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Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Last post by CoolColJ on July 24, 2024, 06:42:30 am »
Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Lower body moderately sore, more sore than upper body.
Abs very sore.
Plantaris tendons achey

Sold my 120kg adjustable spinlock dumbbell set. Just haven't used it in a while
So more heavy lifting, moving things.
Then cleaned and rearranged my garage gym a bit with the extra space freed up.

So posterior chain feeling hammered this week

Walking - 20 mins

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Last post by Joe on July 23, 2024, 09:36:33 am »

BJJ - gi beginner class, 60mins, no-gi mixed class, 80 mins


The gi instructors are better than the no-gi guy. No-gi is very old-school eastern european, lacking warmth and making us do a like 25 mins exhausting warmup. What's the point of making us do duck walks the length of the gym and 40 pushups etc, esp given like 1/3 of the class did the previous class as well and so is already super warm. Oh well lol.

learned some sweeps from closed guard in the gi class and some half-guard passing using head as a tripod in the no-gi class. Sparring is fun even if i get owned in every round because i am new -- working hard to "survive" is a fun challenge.

did feel a weird left elbow sensation towards the end of the final round in the no-gi sparring section, and about an hour later there was some pain. blerg. doesn't feel major, though, so let's see.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Last post by CoolColJ on July 23, 2024, 09:01:39 am »
Monday 22nd July 2024

Quads and glutes a bit achey from yesterday

Big jump in weight today, which didn't help with the chins..

Reboot - Week 31, Day 4 - Upper weights

Body Weight: 92.5kg with shoes, in winter clothing

Ball circles at wall:- 12 each direction - front x24 , side x24
BBall overhead single arm plank againt wall: x35 secs

Front plank hold - 35 secs
Side plank hold Bent knee abducted, top left straight, opposite arm in the air - 35secs
glute bridge hold x 35secs

Sartorius, lying on back, cable pull: - SLOW, 5 sec hold at mid point - 5kg x4, 10kg x3
12.5kg x4 @RPE 8/9

Band external rotation activation: - 5 sec hold at shoulder height on first rep, while slow overhead pressing -  Light band x4, x5, x5
done between warm up sets of the press and chin

rotating sets - 2-3 mins between

Dumbbell press, standing, rotating grip: 10lbs x10, 15lbs x10, 25lbs x8

Left shoulder hurt, so stopped there

Chin up - Pullup and chin hang and 10 scap shrugs each to warm up -
Heavy green Jump Stretch band assisted x 8
BW x3

Straight legs, raised - slight L Sit posture
+5kg x2
BW x2
+7.5kg  x1
+7.5kg x7 @RPE 9.5
+10kg x5 @9.5

Tested where I was at, but the gain of 2kg in bodyweight didn't exactly help...
But not far off where I was the last time I trained these hard, and with a harder slight L-Sit form
Will use +10kg for next cycle

I'll test how many I can do with just bodyweight next time.

Deficit push up: - Using dip handles, feet on bench, elevating feet 5 inches above parallel
Rocking climbing chest harness + loading pin on mid thoracic (1kg) + light band across loading pin to stop swinging -  BW x5, 5kg x5, 15kg x3, 25kg x3, 32.5kg x1

+35kg x11 @RPE 9  (+2 reps, -1 RPE )

6 mins rest
FAST +5kg x30 @9  - 33 sec set time
+35kg x8  @8.5

Not doing presses helped, but still nice gains.

High angle barbell row: - controlled - 20kg x10, 40kg x8, 50kg x5

Myorep. "+" = 15 secs rest (9 deep breaths)
50kg x22↓ @RPE 9 +4+4+3+3  (+1 rep on initial set)

1/10 right brachialis pain on later reps, but feeling better each week

Face Pull into press, cable pulley - strap handle, neutral grip - with hold -  5kg x10,

Seated, suported with slight incline
7.5kg x15 @RPE 8
10kg x12 @8  (+2.5kg)

Subscapularis pulls, cable -  10kg x15, 12.5kg x15 @8

rotating sets - 2-3 mins between

Belt squat, loading pin: - 2 arms supported. pauses/deloaded on floor at parallel.
controlled - 10 x 60kg, 70kg, 80kg
90kg x12 @RPE 7
100kg x12 @8.5

