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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #855 on: January 17, 2024, 09:46:48 am »

Cardio -- 25 mins on bike, moderate then last min all out.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #856 on: January 19, 2024, 06:26:16 am »

BW - 75.7

Seated Leg Curl
96x7 + 82x7 + 68x13 + 61x10 + 54x10

A Sissy Leg Press
135 x 5
120 x 5

B LP Calves
120 x 33
140 x 20

HS Iso Incline
40 x 10, 8
35 x 9

Incline DB Flye
10 x 19
12.5 x 13

A Cable Lateral
12.5 x 12, 10, 9

B Cable OH Tricep Ext
27.5 x 11, 9, 8

Future Lateral Raise Machine
9x10 + 7x8

OH Tri Machine
25x8 + 20x5

BW x 13+8+6


Even with this lower volume, my legs felt less recovered than upper body. Has been that way for a while. Didn't feel full strength on the leg curls or the leg press. Don't mind not having to do more, just noting the surprise element of it.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #857 on: January 20, 2024, 07:47:03 am »

BW - 75.0

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

20mm Grip Lift
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
40 x 25s hold

DB Pullover
27.5 x 10, 9+4

DB Preacher
15 x 5
12.5 x 10, 9, 7
10 x 16

BB Finger Curl
65 x. 11, 9, 9 + 60 x 5

Cable Crunch
50 x 10, 10
40 x 13

15 min stationary bike


Solid sesh. As noted, hamstrings and quads my sorest muscles from yesterday lol.

Everything after the chins done as a giant set where I just did whatever exercise felt ready, cba to record the exact sequencing.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #858 on: January 22, 2024, 07:47:33 am »

BW: 75.5

Leg Curl
96x6 + 82x8 + 68x10 + 61x14

Sissy LP
130 x 8

Reverse Nordic
+6kg x 8, 6

HS Iso Incline
40 x 11
40x9 + 35x6

Inc DB Flye
12.5 x 14, 11

Machine OH Extension
30x10 + 25x5 +20x5 +15x10 + 10x5

Panatta Machine Lateral
60x10 + 50x7 + 45x6 + 40x6 +35x6

Machine OHP
42.5 x 7 + 35x5

BW x 13+7+6


Felt sluggish going into this session, so did lots of drop sets to speed things up.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #859 on: January 23, 2024, 07:34:57 am »

BW: 75.7

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-10 x 1
-20 x 2, 2, 1, 1

20mm Pickups
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
57.5 x 1
45 x 14

DB Pullover
27.5 x 13

DB Preacher Curl
15 x 5
12.5 x 10, 8

BB Finger Curl
65 x 10, 8, 8

Chest-Supported DB Rear-Delt Row
32.5 x 13

Miscellanious ab stuff


Dietary averages for last week - 2370 kcal, 155g protein
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #860 on: January 26, 2024, 07:11:54 am »

BW - 75.1

Leg Curl
96x9 + 82x8 + 68x9 + 61x10

Cybex Hack Squat
80 x 8, 7

Reverse Nordic
+8x7 + BWx5

HS Iso Incline
40 x 13
40x10 + 35x6

Incline DB Flye
15 x 11, 8

Panatta Lateral
65x6 + 55x7 + 45x7 + 40x6 + 35x6

OH Machine Extension
30x10 + 25x7 + 20x5 + 15x6 + 10x6

BW x 15+9+6

Treadmill Incline Walk x 15 mins @~140hr


Gym got a new Cybex Hack so did that instead of leg press, think I prefer it.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #861 on: January 27, 2024, 07:12:53 am »

BW - 74.9

Assited OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-25 x 2, 2, 2

20mm Grip Lifts
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
57.5 x 1
45 x 16

DB Pullover
27.5 x 14

Chest-supported DB Row
32.5 x 13

DB Kelso Shrug
32.5 x 15

DB Preacher
15 x 5
12.5 x 9, 8,8

BB Finger Curl
65 x 12, 9, 7



My adjustible DBs only go up to 32.5, but I don't mind doing higher reps for those things.

