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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3345 on: October 18, 2016, 05:05:04 am »
you are under a lot of stress to be craving so much carbs. take it easy before you bloat up, get heavy and lift weaker. then you go mental.  ;)

kinda interesting to think that if i had got the worksets in, i prob dont eat as much lol. but the fact that i failed, psychologically that was a trigger to 'eat mo' to 'get recovered for next time'. it's self regulating that way, i dont really go crazy and binge when im dialed in and getting my written sets in. in fact that whole week, i ate clean .. and sunday was my 'carb' day which i took advantage of but yeah, if i was doing that everyday, i would def be in a world of trouble the way you say.

im at crossroads tho ..

i can eat to progress my lifts up to where i need them to be ?x6x150kg or i can get my bodycomp where it needs to be, but not both at the same time. it's hard enough making squat progress when eating more food, and i guess it's impossible to do it when eating less (to lose bodyfat). begrudgingly i can accept staying at 82kg if it means i can progress to 150kg worksets ... well. we'll see. the crux of the problem is that squats attack different parts of the body organism. last week it was my erectors which got torched tf and since that happened, my legs didnt get the training they needed, so they aren't getting stronger in the meantime. so suppose i get my back recovered now im still stuck with weaker legs for a while, but it will be another weakness that shows itself (eg hamstrings holding back angle out of the bottom). it's a shitshow .. squats are a GREAT test of overall organism strength but such a poor builder of it (FOR ME) cos of my build, i have to do things piecemeal. hammer my quads with heavvyt quarter squats gets my leg strength up but then i have to wait til my core (erectors and abs) catch up before i can progress the squat and so on. it's frustrating to say the least..
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3346 on: October 18, 2016, 05:38:33 am »
It seems counter-intuitive but I think the mind is just wired like that. It's easier to be disciplined, train hard, lead a good lifestyle etc. when you're at the top of your game. It's when injuries and setbacks occur when the mental demons and temptations slip in. That's why mindset is such a huge deal and can make or break athletes.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3347 on: October 18, 2016, 07:29:08 am »
It seems counter-intuitive but I think the mind is just wired like that. It's easier to be disciplined, train hard, lead a good lifestyle etc. when you're at the top of your game. It's when injuries and setbacks occur when the mental demons and temptations slip in. That's why mindset is such a huge deal and can make or break athletes.

isnt that the damnest thing. theres a lesson to be learnt there, im not sure what.. haha
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3348 on: October 18, 2016, 07:31:31 am »
Interesting feedback frm bench presses. felt hard as fk, i could only manage a triple with 90kg after using it for 5,3,3,3,3 last tuesday. So something is def afoot, i think it's systematic overreaching ... cos i didnt do any upper bodywork since thursday (due to injury). my right pec was acting up .. but not sure why either .. hmmm. doesn't matter, dont care about upper bdoy right now, just need to get my shit together and squat 150kg for 5-6s and then i can focus on other stuff.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3349 on: October 18, 2016, 11:21:04 am »
Game was good. Won again, played okay. Afterwards did some dunks, holy shit, it felt like i was putting my arms into the rim when doing tomahawks. Not celebratory tho, it was court 2 and the rim height is suspect (to me). but it does give a tantalising glimpse into what's lying under the surface. there are latent gains of athleticism to be had..

300g beef, 150g whey, 600mL milk, 200g chicken breast. had some rice, bread, chickpeas, and pasta during the day including gatorade. pretty clean eating but a lot of food.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3350 on: October 18, 2016, 11:47:18 pm »
BW: 82.4kg

Aw man, im not happy that i missed ohp and chinups on sunday and bp yesterday. Not good. I need upper body work just as badly as if not more than lower body. But the sunday omissions were bc i know those exercises cud have caused reinjury that i picked up doing push presses thursday, which btw was perfectly avoidable if i hadn't been such a dickhead and gone from 20kg warmups to 62.5kg without an intermediate set .. usually id do 50kg in between thought i was now strong enough to go to from 0 to 60 real quick and bang, injury. will do push presses tmr tho, will warmup nicely and go for some PRs. i could have got 8x70kg last wk but i settled for 7x70kg. I really want to get my push press somewhere decent, at least 90-100kg would be super coo
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3351 on: October 19, 2016, 11:41:31 am »
Good news is that i finally got legs doms after a while .. so ive got that going, luckily legs recover fairly quick given adequate recovery/sleep/carbs. Lets see what i can squat tmr, im quietly confident now that my back has adapted to 140kg, i can now use the backsquat to task my legs .. woohoo..
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3352 on: October 20, 2016, 05:45:52 am »
BS 8x2x140(PR)
Push Press 6x72.5(PR)
Bball game