Tried out Belt squats with a loading pin.
Feels a bit sketchy setting up, as I rushed and didn't set up things properly, but it feels better than the lever arm version.
The weight is hanging straight down, rather than moving in an arc, so it doesn't have that sheering at the knee from the forward pull of the lever arm at the bottom.
But your forced to use a wide stance

Also the weight is 100% 1:1 with no mechanical advantage from a lever.
Still I was surprised to hit 100kg for 12 reps relatively easily, and with deload on the floor
Quad strength has improved quickly

Ab Wheel - - against wall x10, On knees, with hold at bottom x10
Straight legs, Partial ROM 5.5 feet - x10, x6 @ RPE 9/10  (+0.5 feet ROM)

Almost full ROM, but the last few inches near the floor gets exponentially hard!
Abs were fried, but lucklily no cramps later when sneezing, but the fear was there...

SSB Calf Raise ISO, single leg - 12 secs straight, toes out, toes in no rest - between each x50kg, x70kg, x90kg
Straight only - 100kg x35 Seconds  (+15secs)

Was too lazy to set up the Lever arm belt squat attachment after playing around with the loading pin variant.
So just used the SSB to load these, which fried my upper back by the time I hit 100kg
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Last post by CoolColJ on July 23, 2024, 08:27:31 am »
Sunday 21st July 2024

Fatloss cycle 1 - Week 15

Height = 5'8.5"
Weighed = 88.5kg (+0.9 )    Macrofactor app trend weight - 87.5kg (+0.6)
Waist = 35 1/8 inches (+1/8)
Hip = 41.25 inches (+1/8)
Upper thigh = 26.25 inches (+1/8)

Total loss so far - weight  +0.6kg  Waist -1.25  inches 

Animal based diet - averaged 3251 calories for the week - 211g protein, 166g fat, 210g carbs

Another week of too much food...

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: AGC's journal
« Last post by AGC on July 22, 2024, 11:07:49 pm »
Missing going to the gym for about ~12 days  :huh:. We went away for a few days and one kid caught pneumonia for ~1 week. I wasn't too affected - as a parent you almost always get a mild version of whatever the kids have - but everything gets a bit harder when kids are waking up in the night and you aren't sleeping right. (This is why I'm not scheduling in deloading - this will happen sporadically.)

I went a couple of days ago and just did everything as normal, just replaced squats with light DB goblet squats. Getting back to routine next session, but will drop the weight a bit.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Last post by LBSS on July 22, 2024, 08:49:12 pm »
for sure. it felt, on a smaller scale, like the first time i dunked. like a whole-body fist pump. the purple one was intimidating because the final move is to get your body from down and to the left of your right leg, to up and over and slightly to the right of your right leg, with nothing to hold onto between roughly your left hip and the final hold. your right foot is ~2m off the ground to start the move, and the wall is vertical, not a slab. or to put it more simply: you're pretty high up, balanced on one foot with a good bit of your bodyweight below it, and there's nothing to hold onto.

and yeah i see absolutely no reason to get new squat shoes. i've never worn them outdoors, even, the soles have no wear at all.

- warm up

- climb x 45 mins
mostly worked on easier stuff, repeating to make things more fluid, working on twisting to reach rather than keeping my hips square. then went to the overhanging section and did a purple and an orange, got both on first try. overhang is easiest for me since i'm relatively strong, but it's good to work on doing it with as little effort as possible. that'll open up longer routes and routes with harder moves. lastly ended up trying to figure out how to start an orange with some bros who were standing around puzzling on it. we could not figure it out.

- treadmill intervals
-- warm up x 1 mile
-- 3 x 0.5 mile @ 6:27 pace, 0.25 mile @ 9:22 pace
-- cool down
partway through this i had a brainwave about the orange one that i was trying at the end and almost stopped and ran back over to it, lol. it's a new route, so i've got time to come back to it.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Age vs VO2max
« Last post by vag on July 22, 2024, 12:55:39 pm »
17 July

TREADMILL: RUN 6.5K @ 37:38 ( 5:47 pace )

Longer, faster, better, even by a little.

