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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #480 on: April 09, 2018, 06:25:25 am »


Run --

Warmup ~1 mi @ 8:10 pace

Fartlek -- 25 x (1 min on + 1 min off) [averaged 6:26/8:25 mile pace for on and off, I believe]

Cooldown ~ 1.3 mi @ 9:30 pace

Total -- 9.08mi


This was fun as heck.

The fartlek portion included a 44:59 10k, which is an amusing PR.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2018, 06:30:23 am by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #481 on: April 09, 2018, 09:58:40 am »


Run --

Warmup ~1 mi @ 8:10 pace

Fartlek -- 25 x (1 min on + 1 min off) [averaged 6:26/8:25 mile pace for on and off, I believe]

Cooldown ~ 1.3 mi @ 9:30 pace

Total -- 9.08mi


This was fun as heck.

The fartlek portion included a 44:59 10k, which is an amusing PR.

that fartlek is not easy ... great work dude. i've never completed one of those properly - I get too greedy and fall apart. also awesome how PR's can sneak in there.

that's a serious session!#!@$

Jake & the Kenyans I follow do variations and that specific one, ALOT. :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:


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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #482 on: April 10, 2018, 05:28:02 am »
that fartlek is not easy ... great work dude. i've never completed one of those properly - I get too greedy and fall apart. also awesome how PR's can sneak in there.

that's a serious session!#!@$

Jake & the Kenyans I follow do variations and that specific one, ALOT. :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:

Yeah, I'm happy I got through it! Was pretty tough from reps 4-10 or so, but then I settled into a rhythm and it became a lot of fun. The blog I read about it on said that the really top guys can get down to ~5k pace or a bit faster for the hard sections, and I'm obviously far from that level of fitness, so I'm pretty happy that I managed to average roughly my estimated 10k pace during the hard parts of the reps(that Jack Daniels' calculator says a 19:13 5k = 39:51 10k, i.e. 6:25 pace). I only had one lap where I apparently really pushed it and averaged 5:45 pace, and that was right near the start. Finding that right pace/effort relatively early on was good.

If I were doing this session in prep for a 5k I think I'd keep the "off" sections a bit slower and then hit the "on" portions harder, but since I'm doing this in the run-up for a half keeping that "on" pace in this range seems fine, as long as it's a fair bit faster than target half pace, and trying to progress the "off" portion to being more like 7:40-8:00 pace seems like it would be the most appropriate way to progress. That requires learning to relax at a decent clip and also the focus to just float down into that pace instead of hitting the breaks too hard -- good mental training for racing I reckon.

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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #483 on: April 10, 2018, 09:37:25 am »


Run -- 4.14mi in 33:46 [8:09 pace]


Will get in a nice relaxed easy run later. Right hip flexor a bit sore -- I think upping the volume/intensity while working on getting glutes firing may have put some new strain here. I'll be careful with it -- nothing hard until Friday. On Friday I'm just going to do a standard tempo workout. 30 mins @ ~6:40/mile.

Avg pace <8:10 with avg HR <150 for the first time  :personal-record:

Run felt great! Calves, esp right calf, wrecked, but overall much less beaten up from yesterday than I expected. Still going to stick with just easy runs until tempo on Friday, though.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2018, 11:56:50 am by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #484 on: April 12, 2018, 07:04:13 am »


Run -- 6.13mi in 49:25


This is that same hilly route that I did in early March. Surprised it's been so long! In any case, that time it took 55:23. Shaved off 6 minutes running at the same effort level.  :personal-record:

As with last time I allowed my HR/effort to creep up during the big hill climb in the middle, but kept it deliberately shy of the effort level I feel in like a "tempo/threshold" run -- i.e. tried to keep it aerobic.

The half marathon course in Edinburgh has a fair bit of downhill, so getting practice running relaxed downhill here is useful.

This hip thing is a bit worrying, feels like it could be hip flexor tendinitis or something? Should probably rest tomorrow. Ughhhhhhhh. -- Attacking it with ice and foam rolling today. Let's see what happens.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2018, 08:16:24 am by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #485 on: April 13, 2018, 06:20:17 am »


Warmup + strides

3 miles @ tempo [6:39, 6:36, 6:38]


Total -- 6.78mi


Pretty wild that I can whip out a relatively casual 3 miles at faster than what I raced my first 5k at now. Improvement is rad.

Tomorrow is definitely a rest day, and I might also take Sunday off depending on how this hip flexor thing recovers.

Oof, since returining from this run the right hip-flexor thing has become pretty painful, fuuucck.

Okay, weekend off then probably only easy running next week? Too much too soon, ya goof.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2018, 06:58:44 am by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #486 on: April 13, 2018, 08:42:59 am »


Warmup + strides

3 miles @ tempo [6:39, 6:36, 6:38]


Total -- 6.78mi


Pretty wild that I can whip out a relatively casual 3 miles at faster than what I raced my first 5k at now. Improvement is rad.

solid af!!

Tomorrow is definitely a rest day, and I might also take Sunday off depending on how this hip flexor thing recovers.

