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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1530 on: October 17, 2019, 06:44:30 pm »
depends on your goals - athletes tend to jump.
Olylifters don't they have to get under the bar as fast as possible


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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1531 on: October 18, 2019, 07:15:36 am »
depends on your goals - athletes tend to jump.
Olylifters don't they have to get under the bar as fast as possible

Oh really. Didn't know that. But the second pull is the same where you keep the bar in contact of thighs to hip and then you jump and pull.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1532 on: October 18, 2019, 12:59:27 pm »
Date: 18/10/2019
Soreness: lower quads of right left leg

Condition: Just came from work, had no gym clothes in hand as this was a spontaneous thought, the snatch technique was bothering me I had to go to gym to practice it again. So was practicing in my jeans lol.

Warm up
   quad stretch
   whole body vibration plate
   light ankle hops

   Power Snatch Practicing
      - arm muscle ups
      - high hang power snatch - both using light bar 10kg
      - high hang power snatch using 20kg bar - recorded it both views

   High hang power snatch 1 x 4 @30kg (5kg plates on 20kg bar)
      - This was comfortable and a little challenging keep weight above head as my max shoulder press is 40kg at 1 rep

Cool down

Good session. I am happy with my form in the video.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2019, 11:37:57 am by seifullaah73 »
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1533 on: October 19, 2019, 10:17:38 am »
Date: 19/10/2019
Soreness: since yesterday there was a sore spot on my vmo the big bulky part near the knees. it was sensitive to touch but didn't affect my running.

Condition: It had rained a wet track and therefore a slippery surface also since I did power snatch yesterday, my runs were affect in terms of fatigued leg but the runs still felt good slight explosiveness.

Warm up
   ankle mobility
   calf stretch
   calf raise walks holding 15kg dumbbells in each hand
   hamstring stretch seated
   quad stretch bench
   leg swings, when swinging my right legs i could feel tightness and little soreness in my left hips.
   single leg seated hamstring stretch
   quad stretch walks
   single and double leg glute bridges
   step on to box and high knee with cable strap at @15kg
   back stretch
   left 10kg gym plate near the window inside

Track warm up
   A walks x 2 x 20m
   A skips x 2 variations x 20m
   A runs x 20m
   Alternating high knee drills

   Sprint starts
      - 2 x 1 step - 6 steps measurement
      - 1 x 2 step - 13 steps measurement
   2 x 10m hill sprints
   2 x 10m sled sprints @15kg
   2 x 10m sprints
   2 x 30m sled sprints @10kg
   2 x 30m sprnts

Gym Workout
   Power snatch movement practice
      - light bar
      - heavy bar

   Kneeling crunches - keep dumbell near legs as cable starts pulling me forward
      - 2 x 12 @65kg

   Lying knee raises/rolls
       - 2 x 10 @20kg

   Cable twists
      - 1 x 10 each side @20kg
      - 1 x 5 each side @35kg

   More power snatch practice - was practicing to get from knee to hip as I have long arms the bar never always lands in the crease and when i push the hips forward the bar hits the pubic bone a little, so was practicing to keep the bar in contact but will have to practice from mid thigh first then go further. managed 5kg plates on each side, difficulty with that was holding the weight overhead with wide grip but once elbows are locked then it's ok. Good session since the power snatch is coming on.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1534 on: October 21, 2019, 02:45:26 pm »
I don't know what happened but walking is causing pain in my hip bone in the back that sticks out, its the part where the hip bone stops. the iliac crest at the back the left side. Hard to explain the position except when you put your hands on your hips, you can feel the bone where your thumb, that's the area of pain.

Will rest it and stretch it when it is not painful, but will see what the state is tomorrow.

« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 02:53:08 pm by seifullaah73 »
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1535 on: October 23, 2019, 02:24:57 pm »
Resting this whole week, except weekend see if I can run.

Doing the stretches.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1536 on: October 26, 2019, 09:56:36 am »
Date: 26/10/2019
Soreness: glutes

Condition: Haven't trained the entire week due to some pain in the back of the hips, which has gotten better, but can feel it if I stretch that area to check but it's not painful just slightly sore/uncomfortable. Plan was to come down and run hard and see how far I get minimum distance was 200m and target was 400m.

