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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3105 on: August 09, 2016, 12:04:09 am »
BW: 78.9kg

that was short lived lol. Kinda binged last night .. blah.

Training today ..
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3106 on: August 09, 2016, 03:56:58 am »
BS 6x110, 3x117.5, 2x6x100
BP 6x70, 6x77.5(LPR), 6x75, 7x70(LPR)

RDL 8x110(LPR), 8x120(LPR), 6Fx127.5(LPR)
BHT 8x70(LPR; ex reintro), 8x110(LPR), 10x117.5(LPR)
CURL 3x6x55(LPR)

i did more squat vol than i have been for a while. I think that's the key forward.. need to be doing a lot more reps .. but i had to take some weight off. that's ok, volume will build work capacity which i can then use to lift more weight later down the line. make no mistake, i know until im repping 130kg for sets of 6, im weak as a kitten
« Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 07:39:04 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3107 on: August 10, 2016, 08:42:18 am »
BS 6x110, 3x117.5, 2x6x100
BP 6x70, 6x77.5(LPR), 6x75, 7x70(LPR)

RDL 8x110(LPR), 8x120(LPR), 6Fx127.5(LPR)
BHT 8x70(LPR; ex reintro), 8x110(LPR), 10x117.5(LPR)
CURL 3x6x55(LPR)

i did more squat vol than i have been for a while. I think that's the key forward.. need to be doing a lot more reps .. but i had to take some weight off. that's ok, volume will build work capacity which i can then use to lift more weight later down the line. make no mistake, i know until im repping 130kg for sets of 6, im weak as a kitten

damn these doms in glutes, hams and lats/tarps. forgot how goood these rdls/bhts were ... miss u. lets never grow apart again pls
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3108 on: August 10, 2016, 11:07:43 pm »
BW: 78.9kg/173.9lb

Kinda heavy lately ... been eating more food tryna get my lifts going. I know, but as long as i stay under 79kg it's ok. I do have to get to 77kg eventually tho but lemme get out of noman's land and closer to PR territory before finishing the job. I have developed an irrational fear of hunger .. esp at nights, my mind is that if i am hungry i wont sleep and if i dont sleep i wont be able to PR..  local PR that is...

Bball and lifting today .. exciting to see how i go .. thinking off adding back that plyo session i used to do on game days.. served me well before .. we'll see how it goes today
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3109 on: August 11, 2016, 05:10:42 am »
BS 4x117.5(LPR), 0Fx127.5
Partial BS 5x130, 5x140, 3x150, 2x180 (PRs; new exercise)
PP 6x50(LPR; new ex), 6x60(LPR), 5x62.5(LPR)

BW: 78.9kg as above

started doing partial squats ... this shud be an interesting experiment! also restarted push presses. i wanna do depth jumps, jump squats and sprints but tryna not bite more than i can chew. tho i really shud do those things for balance. will figure it out.

game tonight .. ive convinced myself i can skip sprints etc if i go hard af in games .. so will try to move around as much as possible as quickly as possible etc.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3110 on: August 11, 2016, 09:12:14 am »
not going to do a post game writeup of a stupid rec league game but i tried to do what i said above .. to mixed results. got some decent blocks and some sweet assists but i still think i shud make the room for sprinting. Even tho i loath them for killing my legs for other training maybe i can benefits even a little bit from it ... if nothign else, fitness/conditioning to ball harder for longer. tho if that's my aim i shud just play lots of games of 21 1v1 and 1v2 .. that gets me fit like nothing else
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3111 on: August 12, 2016, 03:40:51 am »
Success, quad doms!   :headbang:
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3112 on: August 13, 2016, 12:09:36 am »
BW: 78.4kg / 172.8lb

Ive started eating 2 chicken breasts a day as of yesterday. No more fucking around. Wanna get this done asap.

Training today.. gnna be good
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3113 on: August 13, 2016, 01:34:49 am »
BW: 78.4kg / 172.8lb

Ive started eating 2 chicken breasts a day as of yesterday. No more fucking around. Wanna get this done asap.

