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Messages - Joe

Pages: 1 ... 92 93 [94]
Actually I find picking a sample of five exercises which must fulfill the needs of all sports not "fairly simple" but I'll give it a try.

- Front Squat: Judging from my experience it is the exercise with most carry over to a broad variety of athletic movements. I also prefer it to other leg exercises like deadlift variations or the squat due to the fact that it goes much easier with the lower back and CNS.
- Leg Curls or GHR: For optimal developement of the legs direct work for the short head of the biceps femoris is inevitable.
- Ab and Back circuit: I regard this as one exercise, since picking only one exercise for the core wouldn't be very beneficial. Just throw in some crunch variation, russian twists, back raise, side raise, etc and perform them in a circuit fashion.
- Chin Ups: Probably my favorite upper body exercise. It's a great general strength exercise which involves many muscle groups. I've seen many people who have built beasty backs with chin ups being their only back exercise.
- Overhead Press: My second favorite upper body exercise with great carryover to many sports.

i personally have found front squat to be more effective than back squat in my own training.. only problem is, every time i start front squatting i get this problem in my upper spine.. something gets tweaked, it effects my breathing and it's just annoying.

dno just thought i'd share... but i'd be using front squat primarily if it didn't aggravate that issue.


maybe you need to work on t-mobility

top 5 exercises:
Push Up
Pull Up

I know it's 6 but...

The way i see it:

Most every other exercise is a variation of these core lifts.  Think about say a kettlebell  swing or prime time.  They are essentially the same movement pattern as an RDL.  So you master proper activation through the RDL, then transfer the skill to more rapid fire movements.  The goal of each is the same, get the glute to extend your hip.  If you cant do that in a slow movement like an RDL you won't be able to get the glute to fire during a prime time. 

It's kinda like the WGF Skill, strength, endurance, power progression. 

Squats eventually turn into REA squats, ADA squat, RA Squat (depth jump).  But you master the movement first.  Same with lunges.

So then the progression looks kinda like

iso, iso mio, pim, fda, ada, rea, ra, rfi/rate work

very nice post..

I totally agree Andrew. Great post Alex!

My only issue with front squats is that they leave out to glutes, at least for me they do. With back squats usually that's not an issue.

Nice, I'll try it out today and report back how it went!

how did it go ?

It went great, check my log for more details:

Nice, I'll try it out today and report back how it went!

1) Squats
2) Lunges/BSS Iso and traditional
3) Sprints, varying distances
4) Pullups
5) Heavy ab work

Introduce Yourself / Re: I made it
« on: June 02, 2009, 05:39:56 pm »
who are you and what have you done with 101pro?

thanks for the support man..

Lol, nice one Andrew.

Welcome Alex!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Its me
« on: June 02, 2009, 05:15:38 pm »
Welcome, it's cool to have such a successful coach here. Hope to learn a lot from you!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Axel's in the house!
« on: June 02, 2009, 05:14:27 pm »
Lol, that's an awesome quote.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Over here from TVS
« on: June 02, 2009, 04:47:39 pm »

Introduce Yourself / Re: SUP EVERYONE !
« on: June 02, 2009, 04:21:17 pm »
Hey LMD! Welcome to the site.

Introduce Yourself / Hey
« on: June 02, 2009, 10:49:38 am »
Yo, this is Joe, just saying hey. If you want to read more about myself and my training head over to my journal!

Pages: 1 ... 92 93 [94]