Warm up
   anke mobility
   calf stretch dynamic
   walking calf stretch holding @15kg kettlebell in each hand
   kicking hamstring stretch
   seated hamstring stretch
   quad stretch on edge of bench
   walking quad stretch
   single leg and double leg glute bridges
   leaning over knee drives with cable foot attachment at 30kg
   straight leg hip extensions with cable foot attachment at 30kg
   lift knee and straight leg and hold with cable foot attachment at 30kg
   back stretch double leg
   box jumps holding bw and holding 5kg dumbbell in each hand x 3
   sprint arm swings holding 5kg dumbbells in each hand and then without

   A walk x 20m x 1
   A skip x 20m x 1
   A Run x 20m x 1

   Sprint hard as far
      - got to 200m, my legs shutdown completely at 40m away from the finish line, but couldn't do more than 200m legs dead and no strength from legs at all and the finish line is like a psychological barrier. so will focus on running hard up to 200m until I can extend to 300m without my legs shutting down. I don't 400m but the intrigue inside me wants to run it. Glutes were on fire. after a few minutes rest I jogged the 100m bend and sprinted the last 100m to complete 100m don't know why lol. dead tired and the blocked nose and ears not helping. After I got into the gym I was feeling light headed but once I started the workout it went away. I couldn't run as hard as I liked as it had rained and it was really wet and the rain had restarted again slightly.

Gym work
   Power snatch
      - 1 x 3 @20kg bar
      - 2 x 3 @40kg - got the bar to head height and very close it nearly hit my face well it felt like it was that close prob 4 inches away.

   Core work
      - kneeling crunches on cable 2 x 12 @75kg
      - lying knee raises on cable 2 x 10 @25kg
      - cable twists 1 x 7 each side @30kg

   Broad Jumps
      - 4 attempts - 8.5 Steps = 2.5m average

   Broad Jumps holding 5kg dumbbells near shoulder and broad jump
      - 3 jumps at 7 steps = 2.1m

   Broad Jumps another attemp
      - 2 jumps, best one at 9 steps = 2.6m
      - Was doing the jump inside the gym.

Cool down
   walk back

Good light session, the run felt good but didn't get to run out as hard as I would have liked due to wet track, but did run hard as I was almost upright. legs turned off instantly at 160m mark like someone flicked a switch.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1537 on: October 29, 2019, 06:11:57 pm »
Date: 29/10/2019
Soreness: none

Condition: Got to the gym at 5:35pm and finished at 7:35pm. Good session. Forgot my water bottle so managed to do the entire session without urgently needing water. But drank water at a fountain outside after I finished.

Warm up
   ankle mobility
   calf stretch
   seated hamstring stretch - bench and floor
   quad stretch on edge of bench
   single and double leg glute bridges
   high knee lifts at 45kg cable thigh attachment x 10 seconds
   squat stretches
   back stretch

   Jumping switching split squats
       - 2 x 10 both legs @12kg kettlebells in each hand

   Half Squats
      - 1 x 5 @60kg
      - 1 x 3 @100kg
      - 3 x 3 @130kg - just to get comfortable at the weight
   Calf Raises
      - 3 x 15 @130kg

   45 degree hyperextension
      - 1 x 5 @20kg
      - 1 x 5 @60kg
      - 3 x 5 @80kg

   High Hang Power snatch
      - 1 x 3 @20kg
      - 1 x 3 @30kg
      - 2 x 3 @40kg - only got to head height

   Leaning over rows with aim of driving elbows back and not to the side
      - 1 x 5 @40kg
      - 2 x 5 @60kg

   Shoulder press
      - 1 x 5 @20kg
      - 1 x 5 @30kg
      - 2 x 5 @40kg -  :personal-record: - 3 were shoulder isolated and rest were using legs and last set one rep was shoulder isolated and rest were using legs

   Barbell core roll outs - cable was being used
      - 2 x 10

   Lower ab work - 5-10 second for 10 variations

   side leans for oblique holding 35kg dumbbell 2 x 10

Cool down
   walk back

It was a good session. Decided to do 3 reps only on squats didn't want to risk getting pinned, have to get comfortable first. 3 reps was comfortable slight struggle.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1538 on: November 01, 2019, 01:25:36 pm »
Date: 31/10/2019
Soreness: none

Condition: 5pm got to gym and finished at 7:30pm. It was almost empty suprisingly.

