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Messages - aiir

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News, Announcements, & Suggestions / Re: New hosting
« on: June 26, 2014, 02:22:11 pm »
I kinda like the simplicity, thanks tho darqui

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Re: Help Me Restart
« on: June 22, 2014, 09:25:05 pm »
Sounds good, I'll be on the lookout for my diet this week. I weighed in at 146.8lb yesterday, pretty livid but I had a slight case of food poisoning and haven't ate anything worthwhile in the past few days.

Is there a edit of my workout that I should be doing now? Boxing is very very intensive with cardio/calisthenics and sparring/mitt drills so I try to work out on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and box on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. If you could suggest a way to adapt/change the workout to match the load, I'd appreciate it man. Boxing hits shoulders hard, and also tires out legs fast...I've been doing Upper, Lower, Upper so far for my workouts. Not getting the best numbers anymore because of muscle fatigue but I really don't want to neglect my weightlifting. I'm been envisioning ending the summer 10lbs heavier, way stronger and bigger, and also faster and a better boxer but I can't see how I can go hard on strength training with boxing.

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Re: Help Me Restart
« on: June 17, 2014, 11:22:58 am »
Just a quick shoutout to LBSS, I don't log here anymore because I just have a bigass note on my iPhone. Been following this routine with about 70% completion rate of workouts (and boxing) and the results after about 2 months are in the parenthesis:

Weight: 150-153lb (147-150lb)
Bench: 175x1; 145x10 (195x1; 160x10)
Squat: 225x9 (285x1; 225lb, 3x8)
Seated DB OHP: 50x6 (45lb, 3x10)
Lat Pull: 120x10 (125lb, 3x8)

Yeah, I actually dropped weight because I haven't been following my diet. But the fact that I gained that type of strength while dropping weight has been amazing, especially on the bench.

As of right now my weekly schedule looks like: (Sunday - Saturday) Lower, Upper, Boxing, rest, Boxing, Boxing or rest, Upper. I look forward to starting my diet, I'm living alone in an apartment for the next 8 weeks, so I finally get to cook whatever the hell I want. Any suggestions for easy and quick high protein high calorie clean meals? Looking to hit 160-165lb by the time summer is over.

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Re: Help Me Restart
« on: April 26, 2014, 10:29:37 am »
Thanks man, got all that. I'm a lacto-vegetarian so I drink milk, but do not eat eggs or fish. Do you have any ideas of things to snack on throughout the day that would be good in terms of food? Usually this ends up being cookies and a bunch of bad shit lol, so it would probably help a lot to change that.

One big issue that's gonna suck for a while is until like June rolls around, I'm forced to eat food that's offered at the dining hall. We aren't allowed to have microwaves or mini stoves or rice cookers or anything in the dorms. That means I get to choose from a traditional salad bar, quesadillas, wraps, sandwiches, pizza slices, fruits, pasta and sometimes boca burgers. Aside from the bread, the biggest source of protein in all of that is usually the freaking cheese. I don't have much access to rice other then at times they have this brown rice with all types of grains and seeds mixed in that tastes gross but I'm willing to intake if its good. They usually have some sort of beans there though, so gonna start eating more of that. I know two things that should stay constant for a while:
Breakfast: 1/4th cup soaked almonds, 1 cup Kashi Cereal, 1 cup milk + 1.5 scoop protein shake (66g protein, 612 kcal)

Post Workout/Cardio (going to drink half, then sip on the rest for a while for digestion purposes): 2 cup milk + 2.5 scoop protein shake (82g protein, 600 kcal)

The rest of my protein and caloric needs will just have to come from combos of the following choices that I have:
- PBJ Sandwich (16g protein, 375g kcal)

- Boca Burger with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, 2 slices american cheese (24g protein, 450 kcal)

- Chipotle Burrito with white rice, black beans, fajitas, cheese, guac, lettuce, salsa (32.5g protein, 1085 kcal)

- Pasta - 1.5 cups whole wheat with pesto, peppers, broccoli (13g protein, 320 kcal)

- Cup of black beans (16g protein, 227 kcal)

Oh and should I downgrade from 2% milk to like 1% or something? Lol I'm really lost on nutrition, never had to track like this so I'm not even sure which specific macros I should be trying to avoid - is it the saturated fats or the carbs that are worse?

Anyways, all this starts today, feeling good. Last thing - I'm going to do Upper, then Lower because I always drop much more on my upper body lifts when doing lower body first then if vice versa.

