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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #5070 on: January 04, 2020, 05:14:51 am »

- food poisoning x vomiting and diarrhea
threw up so hard i got a lump in my throat. only got 4.5-5 hours of sleep. joint aches and muscle weakness. blah. feel better this morning, at least.
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #5071 on: January 04, 2020, 01:29:32 pm »
Been off adarq for a while, just saw your 5k is 19.42 also - big congrats!

Race to sub 19?

(ps not been in London for a while but will be at somepoint in the near future if you're still up for some runs)


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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #5072 on: January 05, 2020, 01:23:29 am »
side note: i will destroy microsoft. piece of shit company making piece of shit products that rob me of hard work. death to microsoft.

they've improved alot since the 90s tho.. iirc. :ninja:

okay then.

happy new year everyone! 2019 was a good year goal-wise, in that i met my main athletic goal of running a sub-20 minute 5k. did it two weeks in a row, in fact. go me.

yup, two solid times. i def think you could go under 19 in 2020 if you wantd.

in 2020, my athletic goals will be the following:

1. increase maximum strength. i haven't lifted for more than two years and i'm down about 10 pounds from my average weight while training to dunk (and all the other tangents i went on). the heaviest i ever saw on the scale was 183, iirc, but that was a long time ago. ~175 was my weightlifting set weight. i'm now ~165. always been lean, so the weight loss is substantially muscular and i'm definitely weaker than i was a few years ago. so goal number one will involve a few months reversing that process. not sure about exact targets yet, but it'll probably be something simple like a squat target, a bench target, and an upper pulling target. a trip to the gym will let me know what my baseline is and what i should be shooting for.


2. run 5k under 19:00. this might be a bit of a reach, given that my newbie gains only got me from 20:53 to 19:42. but i hit that goal while almost never touching the 30 mile-per-week volume that's generally cited as a minimum for a sub-20 time. so if i can push the volume a bit this year, just by adding a couple of km per run and staying consistent -- plus getting some more practice racing now that i live near a literal weekly race -- perhaps the gains will continue to come fast.

def think you could knock that out.

if you get hooked on max strength life then it'll be a little harder. all good tho.

3. do a clean handstand and a barefoot pistol on both legs. these are a lower priority, i'm adding them mainly to give myself an excuse to work more on mobility and joint health (lifting will also help with that in the form of warming up, which i do not do for running). handstands i've done before but had to stop when my right wrist started acting up too much. the ultimate bw strength goal for me is still a flag. OAC would also be cool but it's distant: my shoulders can barely tolerate single-arm holds. it'd be rad to get a kip-up as well. and a backflip. would need a gymnastics gym to learn that, i think.

there's a time sequence to these, because working on strength for a couple of months will mean cutting back on running volume and probably intensity. i can consistently work out five days per week, so a three days lifting/two days running schedule seems feasible. once i've hit whatever strength goal i come up with, i'll dial back the lifting and focus again on running. the bw stuff can be thrown in around the edges, i'm not too fussed about it.


- food poisoning x vomiting and diarrhea
threw up so hard i got a lump in my throat. only got 4.5-5 hours of sleep. joint aches and muscle weakness. blah. feel better this morning, at least.


hope u r ok now. damn.


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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #5073 on: January 05, 2020, 02:03:17 pm »
Been off adarq for a while, just saw your 5k is 19.42 also - big congrats!

Race to sub 19?

(ps not been in London for a while but will be at somepoint in the near future if you're still up for some runs)

no doubt! just lmk when you're next in town. maybe we can coordinate with joe, as well, if he's healed up enough.

@adarq: i don't want to get hooked on max strength life. i mean to give it like two months -- the two coldest months of the year, more or less -- and see where i get to before shifting back to run focus. and i'm not planning to give up running altogether. i'll treat it more like a strength block for running than a full-on shift to powerlifting.

sub-19 would have been good for third in my last race, rather than the seventh place i got. winner ran 16:50, runner-up 17:32, both probably out of reach for the foreseeable future but that's okay.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2020, 02:06:39 pm by LBSS »
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #5074 on: January 05, 2020, 02:11:43 pm »
- run 10.22 km in 47:45
another 10k "PR", lol. ran without checking watch on the walthamstow loop. felt stiff.

- stretch
did shoulder dislocated and GMB wrist mobilization as well.
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #5075 on: January 06, 2020, 09:51:15 am »
today is two years since my brother killed himself. hard to believe it's been that long already. gonna spend some time this evening skyping with my parents and other brother. no workout.

on a lighter note, i'm taking the occasion to back through some old things i wrote, in the months after he died, and came across some found poetry i pulled from this forum. i'm pretty sure it's from scooby's journal. it's verbatim, no edits of any kind, i only added line breaks. enjoy:

I wish, I mean, I hope
those word is not strong enough.

I must regroup myself now, now
that half of 2018 is gone. I must
pick up the pace and finish
2018 in a strong way.

This is a message to myself
on 180608, a Friday afternoon
where I slacking/recovering from
my exam 2 days after finishing it.

It will be raining for the next 7 days or so.
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- Avishek

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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #5076 on: January 07, 2020, 01:20:02 am »
today is two years since my brother killed himself. hard to believe it's been that long already. gonna spend some time this evening skyping with my parents and other brother. no workout.

damn. yea time flies. wishing you & your family the best. <3

on a lighter note, i'm taking the occasion to back through some old things i wrote, in the months after he died, and came across some found poetry i pulled from this forum. i'm pretty sure it's from scooby's journal. it's verbatim, no edits of any kind, i only added line breaks. enjoy:

I wish, I mean, I hope
those word is not strong enough.