Warm up
   ankle mobility
   calf stretch
   seated hamstring stretch - bench and floor
   quad stretch bench
   single and double leg glute bridges
   high knee raises /w 45kg cable strap hold for 20 seconds each leg
   squat stretch
   back stretch

   Jumping lunges
      - 1 x 6 @bw
      - 2 x 10 @12kg kettlebells in each hand

   Half Squat
      - 1 x 5 @40kg
      - 1 x 5 @100kg
      - 3 x 5 @130kg

   Calf Raises
      - 3 x 15 @130kg

   Back extensions
      - 2 x 5 @80kg - the heavier it gets the difficult it becomes for my arms
      - 1 x 7 @60kg

   High Hang Power Cleans
      - 1 x 5 @20kg
      - 1 x 3 @30kg
   High hang power pulls - same as cleans but trying to get it as high as I can
      - 2 x 5 @40kg

   Shoulder press
      - 1 x 5 @20kg
      - 2 x 5 @40kg

   Leaning over rows
      - 2 x 5 @60kg

   Kneeling cable crunches
      - 1 x 5 @35kg
      - 2 x 12 @75kg

   Lying knee raises
      - 2 x 10 @25kg

   Cable twists for oblique
      - 1 x 5 each side @15kg
      - 1 x 7 each side @35kg

Cool down
   walk back

It was a good session, the half squats are comfortable and the reps are progressing, the calf raises are comfortable until you reach 10 then its struggle to complete, but have done this weight before so not impossible. The back extensions is going to get difficult because I bring bar to chest and then do the reps so I can go deep down but as it gets heavier my upper body will not be strong enough to bring bar near chest and the ROM will be compromised but will see when I get there. Power cleans are good and 40kg is very heavy so 5 reps is difficult but can get bar near head to chin level.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1539 on: November 02, 2019, 12:03:11 pm »
Date: 02/11/2019
Soreness: quads

Condition: It was raining the whole night so track was soaked and knew I was not going to get a good session. Runs without explosive power. Morale was around 5/10 due to condition, wet and windy. Also woke up at 10am so got to the gym at 11:15am and finished at 1:00pm.

Warm up
   ankle mobility
   calf walks holding 12.5kg dumbbells in each hand and then unloaded
   calf stretches
   hamstring kicks
   hamstring stretch
   quad walk stretch
   single leg hip thrusts
   cable attached to feet @20kg and do step ups with high knee on low box each leg
   straight leg hip extension mimicking when running the legs straighten and come down and push the leg down couldn't push it back because my legs would hit the floor @20kg
   back stretch
   box squats holding 5kg dumbbells near chest so jumping without arms
   arm sprint swings @5kg dumbbells and then without weight

Track warm up
   A walk x 1 x 10m
   A skip x 1 x 20m
   A run x 1 x 30m
   Alternating fast high knee drills - like single leg b skips
   Sprint starts to 1 step and 2 steps

Track Workout
   10m Sprints x 2

   30m sprints x 2

   50m sprints x 1   

   200m sprints x 1

Gym Workout
   High hang power snatch
      - 1 x 5 @30kg

   Ab Rollout using barbell
      - 2 x 10

Cool down
   walk back

Alright session. The runs were not that good because I had to drive out of the blocks without explosive power so just push out normally without strength and accelerate, which were good. The 200m was also good BUT I went into 3 point start and as soon as I drove out my body would not let me accelerate it was being cautious until it got to 50m and im upright now it starts to accelerate and then finish down the straight but good thing there was little lactic acid built up at 170m. Was tired but not too much I had to lay down especially when the floor is wet but also every time when I plan to run long I get butterflies in my stomach. Ab roll out really worked the  core.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1540 on: November 06, 2019, 01:57:39 pm »
Date: 05/11/2019
Soreness: none

Condition: Got to the gym at 5:15 pm and it wasn't that crowded. Had to rush the core workout smh

Warm up
   ankle mobility
   calf stretch
   sitting hamstring stretch bench and floor
   quad stretch
   single and double leg glute bridge
   high knee hold without weight cable in use
   squat stretch
   back stretch

   Jumping switching lunges
      - 1 x 3 each leg @7kg kettlebells in each hand
      - 2 x 10 total @15kg kettlebells in each hand

   Half Squats on to a pin
      - 1 x 5 @60kg
      - 1 x 3 @100kg
      - 3 x 5 @130kg

   Calf raises
      - 3 x 15 @130kg

   45 degree back extension
      - 1 x 5 @20kg
      - 1 x 4 @60kg
      - 3 x 5 @80kg

   High hang power snatch
      - 1 x 5 @20kg
      - 1 x 3 @30kg
      - 2 x 3 @40kg - high pulls
      - note: strange thing was when my grip was not wide enough it makes it difficult to get the bar overhead so when I tried to snatch low grip my body just automatically turned it into a power clean. interesting.