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Re: Help Me Restart
« on: April 24, 2014, 10:51:14 am »
Thanks LBSS, I love you (no homo). All I ask now is please bear with my one hundred followup questions lol.

As for the workout routine - looks great. I've never done a 2 workout rotation, so should be fun (and more flexible). A few quick questions just to quench my personal curiosity - I'm not an expert, but doesn't the plan look a little weak on shoulders without any lateral deltoid work? And for the Pulldown/Chinup combination: this is just something that Lance would stress before - shouldn't the rotation be do pulldowns until you can't hit 10 reps then move to chinups (the more bicep isolating exercise)?

A more important question: how strict should those set intervals be? Should I physically time myself in between sets to maintain the 3' or 2' rest times?

Also with the intervals you gave, one of those workouts would end up taking about 50 minutes of rest time alone. I'm not sure if I have that much time at the gym. Over summer it'll be easier, but as of now there's going to be times where I need to get out within 1hr or so. In that case, how should I approach everything - should I shorten rest times, take out exercises, etc?

One other thing - for example on the Bench Press. I know many people that are about to do a 3x8 and have a max of 145x10 like me would stagger the weights or something kind of like this: 105x8, 135x8, 145x8. I've never ever in the past 3 years of lifting done something like that, even though it's so common. I would instead just do 145x8, 145x6, 145x5 or something instead. Which of these is the proper way (or if there's another way, what is it)?

Now about the fat loss (exercise part) - do I need cardio like running/sprints/basketball/etc? How often and of what and when?

For the diet, I usually hate but I thought this might be a good look for estimating my caloric intake need: . But the more pressing matter to me is - do I need to micromanage like this? And if I do, say I need 3000 kcal /day. If I hit 3000, should I hesitate to go above? I'm a terrible eater as of now and that needs to change because I can see the ugly effects, but I also need to gain weight - it's a dilemma.

And lastly, IF I should track my caloric intake, should I also track macros? That would be painstaking as hell, but as a vegetarian I know I'm gonna be tracking my protein for sure. I don't eat eggs but I'm gonna hit 180-200g protein daily for sure through mostly protein shakes. Unfortunately I end up loading up on carbs and other crap with the food I eat around here.

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Help Me Restart
« on: April 24, 2014, 09:35:13 am »
I've given up - it's been a few years since I would be able to say I have trained seriously at all. Instead, these past 12-18 months have been full of sparse, inconsistent motivation, routine changes, neglect of leg days, neglect of cardio and abs, irregular gym habits (i.e. missing weeks of routine), a lack of a sleep schedule, and a horrendous nutrition (as bad as you can get for a vegetarian). Luckily, I'm blessed (at times cursed) with an insane metabolism and ectomorph body. I am 18 years old, 5'8", 151lb, and I'd say roughly 12-14% body fat. One year ago I would peg my body fat at 7-9%, but with all the random eating, sleepless nights, and lazy days I've experienced through my first year of college, I gained my own version of the Freshmen 15 (only gained like 4lb but lost strength and gained fat). Although I still have a faint six pack and a overall "thin" look, it's was disgusting to see a sliver of belly fat hanging over my towel after showering yesterday. I have had extremely erratic behavior in terms of training (stop working out for weeks and then get motivated again, take up boxing during a spurt of motivation, etc), and I want to once and for all put all that shit in the past.

The Problem
And that's why I'm writing this - I want to  have someone prescribe me a workout routine and help me out with my diet so I can achieve my goals. I was doing so well, PR'ing left and right when Lance and Adarq were active around here steering me the right way but ever since I've been unable to maintain the discipline I had. I don't need anyone to spoon feed me this time around, but just to help me start off on a new foot.

My goals are to put on 10-15lb of muscle and also drop my body fat percentage to 6-8%. I don't have a practical method of measuring the body fat percentage, so I'll just have to play it by eye and look for the "ripped" look and shit. I guess what seperates me from most stereotypical college students is that I want to gain functional muscle, for a lack of a better term. I don't want to be doing 3 different bicep iso exercises in one day, etc. I mostly just want to enter a room of people and know that I am the best pound for pound lifter inside, and could drop any male in a fight or athletic event.

