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Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Last post by CoolColJ on May 08, 2024, 08:53:50 am »
Wednesday 8th May 2024

Sore all over, but not too bad

Last night marks the end of my Carnivore diet, and a move to animal based instead.
I added in 4 grapes and a teaspoon of raw honey - and finally slept past 4-5 hours last night...

I think being in ketosis all the time, amped my body into fight and flight mode and so staying asleep is tough
It's great during the day, but not so at night.

So I'm adding in some low toxity carbs at night
But still it is fairly low, at under 50g.

I feel a bit puffy today... and I woke up with morning wood :)

Tendon Rehab - Recovery and Plyos

Bodyweight: ?

Popliteus, seated bent knee internal foot rotation ISO : - 3x33secs
Sartorius seated leg curl against opposite leg ISO: 3x33 secs
Wall Sit single leg, heels off floor, 1/4 squat, pushing into floor at 70% effort - 3x33secs

BBall dribbling and Ball control drills: 10 mins

Rotating sets -

Tendon work superset

4 sets of
A. Jogging - 15secs
B. Backwards walk - 45secs
C. Carioca run : 20secs - easy effort - halfcourt each side
D. Pogo: low, easy x20
E. Scissor hops star pattern : x12 axis

Jumps: easy, 6 inch height - 3x5

Jogging - 45 secs x2

Walking: x 22mins
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Last post by CoolColJ on May 08, 2024, 08:31:34 am »
Tuesday 30th April 2024

Thankfully soreness greatly reduced

Cutting most of my ISOs down to 33 secs.
Less time to do, it adds up, and can use more weight/effort.
based on research 30 secs still has effect on tendons.

Reboot - Week 22, Day 2 - Lower weights

Body Weight: 89.4kg with shoes, in winter clothing

snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocate stretch with broom x 1 min

Lateral squat ISO: 2x30 secs
External leg rotation ISO against floor, slight bent knee: 2x45secs
Popliteus, seated bent knee internal foot rotation ISO 4x33 secs
Sartorius lying on back, single leg ISO pull, against opposite foot: 4x33 secs
Calf raise ISO push against wall, sitting on floor, back against wall: 3x33 secs
Sitting on floor, back on wall, single leg press ISO push through ball of foot against wall: 3x33 secs

A. Front plank hold: 33secs
B. Side plank, legs bent and abducted: 33secs
C. Glute bridge hold: 33secs

Leg Extension ISO - single leg - plates moved towards end of arm -
Leaning back, slow concetric, 10 sec hold at top, 30 degrees, 60 degrees, 80 degrees - 10kg x55secs, x15kg, x15kg

Heel touch downs, single leg, off 8 inch step: slow tempo - BW x10

Power clean:
20kg x10 - 5 low hang, 5 high hang
40kg x10  - 1 floor, 3 high hang, 3 knee hang, 3 floor
40kg x3 - 1 floor, high hang, knee hang
45kg x10  - 1 floor, 3 high hang, 3 knee hang, 3 floor
45kg x10  - 1 floor, 3 high hang, 3 knee hang, 3 floor

Floor - 50kg x3, 55kg x3

High Bar squat - Goblet squat 10kg x10
Reebok Nano, slow - 40kg x8, 60kg x5, 75kg x5
Oly shoes, Slow, paused - 90kg x4

Oly shoes, belt, 4 secs down - 105kg x2, 115kg x1 (felt easier than before),
125kg x1 @ RPE 8.5

Oly shoes - 4 mins rest - 105kg x6
Reebok Nano - 4 mins rest - 105kg x6
Bare feet/socks - 5 mins rest - 105kg x6
Oly shoes - 6 mins rest - 105kg x10 @RPE 8.5

Was tempted to go for an 11th rep on the last set, but decided I needed the recovery instead of grinding out another rep.
Didn't go as well as I would have liked. Form was spoty from the accumulated fatigue
Feels better when I rep out on the first set, and then do the volume sets after, rather than last like today.

