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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4905 on: February 23, 2020, 05:13:41 pm »
I know I'm biased but seriously check out @kneesovertoesguy on IG. The split squat is incredible for evening up single leg strength and increasing ankle mobility. That and a reverse deadmill has my knees feeling like a million dollars. I hate seeing people injured mate and would love to see you getting back on the court.
thanks im on it, will check it out. so far the BSS seems to have given me wicked doms in my R glute (which is the leg i did them with) AND wicked doms in my L quad (which is the leg i didnt do them with). i dont care about working out my glutes so it's paradoxical to find the wrong leg sore. im too lazy to do equal amounts of reps with both legs. giving them 6 weeks though.

I get wicked doms from the split squats. I'll pm you a link to some vids of him talking through the information. I sometimes feel like I'm going backwards with these things but when I start jumping and running pain free without fear of my knee collpasing it's incredible.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4906 on: February 24, 2020, 09:55:44 am »
Mon (24/2/2020)
Recovery/Rehab BS 6x50, 6x70, 6x90, 6x100
KB swing 3 sets of 25x24kg(PR)
Jump rope 4 sets of 30s (w/ 60s rest)
Row 17:30, Bike 17:30
Run 13min (slow ez)

Something LBSS mentioned is actually spot on, somehow ive lucked into a perfect storm of training which has left my knees feeling wonderful. I think it might be part finally squatting heavy enough to actually challenge my leg, especially the dormant R one. Maybe it's the ankle band rehab stuff. Maybe it's the KB swings. Maybe it's BSS i did. But whatever it is, has left my knee feeling good, my conjecture is i've lucked into hitting the right muscles somehow and that's got them firing again which takes stress of the joint. Not a superstitious person but hope im not going mess it up by saying this lol

ive thought of other factors i didnt mention, i stopped using fucking knee sleeves this week. i realised it might be a problem because i felt better without them when doing rowing and ive found squats is the same way also. another factor might be doing rowing/bike which works out both sides equally well (maybe). so yeah somewhere in one or teh combination of all these is giving me a magic result.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2020, 02:51:53 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4907 on: February 26, 2020, 10:24:02 am »
Wed (26/2/2020)
Recovery/Rehab BS 6x50, 6x70, 6x90
OHP 6x5x57.5
Chinup 6x5kg, 2x10kg, 1x15kg, 7xBW
Row 22:30, Bike 22:30, Row 07:30
I havent been logging but i do 7:30 of warmup split on the rower and bike to start every session. So a total of 60min of 'cardio' today. Which is a good baseline to maintain if i can manage it. OHP was a huge struggle, first set was a max effort grind to get the 5th rep, 2nd set just as bad, was bargaining to drop the weight but the caffeine kicked in and i was able to get there somehow and do all 6 sets.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2020, 10:33:50 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4908 on: February 28, 2020, 10:49:33 am »
Fri (28/2/2020)
BS 2x110, 2x115, 2x112.5, 2x110, 2x110, 2x110, 2x110
BS (blue knee sleeves) 1x110, 8x100, 12x90
BSS 20xBW(w/ blues)
Row 15:00, Bike 27:30, Row 10:00

I got it wrong last time, it's not that knee sleeves are bad for rehab, the opposite, they're good because they enable proprioception. In fact that's exactly what you need post injury because those muscles became inhibited and we need to start using them again!

My original reason for ceasing my rehband knee sleeves was because of hte swelling in the knee joint, it made the knee sleeves very tight, too tight, which didn't help with rehab, it was messing up rom and very painful as well because the knee was already feeling sore. However now that swelling and soreness has subsided, using knee sleeves makes for better rehab because it allows the muscles around the knee joint to trigger better because you feel them activate with the sleeves. It's actually amazing, they just load automatically and feel very strong and stable once you feel the knee tightening up. Before my knee would wobble but with the sleeves the muscles kick in and hold the knee in place.

 I did a set of BSS to check my theory and sure enough i was getting decent quad burn for a change! Actually this explains why that time i did BSS ages ago and found it too be good for rehab for the same reason but couldn't reproduce it again after that - because i didnt use knee sleeves subsequently, well i did, but just cheap flimsy neoprene ones which don't really give any proprioception benefits. Thinking back after i injured myself last year and saw the physiotherapist, she said dont bother with knee sleeves. She didn't know what she's talking about but yet she trains and rehabs pro AFL athletes smh. Proprioception is king - dont listen to anyone who tells you otherwise, especially two bit physios who don't know anything anyways.

So i could try do the 'save it later' thing but nah, lemme just use them from next workout on and get back to where i was a year ago. Aim is to use 2 reds as a new training weight from next time on. I should also use the belt to get my core back on track, cos right now it's stupid weak. maybe i'll use it for backoff sets in the interim.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2020, 11:09:30 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4909 on: March 02, 2020, 02:45:18 am »
Sun (28/2/2020)
BS 6x2x120
BP 6x3x85
Dips 2x15x7.5kg
Row 27:30, Bike 25:00

I alternate between sets of bench and recovery BS but 120kg doubles on a recovery day is actually very challenging. Next time recovery squats will not be this heavy and should wait for normal squat days, this was a one off to use knee sleeves! Bench is very hard now, im not sure how i get 4s next week.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4910 on: March 02, 2020, 06:52:41 am »
Sun (28/2/2020)
BS 6x2x120
BP 6x3x85
Dips 2x15x7.5kg
Row 27:30, Bike 25:00

I alternate between sets of bench and recovery BS but 120kg doubles on a recovery day is actually very challenging. Next time recovery squats will not be this heavy and should wait for normal squat days, this was a one off to use knee sleeves! Bench is very hard now, im not sure how i get 4s next week.