   Leaning rows (elbow pull backs)
      - 1 x 5 @40kg
      - 2 x 5 @60kg

   Shoulder press
      - 1 x 5 @20kg
      - 2 x 5 @40kg

   Barbell rollouts for core
      - 2 x 10

Cool down
   walk back

It was a good session was planning to do 7 reps of half squats but it's not comfortable at 5 reps for me to proceed to 7 so will stick till I am comfortable and confident in getting the last 2 comfortably. Rest were OK. Core roll out using z bar.   
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1541 on: November 07, 2019, 04:57:14 pm »
Date: 07/11/2019
Soreness: quads was very sore and hamstring a little less because of the back extensions.

Condition: Got a little earlier than normal, 5:10pm. Finished at 7:20pm.

Warm up
   ankle mobility
   calf stretch
   hamstring stretch bench and floor
   quad stretch bench
   single and double leg glute bridges
   high knee kettlebell raises
   squat stretch
   back stretch

   Switching jumping lunges
      - 1 x 3 each leg @bw
      - 1 x 3 each leg @7kg dumbbells in each hand
      - 2 x 10 total @16kg kettlebells in each hand

   Half Squats
      - 1 x 5 @20kg - explosive ascent on to my toes
      - 1 x 3 @60kg - explosive triple extension aka above
      - 1 x 3 @100kg - explosive triple extension
      - 3 x 5 @130kg

   Calf Raises
      - 3 x 12 @130kg

   Back extensions
      - 1 x 5 @20kg
      - 1 x 3 @60kg
      - 3 x 5 @80kg
      Note: hard with bench as my knees press against the back rest  and causes quad pains when doing this exercise.

   Power snatch
      - 1 x 3 @20kg
      - 1 x 3 @30kg
      - 2 x 3 @40kg - high pulls

   Leaning rows
      - 1 x 3 @40kg
      - 2 x 5 @60kg

   shoulder press
     - 1 x 5 @20kg
     - 2 x 5 @40kg

   kneeling cable crunches
      - 1 x 5 @35kg
      - 2 x 12 @70kg

   Lying knee raises
      - 1 x 3 @15kg
      - 2 x 6,7 @30kg

   Cable twists for oblique
      - 1 x 4 @15kg
      - 1 x 5 each side @35kg

Cool down
   walk back

It was an alright session. the half squats were comfortable. The back extension painful for my quads because there is no space for my knees, the back rest of the bench. The pain causes confusion pain in quads, hamstring and top of knees. This was frustrating and then the power snatch was OK need to refocus attention on using my hips to drive the bar up rather than just jumping up. upper body was mediocre. lying knee raises not good wanted to aim for lower body and went high weight but that's not the point, so will go down a weight a little and do it.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1542 on: November 09, 2019, 10:04:40 am »
Date: 09/11/2019
Soreness: quads sore, hips and glutes are sore

Condition: Wet track and cold and windy. Got to the gym later than I wanted. 11:15 am and finished at 1pm.

Warm up
   ankle mobility
   calf stretch and walks with 5kg dumbbells
   hamstring kicks
   quad walks stretch
   sitting hamstring stretch
   single and double leg glute bridge
   high knee kettlebell lifts @16kg each foot
   back stretch

Track warm up
   a walk x 10m
   a skip x 20m
   a run x 30m
   alternating high knee drills x 30m
   sprint starts
      - 1 step x 1
      - 2 steps x 1

   2 x 10m uphill sprints - slippery grass but didn't slip a lot as I was careful but that would take away some effort from the run

   2 x 10m sled sprints @15kg load on sled
   1 x 10m unloaded sprints

   2 x 30m sled sprints @10kg load

   1 x 30m unloaded sprints

   1 x 50m sled sprints @5kg load

Gym workout
   power snatch high hang ensuring to use only hip drive
      - 1 x 3 @20kg
      - 1 x 3 @30kg
      - 1 x 3 @35kg

   Box jumps at 40kg - legs were a little weak so they felt awkward but 7/10 effort used for the jumps

   Cable kneeling crunches 2 x 12 @70kg

Cool down
   walk back

The runs felt good besides 70-80% effort used only because of wet track but because it was cold my legs were getting a lot of impact stress then normal so legs were sore after the runs. Power snatch was OK. Kneeling crunches were rushed as had less time.   
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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A Journey to Running fast and Jumping High


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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1543 on: November 13, 2019, 01:03:36 pm »
Date: 12/11/2019
Soreness: none

Condition: I got to the gym late at 5:30pm and somehow managed to finish at 7:20pm, after doing all the exercises at the desired sets except for the core, which I did one.