Noticed much less hip shift since last session of SSB Bulgarian split squats

The bare foot set also felt the best, and felt way lighter on my back for some reason. The first two sets felt much heavier
Barefeet felt more planted and connected to the floor, so I may switch to that.
Although I can't get as low nor as upright.
I feel like I'm on tippy toes in oly shoes due to the slope of the garage

My shorter tibia to femur ratio causes me to lean more forward than I'd like for a high bar squat

rotating sets

Tibilias Wall raise - standing warmup in oly shoes - BW x6
against side of car, in oly shoes - hold at top - BW x6
BW x20 @RPE 9  (+1 rep)
BW x17 @10

I may just maintain these here. 20 reps in oly shoes is already plenty strong enough

Romanian Deadlift - Lower down to inch off the floor - 20kg x12, 40kg x6, 60kg x6

Belt+straps - 70kg 4x12 @RPE 8 on last set

Felt brutal!

Leg extension single leg: front elevated 5 inches, Plates shifted to end of arm - SLOW - 10kg 2x10 @RPE 8

Calf raise - single leg - BW SLOW, paused, full range 2x10

30kg x33 Seconds - Straight
35kg x33 Seconds - Straight (+5kg)
35kg x33 Seconds - Toes out
35kg x33 Seconds - Toes in

SSB - Flat on floor, heel not touching, controlled - 40kg 2x12 @7/8  (+5kg)

starting to load heavier - and no achilles aches

Rotating sets

Ab wheel: On knees, progressively lower x6
On knees 3x12 @7/8/9

Leg curl, single leg : - Plates shifted to end of arm - SLOW - 5kg x5, 7.5kg x10 , x9 @RPE 8

Hammer curl - dumbbell : SLOW - 10lbs 3x10 @8

Chin up, leg assisted: x3, x12 @9

Jefferson Curl - controlled 10kg x10, 15kgx20 @8

Still crazy erector pump, but getting easier

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Last post by CoolColJ on May 08, 2024, 07:51:37 am »
Monday 6th May 2024

Damn, quads, glutes, upper hammies and calves are deep down sore - I think mostly from the SSB Bulgarian split squats and jumps
Achilles feels fine after yesterday.

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

Popliteus bent knee internal foot rotation ISO : 4x45secs

Calf raise ISO push against wall, sitting on floor, back against wall: 70% effort -
45 secs - straight
45 Secs - Toes out
45 Secs - Toes in

Sartorius seated leg curl feet push together ISO: 70% effort 3x33 secs

Peroneal external foot rotation ISO single leg : 3x33 secs

Wall Sit single leg, heels off floor, 1/4 squat, pushing into floor at 70% effort - 4x 33secs

Walk - 23 mins
Pics, Videos, & Links / 5'7" Chinese with insane hops and relative strength
« Last post by CoolColJ on May 08, 2024, 07:30:37 am »
Head almost to rim

jump testing

5x5 with 180kg high bar squat

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Last post by Joe on May 08, 2024, 07:23:07 am »

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1
-20 x 2, 2

OA Row
55 x 9, 7

Rear Delt
10 x 14, 11

Finger Curl
22.5 x 8+5, 6+4
20 x 10+5

120 x 15+7+5

Hammer Incline
17.5 x 18+8+5

DB Preacher
12.5 x 10, 8


BW yesterday was 73.3, today 72.5. We'll see where it settles with normal eating, but basically gained 2kg of fat in a week. Was an awful/stressful week for various reasons I won't go into, and which have gladly mostly resolved, but annoying to be left with this after-effect. Was feeling like I was a week or two away from being done, but now it's back on the diet grind for like 2+ months I guess. Pretty upset with myself and feeling gross, even if I get why the binge happened. Was looking forward to being done and back to maintaining/lean gaining, but I'm not going to step away from the goal now.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Last post by Joe on May 07, 2024, 10:25:03 am »
Had a terrible week for various reasons and stress led to a pretty extended binge-eating episode. Back to normal today, though, but frustrating. Onwards.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Raptor's log
« Last post by Raptor on May 07, 2024, 08:10:11 am »
Bench focus day 21:

