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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4350 on: June 08, 2018, 05:24:35 am »
Thankfully my left hip and right thigh seem fine. Those jumps were just hard on me because i was using the stupid crossfit shoes with no cushioning for the first time and also i was taking an akward runnup.

Wow, so you soured on the Metcons? I'm surprised to hear that they lack cushioning. I think they are the perfect jumping shoe.

i feel like when i was using them previously i had become well conditioned for jumping. my mechanics were probably better on landing. That prob still happens if i jump in my normal spot trying to reach the high target but because i was jumping at another place with a really cramped runup i changed my mechanics enough to cause the awkward landings. But i do prefer to jump in normal bball shoes for training effect and only use the metcon for PRs. Also i didnt get as much out of them on the basketball court which i found interesting when i had peaked my jump earlier last year..
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4351 on: June 09, 2018, 11:06:34 am »
AM temp/hr/bw: 37/_/_
AM skinfold(mm): pec(), sup(), ab(), sum()
Weight Vest: 0
Supplement: 200/400 CEGCG (with vitc, 1g fish oil, 500mg cayn) - 0900, 1300, 1500; 1.5g cayn - 2000
Misc: n/a
Diet Compliance: 32/33
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Another rest day! Ate a tub of icecream lol. Wasn't worth it, gna start the clock over tmr :)
« Last Edit: June 10, 2018, 03:57:14 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4352 on: June 10, 2018, 02:10:44 am »
AM temp/hr/bw: _/_/84.9
AM skinfold(mm): pec(), sup(), ab(), sum()
Weight Vest: 0
Supplement: 200/400 CEGCG (with vitc, 1g fish oil, 500mg cayn) - 0930, 1330, 1730; 1.5g cayn - 2000
Activity: 8.5
Misc: n/a
Diet Compliance: 1/1
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Training day

BS 6x120(p0), 1x145, 5x125, 5x122.5, 5x120, 5x117.5
Back Xtn 3x6x102.5(PR), 20x25(20kg plate, 5kg vest)

I got sick and my squat vanished. If i ever needed a reason to take drugs this is it. Basically worked my ass off for a whole 12 months, didnt miss a session, put in loads of work and all i have to show for it is nothing. Time to order some Clen & Tren cos eat clean train hard dont work. just kidding tho
« Last Edit: June 10, 2018, 09:34:39 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4353 on: June 10, 2018, 10:36:05 am »
your squat didn't vanish, your confidence did. :ninja: don't let these little oscillations (from things like illness) fu*k you up mentally.

fwiw, drugs would just make all of this 1000x worse. imagine your squat vanishing on drugs? which it could.. especially if you've been sick etc. Sounds like a complete train wreck mentally.

also you don't look alien thin.. lol.

if you're feeling weak alot lately, might need to switch up the program slightly & also check diet, ie have some goto strength foods (for me that's steak or lots of chicken wings etc).


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4354 on: June 10, 2018, 08:39:55 pm »
your squat didn't vanish, your confidence did. :ninja: don't let these little oscillations (from things like illness) fu*k you up mentally.

fwiw, drugs would just make all of this 1000x worse. imagine your squat vanishing on drugs? which it could.. especially if you've been sick etc. Sounds like a complete train wreck mentally.

also you don't look alien thin.. lol.

if you're feeling weak alot lately, might need to switch up the program slightly & also check diet, ie have some goto strength foods (for me that's steak or lots of chicken wings etc).

i dont think it's just mental but ive def lost muscle and strength. to gain it i had to overfeed myself up to a plump 91-92.5kg (~95kg gym weight) which i wont be doing again b/c of health. drugs might be the only choice i have left if i still wanna achieve my goals.. but idk if i care that much right now. thanks tho
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4355 on: June 10, 2018, 08:41:01 pm »
AM temp/hr/bw: _/_/85.6
AM skinfold(mm): pec(), sup(), ab(), sum()
Weight Vest: 0
Supplement: 200/400 CEGCG (with vitc, 1g fish oil, 500mg cayn) - 0800, 1200, 1600; 1.5g cayn - 1315, 2000; 15g BCAA -1315
Activity: 12.7
Misc: n/a
Diet Compliance: 2/2
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Rest day.

