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Messages - seifullaah73

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Finally got to workout

Mobility and activation warm up drills
double and single leg lateral line hops
skipping and karaoke warmup

jump rope 2, 1, alternate

ladder drill
cone drill

a skip drill
a run drill
b skip drill
b run drill

wall drill

sprint start x 2
flying step ups with vest x 3 reps each leg

flying sprint 30m (42m to accelerate to top speed) i have to hold stop watch in one hand
so one hand is closed fist and other is open hand maybe that is slowing me down who knows i accidentally pressed it twice at the end and while walking i pressed it without realizing.

then flying sprint without vest which i got 10.97 atleast is under 11 after recovering from an ankle injury.
or i am just looking for an excuse.
looking at my previous results you would see i did better with my vest on.

good thing i was able to start working out.

Boxing / Re: olympic boxing scandels
« on: August 26, 2012, 11:48:12 am »
Haha lol

I remember seeing that, the other guy was knocked down a lot of time and yet came as the winner but after they suspended the referee i think.


The start line of the final race was filled with people who all had the capability of getting under 10s.

One person yohan blake who beat bolt in the trials, tyson gay and asafa powell, ryan "the giant" bailey (my nickname for him)
of usain bolt.

but what the outcome was, lets just say how could anyone have doubted this guy. but there was also drama at the end.
another injury brought the jamaican legend sprinter asafa powel out of medal places.

i feel sorry for the guy, he has never won an olympic medal.

Asafa has a gold medal from the 4x100 in 2008.

I was referring to the individual races

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Hurdle interest
« on: August 13, 2012, 11:52:40 am »
There is this athletic stadium which is the closest i have to a track which is over 20 miles away. Not many local coaches.

My area is quite lacking in track coaches.

Thanks for the advice will take it into account.

EDIT: I just found a local track which is about 6 miles from here its in the same town looking forward to it.
i just have this doubt what if they train me the wrong way.

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Hurdle interest
« on: August 12, 2012, 09:32:12 am »

I am currently training for the 100m and 200m and was intrigued by the hurdles and would like to try that, but since i would rate my self as above average in flexibility, doing the hurdle's requires more flexibility then i have as it is quite high.

any tips and drills that can be used along side a sprinters program for the hurdles.

just tried to hurdle over some fences which was waist height, average amount of effort required, but it would place a lot of pressure in the hip flexor, illipoas muscle area and today my ham, back and hip/glute is quite painful.


Yeah I've always liked Asafa and his running style. I really wanted him to sneak up and get bronze over Gatlin and Gay. Hopefully he can reload for the WCs next year, but I can't see him ever beating Bolt or Blake now. Blake is the only threat to Usain but he's still metres away from him when Bolt turns it on.

Blake would be able to beat bolt if he is able to improve on his pb time up to 9.6.

hahaha, what? if you mean this the way it came across, it's the dumbest tautology i've read all day. NEWSFLASH: IF YOHAN BLAKE BECOMES FASTER THAN USAIN BOLT, HE WILL BE ABLE TO BEAT HIM IN A RACE.

also, are you not aware that blake has beaten bolt twice this year?

i forgot to add  :P. Nevermind, He was able to beat bolt in the trials but has never beaten him in a major championship.
That's when it matters to him.

others he tries enough to qualify, he didn't really care.

Yeah I've always liked Asafa and his running style. I really wanted him to sneak up and get bronze over Gatlin and Gay. Hopefully he can reload for the WCs next year, but I can't see him ever beating Bolt or Blake now. Blake is the only threat to Usain but he's still metres away from him when Bolt turns it on.

Blake would be able to beat bolt if he is able to improve on his pb time up to 9.6.

The start line of the final race was filled with people who all had the capability of getting under 10s.

One person yohan blake who beat bolt in the trials, tyson gay and asafa powell, ryan "the giant" bailey (my nickname for him)
of usain bolt.

but what the outcome was, lets just say how could anyone have doubted this guy. but there was also drama at the end.
another injury brought the jamaican legend sprinter asafa powel out of medal places.

i feel sorry for the guy, he has never won an olympic medal.

LONDON (Reuters) - Jamaica's Asafa Powell remains the nearly man of sprinting after pulling up injured in the Olympic 100 metres final won by compatriot Usain Bolt on Sunday.