Oof, since returining from this run the right hip-flexor thing has become pretty painful, fuuucck.

Okay, weekend off then probably only easy running next week? Too much too soon, ya goof.

ah damn that sucks about the hip flexor. fu*k!!!

edit: also, try not to mess with it. stretching it too much etc might only make it worse.


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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #487 on: April 13, 2018, 11:36:11 am »


Warmup + strides

3 miles @ tempo [6:39, 6:36, 6:38]


Total -- 6.78mi


Pretty wild that I can whip out a relatively casual 3 miles at faster than what I raced my first 5k at now. Improvement is rad.

solid af!!

Tomorrow is definitely a rest day, and I might also take Sunday off depending on how this hip flexor thing recovers.

Oof, since returining from this run the right hip-flexor thing has become pretty painful, fuuucck.

Okay, weekend off then probably only easy running next week? Too much too soon, ya goof.

ah damn that sucks about the hip flexor. fu*k!!!

edit: also, try not to mess with it. stretching it too much etc might only make it worse.

+1 the best thing you can do is leave it alone and let the pain settle.
hip flexor pains suck. an important muscle in running but a muscle vulnerable to injury if trained heavily like any other muscle.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #488 on: April 14, 2018, 09:26:56 am »
Strong agree with both of you. I think another factor is that my glutes had actually been more fatigued than I'd thought, ahich probably puts hips in an even more vulnerable position while running. Feeling a little better today, but definitely needs another couple of days of proper rest.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #489 on: April 15, 2018, 05:09:23 am »


Hip flexor still pretty bad today. Hadn't realised quite how much general fatigue I'd built up recently. I guess looking back at my log it's not that surprising -- fairly stressful life stuff last couple of weeks + big uptick in volume and intensity. May (need to) take tomorrow too, but I think I'll come back feeling pretty strong and fresh.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #490 on: April 16, 2018, 11:13:50 am »


Hip flexor feeling a little better again today, might be able to go for a really light jog tomorrow. Might check out a local yoga place in the morning too! Should do more regular core/hip work and this studio is meant to be really great. Will do something tomorrow, in any case.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #491 on: April 18, 2018, 03:49:03 am »


Run -- 4.05mi in 35:15


Started out real easy and warmed up very thoroughly beforehand. Hip flexor feels totally fine, which is great.

Legs felt quite tired, I guess really they're just now slightly un-used to running, I'm sure by the end of this week I'll be back in the flow.

Might go check out a yoga class later today. Edit: gonna hold off for a week on this actually, let body get used to running again before adding an extra stimulus

Ran in high 60s weather and am dripping with sweat, haha, gonna get into the 70s this week.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 03:57:40 am by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #492 on: April 18, 2018, 05:33:43 pm »


Run -- 4.05mi in 35:15


Started out real easy and warmed up very thoroughly beforehand. Hip flexor feels totally fine, which is great.

damn that's good news.

Legs felt quite tired, I guess really they're just now slightly un-used to running, I'm sure by the end of this week I'll be back in the flow.

Might go check out a yoga class later today. Edit: gonna hold off for a week on this actually, let body get used to running again before adding an extra stimulus

yogiJoe. nice.

Ran in high 60s weather and am dripping with sweat, haha, gonna get into the 70s this week.

so crazy, i wouldn't sweat at all in 60's. lmao!!


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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #493 on: April 19, 2018, 05:59:30 am »


Run --

4.5mi, overall easy but with 4 fairly hard hill reps in there

4 x ~8 second hill sprints

~1.7 mi cooldown jog

Total 6.54mi in 1hr


Solid workout, fucking melted in the heat though, haha, it's in the 20s/70s now. I'll adapt, but for now it's a little rough.

Doing hill reps and short hill sprints to improve running specific strength, feels good. Going up a 350m long hill with first half ~5% grade and second half ~10-15% grade is nice work.

Hip flexor a little tender, but feeling okay.

Might pick up some sunglasses for running, haha.

Did some single leg deadlifts, single leg bridges and other general hip/glute strengthening stuff after this run. Just trying to be judicious about all that.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #494 on: April 20, 2018, 04:53:28 am »


NG Chins
BW x 10, 10, 8

BW x 15, 13, 10

SS1A Unsupported KB Rows
24 x 6, 6

16 x 5, 5


Hip flexor just a little sore today, tried a couple strides of running and figured it was best not to run today. It's not bothering me in day-to-day stuff, at least. Not super surprised that it wouldn't be feeling great when running today, given that glutes + general hip stability stuff is quite sore/fatigued from yesterday. Rest it is! Gotta keep building up that hip strength and stability though, so must keep in hill work + core/hip strength circuits after runs too.

Felt antsy for exercise, though, so did some much neglected upper body stuff. Glad I can still hit 10 chins. Gotta stay consistent with this, get that number to 20 and lean down. I'll be faster and look better, unbeatable combo...

I'm so bad at pushups, lol. Just never had a time in my life when I did them consistently. Probably lots of times when I could do more chins than pushups.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2018, 05:52:54 am by Joe »
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