TL;DR - The Questions
How can I gain 10-15lb and drop my bodyfat heavily with my lacto-vegetarian diet and current body stats? What are reasonable goals for the next 2-3 months? What type of workout routine would I use? How would the splits work, how many days a week? How do I incorporate abs into the picture? What should I do for cardio, and at what intensity/frequency (I have truly never done standard cardio, all my cardio usually comes from pickup basketball and previously, football practice)? How should I work around my diet restriction? I know that I have to get about 180 of protein a day, but since the bulk of that will come from protein shakes (whey/milk), how do I prevent from gaining fat? What vegetarian foods will give me a good ratio of carbs/fat - most have insane amounts of carbs? Should I even be concerned about my caloric and carb intake when my main goal is to gain lean muscle? Should I micromanage my macros? I am constantly hungry throughout the day, what is a good nutritional snack that I could eat a lot?

Current Miscellaneous Stats:
Age: 18
Height: 5'7.5"
Weight: 150-153lb
Diet: Lacto-Vegetarian (Dairy/Whey is good, no eggs/fish), main protein source in the past has been milk-whey protein shakes that I sip on throughout the entire day to avoid kidney stones lol
Bench: 175x1; 145x10
Squat: 225x9
Seated DB OHP: 50x6
Lat Pull: 120x10

And to whoever answers this thoroughly and well: I love you lol  :)

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: beast
« on: March 21, 2014, 04:49:23 am »


So deal is, I've picked up boxing recently (not competitive at all, I'm new to the sport). The practices are Tues, Wed, Thurs for 2-3 hours each. That leaves Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday to train with weights. Mondays I want to keep free because I work in the evenings and in the mornings I have class. Fridays I also have class in the mornings, and evenings I'd rather keep free b/c I would have practiced 3 days in a row.

So, how should I structure a weightlifting workout that only has me lifting 2x week, on back-to-back weekend days? The boxing practices on Tues, Wed, and Thurs are pretty damn intense cardio wise (I'm sore as hell and sleep like a baby every night), so getting ample plyo-like/cardio/speed/core/leg work.

A rough outline that I was thinking of was:
Saturday: Bench Press (3 sets), Squats (3 sets), DB Row (2 sets), Ham Curl/GHR (2 sets), Hammer Curls (3 sets)
Sunday: Seated DB OHP (3 sets), Lat Pull (3 sets), DB Press (3 sets), Calf Raise (3 sets), DB Lateral Raise (3 sets)

Article & Video Discussion / Re: Delayed potentiation by walking (Kelly)
« on: January 24, 2014, 03:38:49 pm »
gave it a half hearted go (only walked for about 20 minutes but a lot of it was up hill)

unless my jump suddenly has gotten better I think it worked. don't know exactly how much but there was a noticeable improvement, possibly about 2 inches. not bad.

awesome. fwiw, i do this on the long plane rides for work: get up periodically and walk up and down the aisle or walk around in circles in the galleys flexing my glutes as hard as i can on each step. keeps things awake when you're otherwise sitting still for 11+ hours.

I like to flex my quads one at a time at a rapid pace during class. I figure it keeps my muscles warm and ready to fire in the event of a pickup game, etc. Weird, but I think it works

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: January 22, 2014, 07:21:44 pm »
Hey Andrew I just started learning Python... I was wondering... what's your opinion about it?

I've heard it's a good idea to start with Python as a means to learn programming. What do you think?

eazy peazy lemon sqeezy

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Chris' training journal
« on: January 21, 2014, 04:37:49 pm »
If that is, say, 3'' below rim, then we are talking about 46'', that is world class, no joke!!!  :motherofgod:  :ibjumping:

What Vag said.

You make it look easy. much respect.  :highfive:


 daaaamn lol

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Chris' training journal
« on: January 21, 2014, 12:18:05 am »
That last jump that you posted is insane, props. How tall are you?

« on: January 12, 2014, 02:25:56 am »
nice. this happened

Imagine when that 20 rep squat hits 225.  :ibsquatting:

yeah i need to get some of these PR-level jumps on camera. and some miniball dunks. will try to do by the end of the week.

also, on saturday i'm going back to tajikistan for ~2 weeks. not looking forward to it, not least because training is going really well right now and the interruption will suck. i'm going to use the time there to work on drop steps, SVJ and short approaches, for some conditioning and to brush up on jump rope skills, and bodybuilding-style stuff.

Weren't you in Pakistan a while back too? Hope you don't mind me asking, but what exactly do you do?

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