Also, for while i cant find the time/conditions to do the low aerobic run, i will be adding more of it as warmup/cooldowns in other workouts.
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: Age vs VO2max
« Reply #4299 on: March 08, 2022, 05:37:36 am »
Weekend weather was too rainy to go run, too snowstormy on the mountains to go ski, so training-wise it was wasted.

7 March

'Speed form' run.

-4K low aerobic zone
-Sprint 8 x 400m / 3.5 mins walking rest
-2.5K low aerobic zone

Target pace for the 400s is 4:02
I got 4:03 3:57 4:04 3:59 4:04 3:56 4:08 3:55

Wow nice, haven't' done 400s for 3 months now. Not only i got the target paces, but they also felt springy and fast.

« Last Edit: March 08, 2022, 02:24:42 pm by vag »
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: Age vs VO2max
« Reply #4300 on: March 09, 2022, 04:43:38 am »
8 March

SS1a : PUSHUPS : 15 @ BW
SS1b : BENT ROWS : 20 @ 25kg
SS1 info : 10 rounds

Bad day, low motivation and feeling weak. Got stubborn and pushed through each and every last rep, wasn't pleasant but felt rewarding in the end.
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: Age vs VO2max
« Reply #4301 on: March 10, 2022, 10:55:06 am »
9 March

C1a : OVERHEAD PRESS : 15 @ 25 kg
C1b : BICEP CURLS : 12 @ 25 kg
C1 info : 8 rounds

Too cold and windy to run so lifted. Same story with yesterday, low motivation but pushed through it.
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: Age vs VO2max
« Reply #4302 on: March 16, 2022, 05:52:19 am »
10 March

SS1a : UPRIGHT ROWS : 15 @ 25kg
SS1b : BACK WIDOWS : 15 @ BW
SS1 info : 5 rounds

Was very short on time, however squeezed in a "better than nothing" workout.

11-12-13 March

Long weekend at hometown visiting parents, no training, fuck you covid for the time we lost, its not like we have too much of it !

14 March

Easy run 10K @ 57:19 ( 5:44 pace )

Faster and smoother than what i was expecting, very nice.

15 March

SS1a : PUSHUPS : 15 @ BW
SS1b : BENT ROWS : 20 @ 25kg
SS1 info : 10 rounds

Stronger than lately.
I'm sick and tired of this whole BW & power-bag training. Gotta get myself back to a gym and lift some iron.
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: Age vs VO2max
« Reply #4303 on: March 17, 2022, 11:26:52 am »
16 March

Low aerobic zone run 9K @ 1:08:25 ( 7:36 pace )

Pretty good. Reminder : keep consistent with those runs,, they are the key to progress!
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: Age vs VO2max
« Reply #4304 on: March 21, 2022, 12:52:37 pm »
19 March

6 hours of skiing.

Form coming along nicely, bending it at those high speed wide carving turns nicely now.
Fuck i love skiing so much!!!
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?