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Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Last post by CoolColJ on June 29, 2024, 10:25:17 am »
Saturday 29th June 2024

Poor sleep continues
Legs while not mega sore, feel pretty tired

Didn't feel like BBall'ing today, but the show must go on...

BBall, Jumps at outdoor courts - Reboot, Week 29, day 1

Bodyweight with shoes - 89.2kg in semi winter clothing

Wall sit, half squat : pushing into wall at 70% effort - 2x33 secs
BBall overhead single arm plank against wall: 2x33 secs

Dribbling and ball control drills - 15 mins
Practice moves and shooting- 20 mins, medium effort

Jumps - a few dunks on the 8.5 feet rim on the back of the main rims.

Upper body felt good - dribbling and moves were stronger, sharper, and crisper than before.
Legs felt dead as expected, from all the squatting and hours of bending over and fiddling/setting up/testing the belt squat attachment.

Both knees were achey as well when jumping/landing until full warmed up.
At least no tendon flare ups today.
Cut things short before I got injured

Did two pull ups on the 8.5 feet rim, and easily pulled the rim to upper ab level, just about muscle up transition area, with no kipping
Funny how I can't do this on a straight bar...

Box Jumps: - 20 inch wall - landing with straight legs -
LR and RL plant 3 step jumps x 3 each

Tendon work superset
50% effort/speed

A. Backward run - full court
B. Carioca run - half court each side
C. Pogo:  x20
D.  Scissor hops star pattern : 12 axis

random combo of the above
cut short the pogos though, as my mid erectors DOMs were screaming from the jolts!

Feet/achilles and calves felt strong and good.
Getting closer to full health and ramping things up here

Sit in bottom of full squat: 3 mins - 1.5 mins narrow heels off the ground, 1.5 mins wide relaxed
gettingh easier and less uncomfortable

Walking: 8 mins
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Last post by Joe on June 29, 2024, 07:32:36 am »

 Close-Grip No-Arch Bench
80 x 8, 7, 6

Curtsy Lunge []
+30 x 6
+50 x 6

Side Bend
27.5 x 14, 12, 11

Incline DB Flye
12.5 x 9, 7
10 x 12

Lying EZ Bar Extension
30 x 12, 10, 9

140 x 12, 10, 9

Lying Lateral
10 x 8
7.5 x 10, 8 + 5x7

BW x 16 + 9 + 6


Attempted a standing ab wheel set at the end, but between side bends today and abs yesterday, that was a no-go.

Not bothering to record the exactitudes of what is super-setted with what, since this was done at home and I moved pretty freely between exercises as I felt ready/rested etc, but basically everything was supersetted with something, so this workout took like 50 mins or so.

Quads very sore, so just experimenting with the curtsy lunge. Felt good on glutes, nice to get some lateral movement, and didn't bother my hip, so will include this. May not push them super hard in this session, but will keep them here for more lateral practice, and try to progress the more on the Wednesday sesh.

Doing this variation of bench bc it gets a bigger chest stretch than a more powerlifting style, even if I end up using less weight. Will be cool to see where I can push too with this style though. I feel like my ability to get reps on bench is very bad compared to 1rm.

Doing side bends for a few reasons. One, I don't really like any of the ab exercises I find it convenient to perform at home, other than ab wheel. Two, I tried a human flag the other day and it was basically trivial in terms of back/shoulder strength, but my obliques felt like they were going to rip apart. Three, I have a narrow waist but wide hips, so wonder if filling out obliques a little bit will ameloriate the hourglass figure a touch.

Random note: have got into making burritos for lunch, and, while it is wasteful, toasting them a bit in a pan and then wrapping them in foil is a gamechanger.

