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Re: NBA Trade Talk
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2016, 01:45:23 pm »
Measuremeeeeeeeeents!!!  :wowthatwasnutswtf:

Sorted by SVJ :


Dorian Smith : 6'8'' , 8'4'' reach , 38,5'' SVJ , 11'6'' SVJ max touch
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Damian Jones :  6'11'' , 8'11'' reach , 36'' SVJ , 11'11'' SVJ max touch  :o
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Sorted by max RVJ:

26 guys over 38''

Highest measurement = 44'' ( Kay Felder, 5'9'', shit! )
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Joel Bolomboy guy: 6'9'' / 225 / 8'7'' reach / 37'5'' SVJ / 40.5'' RVJ , dunk machine, dude can get around 12'' anytime )
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Vert un-related , keep an eye on Greek prospect Papagiannis, 18 years old 7'1'' 240lbs
Dude missed half the season ( previous Panathinaikos coach didn't give him time ) , it is incredible that he got drafted so high!

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

That first guy... Are those measurements really right?  6'8 with only 8'4 inch reach???  So 20 inch arms?  So he has the arm length of a 5'9 guy?  His arms don't look long in the video but still...


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Re: NBA Trade Talk
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2016, 02:18:04 pm »
thon maker's knees collapse in worse than RGIII's. dollars to donuts he fucks up one leg or the other before you can say "greg oden". hope i'm wrong for his sake.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

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Re: NBA Trade Talk
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2016, 03:42:21 pm »
T0dday yes, i thought of that too, crazy in-compliance between height and reach.
The dunk is not THAT impressive too, but i couldn't find much. Sure, it is off one leg over a huge guy and in traffic. But i'd still expect to see something more from a guy with 11'6'' SVJ touch.
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Re: NBA Trade Talk
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2016, 07:49:36 pm »
Yeah I am very bearish on Thon Maker. Players like him just can't stay on the competitive play issues (i.e. the Dante Exum situation). Hasn't played in very high levels of competition and as a result is probably overrated. He's getting massive hype over here now, of course. They're showing footage of him barely jumping doing a dunk drill and the news anchors are just going overboard over it.

On vertical/reach discrepancies, read this:

They calculate their max vertical from their previously reported reaches, which were done incorrectly apparently.


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Re: NBA Trade Talk
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2016, 08:57:00 pm »
I read that report too Acole and agree with 99% of it. Not to mention cmonnnnn this is the NBA right? They dont have the resources to measure these guys that day?!?! 😑

The 1% is having watched a few Kay Felder highlights....the dude jumps 40s. Easy. Hell i dont even know wtf theyre saying that his reach was 'ridiculously low'. He's 5'9 with a 7'5 reach? I may have 'short' arms as well (my wingspan tip is 1.5" lower than my height....most hoopers have longer wingspans than height) but he seems damn close to me?!?! Im 5'10 with a 7'6!

Having compared his reach to mine...and knowing my vert...I call BS on the article :) lol

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Re: NBA Trade Talk
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2016, 01:08:17 am »
Yeah I am very bearish on Thon Maker. Players like him just can't stay on the competitive play issues (i.e. the Dante Exum situation). Hasn't played in very high levels of competition and as a result is probably overrated. He's getting massive hype over here now, of course. They're showing footage of him barely jumping doing a dunk drill and the news anchors are just going overboard over it.

On vertical/reach discrepancies, read this:

They calculate their max vertical from their previously reported reaches, which were done incorrectly apparently.

It'll be interesting to see how he goes.

From his point of view I think it was a very smart decision going straight for the NBA because if he goes to college and doesn't perform/gets exposed then it's career over. He goes to the NBA and becomes a bust well he's already made US$3million as a first round draft pick. If you're spending that much money on a player you're going to do everything in your power to develop him and make him become an asset, which sort of negates the 'should play college to develop' argument.

I don't follow the NBA much, but I certainly haven't heard much about Dante Exum. Playing with a team like Utah, which doesn't get much publicity doesn't do much to help his cause either.
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Re: NBA Trade Talk
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2016, 02:29:24 pm »
Yeah I am very bearish on Thon Maker. Players like him just can't stay on the competitive play issues (i.e. the Dante Exum situation). Hasn't played in very high levels of competition and as a result is probably overrated. He's getting massive hype over here now, of course. They're showing footage of him barely jumping doing a dunk drill and the news anchors are just going overboard over it.

On vertical/reach discrepancies, read this:

They calculate their max vertical from their previously reported reaches, which were done incorrectly apparently.

