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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2280 on: January 25, 2015, 02:49:11 am »
BW: 179.02

Sunday is here and im feeling nervous about lifting. Grip is weak again :( CNS when will u b fresh?? But i'll still attempt some PRs and then get some heavy worksets in. Then go off to basketball. Though i think it's almost time for me to stop doing these heavy maxes - lately ive been failing more than i've been making.

FBS 2x122.5 (LPR), 1x129.5 (LPR!)
BS 1x134.5, 1x137.5 (LPR!), 1x140B, 0Fx147.5B, 4x132.5B (LPR), 5x127.5B
Basketball training ~ 2hrs

Squat notes:
Oh yesss, PRs. Will fill in details later, late for baskeball training.  So I got 129.5kg today! Finally a front squat heavy single LPR. I'm not sure if i'll go for 130kg next in 2x15kg plates or just add another kilo to 129.5kg next time. We'll see. Also progressed my raw BS to an LPR of 137.7kg ! Form improvements were the reason for both squat PRs.  I'll expand on this on a later post by the way.

 I wanted to local PR my belted squat by 2.5kg, squatting 147.5kg but by then i wasn't really fresh enough - so i  finished up with my 2 worksets and called it a day. I didn't get much out of the belt today - im between holes, 3rd one is kinda loose now and 4th one is too tight. Hopefully next sunday i can just use the 4th one and smash out a 147.5-150kg pr while weighing 80kg :)

Basketball notes:
That was a great training session but im spent! Now to eat loads of protein and hope im good to lift upper body tmr. Damnnnnnnnnnnnn. So smashed.  My fitness is improved!! Next game is do-or-die. Not really but it has to be, cause if we are to make finals we will have to beat this team in semis. So it's important to get a mental edge on them now. We'll see.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2015, 04:23:45 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2281 on: January 25, 2015, 10:25:49 am »
A huge form breakthrough on my squats today. Basically my mindset for whatever reason was to descent into a squat decelerating into the bottom position. Why? I dont know. But that's what i'd been doing perhaps because i thought the alternative was too chaotic (a divebomb). THis is a false dichotomy however. I learned that it's perfectly fine to be slow down as long as I accelerate in the last moments just before hitting bottom position. Game changer, finally got a FS local PR - finally a BS local PR -  keep in mind i've been stapled to the bottom on these weights and today on a day my CNS wasnt crash hot, i still got the PRs. Great sign going forward. I can really build on this form improvement now.

So time to rest and then tomorrow another weights sesh, game and weights weds, lifting on friday and ball and weights on sunday. All while cutting the remaining 2.65lb of adipose which remains from my goal bodyweight of 80kg/176.

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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2282 on: January 26, 2015, 04:13:46 am »
Blam, triceps are sore today. I couldn't think why until I remembered all those outlet passes I threw yesterday at training, in a fast break drill. TIL. I could delay the workout til tomorrow but i've been on a good 3 week run of training every other day - not sure if i wanna break that, or lift the day before game day. Will see. Body needs rest though. My erectors on the R side have already been aching (not in a good normal DOM way either).
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2283 on: January 26, 2015, 07:42:28 am »
BW: 179.24

BP 2x83.5, 2x88.5 (LPR), 5x82.5 (LPR), 5x80, 6x75
WCU 3x99, 1Fx105, 4Fx94, 5x90, 6x85

Upper notes:
Was weak as fuck but forced a workout anyways. I did ok but i wish i had been fresher.

Food log

Kinda glad I trained today. Now i have 2 sleeps to rest :) Feeling exhausted though. I am trying to convince my body if it gets rid of the next 2.5lb of bodyfat I'll give it a break and let myself eat more food to facilitate training.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2015, 10:20:15 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2284 on: January 27, 2015, 01:47:11 am »
BW: 178.02 (2015 PR)

Got the <81kg milestone today (80.75). Next up is the big <80kg/176 one. Can't wait for that. I'm also stronger now so it hasn't cost me any strength or muscle, if anything i'm slightly up on mass.

Will be going to put up some shots later today to prep for tmrs game. I'm gonna treat it as my last game ever and bring everythang to the table.

Food log
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 10:22:27 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2285 on: January 28, 2015, 03:50:43 am »
BW: 177.58

Game day ! Gonna get a quick weights sesh in once it gets cooler. Still in the mid 30s after goign up to 40C earlier. Feel fuzzy - not sure if it's a heat thing or just poor eating today, i unwittingly fasted >18hrs; not ideal. Otherwise I prob wud have gone for some squat PRs! Anyway. We'll see how it goes.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2286 on: January 28, 2015, 10:44:30 am »
FBS 2x122.5
Basketball game

Squat notes:
New form improvements are making me happy. I considered tripling 122.5kg for a LPR but then said nah, better save it for whatever comes next. Turns out i just called it a day and went to the courts lol.