Warm up
   ankle mobility
   calf stretch
   seated hamstring stretch
   quad stretch on bench
   sitting on floor hamstring stretch
   single and double leg glute stretch
   high knee hip holds while on balls of feet
   squat stretch
   back stretch

   Jumping switching lunges
      - 1 x 3 each leg @bw
      - 1 x 3 each leg @7kg dumbbells in each hand
      - 2 x 5 each leg @16kg kettlebells in each hand

   Half Squat
      - 1 x 5 @60kg
      - 1 x 3 @100kg
      - 3 x 7 @130kg - comfortably easy, ready for 140kg, might attempt single reps for 150kg

   Calf raises
      - 3 x 12 @130kg

   Back extension at 45 degrees
      - 1 x 3 @60kg
      - 3 x 5 @80kg

   Power snatch, high hang
      - 1 x 3 @20kg
      - 1 x 3 @30kg
      - 2 x 3 @40kg

   Leaning over rows
      - 1 x 5 @40kg
      - 2 x 5 @70kg

   Shoulder press
      - 1 x 5 @20kg
      - 2 x 5 @40kg - last 2 reps were leg assisted

   AB rollouts
      - 2 x 10

Cool down
   walk back

It was an alright session, next week I plan to switch to deadlifts to work on quad strength at extreme ROM for the acceleration and drive phase of the sprint. Squats were comfortably easy. Back extension was comfortable to do complete 5 reps.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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A Journey to Running fast and Jumping High


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Re: A Journey to Running Fast and Jumping High
« Reply #1544 on: November 14, 2019, 06:34:48 pm »
Date: 14/11/2019
Soreness: glutes and legs

Condition: Got to the gym at 5:15 pm and managed to have 15 minutes to do core stuff, with plenty time to spare after, so good quick session. Finished at 7:15 pm.

Warm up
   ankle mobility
   calf stretch
   seated hamstring stretch
   quad bench stretch
   sitting hamstring stretch
   single leg glute bridges and double leg on bench
   high knee on balls of feet hold with kettlebell on feet x 20 seconds
   squat stretch
   back stretch

   Jumping switching lunges
      - 1 x 3 each leg @bw
      - 1 x 3 each leg @7kg dumbbells in each hand
      - 2 x 5 each leg @16kg kettlebells in each hand

   Half Squats
      - 1 x 3 @20kg
      - 1 x 3 @60kg
      - 1 x 3 @100kg
      - 3 x 7 @130kg
      - Note: Comfortable and easy, didn't have to suck in air for each rep

   Calf Raises
      - 2 x 12 @130kg

   Barbell pogo hops - for ankle stiffness
      - 2 x 10 @20kg - experimenting best way to do this

   Back extensions
      - 1 x 5 @20kg
      - 1 x 3 @60kg
      - 2 x 5 @80kg
      - Note: Will switch to deadlifts next week, also this makes my forearms really sore after

   Power snatch high hang
      - 1 x 3 @20kg
      - 1 x 3 @30kg
      - 2 x 3 @40kg - difficult as I have wide grip, difficult to bring it overhead but can bring it to nose level

   Bent over rows
      - 1 x 5 @40kg
      - 2 x 5 @70kg

   Shoulder press
      - 1 x 5 @20kg
      - 2 x 5 @40kg

   Kneeling crunches
      - 1 x 4 @35kg
      - 2 x 12 @70kg

   Lying knee raises
      - 2 x 10 @20kg

   Cable rotations
      - 1 x 5 @20kg
      - 1 x 7 each side @35kg

Cool down
   walk back

It was an ok session, pogo hops to experiment way to further strengthen my calfs where I don't need to increase weight but use gravity, improve ankle stiffness. Squats were easy. Will switch to deadlifts. rest were ok.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

My Progress Log
A Journey to Running fast and Jumping High