BW: 82.2kg / 181.2lb

This is a special workout .. got the 6x2x140kg milestone .. which is a PR by 2 sets, my previous one was 4x2x140kg @ 98kg bodyweight. Incidentally at my current bodyweight these are honest 1.7xbw raw, beltless worksets which is a sign im slowly dragging myself out of mediocrity. Then i decided to do 2 more extra sets, to make 6x2x140kg become a submax workout, suitable for a recovery workout on tuesdays from here; a total volume of 16 reps which is a volume PR, my previous one was I think 3x5x140kg with a belt at a bodyweight of 110kg ish. So im doing okay, no longer comparing myself to a better version of me, i AM a better version of me.

Summary of my squat progress the last 2 weeks:

vid going up on @maxentr0py for officiality

have a game tonight .. and push presses hopefully no reinjury, will warmup carefully.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2016, 11:49:11 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3353 on: October 21, 2016, 11:43:04 pm »
BW: 81.8kg

gave myself headaches thru the night. only realised that I may have overdosed on minerals ..have to spread it out during the day, otherwise feel okay. I'm not cutting but i think being under 81kg (<80.5kg is okay) and using 140kg for worksets is a nice place to be for now. That's ~1.75xbw but in terms of ratio, i dont really think i shud be using 80kg as the bodyweight -- 85kg makes more sense as my ideal bodyweight, where im maximally strong AND athletic..
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3354 on: October 23, 2016, 05:12:05 am »
BS 3x3x140 (PR), 3x140(questionable dept on the 3rd rep tho), 2x140, 0Fx140
OHP 6x3x60 (LPR; reintro)
Weighted Chinup 3x3x104.5 (+20kg; LPR, reintro)
Glute Band bridge 8,12, 12 x Orange (medium thickness) (LPR; reintro)
BW; 81.5kg (LPR in quite a while)

Fml, i was thrown off my game by guests coming over as I was doing the 4th set .. didnt recover from there. im annoyed, on a better day i get that set fine and im not wasted to do 2 more, but that's wishful thinking perhaps. Nevermind.

Btw ive never tripled 140kg raw before .. and i did it for 3 maybe 4 sets, while weighing 81.5kg! it's a glass half kind of day though. My dick hard for 3 plates (=150kg) and i dont like to be defeated so early but progress is progress.

Summary of Battle: 140kg vs me, TKO by 140kg. Til next time.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2016, 11:10:49 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3355 on: October 23, 2016, 05:56:21 am »
I need mo assistance to address my fkn spine, it's jelly like, and not strong enough. I dont even mean erectors, i mean spine spine. So going to start doing heavy rack pulls. That will also help with my core strengh which is lacking. And maybe it will help my upper body stability in the rack position for squats. Plus heavy assistance work for legs (calf raises, quarter squats, rdls, etc). Then maybe i can progress my squat properly instead of this ad-hoc fashion. Will start today.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3356 on: October 23, 2016, 07:46:48 am »
Best accessory exercise for this problem imho: back extensions. Since I've started doing them my back/core has never been a problem again during squats.


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3357 on: October 23, 2016, 11:06:43 am »
Best accessory exercise for this problem imho: back extensions. Since I've started doing them my back/core has never been a problem again during squats.

sounds perfect. will look into sorting out a gym membership since i dont have this piece of equipment! i think the closest i have is the ab wheel, which i shud really start using but ive been a pussy cos it can really torch you when you start off
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3358 on: October 23, 2016, 02:47:50 pm »
Best accessory exercise for this problem imho: back extensions.

x2 back extensions are so underrated :headbang:

Since I've started doing them my back/core has never been a problem again during squats.

 :headbang: :headbang:


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3359 on: October 24, 2016, 08:55:06 am »
Best accessory exercise for this problem imho: back extensions.

x2 back extensions are so underrated :headbang:

Since I've started doing them my back/core has never been a problem again during squats.

 :headbang: :headbang:

Thanks fellas. I picked up a back extension bench tonight. Feeling pretty good.. got a nice deal for it :) Here is the amazon link .. Listed as $350 USD on amazon got it for $90 AUD which is about $69 USD and it looks pretty much new! So now i gotta figure out how to program it.. i guess i will start conservative and build up .. woohoo, hope it works.


shud i use it flat or 45 degree? And how many sets / reps to start with? I will do it after squatting 3x a week, sound ok?
« Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 09:07:27 am by maxent »
Training for balance in GPP and SPP.