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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3930 on: September 12, 2017, 02:51:38 am »
Nice job on the squat PR!

Thanks. But it's one of those things i wish i had lost the battle b/c i'd rather win the war. It's gna disrupt my training i think, so far it hasnt but lets see how i go tmr. Hopefully recovered well enough to continue progress..

hah nice! ya i was about to say, where's teh photos?!

and ya, fiber is king.  :headbang:

haha. they're coming. fibre was confounding my last few scale readings i think but it's started to even out.
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« Reply #3931 on: September 12, 2017, 02:52:50 am »
BW: 86kg
Activity: 10
Misc: hip flexors sore from bp
Diet Compliance: 14/14, 0/5, 9/9, 0/2, 4/4, 0/2, 9/9

Will try to make today a proper rest day. I need to nail tmrs volume squats and need to be 100% on my game to get thru it.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2017, 08:43:57 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3932 on: September 13, 2017, 01:28:38 am »
9/9 days diet compliant, thats pretty good.

It's ok. need to get to PR it(>14) and 21 days is where I need to go before it sticks as a permanent habit..
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« Reply #3933 on: September 13, 2017, 01:56:38 am »
BW: 85.7kg (!!)
Activity: 12 (good)
Diet Compliance: 14/14, 0/5, 9/9, 0/2, 4/4, 0/2, 10/10

Ok so scale is starting to look good ha ha. I think if i work hard and finish this cycle without gaining much weight i will be close to the 85/170kg mark on bw/bs. But that's just the talk of a dreamer, i need to demonstrate it otherwise its an empty claim.

Today's volume day. Yikers.

BS 10x5x122.5(PR)
BS 10x5x122.5

First session behind me im looking forward to teh 2nd (not). If i was to say more about the session,  i feel im stronger this time around than 8 days ago when i did 20x5x120kg .. but with the caveat that im more fatigued today going into the workout. So all things considered, i think i should be able to improve for the next volume day.

Ha ha 2nd session was a clusterfk. These two dudes messing around benching on the smith machine next to me wrecked my focus. I think i need to find a better gym. Honestly. When someone is training well near you it inspires you and focuses you more. When people are doing lame shit it just takes away. My mind needed to be 100% on the reps to get thru the workout and any distraction really threw me off :/ Anyway. So what do you when you're 13 sets in out of 20 and just failed the 5th rep? I decided to try using a belt and powering thru and for the 20th set i did an extra 6th rep to make up for the failed one :D.

I just wanna say 4 days ago i got my ass destroyed by heavy day, i wasnt ready for a volume day in no way but i made do. From experience I know after a day like that i need OVER 7 days and sometimes more to recover and resume progress on a program. But nevertheless I went for it and just did the hardest squat day of my life even so. That's probably the silvering line here. My work capacity / mental game is peaking. I shud be ok for 125kg volume next week as long as i fare better with the heavy PR on sunday. Please please recovery gods help a brother out.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 01:27:20 pm by maxent »
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« Reply #3934 on: September 14, 2017, 01:50:28 am »
BW: 86kg
Activity: 11 (good)
Misc: So far no doms but i know that may well change ..
Diet Compliance: 14/14, 0/5, 9/9, 0/2, 4/4, 0/2, 11/11


Less than 200 days left! Yikes. Im neither lean, strong nor fit. Need to do better.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2017, 10:08:58 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3935 on: September 14, 2017, 10:10:12 am »
Went to buy chicken breast. Came back with that and a memory foam contour pillow and a foam roller. I must admit i was skeptical about having a foam roller. It seems useful already. It's a 3-in-1 thing with a magic stick in the middle and a softer core roller that you can use. I would never buy these things but i felt i owed it to myself to tilt the recovery ducks in a row and give myself a fighting chance to make it thru this program with dying.
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« Reply #3936 on: September 15, 2017, 12:07:04 am »
BW: 86.2kg
Activity: 12.5 (good)
Diet Compliance: 14/14, 0/5, 9/9, 0/2, 4/4, 0/2, 12/12

Feeling pretty good. Training upper body today and recovery squats.