Edit: mid traps nice and sore today from the T-bar rows + kelso shrugs. mid and upper traps a priority for me so am glad they get properly worked.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Age vs VO2max
« Last post by vag on June 28, 2024, 12:31:00 pm »
21 June

10 @ 30 kg
8 @ 50 kg
8 @ 70 kg
5 @ 90 kg
3 @ 100 kg
2 @ 110 kg
1 @ 120 kg

10 @ 17.5 kg  each hand
10 @ 17.5 kg  each hand
9 @ 20 kg  each hand ( +2.5 kg per hand ) , ( -1 rep )
8 @ 20 kg  each hand ( +2.5 kg per hand ) , ( -2 reps )

10 @ 71kg
10 @ 71kg
9 @ 77kg ( +6 kg ) , ( -1 rep )
8 @ 77kg ( +6 kg ) , ( -2 reps )

Nice, added weight, felt strong.

And then... i got covid. Are you fkn kidding me, its 2024, come on now!!!
Passed it rather too easy (like a super mild cold) no fever etc but didn't train at all the entire week.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Last post by CoolColJ on June 28, 2024, 11:11:28 am »
Friday 28th June 2024

Sleep has not been good lately... and still kinda achey all over.
Another day of "rest" will BBall tomorrow

For some reason my left knee flared up overnight.
Feels like my quad tendon area, which hurts when pressed
I do recall the belt squat arm slammed into that area when it slipped and fell when i was setting it up..

but that was 2 days ago, so a delayed effect :/

Last night

Hammer curl overcoming ISO : using opposite arm, 80% effort - 6 x15 secs
External leg rotation against floor, slight bent knee: 70% effort - 6 x15 secs
Semi single leg squat ISO, on balls of foot - half squat depth - 4 x33 secs

Bodyweight in winter clothing 88.8kg

Calf Raise ISO, single leg - using Belt squat

15 secs straight, toes out, toes in - with no rest - 

belt squat (25kg) + plate weight. 60% felt load when it hits my feet
25kg x45 Seconds - Felt load 15kg.
45kg x45 Seconds - Felt load 27kg
65kg x45 Seconds - Felt load 39kg
85kg x45 Seconds - Felt load 51kg
105kg x45 Seconds - Felt load 63kg
125kg x45 Seconds @RPE 8 - Felt load 75kg

Belt squat

I spent more time messing around and testing the belt squat attachment today
Which was quite tiring in itself, and with more light belt squats done to test things

87.6kg bodyweight on rubber mats -
103.5kg together with empty belt squat = 16kg empty belt squat lever.

adding 20kg onto belt squat = 115.7kg , so only 12.2kg was added

12.2kg from 20kg added is a 60% felt load
Which falls inline with the numbers I see on the web with other similar belt squat levers.

The belt squat weighs 33kg when sitting bare on the scale.
But once attached to the squat stand, the only parts that exert load on my body come to 26.5kg
I just round it down to 25kg to make plate maths easier

60% felt load numbers on the last session I belt squatted seem to fall somewhere between a front squat and Safety bar squat.
Make sense as you can't use your back as much.

After adding some new parts from the hardware store to improve things, like an S hook.
And a short 300kg rated tie down strap to pull the attachment against a J hook on the backside of my squat stand uprights
Then removing unnecessary carabiners, and using the highest set of rings on the belt to attach to the belt squat arm.
I was able to belt squat full depth with 2 inches to spare, without having to stand on a raised surface to improve depth.

And when I relax and round down, I can make the plates and belt squat lever touch the floor.
So going to true failure on the belt squat will be easy and safe.
Myoreps and rest pause will be viable

I also bought a set of cheap car jacks (2 came in the pack), rated for 3000kg, and tested it as a kick stand so I can hook up the belt, and start from the top.
Then move it aside before starting the set. And it worked well
I didn't take a pic of my setup, but this is similar.

They also work well as another set of stands for when I'm using two barbells at the same time.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Last post by CoolColJ on June 28, 2024, 10:24:16 am »
just catching up in here so wanted to say big ups on the weight loss so far, visual change is very evident.

