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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #330 on: January 13, 2018, 04:03:48 pm »

Forgot to weight self again. I'll get into this habit again soon!


Run - 5.21mi in 54:38


Basic idea was 2 easy miles, 1 hard mile, 2 easy miles. The hard mile was 6:31, which is time I am happy with! It's not quite full out, but it was not at all easy.

Avg HR - 160, though HR during the mile was in the 190s and I apparently got up to 201. I kind of wonder if the wrist-based HR monitor is really that accurate. I'm getting a sense of what easy running feels like so I'm not too bothered, but I'm nevertheless suspicious.

I know I said I was going to lift but right now running is more fun so I decided to run. The gym sucks at the weekend too, so I may keep lifting to like 2xWeek and on weekdays for now. this calculator says my 6:31 mile suggests a 22:12 5k. That'd be nice. That's like 7:10 pace. Sounds possible if hard. I reckon for now that I'm probably better over shorter distances than long because of time spent lifting and not doing cardio. Gotta get that base built up.

Further, that calculator also suggests I should be running my training at around 9:30 pace. If my max HR is above 200, as this suggests, then my running so far may have been too slow. I can usually recite some random lines of whatever while running 155ish, haven't tested much at 160, but perhaps easy/conversational could be faster at the moment than I'm giving myself credit for. Overanalysis of this is pointless since the data is potentially cruddy, but still.

good stuff all around!

I never wore my HR monitor for a mile race, definitely wonder how high mine would get in that setting: but I don't think it would get anywhere near max. I've only been able to hit true max HR during 400m repeats, everything else stays below. After hitting true max for a bit, i'm definitely more hunched over following the effort. That's kind of how I know that i'm getting close.

i say do easy running at: easy pace. ;d just like anything else, it fluctuates -> so don't be too strict on it. Sometimes my easy pace is 8 min/mi, sometimes it's 9:30 min/mi etc.. big fluctuations due to all of the variables involved. I personally know when it's easy pace, if I don't actually have to "keep the pace up". ie: I just start running, and it becomes that pace where I don't have to try and "chase the pace" at all - probably gets easier with experience.



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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #331 on: January 15, 2018, 08:21:54 am »

Morning BW: 72.9kg [aim to weigh in next Monday <72.5kg]


Bar x Lots
50 x 5
65 x 5
85 x 5, 5, 5

Bar x 5
30 x 5
40 x 3
35 x 6, 6, 6

BW x 4
+15 x 3, 3, 3

Diverging Pulldown
57.5 x 10
50 x 12

BW x 13, 9, 6

Alternating Hammer Curls
12 x 13, 12, 11


Run - 3.88mi in 40:48
Avg HR - 158
First two miles easy (10:23, 10:38) third mile still easy, could say sentences, but a bit faster (9:30), then back to v. easy for rest of run.


Decent. Gonna try to get an easy run in later too.

Calves a bit sore during the run.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2018, 12:11:48 pm by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #332 on: January 16, 2018, 08:01:26 am »

Morning BW: 72.4kg [I guess there's that <72.5 weigh-in I was planning for Monday, haha]


Run - 4.42mi in 45:08 [10:33, 10:01, 9:35, 10:02, then slow jog remainder @ ~11:45 pace]

Avg HR - 158


I realise now this is 4 runs in 5 days! Calves feeling it and right foot definitely asking for some rest. No run tomorrow, then. Maybe some upper lifting, though.

Resting HR sitting in low 50s.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2018, 08:05:38 am by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #333 on: January 16, 2018, 01:44:30 pm »
great stuff man.. yup, sounds like you need a rest day or two. runningJoe metamorphosis, lmao!

you'll probably get crazy-hooked when you eventually do that park run.

keep it up! :ibrunning:


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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #334 on: January 17, 2018, 06:06:48 am »

Morning BW: 71.7kg [ :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: wut]


No workout. Calves quite sore. Upper body still pretty sore. Seems like as good a day as any to take a total rest. Surprised by this low weigh in. I ate at least 2400kcal. I did have to do quite a lot of walking, and I guess running is more energy intensive than lifting. Still, probably a bit of an anomaly?

Signed up for a 5k next Friday, the 26th...
« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 06:21:30 am by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #335 on: January 18, 2018, 11:26:24 am »

Morning BW: 72.2kg


Run - 2.89mi in 34:55, including some strides in last .4 mi or so

Avg HR - 151bpm


No workout today. Shall try to lift+run tomorrow. Maybe just upper body lifting, heh. Lots of walking yesterday and today. Calves still a bit sore.