Basketball notes:
Ever have one of those days where everything comes together for you physically? i was an athletic beast today, doing drop step hammer dunks like they were nothing out of the blue. But unfortunately no one else on my team was hyped. We dropped a game we should have at least competed in. Blah. What a waste of a good athletic day. Wish i had just done lots of dunks on tape and shown off for guys on the internet. Oh well.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2287 on: January 29, 2015, 09:55:10 am »
Food log. Tomorrow, I'm gonna lift and add that extra basketball training sesh i spoke about before. Last week i was too fucked up but this week i should be better since i've been eating more. 2000 kcal to my body is like going on a feast lol. It doesn't even feel like im cutting. I swear if i was a hard 80kg i'd a lot stronger than the soft one i am right now. Oh well, give it time. Still looking to get under 80kg/176lb first. Probably wont change anything until my bw is around 79kg at which point i might just maintain. We'll see how things are by then though.

I'll triple 122.5kg front squat tmr and maybe 130kg fs (i might save it for sunday though, we'll see.). Maybe a 10 rep pr of BS with 112.5kg? something like that. Nothing crazy just get in some decent quality reps.

Oh and i've got another basketball game monday night, filling in for a mate's team, so that's gonna be crazy with basketballl back to back sunday and monday but all of this shud make me a better player so it's all good.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2015, 09:56:50 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2288 on: January 30, 2015, 06:43:03 am »
BW: 179

FBS 3x100
FS 1x122.5
BS 5x112.5
HPC 3x3x72.5 (LPR)
OHP 4x60, 5x60, 4x60, 4x60, 3x60
DL 2x6x100 (LPR)
CURL 10x40, 10x45 (LPR), 10x42.5

Squat notes:
Nothing felt right today, too fucked up to squat properly. Basketball i love ya but you ruin me in the gym :(

Hang PC notes:
Just punching in the worksets. Dont feel like doing anything else. These were kinda hard but mainly because my grip was weak and i felt even 60kg challenging in my arms when i was doing my squat prehab stuff.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 08:21:06 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2289 on: January 30, 2015, 09:32:13 am »
BW: 179

FBS 3x100
FS 1x122.5
BS 5x112.5
HPC 3x3x72.5 (LPR)
OHP 4x60, 5x60, 4x60, 4x60, 3x60
DL 2x6x100 (LPR)
CURL 10x40, 10x45 (LPR), 10x42.5

Squat notes:
Nothing felt right today, too fucked up to squat properly. Basketball i love ya but you ruin me in the gym :(

Hang PC notes:
Just punching in the worksets. Dont feel like doing anything else. These were kinda hard but mainly because my grip was weak and i felt even 60kg challenging in my arms when i was doing my squat prehab stuff.

do you hook grip for PC?


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2290 on: January 30, 2015, 09:35:10 am »
do you hook grip for PC?

Sometimes; but not for worksets. I figure the longer i can delay hooking the better since it will build my grip better. WBU?
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2291 on: January 30, 2015, 09:52:59 am »
i hook most of the time out of habit now, and because im trying to build hook grip callusses.

If it's starting to effect your lift though it's probably time to start hook gripping?

and do you chalk up? chalk makes a huge difference.


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2292 on: January 30, 2015, 09:59:20 am »
That makes sense. Better to get started accustomed by making hook grip strong.  I tried hooking 120kg (for hook grip work) and it almost fell outa my hands haha. My hook is reallly bad but it made powercleans so much easier when I used the nice bar at the gym. At home, hook grip doesn't seem to help much, it almost feels like it makes things harder. Im not sure, i think cause i can't rotate the bar a little in my hands on the catch? Whereas wiht a good bar you dont need to do that so it's more comfy.

Yeah I use chalk for everythang even for curls. lulz.

By the way congrats on the crossfit date you've got coming up :P
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2293 on: January 30, 2015, 10:03:01 am »
yeah it takes some getting used to! I did 140kg clean pulls with hook grip..pure pain. And yeah, the bar can make a difference, i normally train with lovely eliekos, but i had to use a fatter bar for a while and i literally couldn't hook grip it.

haha me too, i love the stuff. amazes me how people train without it to be honest!

and thanks haha!


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2294 on: January 30, 2015, 10:11:06 am »
140kg clean pulls! daym. how high up are you getting those? Nice. Yeah come to think of it, ive got a thicker bar, think it's 28mm or something. It's a terrible bar; but whatever, i shud just be able to clean 100kg with it which is good enuf for my purposes. I neglected doing a hip hinge exercise for a long time and now ive got one so thankfully i'm getting some athletic gains from it. And deadlifts another new exercise for me shud assist my PC too which will be cool. I should really have been doing this all along but i went all in on squats.
Training for balance in GPP and SPP.