« Last Edit: June 11, 2018, 10:25:32 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4356 on: June 11, 2018, 03:15:28 pm »
AM temp/hr/bw: _/_/84.9
AM skinfold(mm): pec(), sup(), ab(), sum()
Weight Vest: 0
Supplement: 200/400 CEGCG (with vitc, 1g fish oil, 500mg cayn) - 0930, 1330, 1730; 1.5g cayn - 2000
Activity: 8.5
Misc: n/a
Diet Compliance: 1/1
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Training day

BS 6x120(p0), 1x145, 5x125, 5x122.5, 5x120, 5x117.5
Back Xtn 3x6x102.5(PR), 20x25(20kg plate, 5kg vest)

I got sick and my squat vanished. If i ever needed a reason to take drugs this is it. Basically worked my ass off for a whole 12 months, didnt miss a session, put in loads of work and all i have to show for it is nothing. Time to order some Clen & Tren cos eat clean train hard dont work. just kidding tho

maybe the fact that youve trained so consistently is the problem. everybody recovers differently and life stresses and sickness factor into fatigue too, try taking like a week off. i know i felt pretty weak when my training frequency was really high. maybe your squat isnt gone but youre just not at your best

also isnt lyle's area of specialization body recomp? might be good to read up some of his stuff, maybe you missed something thats dragging you down


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4357 on: June 11, 2018, 10:25:51 pm »
My best explanation is that i have overachieved strength with the amount of muscle of mass i have (low).  And when i gain small amounts of muscle mass i gain a lot of strength but in the same way when i lose a small amount of muscle mass i lose a lot of strength. We're talking 10-20kg in either direction. I see guys in the gym with tons of muscle mass but low strength who are underachieving (in strength), even if they lost some significant amounts of muscle they would not suffer much if any loss in strength since they had a reserve. I don't have that luxury b/c at any given point im usually maximising what i can attain. Drugs will help me level the gap. I'll be able to bring my muscle reserve up and with my work ethic / dedication, gain impressive amounts of strength. Would not make me a drug cheat tho. Another dude my height and bf% would have 5-10kg extra muscle than me even before, just from having a better hormonal profile. Still have to get in slightly better shape, i will get that thyroid blood panel done which ive been delaying and maybe a DEXA scan as well to see my bf% measured..
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4358 on: June 11, 2018, 10:26:43 pm »
AM temp/hr/bw: _/_/85.4
AM skinfold(mm): pec(), sup(), ab(), sum()
Weight Vest: 0
Supplement: 200/400 CEGCG (with vitc, 1g fish oil, 500mg cayn) - 0915, 1315; 1.5g cayn- 2000; 15g BCAA -
Activity: 11.5
Misc: n/a
Diet Compliance: 3/3
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Training day.
BS 6x120(p0), 1x147.5, 6x100
OHP 6x50, 2x60, 1x62.5, 0Fx65
Chinup 2xBW(87.5), 1x101.5(+14kg), 1x107.5(+20kg), 3x97.5(+10kg), 5xBW
DB OHP 10x20
Bike - 20 mins

Squat still remains vanished. Im losing hope :/ I think ive identified the principal reason: quad mass wasting. I find i can bounce the squat up pretty well but then i hit the sticking point HARD and i have no drive left to finish the lift. Subsequently, i fold over at the waist allowing my hamstrings to loosen, unlock the knees, then i can complete the lift using my superior erector strength. This is obviously a technical failure b/c i should not be doing squats this way if my goal is (and always was) to train for leg strength. Now what? In the past i got my leg strength up using a belt and doing heavy squats. It's mentally defeating to put on a belt to do hard AF reps with what i was previously repping raw and yet im not able to do much better than that with my current levels of quad strength. No idea how to go about fixing this..
« Last Edit: June 12, 2018, 11:32:29 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4359 on: June 12, 2018, 09:14:58 pm »
AM temp/hr/bw: _/_/85.3
AM skinfold(mm): pec(), sup(), ab(), sum()
Weight Vest: 0
Supplement: 200/400 CEGCG (with vitc, 1g fish oil, 500mg cayn) - 0800, 1200, 1600; 1.5g cayn- 1400, 2000; 30g BCAA;
Activity: 16.5
Misc: n/a
Diet Compliance: 4/4
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Rest day.
Didnt really go into deep sleep, not sure why(maybe late workout yesterday ..). BCAAs are a game changer. I wish i had tried them sooner because it was the one thing which would have made intermittent fasting actually work well for me. That Martin guy made it seem like it was optional but now im convinced IF done right must involve BCAAs, at least as far as cutting is concerned.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2018, 08:29:04 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4360 on: June 13, 2018, 08:30:16 pm »
AM temp/hr/bw: _/_/84.9
AM skinfold(mm): pec(), sup(), ab(), sum()
Weight Vest: 5kg
Supplement: 200/400 CEGCG (with vitc, 1g fish oil, 500mg cayn) - 0745, 1145; 1.5g cayn- 1400; 40g BCAA;
Activity: 14.5
Misc: n/a
Diet Compliance: 5/5
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Training day. Heavy day!
BS 6x120(p0), 0Fx153.5(1.8xbw PR attempt)
Paused BS 3x132.5(PR)
BS 3x132.5B, 3x130, 3x130B, 3x130B
ME Jumps ~ 10 or so
Bike - 20 mins