Making this Sat workout my "light" day re OAC, not allowing any meaningful rep slowdown etc, but rest the same as Tues.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #862 on: January 28, 2024, 04:36:15 pm »
30 min station bike today
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #863 on: January 29, 2024, 07:16:08 am »

BW: 74.5kg

Seated Leg Curl
96x9 + 82x9 + 68x11 + 61x17

Cybex Hack
80 x 10, 10

HS Iso Inc
40 x 15, 13, 9

Inc Flye
15 x 13, 10

Panatta Lateral
65x8 + 55x8 + 45x8 + 40x6 + 35x5

New extension machine
60 x 10 [did not like this machine]

Cable OH Extension
30x10 + 25x8 + 20x7 +15x6 [prefer this to the machine I used in previous workouts, can get more stretch]

BW x 17+10+7

15 min x Incline Walk


Legs still sore from last workout, so was expecting this to be a bad session, but basically progress everywhere despite a new low weigh in, nice!
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #864 on: January 30, 2024, 07:14:10 am »
30 min stationary bike

Moving the previous Tuesday workout to Wednesdays so that I get a full rest day before it. It's my "A day" for OAC strength work, so want to be fresher if possible.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #865 on: January 31, 2024, 07:16:44 am »

BW - 74.9 [been consistently sub 75 most of this week!]

Assited OAC
-20 x 1
-12.5 x 1
-7.5 x 1 [RPE 9ish]
-20 x 2, 2

20mm Grip Lifts
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1
57.5 x 1, 1
45 x 17

DB Pullover
30 x 10

DB Row
32.5 x 15

Kelso Shrug
32.5 x 16

BB Finger Curl
65 x 12, 10, 8

DB Preacher
15 x 5
12.5 x 9, 9, 8

Ab stuff


Little lower trap tweak on right hand side during final OAC set, sort of thing that goes away after a day I think.

Once again I tell myself that if I get sub 70kg and gain just a little bit of OAC strength, I should finally have it. May mix in some negatives/eccentrics for a different stimulus as things progress.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #866 on: February 02, 2024, 07:39:46 am »

BW - 74.9

Leg Curl
96x11 + 82x10 + 68x12 + 61x17

Cybex Hack
80 x 12, 11

HS Iso Incline
45 x 11, 9
40 x 12

Incline Flye
15 x 15, 12

Future Lateral [the Panatta one, which I prefer, was in use]
10x12 + 8x9 + 7x8 + 6x7 + 5x6

OH Ext
35x9 + 30x5 + 25x6 +20x7 +15x10

15 min incline treadmill walk


Didn't do dips and reverse nordics. No particular reason tbh, will do them next time.

Have been surprised how much lifts are progressing while my weight is trending down.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #867 on: February 03, 2024, 11:41:04 am »

BW - 74.7

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1
-20 x 3, 2, 2

20mm grip
50 x 1, 1
55 x 1, 1, 1
57.5 x 1, 1

DB Pullover
30 x 11

DB Row
32.5 x 15

Kelso Shrug
32.5 x 17

Flat DB Curl
12.5 x 8, 7 [didn't like this, back to preacher next time]

Incline Hammer Curl
17.5 x 10, 9



Felt super strong on assisted chins.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #868 on: February 04, 2024, 12:29:10 pm »

40 min stationary bike
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #869 on: February 05, 2024, 07:11:18 am »

BW - 74.4

Leg Curl
96x11 + 82x10 + 68x15 + 61x18

Cybex Hack
85 x 9, 8

HS Iso Incline [a different one, the one I usually use was occupied]
50 x 15, 13, 9

Incline Flye
16 x 12, 10

Panatta Lateral
65x9 + 55x7 + 45x7 + 40x6 +35x8

OH Machine Extension
35x10 + 30x6 + 25x7 + 20x6 + 15x10

BW x 18 + 8 + 5

12 min incline walking [accidentally hit the cooldown button so just stopped early lol]


Once again, progress in most places to my surprise. Could partly be because I'm doing a high proportion of new exercises lately, but I don't think that's it (esp since a lot of them are isolation/machine, where "neural" gains are less).

While bulking, I had been pushing the volume higher and higher, since that's the general recommendation for maximising gainzzz these days. But maybe I'm just someone who does better on lower volume!
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