Either rest a bit longer between sets or don't alternate squats between your bench to conserve your energy for bench  ;D
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4911 on: March 04, 2020, 02:37:33 am »
Tue (3/2/2020)
BS 4x3x120
Row 25:00, Bike 30:00

Tweaked my back again on the 4th set :( Not as bad as last time. My abs and erecttors are too weak, maybe even hamstrings. need to start doing assistance exercises. need to be smarter with weight choices. 
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4912 on: March 05, 2020, 10:13:59 am »
Thu (5/2/2020)
Rehab/recovery BS 6x90
OHP 5x57.5, 3x60(injury)
Row 37:30, Bike 37:30

Well fuck me. I messed up my cervical spine today doing ohp with 60kg for the first time in a year. It's not like i wasn't 'warm' i did a 5 with 57.5kg. Learning two things, (a)im a skinny undermuscled guy who really has no business using heavy weights and b) if i do use heavy weights when not eating enough food or doing a lot of cardio i'll get injured.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4913 on: March 07, 2020, 12:12:40 am »
Thu (5/2/2020)
Rehab/recovery BS 6x90
OHP 5x57.5, 3x60(injury)
Row 37:30, Bike 37:30

Well fuck me. I messed up my cervical spine today doing ohp with 60kg for the first time in a year. It's not like i wasn't 'warm' i did a 5 with 57.5kg. Learning two things, (a)im a skinny undermuscled guy who really has no business using heavy weights and b) if i do use heavy weights when not eating enough food or doing a lot of cardio i'll get injured.

Hopefully the injury isn't too serious and you'll be able to bounce back quickly.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4914 on: March 07, 2020, 02:35:58 am »
Thu (5/2/2020)
Rehab/recovery BS 6x90
OHP 5x57.5, 3x60(injury)
Row 37:30, Bike 37:30

Well fuck me. I messed up my cervical spine today doing ohp with 60kg for the first time in a year. It's not like i wasn't 'warm' i did a 5 with 57.5kg. Learning two things, (a)im a skinny undermuscled guy who really has no business using heavy weights and b) if i do use heavy weights when not eating enough food or doing a lot of cardio i'll get injured.

Hopefully the injury isn't too serious and you'll be able to bounce back quickly.

thanks!! first night was agony couldn't even get out of bed, only could sleep flat or facing the right side. next night was painful but i took some painkillers which helped. today it seems almost back to normal!
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4915 on: March 07, 2020, 05:26:19 am »
Thu (5/2/2020)
Rehab/recovery BS 6x90
OHP 5x57.5, 3x60(injury)
Row 37:30, Bike 37:30

Well fuck me. I messed up my cervical spine today doing ohp with 60kg for the first time in a year. It's not like i wasn't 'warm' i did a 5 with 57.5kg. Learning two things, (a)im a skinny undermuscled guy who really has no business using heavy weights and b) if i do use heavy weights when not eating enough food or doing a lot of cardio i'll get injured.

Hopefully the injury isn't too serious and you'll be able to bounce back quickly.

thanks!! first night was agony couldn't even get out of bed, only could sleep flat or facing the right side. next night was painful but i took some painkillers which helped. today it seems almost back to normal!

That doesn't sound too good but the fact that it feels almost back to normal is a positive.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4916 on: March 07, 2020, 11:48:10 am »
That doesn't sound too good but the fact that it feels almost back to normal is a positive.
60kg feels very challenging compared to the 50s. 5x57.5 warmup prior didn't make it feel any better. im thinking i need to get closer to 60kg using smaller plates (eg up to 59.5kg) before attempting it again. and once i get there i should do a warmup with 60kg with a double. i stupidly went for a triple and that's when my shit snap citied :9. given how ugly the first two reps were, i deserve to be injured for what i did..
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4917 on: March 07, 2020, 11:51:31 am »
Sat (7/2/2020)
BS 6x100, 2x115, 2x112.5, 4x2x110, 13x90
BSS 12x8kg(3 sets with R leg, 2 sets with the L leg)
Row 42:30, Bike 45:00
I was stupid to go from 100kg training weight up to 120kg even though i had ended the 100kg cycle with a 5x120kg, i was greedy and hurt my back twice as a result (3rd time if you include the cervical one last time). 115kg would have been better but now im paying for it being injured and dropping to 110kg. So good job there!
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4918 on: March 08, 2020, 06:26:52 am »
Ive not got a way to track HR but when rowing id be suprised if it goes over 120bpm. Bike now im averaging 135-140bpm. This is to say my staples of rowing and bike are no longer sufficient for challenging heart & lungs. I can increase the difficulty on the bike but the problem is, it's already challenging for my legs (and insufficiently challenging for CV system). need to find a solution :/
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4919 on: March 09, 2020, 12:54:04 pm »
Mon (9/2/2020)
Recovery BS 6x2x110
BP 6x4x85kg (failed the last set on the 4th rep though)
Dips 15x10kg, 15xBW
Conditioning - Jump rope & KB swings
Assistance - KB side bends, ab leg raises, incline bp

BP was hard af. got pinned on the last rep of the last set (obviously). waved at one guy but he just watched me lol. another guy was in the middle of the set and came over but he wasnt strong enough to take it off my chest and i was too weak to help him. eventually he lifted one side up enough for me to crawl out. how embarrassing. i hate bench press.

That will do pig, that will do. Recomping from tmr on using fat loss supplements..
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