Yeah, to be fair vertical and standing reach seems kind of like an impossible standard.  IMO since arm length is such a praised resource I would imagine most NBA guys would exaggerate their arm reach up a few inches... But I cannot believe some of these low reaches...

Personally I only have faith is my vertical with my head touches.  I'm 5'11 w flat hair and have gotten my flattop to the bottom of rim... So that's a 48" vertical minus 3 inches for hair and bottom of rim vs top... 45".  I trust it... Of course maybe the rim heights are not accurate so all bets are off lol. 

I know that when I reach to a vertec based on how much a dislocate my should and stretch and tip toe a bit my reach is actually between 7'7 and 8 feet...  A five inch range for my true reach is pretty huge...

In some nfl combines they do a two handed reach which obviously inflates vertical but actually makes it more standard IMO


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Re: NBA Trade Talk
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2016, 11:43:55 pm »
Ibaka to the Magic.

The whole thing makes a lot of sense but all hinges on KD staying with OKC. Apparently he's meeting 5 teams outside of OKC including the Celtics, Clippers, Heat, Spurs and GSW all at one place over the next week and will sign before July 9. I'd love him to stay with OKC but so many other possibilities.
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Re: NBA Trade Talk
« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2016, 01:02:02 am »
Ibaka to the Magic.

The whole thing makes a lot of sense but all hinges on KD staying with OKC. Apparently he's meeting 5 teams outside of OKC including the Celtics, Clippers, Heat, Spurs and GSW all at one place over the next week and will sign before July 9. I'd love him to stay with OKC but so many other possibilities.

ibaka to orlando.. nice.

isn't that kind of a bad sign when it comes to keeping durant in OKC though?

if i had to bet money on it.. i'd say he's going to leave OKC.

apparently the warriors will go after Whiteside (MIA) if they can't get Durant.. nooooooOoOOOoo.. that would suck for MIA fans, unless they can get Durant in Miami.


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Re: NBA Trade Talk
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2016, 06:07:36 am »
Ibaka to the Magic.

The whole thing makes a lot of sense but all hinges on KD staying with OKC. Apparently he's meeting 5 teams outside of OKC including the Celtics, Clippers, Heat, Spurs and GSW all at one place over the next week and will sign before July 9. I'd love him to stay with OKC but so many other possibilities.

ibaka to orlando.. nice.

isn't that kind of a bad sign when it comes to keeping durant in OKC though?

if i had to bet money on it.. i'd say he's going to leave OKC.

apparently the warriors will go after Whiteside (MIA) if they can't get Durant.. nooooooOoOOOoo.. that would suck for MIA fans, unless they can get Durant in Miami.

Man... If the Warriors got whiteside and taught him the corner three....  Goddamn. 

Even if they didn't got they would be deadly... Their greatest weakness right now IMO is that while draymond is great he isn't a true rim protector cause he is too short and their two rim protectors (ezili and bogut) are too slow to fit into their offense... Almost think whiteside would be better than durant for them...

Either one though will make them absolutely unfair*

*unless of course whiteside finally gets paid and decides to stop trying


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Re: NBA Trade Talk
« Reply #25 on: July 01, 2016, 07:20:15 pm »
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Re: NBA Trade Talk
« Reply #26 on: July 02, 2016, 12:22:48 am »

<-- me happy.

4 years, 98 mil.. damn

they are also still trying to get Durant.. the only problem I have is, man what about Wade? dude needs to get paid...


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Re: NBA Trade Talk
« Reply #27 on: July 02, 2016, 12:24:40 am »
Delly to the Bucks unless the Cavs match the offer. Great to see him get rewarded.

whoa.. and mozgov to the Lakers.

Dwight to the Hawks

I like Dwight to the hawks. Man he should have never left the East.


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Re: NBA Trade Talk
« Reply #29 on: July 02, 2016, 12:42:36 am »
what's up with this Lebron opt-out? Is he going anywhere?

No.  The NBA salary cap and max system are messing things up... There are max players who sign long max deals right now (kevin loves of the NBA) to get what they can and "true max" players who won't do it cause they will still be max guys under the new higher salary cap and don't want to sign a max deal that will be dwarfed by those max deals...

Lebron is in the second group.  Unfortunately he has to take a risk and assume he doesn't get hurt by signing short deals until the new cap is done... It's similar to Jordan in 97,98, etc when he kept signing 1 year deals.  Lebron will probably sign another 1 year deal with a player option (his only injury insurance) and then cash in next year...

Too bad they can't let Lebron sign a one year deal with 5 years of player options...