Finally failed a squat! It was a good run. I think it was april that i last failed a rep. Woooho. But i think part of it was i chose not to complete a dirty rep. The positive to take from today's workout was i felt i was able to challenge my legs for the first time in ages. Hopefully this will get my squat going again. Belt helps for this as well. Great. Watch this space.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2018, 10:43:00 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4361 on: June 14, 2018, 10:21:08 pm »
AM temp/hr/bw: _/_/85
AM skinfold(mm): pec(), sup(), ab(), sum()
Weight Vest: 5kg
Supplement: 200/400 CEGCG (with vitc, 1g fish oil, 500mg cayn) - 0800, 1200, 1600; 1.5g cayn- 1400; 40g BCAA;
Misc: n/a
Diet Compliance: 5/6
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Rest day.
Decision made that i'll end cutting end of June. If July 1st, i'm 12% or 18%, that's where i'll stop. Going to get dexa body comp scan and thyroid function test same time as well.
edit. Actually if the dexa is above 15% i keep dieting til i have lost enough weight to be 15% or less and then stop.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2018, 10:19:33 pm by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4362 on: June 15, 2018, 10:16:58 pm »
AM temp/hr/bw: _/_/85.8
AM skinfold(mm): pec(), sup(), ab(), sum()
Weight Vest: 5kg
Supplement: 200/400 CEGCG (with vitc, 1g fish oil, 500mg cayn) - 0910, 1315; 1.5g cayn- 1400; 40g BCAA;
Misc: n/a
Diet Compliance: 1/1
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Training day.
BS 6x120(p0), 1x137.5(p)
BP 2x90, 1x95, 5x80, 5x77.5, 5x75
Dips 5x14, 5x20, 5x16, 5x14, 5x12

« Last Edit: June 17, 2018, 11:54:13 pm by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4363 on: June 17, 2018, 09:32:05 pm »
AM temp/hr/bw: _/_/85.6
AM skinfold(mm): pec(), sup(), ab(), sum()
Weight Vest:
Supplement: 200/400 CEGCG (with vitc, 1g fish oil, 500mg cayn) - 0910, 1315; 1.5g cayn- 1400; 40g BCAA;
Misc: n/a
Diet Compliance: 1/2
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Rest day.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4364 on: June 17, 2018, 09:32:31 pm »
AM temp/hr/bw: _/_/85.9
AM skinfold(mm): pec(), sup(), ab(), sum()
Weight Vest: 5kg
Supplement: 200/400 CEGCG (with vitc, 1g fish oil, 500mg cayn) - 0900, 1700; 1.5g cayn- 2100;  300mg Caffeine, 30mg P-Syn - 1300; 40g BCAA;
Activity: 12.5
Misc: n/a
Diet Compliance: 1/1
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Training day.
BS 6x120(p0), 1x140(p; PR), 5x127.5, 5x125, 5x122.5, 5x120
Back Xtn 3x6x105(PR)
Oly BS 5x115, 5x120, 5x117.5, 5x117.5
Back Xtn 20x20

Ate 197g carbs, 215g pro. About 5g of of dietary fat but i did have an additional 11g of fish oil tho.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2018, 10:41:23 am by maxent »
Training for balance in GPP and SPP.