Training today.. gnna be good


kinda like GOMAD but probably healthier.


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3114 on: August 13, 2016, 03:54:56 am »
^Thanks, will do good things for body comp :)
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3115 on: August 13, 2016, 03:56:15 am »
BS 4x117.5, 2x122.5, 1Fx120, 3x6x102.5(LPR)
Sprint Intervals - 6x(20s on, 20s off; LPR; new exercise)
OHP 3x6x52.5(LPR)
LPD 3x8(LPR; reintro)
CROW 3x10(LPR; reintro)
WCU 4x91, 4x86, 4x80
Orange Band Resisted Bridge 3x12 (LPR; reintro)

BW: 78.4kg/172.8lb

I wanted more than 4 on 117.5 but could only match last workouts LPR. It's too damn hard :(
« Last Edit: August 13, 2016, 07:44:55 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3116 on: August 13, 2016, 10:51:06 pm »
BW: 78.9kg /

Kinda did a refeed last night so that would explain the 'spike'. But I look leaner for what it's worth. So when i shed this water weight im prob closer to 77kg than i have been in a while.

Not as sore as i expected. I thought i'd be a zombie today haha. May go pickup :) But sometimes these doms creep up on ya through the day and over 48hrs so that may still happen.

I'm thinking ive got a nice mix of training going now. Have included all these new exercises and im hitting PC/quads/bball/jumping/upper body/explosive/etc. Am dialed in on nutrition too and sticking to my 2cbpd thing as well. The only change im making is cutting out fast food / processed food in the next week. Wanna get rid of this gross hourglass shape asap before season starts mid sept.

Watch this space! In the future i wanna do more including:
- shorter sprints with more recovery
- boudns and stuff and throws (to make t0ddday happy)

im on track to curl 60kg for worksets which is good news for my girly 12" arms! quads may just grow now with partial squats hitting them pretty good. recovering ground on PC as well. Want to be repping 200kg for RDLs and BHTs. Squats are fucking embarassing right now but im convinced im on the right track with doing lots more volume. backoff sets of 6x6 for a start then i need to be using that amount of volume with heavier weight 120-130kg instead of ~100
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3117 on: August 14, 2016, 12:24:56 am »
ya I imagine that is good for 12" arms.. my biceps are probably ~12", they are weak af.


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3118 on: August 14, 2016, 03:46:57 am »
ya I imagine that is good for 12" arms.. my biceps are probably ~12", they are weak af.

obviously im not gna be doing 60kg curls with 12" arms haha .. they're gna be cheat curls .. but i did worksets of 55kg last wk and next workout im going for 57.5kg worksets. 60kg is just around the corner. Once ive mastered it for cheat curls .. i can prob do strict ones with say 50kg. And cheat curling 70kg prob get me to strict curl 60kg. I'm just being honest here .. the idea is when im doing strict 60kg curls i will prob get close to 15" and over which would be amazing :)
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3119 on: August 14, 2016, 04:13:15 am »
ya I imagine that is good for 12" arms.. my biceps are probably ~12", they are weak af.

obviously im not gna be doing 60kg curls with 12" arms haha .. they're gna be cheat curls .. but i did worksets of 55kg last wk and next workout im going for 57.5kg worksets. 60kg is just around the corner. Once ive mastered it for cheat curls .. i can prob do strict ones with say 50kg. And cheat curling 70kg prob get me to strict curl 60kg. I'm just being honest here .. the idea is when im doing strict 60kg curls i will prob get close to 15" and over which would be amazing :)


3" to your bicep would be alot of MEAT.

that's one thing we never see people talk about here.. one plate curls and such. 135 lb. that's pretty damn beast. not many people into grip training. I used to love grip training (before dunking). Had CoC grippers, nails, sledge hammers, and I have a farmer's walk implements, 2" and 3" thick bar. lmao.

i focused on curls at one point, did 'safe singles' and cheat variations.. really helped. but i'd get that crazy wrist pain on occasion, feels like shin splints in your wrists. absolutely hated that.