I must regroup myself now, now
that half of 2018 is gone. I must
pick up the pace and finish
2018 in a strong way.

This is a message to myself
on 180608, a Friday afternoon
where I slacking/recovering from
my exam 2 days after finishing it.

It will be raining for the next 7 days or so.

that's interesting.. reading it in a different context like that.


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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #5077 on: January 11, 2020, 12:46:23 pm »
lost the week to work -- especially having to recreate a bunch of work, fucking microsoft -- and then had a gnarly headache yesterday. am somewhat detrained, but that's to be expected.

- run 11.8 km in 1:01:03
deliberately slowed down but not too much, 5:10 pace. meant to run farther but felt iffy so cut it a little early. quads felt a bit stiff throughout, especially right. calves pretty tight after. did some extra stretching.
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #5078 on: January 13, 2020, 01:43:48 pm »
first gym session since 2017 was a humbling experience, although a bro congratulated me for putting "big weight" on the bar. it was 100kg. smh.

- warm up treadmill run x 2km

- warm up mobilizations: hips, shoulders, wrists

- squat: worked up to 100 x 4
 :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
deliberately not max effort but this was challenging. wow. right shoulder a little tight.

- DL: worked up to 120 x 1
legs felt a little toasty after the squatting so i didn't push this at all. did one warm up rep at 70 and then a reasonably challenging but not ME one at 120.

- bench: worked up to 70 x 5

- pull up x 8

- hanging leg raise x 10

- stretch

i'm gonna be sore tomorrow. i knew i'd gotten weaker but this was a serious reality check. i squatted 225 x 5 the very first time i ever learned how to squat. back to square zero. OTOH, pretty sure i can still squat 1.5x bw (which would be ~112kg right now) after three years of detraining on it. so not totally hopeless.

the gym is always rammed, including lots of people very seriously using the bars, racks, and platforms. had to work in for everything, but that's okay.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2020, 01:47:04 pm by LBSS »
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #5079 on: January 13, 2020, 02:05:18 pm »
alright, draft new goals for end of february (six weeks):

1. squat 112.5 x 5
2. DL 130 x 5
3. bench 80 x 5
4. pull up x 15

gonna do basically starting strength with pull ups rather than rows as the main pulling exercise. i'll do kroc rows as a supplement on DL days.

M: squat 5,5,5; bench 5,5,5; pull ups x5,5,F; core circuit (plank variations, prone windshield wipers, pallof presses, suitcase carries)
W: squat 5,5,5; DL 5; pull ups x 5,5,F; kroc rows; core circuit
F: squat 5,5,5; bench 5,5,5; pull ups x5,5,F; core circuit

two runs per week totaling 25km+ to make it easier to transition back to cardio gainz once i shift focus back away from lifting.

i'm on the fence about whether to try to gain a little weight back. this would require deliberate effort on my part. two slices of toast with peanut butter and honey and a glass of milk worked okay when i was 25. i'd like to be running under 19 at, like, 78kg rather than 74. and, more to the point, running under 19 while squatting 2x bw. for now, i won't do anything special about diet. but i'll play it by ear as i go.

let's see how far i get in six weeks. hopefully i can hit those numbers and then transition to running 50-55 km per week with one weight lifting and maybe light plyo/power day.
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #5080 on: January 15, 2020, 12:11:33 pm »
DOMS, bro. DOMS.

- warm up treadmill run x 2 km

- warm up mobilizations: hips, shoulders, wrists

- squat x ABORT
soreness such that this started to feel like a bad idea at 60kg and downright dangerous at 80kg. hamstrings in particular just did not feel stable or strong. quads also pretty sore. not mad about warming up and trying, though. the soreness will dissipate with time and persistence.

see above.

- pull up x 5,5,5
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. last set to TF. a little sore but nothing like my legs.

- core circuit x 2
-- plank x 30s
-- russian twist +10kg x 10

- stretch

christ. baby steps, i guess.
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- Avishek

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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #5081 on: January 15, 2020, 12:15:05 pm »
Hah, I was opening this post expecting it to be about huge DOMS from your first workout, and it did not disappoint.
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #5082 on: January 17, 2020, 10:15:17 am »
haha, well, i'm glad someone enjoyed it. my gf had done a brutal core workout the day befor so she was not sympathetic.  :derp:

- warm up treadmill run x 2 km

- mobilizations

- squat 80 x 5,5,5
better. still a wee bit sore in the upper hamstrings. this was not hard, thank fucking god. also noticed a little niggle in my left hamstring that appears on the eccentric portion sometimes. something to be careful with. on the plus side, shoulders are loosening up and readjusting to supporting the bar.

- bench 60 x 5,5,5
still relearning the movements. first two sets easy-breezy, did my setup wrong on the third set. light weight so it was not hard, but noticed the difference in stability.

- pull up x 5,5,6

- pallof press x 10,10

- leg lower x 10,10

- stretch

okay then. onward and upward.
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- Avishek

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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #5083 on: January 19, 2020, 02:53:12 pm »
- run 14.33 km in 1:19:31
felt absolutely awful. had a stitch the whole time, had to pee the last 45 minutes at least, body feels stiff now and knees achey. pace slow, 5:33. yikes.

should not forget that i'm also adding 6km per week with warm ups.

EDIT: lol, i had a low-grade fever.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2020, 03:15:59 am by LBSS »
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #5084 on: January 20, 2020, 01:59:27 pm »
fever was gone by the morning but i still felt like shit. aches and weird temperature fluctuations and heartburn meant i didn't get to sleep until at least 4 AM. so no weights today, i napped and did school work around the house. feeling better now.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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