Bench press:

70x5 old age :personal-record:

High bar full squat:

85x8 (could've done 10)
85x8 (could've done 10)

Bodyweight: 92.1 kg
Sleep rating: 4/5
Exhaustion level: 9/10
Workout duration: 28 min


Old age :personal-record: in the bench press. Used a narrower grip and it worked really well. 5th rep was a bit of a grinder but still. Squat was done with a narrow stance, quad dominant, full. Very tiring but I did feel the legs work a lot. Had to cut the session short because I thought I had a meeting but it turns out it was cancelled. Oh well.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Last post by LBSS on May 06, 2024, 08:53:48 pm »
went to NC over the weekend for a family reunion.


- run 30:44, 4.81 km


- run 30:56, 4.82 km

- bouldering x two hours
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Raptor's log
« Last post by Raptor on May 05, 2024, 01:06:20 pm »
Went in the park, played 3 on 3 for 2:20 hours, had 15 dunks on the 2.92m rim. I've gotten to the point where I can dunk off one step, I just "hip snap" myself into the jump and that's it, like back 8 years ago. Crazy. I tried two or three dunks on the 10' rim as well, I am about 2 or 3 inches away from a clean dunk.

I'm currently trying to get my bodyweight under 90 kg, that should suffice to get those 2-3 inches that I need. Currently at 92.2 kg (91.4 after coming from the park, dehydrated).
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Kingfush
« Last post by Kingfish on May 05, 2024, 12:05:06 pm »
May 5-11, 2024

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020
Cardio Calories - Inclined walking at 3mph pace per 5 mins | 6% [47kcal], 9% [57kcal], 12%[67kcal], 15%[77kcal]

May Week 2 of 5 BW 198-202

Sun May 5

6:30 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 100-100 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine - One Arm ~ 70 max 60-60 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 80 max 70-70-80 x5

4:30 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80-125 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 100-100 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine - One Arm ~ 70 max 65-65 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 80 max 65-65 x5

Mon May 6

6:30 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80-125 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 100-100 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine - One Arm ~ 70 max 65-65 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 80 max 65-65 x5

* legs feeling normal now after skipping the inclined walking for a few days.

7:30 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 100-100 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine - One Arm ~ 70 max 65-65 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 80 max 65-65 x5

Tue May 7

6:00 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80-125 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 100-100 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine - One Arm ~ 70 max 65-65 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 80 max 65-65 x5

* might skip workout later again due to busy work schedule. legs back to normal again after taking off the 30 min inclined walking.

9:00 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 100-100 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine - One Arm ~ 70 max 65-65 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 80 max 65-65 x5

* very late workout. was hungry already.

Wed May 8

6:00 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 100-100 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine - One Arm ~ 70 max 65-65 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 80 max 65-65 x5

6:00 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-475
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 100-100 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine - One Arm ~ 70 max 65-65 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 80 max 65-65 x5

* very strong today. got good sleep and ate very well.

Thur May 9

6:00 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 100-100 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine - One Arm ~ 70 max 65-65 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 80 max 65-65 x5

Fri May 10

6:00 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 100-100 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine - One Arm ~ 70 max 65-65 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 80 max 65-65 x5

* skipped yesterday afternoon workout because of work schedule.

Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 100-100 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine - One Arm ~ 70 max 65-65 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 80 max 65-65 x5

Sat May 11

6:30 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-125 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 100-100 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine - One Arm ~ 70 max 65-65 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 80 max 80-90 x5

4:30 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 80-125 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 100-100 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine - One Arm ~ 70 max 65-80 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - One Arm ~ 80 max 65-65 x5

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