Went for a run in the end. Bit of a wash. Legs dead from long walk and not much feeding. Hopefully feeling rejuvenated tmrw.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2018, 02:56:48 pm by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #336 on: January 18, 2018, 11:33:36 am »

Morning BW: 71.7kg [ :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :wowthatwasnutswtf: wut]


No workout. Calves quite sore. Upper body still pretty sore. Seems like as good a day as any to take a total rest. Surprised by this low weigh in. I ate at least 2400kcal. I did have to do quite a lot of walking, and I guess running is more energy intensive than lifting. Still, probably a bit of an anomaly?

Signed up for a 5k next Friday, the 26th...

^^ :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:



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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #337 on: January 19, 2018, 09:15:45 am »

Morning BW: 71.8kg [realised my preferred scale had just run out out battery, lol. Was 72.0 on the one I'd been using in the interim]


BW x 4
+10 x 2
+20 x 3, 3, 3
+10 x 5, 5

DB Incline Bench
12 x 7
22 x 9, 8, 7
16 x 10

BB Row
52.5 x 10, 10, 10

14 x 10, 8, 6

1.5 Style Lateral Raises
6 x 8, 6+3, 5+4


Run - 5.17mi in 48:48 [9:44, 9:08, 9:24, 9:44, 8:56, then jog last bit]
Avg HR - 159


Solid workout. Chins moving well, mostly just care about them tbh. I am just trying to keep muscle mass while dropping weight/fat to benefit the OAC chase and improve running. Kind of crazy to me that I will probably be under 70kg soon. Must be like well over 5 years since I've been that small, haha. Should be able to hit BW+40kg at under 70kg within a couple of months, I think. That'd be exciting.

Will put a run in later. Going to just keep everything easy over the next week until the race happens. Still building up mileage.

Run felt great. I dug around my drawers and found another pair of running shoes and wore them. My usual for running has been an old pair of Saucony Omni 13s. Today I ran in some Adidas Ultra Boost STs. I much preferred the feel of these, I think, they feel less clunky even though they're probably a touch heavier. I also have some Nike Flyknit Racers that I used for the track stuff last year and which are my go to gym shoes because they're much thinner sole so they feel great for stuff where I'm pushing through my feet (OHP, etc.) when I don't have my squat shoes on. They might be touch lightweight for me to run in right now, esp since on slow days I plod along a bit. I will wear them for the race and see from there. Sticking w/ the Ultra Boost STs for now.

Should note that the pace variation on the run was deliberate but not planned.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2018, 01:55:28 pm by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #338 on: January 19, 2018, 04:41:14 pm »
just searched those Adidas Ultra Boost ST's, seem crazy expensive (everywhere).

I've always heard good things about the Flyknit racers. These look slick:

I like the "knitting", looks dope.


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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #339 on: January 20, 2018, 04:46:33 am »

Morning BW: 72.0kg


Should take a full rest today. Chest, lats and calves pretty sore. Abs totally wrecked. Will run tomorrow to make this week a 20+ mile week, though!

Will eat lightly today, I think. Surprised to wake up at 72.0 today given I had a run and a lift session yesterday, but I guess I ate pretty well through the day.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #340 on: January 20, 2018, 04:49:49 am »
just searched those Adidas Ultra Boost ST's, seem crazy expensive (everywhere).

I've always heard good things about the Flyknit racers. These look slick:


I like the "knitting", looks dope.

Haha, yeah. I have been trying to work out where I got the Ultra Boost STs, because I definitely didn't pay that for a shoe!!! I think my mum got them for me to encourage me to run instead of lift at some point in the past. Well that eventually worked out...

I will admit I originally just bought the flyknits because I thought they looked cool and I could wear them as casual shoes when the weather was good, in addition to wearing them to the gym. I have this colourway:

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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #341 on: January 20, 2018, 02:04:58 pm »
just searched those Adidas Ultra Boost ST's, seem crazy expensive (everywhere).

I've always heard good things about the Flyknit racers. These look slick:


I like the "knitting", looks dope.

Haha, yeah. I have been trying to work out where I got the Ultra Boost STs, because I definitely didn't pay that for a shoe!!! I think my mum got them for me to encourage me to run instead of lift at some point in the past. Well that eventually worked out...

lmao that's funny, didn't know that.

smart mum.

I will admit I originally just bought the flyknits because I thought they looked cool and I could wear them as casual shoes when the weather was good, in addition to wearing them to the gym. I have this colourway:

sick!!! so far i've liked pretty much every pair I see, pretty slick shoes.


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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #342 on: January 21, 2018, 06:05:02 am »

Morning BW: 71.3kg [!!!]