Recovery BS 6x100, 6x100, 6x90 (i think)
OHP 3x60, 1Fx65, 5x5x58(PR)
Chins 3x5x98(PR; switched to +10kg vest), 8x87.5(PR)
Seated DB OHP 3x10x20
Curl 3x15x20(PR; cheaty last couple of reps on the lsat one, who cares)

Friend wanted to go to another gym so i went with him after my squats and it was a mistake. it was a real piece of shit. i went cold and decided to nope out and try again later tonight at my normal gym. Idk what i expected but training with a partner is a big fail for me whenever ive tried :/

I was cautious about chinups today, last time they beat my abs so much that it affected my heavy day training which was a cascade of bad that led to a horror volume workout etc. So i was conservative and did 3 heavy sets and then rested a bit and then did a set of 8 unweighted. Hoping my abs are fresh on sunday.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2017, 01:46:23 pm by maxent »
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« Reply #3937 on: September 16, 2017, 12:33:43 am »
BW: 86.5kg
Activity: 10
Misc: Abz kinda sore by night :/
Diet Compliance: 14/14, 0/5, 9/9, 0/2, 4/4, 0/2, 13/13

Resttttttttttt. Asked my friend to come over and help me setup my home gym now that the weather is warmer i can train at home again. but im not sure if it's gna happen. will see. Tmr is the last workout before i turn 34. Yikes. Half thinking of digging up that thread of 'peaking' tricks and try get a 36" jump out on vid, esp since tmr is a heavy/jump day.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2017, 11:52:18 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3938 on: September 16, 2017, 01:12:15 am »
French contrast is the best short term peaking out there


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3939 on: September 16, 2017, 01:48:14 am »
French contrast is the best short term peaking out there

Keen. I'll read about it now and edit this post with what i find
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« Reply #3940 on: September 17, 2017, 12:35:49 am »
BW: 85.7kg
Activity: 12.5
Diet Compliance: 14/14, 0/5, 9/9, 0/2, 4/4, 0/2, 14/14(PR)

Here we go. Heavy day! Last training session at 33 y/o.

BS 3x140(PR), 0Fx160(lifetime PR attempt)

BS 5x132.5(PR), 5x135(PR)
RDL 10x120(PR), 8x210(PR; hooked)
TDL 8x90(PR), 8x100(PR)
Hill Sprints 4(PR; +10kg vest), 4(unweighted)
BackXtn 12x60, 12x60, 10x60

First session out of the way. I bailed on the 160kg at quarter squat position. My weaksauce quads just can't look out what my glutes and hips can bounce out. This is frustrating but i know now with the tarpbar filling the gap (training the portion of quarter squat from dead stop) i will FINALLY address this weakness. Anyway! Im gna go back for the 2nd sesh later tonight!

2nd session was dope. Killed every set i attempted. PR for daysssss. It still seems unbelieavable to me but the only exercise which causes my legs to fatigue or get a burn .. is ... freaking tarp bar DL. And im using such modest weights too. So maybe i got it wrong all along. To get stronger legs i needed to ...... DL .. all that time spent obsessing about my squat nevertheless left my legs weak. lol. So awesome to discover that after all this time. All along I hammered my strong point instead (glutes & hams) of my weak point(quads). Now we know. Having said that, i need way more reserve PC strength to make up for my shit build for squatting. So im gonna keep progressing EVERYTHANG .. but now also my weaknesses which i wasnt hitting before.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2017, 02:20:21 pm by maxent »
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Re: 196
« Reply #3941 on: September 17, 2017, 07:25:14 pm »
First session out of the way. I bailed on the 160kg at quarter squat position. My weaksauce quads just can't look out what my glutes and hips can bounce out. This is frustrating but i know now with the tarpbar filling the gap (training the portion of quarter squat from dead stop) i will FINALLY address this weakness. Anyway! Im gna go back for the 2nd sesh later tonight!

2nd session was dope. Killed every set i attempted. PR for daysssss. It still seems unbelieavable to me but the only exercise which causes my legs to fatigue or get a burn .. is ... freaking tarp bar DL. And im using such modest weights too. So maybe i got it wrong all along. To get stronger legs i needed to ...... DL .. all that time spent obsessing about my squat nevertheless left my legs weak. lol. So awesome to discover that after all this time. All along I hammered my strong point instead (glutes & hams) of my weak point(quads). Now we know. Having said that, i need way more reserve PC strength to make up for my shit build for squatting. So im gonna keep progressing EVERYTHANG .. but now also my weaknesses which i wasnt hitting before.

Man you have to get your autocorrect sorted.  ;D

Awesome progress though.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2017, 07:28:29 pm by Coges »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3942 on: September 17, 2017, 07:50:35 pm »
Happy birthday btw. May all your jumps match or exceed your age.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3943 on: September 17, 2017, 11:50:52 pm »
Happy birthday btw. May all your jumps match or exceed your age.

thanks! The tarp thing is from the old internet forum i cant remember which, either Power & Bulk or Irongarmx where they'd always mispell it. Never learned anything else from there tho
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« Reply #3944 on: September 18, 2017, 12:04:38 am »
BW: 85.6kg
Activity: 10.5
Misc: quads and hams
Diet Compliance: 14/14, 0/5, 9/9, 0/2, 4/4, 0/2, 15/15(PR)

Made it to year 34 this morning (PR) and yesterday was my strongest day ever so far so good.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 11:34:29 am by maxent »
Training for balance in GPP and SPP.