Powell got a good start and was in contention at halfway but he suddenly slowed and jogged across the line in 11.99, over two seconds behind the seventh-placed finisher Richard Thompson of Trinidad & Tobago.

Meanwhile, Bolt, who ran an Olympic record of 9.63, was already on his victory lap with his training partner Yohan Blake, second in 9.75.

Powell dropped to one knee and looked at the result showing on the big screen just above the brightly burning Olympic flame. He was the only man not to break 10 seconds.

As 80,000 people chanted 'Usain, Usain' and the stands flickered with the light of camera flashes, Powell quietly disappeared into the bowels of the stadium to face the waiting media.

"I injured myself. It felt good being out there in the final but I wanted to do something different. I injured my groin," Powell told reporters, the disappointment clearly etched on his face.

The sight of Bolt's back has taunted Powell since his younger rival burst on to the scene in 2007.

Powell has held the world record and is the most prolific sub-10 seconds sprinter of all time but the only individual medals he has from the major championships are world bronzes from 2007 and 2009.

That and his fifth-placed finishes at the 2004 and 2008 Olympics raised questions about Powell's mental strength but he told reporters before the Shanghai Diamond League meeting in May he had pinpointed the problem.

The 29-year-old may have cured any mental fragility but that cannot be said of his body.

Powell missed the 2011 world championships with a groin injury and pulled out of the London Grand Prix last month with a similar problem.

He has previously said he has no plans to retire and has not ruled out racing on until the 2016 Games in Brazil. His body, however, may have other ideas.

(Editing by Ed Osmond)

The Results.

        1   2170   JAM BOLT Usain   9.63    OR
    2   2169   JAM BLAKE Yohan   9.75    =PB
    3   3216   USA GATLIN Justin   9.79    PB
    4   3217   USA GAY Tyson           9.80    SB
    5   3205   USA BAILEY Ryan   9.88    =PB
    6   2547   NED MARTINA Churandy   9.94    
    7   3051   TRI THOMPSON Richard   9.98    
    8   2184   JAM POWELL Asafa   11.99
I wish him the best and hope a gold medal in the future if his body can handle it.

I finally forced myself to train, my ankle hurts a little so i put on a sticky bandage which sticks tight to my feet and went out and not a single pain i could feel.

mobility and activation warmup
single and double leg alternative line hops x 1
jump rope
ladder drill

cone drill

a skip
a run
b skip
b run (difficult to do when running)

wall drills

flying sprint total 70m
sprint 100m

hard to keep in mind of what to do i.e. breath slow, feel leg movements, arms 90 deg and hit down
when i ran all i could think of was focus on my arm making sure to increase the speed of my arms as i gradually progress.

Volleyball / Re: Volleyball is the Olympics' most watched sport
« on: July 30, 2012, 11:48:07 am »
definitely agree that track is the most watched sport over volleyball, even swimming, basketball.


I was watching the 110m hurdle events at the diamond league and was intrigued at how much sprint oriented it is as well as jumping, i then thought since i am doing sprinting i thought that i would like to try hurdling, it doesn't look too difficult except maybe the height might, lets see how it goes.

any tips on hurdling?


Boxing / Re: adrien broner
« on: July 24, 2012, 04:16:59 pm »
It was probably the midnight snacks  :P

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: July 24, 2012, 04:05:32 pm »
c# is fun..

I agree with you there, i like the C style programming.

ya, that is definitely a plus.

man c# has an enormous 'gui' library.. i learned the actual language pretty quick, a few days, but the API is overwhelming.


Yea, the gui helps alot

Boxing / Re: adrien broner
« on: July 24, 2012, 03:56:29 pm »
I was thinking he looks a bit bigger then before, especially around the face area don't know what exercise he did to get those.  :P

He is nice to watch, but i wouldn't compare him to mayweather, except for style, blatantly copying mayweather with the shoulder everything in the defence he is copying mayweather and that shirt free money may. He must really admire the guy.

He has some good skills but he needs to improve on his defence a bit i see him getting a lot of shots in.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: July 22, 2012, 09:21:41 am »
c# is fun..

I agree with you there, i like the C style programming.

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