Run - 2 mi moderate [9:06, 9:11], drills + strides [5x100 w/ jog recovery, about 5min/mi pace], 3 mi easy [10:50, 10:07, 9:41]

Just over 6 miles in total...sick


Slept from 5am to 9am, fuuuuck that. Was sleepy from like 9.30pm but could not get to sleep. Hopefully sleep resets a bit this week. Went for this run immediately on waking without eating. Was almost freezing temperature and a mix of rain/slush/snow the whole time. I need better gloves, because typing this right now is very hard.

Wore my Flyknits for this run. Like them a lot. Feel light on my feet, esp compared to the clunky things I'd been wearing otherwise.

Wearing more minimal shoes and running in the rain gave me a chance to work on stride rate. Only cue I used here was to just think about having quick ground contacts. Seemed to work! Watch says I had Avg SPM of 178 in the first two miles, then hitting ~225 during the strides, then 174, 176 and 186 for last three miles.

I think my wrist HR monitor was stride locked for this run b/c the efforts were not in line w/ the BPM readouts. I could recite a whole sonnet without much issue and it was telling me 175, lol. I think this happens when I just put on the watch right before running rather than wearing it around for a while and letting it get used to me again.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2018, 07:10:10 am by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #343 on: January 22, 2018, 06:12:44 am »

Morning BW: 71.2kg [really surprised by this one, spent a lot of yesterday sitting around eating crisps]


BW x 4
+10 x 2
+20 x 1
+25 x 1
+30 x 1  [this was not quite maximal, so I am pretty close already to a 1.5xBW chin]
+15 x 4, 4, 4

Bar x Lots
40 x 5
60 x 3
80 x 2
90 x 5, 5, 5

Bar x 7
30 x 3
40 x 4, 4, 4

V-Bar Cable Row
47 x 16, 16

BW x 15, 12, 7

Hammer Curls
14 x 10, 8
12 x 9

Workout 2

Run - 4.90mi in 45:24 [pace: 9:08, 9:18, 9:43, 9:05, 9:05]


Flagged quite hard after the second set of dips. Curls were pretty crumby, but I guess elbow flexors were pretty zonked from chins and rows at that point, so no big deal.

I think that, given the race on Friday, I will try to get in a double [i.e. lift + run] today and Wednesday, but have rest days on Tues/Thurs.

Edit: Decent run. Cadence experiment continues to pay dividends -- average SPM of 180 today. Felt fairly natural though required occasional mental effort. Hopefully will become subconscious soon.

Went to scout the course I'll be racing on Friday. First mile ends in somewhat of an uphill, but then there's a fair amount of downhill from ~1-2.5mi into the race. Shall consider my splits with this in mind. It's a really pretty course, too, through a gorgeous park and circling a lovely lake.

Also, I got into my first choice law school!
« Last Edit: January 22, 2018, 12:14:17 pm by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #344 on: January 22, 2018, 03:42:27 pm »

Morning BW: 71.2kg [really surprised by this one, spent a lot of yesterday sitting around eating crisps]


BW x 4
+10 x 2
+20 x 1
+25 x 1
+30 x 1  [this was not quite maximal, so I am pretty close already to a 1.5xBW chin]
+15 x 4, 4, 4

Bar x Lots
40 x 5
60 x 3
80 x 2
90 x 5, 5, 5

Bar x 7
30 x 3
40 x 4, 4, 4

V-Bar Cable Row
47 x 16, 16

BW x 15, 12, 7

Hammer Curls
14 x 10, 8
12 x 9

Workout 2

Run - 4.90mi in 45:24 [pace: 9:08, 9:18, 9:43, 9:05, 9:05]


Flagged quite hard after the second set of dips. Curls were pretty crumby, but I guess elbow flexors were pretty zonked from chins and rows at that point, so no big deal.

I think that, given the race on Friday, I will try to get in a double [i.e. lift + run] today and Wednesday, but have rest days on Tues/Thurs.

Edit: Decent run. Cadence experiment continues to pay dividends -- average SPM of 180 today. Felt fairly natural though required occasional mental effort. Hopefully will become subconscious soon.

nice! ya, < 175 SPM seems to be way less efficient. I think the lowest one could go while being efficiently fast is 175. 180+ is usually where most people end up. Elites and such most often end up in the ~190's from what i've seen. Fast turnover with decent strength = movin`.

Went to scout the course I'll be racing on Friday. First mile ends in somewhat of an uphill, but then there's a fair amount of downhill from ~1-2.5mi into the race. Shall consider my splits with this in mind. It's a really pretty course, too, through a gorgeous park and circling a lovely lake.

yea I checked some of the photos for that park, beautiful. that's going to be a fun day.

looks top notch.

Also, I got into my first choice law school!


congrats dude! :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: