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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #1140 on: March 19, 2020, 05:47:48 pm »
200319 I went outside again
Like LBSS suggested, jumping once a week outdoor is too little. So i decide to go out again.
Warm up with Depth drop and went right into stationary jump at rim 3, I am getting over the rim easy.

Btw, I did 6 x 500m sprint yesterday with my kid, intead of doing the 30 min indoor bike.   (along with a few set of Hang clean during lunch)
Surprising my leg is not too sore today.  May be i am getting use to the daily cardio (had been about 15 days already)  or may be running 6 x 2.5 min is less taxing than biking for 30 min.

let me look at the my Garmin cal to compare.
Bike 30min  = 261-310cal
500mx6 cal =  30*6 = 180cal
jog 30min = 344cal

um... i dont know. base on the number sprint burn less cal...(During the exercise), it should burn more after.

Back to today feeling,  The stationary jump felt good getting high.  I played with the arm swing a little.   testing if i should squat down when the arm is swinging down from the front. vs squat down during the arm swing down from the back.  the result is similar.  I have a feeling that  during a actual running jump, the squat down actually happen when my arm is point from the back and swining down from the back.  (I got nothing to do during the jump, so my brain start having this idea lol)

At the end of this session,  I did some 1 step jump (AKA the LBSSS method if i remember right), I have not done that for long time,  doing it today felt a little different in a good way.
I actually feel like i am Loading the spring and jumping during the 1 step jump.   (i dont remember have this feeling before)

lets hope me knee is healthy, my muscle is less sore. and continue what i am doing.

Mean while, every Asian in American is facing racist attack because of the virus.  To make things worse...

i've heard some reports. not sure if it's as wide spread as your statement, but it definitely could be as the weeks go on. our disgrace of a fake-president is calling it the "Chinese Virus". definitely not a responsible thing to do.

i've seen asians being attacked in the UK and US .. but more so in Europe.

not sure the extent of it.

American GOV is telling everyone mask does not work.

yea they are saying surgical masks aren't safe to use around people with the virus. virus can get through, too porous.

they've said masks do work, but the n95 kind etc.

And when Asian who had knew what Asia has been doing since 2 months ago... they already have some mask stored at home.   When they wear mask to go outside... they can attacked...
this is just sad to see...


For those who read my journal.  I just want to let u guys know that.. according to Hong Kong expert (with SARS experience)  Mask is a must to keep your safe.  It has been working in HK.
Those place who does not wear mask is taking a big hit.  (this is base on factual data of what has happened in the last few weeks.

damn good info man. thanks!

i've been suspect of their "anti surgical mask propaganda" for a while now.. it could be somewhat related to the fact that they know we don't have enough masks. so, why not downplay it as if they aren't useful anyway?

crazy shit going on man. stay safe/healthy over there.



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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #1141 on: March 27, 2020, 02:59:03 am »
200327 Weekly update
Since the outbreak is happening Everywhere around the world. Especially UK USA and Aust and school being suspended, all the over sea student is returning to hk.  with in 2 weeks. our infected rate doubled from 1xx to over 3xx.   As I suspected earlier, 2nd wave hit is on.  So this week i decided not to go out to jump again.

Monday Hang Clean
Tuesday Stiff Leg Dead lift
Wednesday Bench Press
Thursday ... I went out to jump... I know.. i just..... went out with mask
Friday Suppose to squat heavy but I end up doing Seated Explosive Squat (it is not very explosive, i went from going on my toe, to later on elevated my foot and slap it down before going up)

Something I done in my Jump on Thursday, MY plant is always LEFT RIGHT, since my left leg is stronger and possibly shorter, I also lean on my left when i squat heavy.  I am also a right hander, so my right arm is always stronger, I believe i measured my bicep when i was a kid in high school, and the different is like 1 cm or so. 

Now i always know that LR plant dunker use left hand (rear hand).....but i never brother to care since i know those who jump high enough use any hand. 
but today, a High jump coach suggest me to try using my left hand.    so I did. 

10 yrs of jumping and changing hand sure is weird, it is as if i am Swinging up with my right in the air and Reaching with my left in mid air... instead of a fluent motion. This will take some practice.  I can still touch the rim slightly.     The professional high jump coach also suggest me to Drive in from the RIGHT side. instead of the left side (which i had been doing for years)  guess this will be the next step.

Now since changing hand is not as easy as I thought, how about keeping my right hand arm reach, and change my plant to Right Left leg.  So i did that a few time on a low rim.... and same awkward feeling. 

Now I know changing things around is a big no no as many member suggested here.   I do like to try things out and see how my body react. Often my so call stand still leap does involve a mini step... I know... i am leaning on my left and reaching on my right.... it just seem... a little weird if u think about it..
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btw. How are u doing there Adarq.

HOLY mother of Lord, i just read the news... today 65 new case 

total Infection case went up to 518 nos.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2020, 05:22:43 am by scoobychau »
BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #1142 on: March 30, 2020, 04:30:23 am »
Short guy actually does not go low
where the taller guy squat way down before he jump...
So i guess.. there is no right or wrong here
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BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #1143 on: March 30, 2020, 09:53:08 pm »
200327 Weekly update
btw. How are u doing there Adarq.

HOLY mother of Lord, i just read the news... today 65 new case 

total Infection case went up to 518 nos.

yup. it's getting absolutely crazy here.

i'm doing good. just staying locked down, no contact w/ anyone. i'm in FL, we're going to get smashed.

hope all is good man. pc!


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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #1144 on: May 05, 2020, 12:07:41 am »
I cant belive.. the last message here is from Mar 30... and today is May the 5th.

Training has been on and off.
Basketball court is closed, along with all the gym.. so no shower even if i want to go train outdoor.

I still squat and lift on and off at lunch every 2nd days... but honestly.. my body is there but my soul is not there.
5 min rest between sets of random weight ....

Body is sore too.. may be due to lack of sleep or just emotional depressing with no progress and just hanging around too much.

body start to feel old.. especially my back and upper shoulder.. some time i start walking like an old man holding my back..
wtf eh..
BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #1145 on: May 08, 2020, 02:56:17 am »
200508  Grinding into lost Wood
This morning Facebook memory posted a video for me..
Will this be enough to spark up some flame?  I Sure Hope so!
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BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #1146 on: August 03, 2020, 03:22:41 am »
200803 Not more Maintenance Lift Session

3rd Wave Virus attack is on in Hong Kong.  With over hundred case daily for over a week.
All Gym and ball Court is close until forever.

I am investing more and more $ in my office gym.
Beside the barbell and plate, Bench and Rack. I now added this expensive Neo Dumbbell w/Sweden Brand.  Also added a 2 incline benches.. one after and other.
Now my incline bench allow me to do leg curl and leg extension with plate.

With all those added equipment...   I had not jump for more than half a year.  No PR in any lifts... since the office environment doesn't feel right. and the squat rack seems a bit dangerous...
I continue to lift 4 to 5 days everyday at lunch with Radio on... and my smart phone.

I bet 50% of my time is resting with phone in hand.  I am not even lifting heavy.  I mean...I Take like 1 hr to do one exercise almost. 
Monday Squat 
Tuesday Benchpress (and arm curl or tricept with dumbell if i am not lazy)
Wednesday Hang Clean
Thursday Dead lift

thats 4 days per week... If i am lucky enough to have 5 days, i try to add Core and stretching with TRX.

and that is that.  However.... None of this session is intensive.  I mean.. i am lucky if i get that sore feeling 2 night later.. but usualy i am just lifting casually.

Since last Friday... I am determine to make a different.   Seems like lifting in my own office is not going to be a Temporary thing.

My Gym membership will expire in Sept.  Who know when the Virus attack will finish.
I think... this is it... is time to change my mind set. 

I will lift heavy, i will no longer lift like it is a casual maintenance tempoary session any more.

I wont lift till failure... since it is not safe to do so i felt.  But I have to lift hard, i have to feel the struggle, I have to drive for improvement.

Last week, i did Deadlift with 3 plates.
and today, I did Squat with 3 plates. 

This is it.  Can't continue like this any more.  Radio is off now,  but i still check my phone during rest... may be i should Ban my phone also...   to get serious.
BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #1147 on: September 21, 2020, 11:41:43 pm »
200922 Basketball Court finally open now.
Yesterday is Monday, And is my squat day.
did my squat from light to heavy and hope to wrap up with 3 set of 5 heavy.

End up adding weight over and over and end with 1 reps of 3plates plus a 5KG  squat.   Only did 1 rep... failed the 2nd.

So I am back to OVER 3 plates squat now.

I wonder if I should go to the court today.  Court is open, but i am not sure about the shower facility is open.  And also all my basketball gear is probably rotten after over 9 months no uses..
need to check them out.
BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #1148 on: October 04, 2020, 11:25:49 pm »
201005 Court Re-open LAST Friday (OCT 2nd)

I was wrong, the court never opened.  i mean the Indoor court opened where they restrict number of player, but outdoor court is never opened.
but finally it was announced everything will be open now.

I was thinking.. I did go jump TODAY... Monday after a long weekend.

my left knee is fucked.... all of the sudden over the long weekend.
biked on Thursday 2 hrs
Hiked on Friday for 3hrs
Ran 10km on Saturday  1.25 hrs
And Sunday did some house work... and for some reason my left knee got from sore to really sore....

I honestly don't want to JUMP in this situation.   I dont even want to squat with sore knee...
I started icing my knee now.

May be I will just do some upperbody exercise for my lunch session today.

cant believe... the court finally open.. and i am not ready....
BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #1149 on: October 05, 2020, 10:30:45 am »
sux man. take it ez with the knee. don't jack it up more.

biking wrecked my knee once when i was at peak jumping. something about that motion vs what i was used to (running/sprinting/jumping) that seemed to inflame it real quick.


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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #1150 on: October 05, 2020, 07:29:01 pm »
my left knee is fucked.... all of the sudden over the long weekend.
biked on Thursday 2 hrs
Hiked on Friday for 3hrs
Ran 10km on Saturday  1.25 hrs

And Sunday did some house work... and for some reason my left knee got from sore to really sore....

Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #1151 on: October 09, 2020, 05:23:50 am »
my left knee is fucked.... all of the sudden over the long weekend.
biked on Thursday 2 hrs
Hiked on Friday for 3hrs
Ran 10km on Saturday  1.25 hrs

And Sunday did some house work... and for some reason my left knee got from sore to really sore....


I know what u mean LBSS....    Seem like i have my priority messed up doing all those cardio related stuff.  What i was saying is.. those are Low impact exercise..... how can my knee give out on such low impact movement.   (compare to doing 30 max effort Rim jump in a day, or squating 300lbs 3 set of 5).  I expect to have sore muscle from long cardio... but I never expect painful knee.... is not what I expect.

Beside, this is all for my kids and is long weekend family activity.   And she made it in the triathlon team... so I would to anything I can to exercise with her while she are still willing to exercise with me together.
They grow up so fast.. and before u know it, they are on their own.

201009 Court Open at last, But I rested a week
So court really opened, but my knee is fucked.  Took a week off, doing Quad Stretch on wall almost everyday.  Load up on Glucosammine MSM Pill.  And did not Squat for a week.   I did Bench Press, Stiff Leg Dead lift, Hang Clean, and Core exercise over the week.     When the bar bump my knee during hang clean, there is some soreness, but beside that.. I am getting much better. 
Also Canceled my weekly family run on Wednesday.

Not sure what I will do on the weekend when my kid go to their Triathlon training.  May be I will walk for 2 hours instead of jog... who knows...

Knee is sore, but at least is not painful when i walk around.    I hope i can really GO grab some rim next week. 
« Last Edit: October 09, 2020, 05:28:07 am by scoobychau »
BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #1152 on: October 09, 2020, 07:03:54 am »
biked on Thursday 2 hrs
Hiked on Friday for 3hrs
Ran 10km on Saturday  1.25 hrs

If you haven't been doing much cardio that's quite a lot for your body/knees to absorb within 3 days even if it is low impact compared to squatting or doing max effort jumps.
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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #1153 on: October 09, 2020, 10:13:15 am »
running, hiking, and biking, are all very knee-intensive exercises! especially if you're not used to doing them, it makes sense that your knees would be protesting after doing each one three days in a row.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #1154 on: October 11, 2020, 11:16:20 pm »
201012  I will go jump
Thanks everyone for their reply.
Yesterday (sunday). I got smarter and did not do anything intensive.
while my kid do her Run and swim. I just walk/jog on the side... hiked for 30 min to explore some hill beside the swimming pool.
and did about 80 launches walk exercise over the cause of 1 hrs (during those 5 lap walk/jog).

Today is Monday, and i guess My soreness if any, wont appear untill Tuesday (48 hrs later),  I will go jump at lunch.
I no longer remember the last time i went jumping....
i remember i wore mask to court..   may be in March? who know.. anyway... enough of suspension...

btw.. i watched NBA final this morning. and.... sucks to see  the underdog failed... and... LB James did it again....

BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

YOU'VE NEVER DONE! (by Thomas Jefferson)