Thanks, yeah taking your waist from 40 to 35 inches is quite a difference, more than the 5kg I lost.
I think there is another 5 kg unaccounted for, due to muscle gain, as I usually lose 2kg per inch off my waist

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Last post by LBSS on June 28, 2024, 10:08:51 am »
just catching up in here so wanted to say big ups on the weight loss so far, visual change is very evident.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Last post by Joe on June 28, 2024, 10:07:49 am »
Workout plan is roughly like this:

A1 - RDL
B1 - Reverse Nordic
A2 - Chins
B2 - Dips
A3 - EZ Bar Curl
B3 - Lying Lateral

Lunge variation
A1 - Row
B1 - DB Incline
A2 - Hammer Preacher Curl
B2 - EZ Bar Extension
A3 - Lying Lateral
B3 - Abs

Leg Curl
Leg Extension
Pendulum Sq
Machine Row
Preacher Curl
Cable Laterals

A1 - Flye
B1 - Lunge
A2 - Shrug
B2 - EZ Bar Extension
A3 - Side Bend
B3 - Lateral Raise
C3 - Dips

3-5 sets of most exercises. Lowest volume would be hamstrings, probably getting 8 sets (3 RDL, 5 leg extensions), but I feel like that's enough for me since those two movements destroy me. Might drop the Saturday lunges if it feels like too much legs, but it's in there mostly as a glute focus.

The beginner BJJ classes at my local gym are Tues/Thurs, so will try to visit one of those soon, may have to move around lifting according to how sore that makes me/how fresh I want to be going to that. It's a gaining phase, and I want to stay in it for a while to make some real progress, so should have sufficient fuel for plenty of activity.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Last post by Joe on June 28, 2024, 08:32:46 am »

Seated Leg Curl
82 x 10, 8, 7
75 x 12, 10

Leg Extension
135 x 9, 8, 7

Pendulum Squat
30 x 7, 6

Wide Grip T-Bar Row
75 x 9, 8, 6 + 6 Kelso Shrugs

Narrow Neutral Pulldown
110 x 6
100 x 6
90 x 7
80 x 9

Machine Preacher Curl
15/5/0 x 8, 7, 6
10/5/0 x 10, 8

Cable Lateral
11 x 12, 10
8 x 10, 7
6 x 10, 8, 6
4 x 10

Cable Crunch
38 x 7
36 x 9, 7
33 x 7

Machine Calf Raise
20 x 9, 8, 7, 6

Machine Crunch
67.5x6 + 60x5 + 45x8


DB Finger Curl
22.5 x 6+6, 5+5
20 x 7+6, 6+5
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Last post by CoolColJ on June 27, 2024, 11:51:33 am »
Thursday 27th June 2024

Didn't get quite as sore in my quads and glutes as I was expecting.
About the same as yesterday...

Just rested today

Walking = 21 mins

Fiddled around with the belt squat attachment trying different setups and ways to hook it up.
This is how I had it setup yesterday.

You can see it's not made for my squat stand... had it hooked up to my J hook.
And then a tie down strap holding it against the upright.
Worked fairly well, it was stable.

Had to stack some bumper plates to stand on so I could get full depth
But doing so means the kick stand is too low to hook the belt to when starting.
I had to kneel down to hook it up, and then squat up.

Getting another exercise step, to add to my current one to stand on, instead of the bumper plates
Rated for 200kg, so one under each foot should be 400kg distributed

Today I scrounged up an old thick piece of wood, and will gaff tape an old broom handle to it
And use it to prop the the belt squat arm to knee height so I can start from the top.
Move it out once hooked up, and back under the arm when the set is finished

a bit like this

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Raptor's log
« Last post by Raptor on June 27, 2024, 08:36:58 am »
Squat focus day 25:

Low bar squat:

100x6(could've done 8 )
100x6(could've done 7)
100x6(could've done 7, but barely)

Bench press:

55x10 (could've done 12)
55x8 (was 8RM)

Bodyweight: Didn't measure
Sleep length&rating: 8h, 3/5
Exhaustion level: 10/10


Was very tired, felt nauseaus a little, so considering this I am very happy about my squatting. Had to cut the workout short to go home and rest. Will focus on recovery, now.
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