19 July

10 @ 30 kg
8 @ 50 kg
8 @ 70 kg
5 @ 90 kg
3 @ 110 kg ( +1 rep )
2 @ 120 kg
1 @ 130 kg

10 @ 20 kg  each hand ( +2.5 kg per hand )
10 @ 20 kg
10 @ 20 kg
10 @ 20 kg  each hand ( +1 rep )

10 @ 71kg
10 @ 77kg
10 @ 77kg
10 @ 77kg  ( +1 rep )

SS1a: DB HAMMER CURLS: 12 @ 15kg each hand
SS1 info : 3 rounds
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Last post by Joe on July 22, 2024, 07:47:09 am »

150 x 7, 6

Reverse Nordic
+17.5 x 10, 8 + BWx9

One-Arm Lat Row
55 x 6
50 x 8, 7

45º DB Incline
30 x 12, 11, 10

Hammer Preacher
12.5 x 11, 10, 9 + 10 x 11

OA Pushdown
15 x 13, 11, 9

Lying Lateral
10 x 13, 11, 10

Reverse Crunch
BW x 13, 9

Neck Curl
7.5 x 13, 10 + 5x13 + 2.5x15

Finger Curl
22.5 x 8+5, 7+5

Neck Flexion
17.5 x 18, 17

Hanging Leg Raise
BW x 12, 9

DB Reverse Wrist Curl
10 x 11, 9 + 7.5x8


Love this lat movement, can get such a good stretch and feel really locked in.

The handles of my adjustible DBs are super thick, so they're very awkward to use for reverse wrist curls, feels like thumb gives out before anything. Maybe should just stick to BB, but that was annoying in its own ways too. Bleh, doesn't really matter just do it.

Very minimal elbow irritation, so that's good.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Last post by Joe on July 22, 2024, 07:43:01 am »
- climb x 30 mins
extremely hyped to finish the orange route that i had been struggling with for the past few weeks. also did a purple (one level easier) that i'd tried previously and just gotten intimidated by. very, very happy.

- squat 185 x 5,3
lmao but first time putting on the do-wins since...2017? i feel like i must have tried to squat in ~2021 - i have a memory of getting under a bar and my shoulders being too tight - but can't really remember. anyway first time in literally years under a bar. felt surprisingly good, considering. i'm gonna be sore tomorrow. will be very careful with these.

Yo nice one. Always feels so good to solve a route after a good few sessions working on it. What was intimidating about the purple route?

Re old squat shoes, I find it so funny that people seem to regularly buy new ones? Mine are literally 16 years old and I still use them without any issue whatsover. The sole is a fucking solid chunk of wood, what's gonna happen to them...
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Kingfush
« Last post by Kingfish on July 21, 2024, 09:42:39 pm »
July 21-27, 2024

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020
Cardio Calories - Inclined walking at 3mph pace per 5 mins | 6% [47kcal], 9% [57kcal], 12%[67kcal], 15%[77kcal]

July Week 3 of 5 BW 198-202

Sun July 21

6:00 am
Paused Squats 315-315-315
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 70-70-80 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 80-80-90 x5

4:00 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-495
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 90x5, 125x3
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 80-80-90 x5

* been doing the 495 every other day for more than a week now. this sunday afternoons 495 became a very slow crawl after my midback lost tightness at the 1/2 squat on the way up from the pause. there was nothing wrong with my leg power. the 405 went up quickly. my supporting muscles of the core need more recovery. added intensity on the other lift by kept the reps low.

Mon July 22

6:00 am
Paused Squats REST
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 90-90 x4
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 90-90 x4

4:00 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 90x4, 135x3
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 90x4, 135x3

Tue July 23

6:00 am
Paused Squats REST
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 90-90 x4
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 90-90 x4

4:00 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 90x4, 135x3
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 90x4, 135x3

Wed July 24

6:00 am
Paused Squats REST
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 90-90 x4
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 90-90 x4

4:00 pm
Paused Squats 315-315-315,405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 90x4, 135x3
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 90x4, 135x3

Thur July 25

6:00 am
Paused Squats REST
Iso Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine ~135 90-90 x4
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - One Arm,  ~ 135 90-90 x4
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