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Messages - 100m200m

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Here's a youtube video I found of Tyson Gay:

He runs with a kind of side to side motion in his upper body.  Usain Bolt does kind of the same thing as well:

Here's a youtube video of Ben Johnson:

He runs without moving his upper body so much.

My first reaction would be to think that the style of Ben Johnson in the second video is much more efficient but Tyson Gay and definitely Usain Bolt are both two of the best sprinters in history and it would seem strange that one of them would have bad form.  They both have been running for a while under coaches which have helped them constantly improve so if there was something that could be fixed as easily as that side to side movement then they would have fixed it.

What would cause them to run differently and what would be the advantages of each type of style?  Does it have to do with the fact that Ben was one of the greatest starters while Tyson and Usain are known as two of the greatest finishers?

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Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: split squat drops
« on: June 13, 2009, 07:26:35 pm »
The way he's landing when he does them, I don't think he should be doing them.  He's kind of wobbly when he's absorbing the impact.

Article & Video Discussion / Re: Project Phoenix
« on: June 13, 2009, 08:54:24 am »
Dan, thanks for the kind words and the advice.

I would spend more time on the track, but I live in Alaska and there's snow on the ground 7 months out of the year, and it's only warm enough to run outside for 4. My plan is largely tailored to my environment. I am trying to get as much on-track time as possible while it's warm though.

Well you don't always have to be on the track.  A full size (not high school) basketball court is 50'x94', which means that 2 laps plus running one of the short sides is about 103 meters, which can work for tempo.  I do starts along the long side sometimes but only for about 20m because I need space to slow down.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: June 12, 2009, 11:29:32 pm »
see RJ, im not crazy.. tho i have shin splints & my calfs hurt so bad..

from a post on tvs:

holla atcha boy so sexy .. yezzir.

37-38 today.. 37-38 on a make.. this is a miss and a make.. vid later..


must complete workout with shin splintz..


Jeez, you've got to find some hobbies so you can get a rest.  Try taking up video games or something and give your ankles a break every once in a while.  Haha, you were supposed to take Thursday off for recovery and ended up doing 100 jumps before doing this workout the next day.

1. Are you a morning or evening person (generally)?
2. What time do you sleep/wake on average?
3. List the times of day at which you train, label them endurance or power.
Depends, but usually around 1-3PM, Power
4. If you'd rather train at a different time, list the time here.
4PM-6PM if it is the time of the year when it is still light outside between 4 and 6
5. any other info? perhaps what you notice in athletes you may train beside yourself?
Rather than the time at which I wake up, it is more important for me to do something like basketball for an hour or two early in the day.  After that I take a break and eat before doing my main workout.  This gets my CNS working well and lets my body get used to being explosive before I start my main power workouts later on in the day.

I get a lot of minor aches and pains that usually go away after awhile if I just ignore them.  However, a lot of times I've had more major injuries that I should have addressed and let heal.  In fact, I broke my right thumb once and unknowingly kept playing basketball for months even though I couldn't move it properly.  The main lesson I've learned would be that even though it's hard, I have to stop playing basketball or running when I get hurt and rest for a while in order to prevent chronic problems.

1. Electro-mechanical response times and muscle strength after sleep deprivation.

The results suggest that subjects who have undergone 60 h of SD can react as fast, and with as much force, as those who have had 7 h of sleep per night.

2. Physical performance and physiological responses following 60 hours of sleep deprivation.

These results suggest that sleep loss of up to 60 h will not impair the capability for physical work, a finding of considerable importance in sustained military operations which frequently involve the combination of both physical and mental tasks.

3. The effect of partial sleep deprivation on weight-lifting performance

Results indicate that submaximal lifting tasks are more affected by sleep loss than are maximal efforts, particularly for the first two nights of successive sleep restriction.

7. The effects of two alternative timings of a one-hour nap on early morning performance.

It was concluded that a one-hour nap could counteract the late night performance decrement.

1,2, and 3 make it seem like it would be better to skip sleep altogether than to sleep for a short time the night before some type of athletic event.  However, 7 looks like it says the opposite.

What are your thoughts about using a weighted vest Adarqui?  If you're going to jump with weights I would think it would be a lot easier to do it with something like a MiR weighted vest than a barbell on your back or with dumbells.

um, wtf?

I thought the same thing until I realized that even if she has a vertical of around 16 inches, mine is only five inches higher and I'm definitely older and bigger than her.

Article & Video Discussion / Re: Rj's Reactive Series
« on: June 06, 2009, 12:23:00 am »

I've got another question about the second article in the series.  It says that anaerobic endurance training is the best for developing tendon stiffness so I would like to know how I can incorporate that type of training into my workouts.  The first thing I thought of was running a 400 but that would have to take up an entire workout since as it is I usually don't do more than 300m total in a speed workout.  I'd like to do anaerobic endurance training if it is the most effective for building tendon stiffness but I don't really know how to do it.  Isn't something which is 40-60 seconds of 100% intensity too draining to use as regular part of a workout?

Article & Video Discussion / Re: Rj's Reactive Series
« on: June 03, 2009, 09:53:51 pm »
Thanks for the answers.  I'll try incorporating RDL and bench yielding isos into my weights program.

Article & Video Discussion / Re: Rj's Reactive Series
« on: June 03, 2009, 07:28:16 pm »
I have a question about the isometric strength involved in sprinting.  My coach told me before that isometrics were useless because they only increased strength within about 15 degrees of the joint angles at which they were performed.  If I do yielding isometrics with a pause at the bottom of an RDL then how would it help my isometric strength when my leg touches down during running?

Also, if I do incorporate yielding isometric exercises, are they best done at the beginning or end of my weights session?

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey Guys
« on: June 03, 2009, 09:44:51 am »
I ran for Worcester Polytechnic, which is DIII, so it's nothing big.  I just want to be able to run 24 next indoor season and mid 11's during outdoor.

Introduce Yourself / Hey Guys
« on: June 03, 2009, 01:16:48 am »
Hey Everyone,

I am about to go into my second year of college track after having a terrible first year.  I had a pretty bad groin pull during the preseason and I injured my left glute twice and my right achilles during the indoor season which resulted in my running only two crappy 200m races.  I quit at the beginning of the outdoor season after pulling my groin again.

Right now I am hoping to get back into shape this summer before I try out for the team again next preseason.  I'll be starting a training journal so I can keep my workouts organized.

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