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Messages - Raptor

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Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: amazing natural glute ham raise
« on: July 14, 2010, 04:01:56 am »
I hate that my knee is injured... because I can do pretty much the same thing even though I have much more bodyfat than that guy so it's more difficult for me (and I was doing them on the floor by the way... with just a gym mat folded a few times under my knees)...

This video really makes me want to go out and film one natural GHR rep...

Well first off, that was really cool. Secondly, "Sorin" is a Romanian name :D

And thirdly, I do pretty much the same thing before a heavy squat or deadlift. I usually psyche out, I feel the body temperature increase, anxiety, electric current through the body, a rush of power and tension occuring, and then I just go and do my thing. It's great but it's very consuming on the CNS.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: A few videos from yesterday
« on: July 14, 2010, 03:51:40 am »
I have analyzed my jumps/bounds/2-leg bounds frame by frame yesterday and discovered a few things:

1) I don't get "deep enough" on my two-leg bounds so I think I put mostly quad in them (since I bend at a 1/4 squat position); I need to focus on getting deeper.

2) I don't completely hip hyperextend... I use just a short burst of hip extension and then stop it. If Bret Contreras was right, pulling the heels at my butt (flexing the knee) improves your ability to hip hyperextend by 5%, so that's interesting. I need to work on both more, hip hyperextension and heel-under butt pull and then leg extension forward to land further;

3) I don't use my arms like I could/should. I need to extend them and use the momentum they create.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: A few videos from yesterday
« on: July 13, 2010, 05:24:10 pm »
Oh yeah it's definitely the angle, but that pic you posted had a low jump... we filmed the side jumps the last and I was empty and wanted to just leave... no mood for jumping at all at that point. So that's like a 28 inch jump there. I think the jump is 31 inches in the pic I posted according to my timer. Still, the left leg is pretty extended (although lifted forward) in the pic I posted... and it's at that bar in the fence level. I need to measure that but I remember it's at 95 cm (I might be wrong). I need to measure that just for the fun's sake.

Anyway, my 2-leg bounds from today:

2-leg bounds:

Yeah steven-miller suggested contracting the abs more on TVS... so I probably have sucky abs... they are whack actually.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: A few videos from yesterday
« on: July 13, 2010, 03:58:02 pm »
A picture from yesterday:

I did today a handful of sets of two-leg bounds (consecutive broad jumps) and I noticed my lower back was "full of blood" or had "the pump" while doing them... which makes me think I might be using the lower back as the primary hip extensor for some reason.

Any ideas? Is that normal (the feeling)?

Article & Video Discussion / Re: LD ISOS
« on: July 13, 2010, 09:55:21 am »
Held them for 5 minutes... right...? :-\

Article & Video Discussion / Re: LD ISOS
« on: July 13, 2010, 07:49:26 am »
Well I did those in the past...

But for 20 seconds... more of yielding isometrics. I have no idea if they did anything. Maybe they improve the "isometric" control so to speak... make you more aware of how much can you tense isometrically. That could have a carryover in a one-leg jump where you contract isometrically your jumping leg to plant.

Article & Video Discussion / Re: LD ISOS
« on: July 13, 2010, 03:58:27 am »
So you read 51 pages of that thread? :o

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: A few videos from yesterday
« on: July 13, 2010, 03:26:36 am »
Yeah, I have only myself to blame. The funny thing is that I don't really enjoy eating... I find it a snobism, a thing that rich people do (talk about eating) to make them look "cool" and to show they are rich etc. In fact, I hate pretty much everything about food in general... one things that you must never do if you meet me (and I mean that) is try to make me eat something you want me to eat... that's basically a red flag from me and I feel like killing you (I think my blood pressure rises to extreme levels). So, you know... :-*

So judging by this ^^^ it should be "easier" to lose fat. I'm probably just not disciplined enough to do interval runs etc, but I'll see what I can do from today on. I plan on alternating 2-leg bounds with sprints (in the same set), so I see what happens.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: A few videos from yesterday
« on: July 12, 2010, 04:07:35 pm »
Yup... for my RL plant I kind of try to make it look good... I'm getting up fine though, about 75 cm I think. But there's a big difference in between a small ball and a "big" ball in terms of technique (expected, but nonetheless annoying).

My one-leg jump hasn't increased in the last two years or so though... despite the gains in strength. I think one way into that is cutting the bodyfat a bit...

Pics, Videos, & Links / A few videos from yesterday
« on: July 12, 2010, 12:36:59 pm »
A few vids from yesterday, notice the differences in the gather with the mini ball and the size 5 ball:

One leg dunk with size 5 ball:

One-leg dunk from the side:

Silly pirouette dunk mini-ball:

Silly pirouette dunk size 5 ball:

Two-footed dunk with mini-ball RL plant:

Two-footed dunk with mini-ball LR plant:

Two-footed dunk with size 5 ball: (note the difference in the arm swings with a bigger ball, the speed difference, the amount of compression occuring in the plant etc)

Standing vert mini-ball dunk from the side:

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: July 06, 2010, 09:10:55 am »
I prefer to waste my seeds only on special forums in my heart... or something

Article & Video Discussion / Re: Interesting Glute article
« on: July 04, 2010, 05:23:23 pm »
In my opinion, and it seems that I'm alone in this - if you're a one-leg jumper you can get away without having too much posterior chain strength if you have great quad strength. If you are able to transform the horizontal movement into a vertical movement, and that's done with the help of the quads, then you can use a long run-up in which you build up speed (and therefore you have initial force) and then just switch it vertically.

If you run fast towards the plant point and are able not to collapse at the knee, I don't think you need that much posterior chain strength to jump very high.

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