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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2100 on: August 25, 2014, 09:53:30 am »
i like that routine, man. looks good. might want to add a couple of pulls/back exercises after your presses, though.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2101 on: August 25, 2014, 10:02:56 am »
33 inch thighs checking in

24 inch thighs are actually really good considering your height and weight.

Holy shit. I need me some of those!  Lol
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2102 on: August 25, 2014, 11:01:21 pm »
I shud confess ive been binging on junk food the last 2 days. Not good. I can't wait til friday til i resume cutting. Need to get this cutting thing out of the way so i can start working on getting strong, muscular, fit and athletic. I feel like 77kg -> 74kg is a good goal for my next cut cycle. Any less and it wont be satisying, and longer and it will be mentally defeating.

i like that routine, man. looks good. might want to add a couple of pulls/back exercises after your presses, though.

How about some cable work like KF? might be fun too. That or barbell rows but they're not fun haha. may be i'll alternate them. i'll def do something though, thanks for the tip. Maybe even something wilder like a rack pull lol.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 11:20:16 pm by entropy »
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chasing athleticism -- W2D2
« Reply #2103 on: August 27, 2014, 01:13:24 am »
OHP 5x50, 3x55, 3x57.5B, 3x55B, 3x5x52.5
ROW 8x40, 8x50

FBS 3x100
FS 3x107.5
BS 3x110, 5x115B
Basketball game

Upper notes:
Good OHP day, tried using the belt but it was close to useless, think i'm between holes where one is too tight and the other one is too loose.
New exercise rows, hat tip lbss. Going to be super patient with these so i don't get frustrated and abandon them, if that means building up the volume/weight over time so be it.

Squat notes:
Yeah so i rushed through these, only did 3 sets effectively then had to drive all the way across the city for my game which sucks esp during peak hour.

Basketball notes:
I hit a jumper and scored i think twice on drives. How can i not know that for sure? Idk, the whole game is a bit hazy. My fitness is so bad that i can barely play 100% for even 1 minute. Fuck fuck fuck. But there are glimpses of good things happening on the skills side, my confidence is going up :)

squatting + basketball later
« Last Edit: August 27, 2014, 09:21:00 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2104 on: August 27, 2014, 09:23:46 am »
I binged again. After the game we hit up hungry jacks (burger king for the rest of the world). I ate 3 burgers , one in a meal w/ fries and coke and 2 dessert things. 2 more days left on the diet break, so i'm just going to see it out and will assess the damage when im back into cutting and my bodyweight has stabilised, hopefully around 77kg. I'm such a fat piece of shit lol.

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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2105 on: August 28, 2014, 10:24:32 pm »
Finally the diet break ends. I've learnt once again that while i'm quite good at losing weight and sticking to a diet itself, I simply cannot do the coming off a diet phase well. At my lowest during the break, i was 76.5kg post carb refeed. Right now at the end of the 2 week break, i'm a fat as fuck 78kg. So i undid my hard work. Instead of having to diet 2.5kg to 74kg from 76.5kg now i'm looking at dropping a formidable 4kg for the same goal! lol.

So here is my goal for this phase of the cut - get bodyweight to 74kg/163lb.

After and before goal photo ^

By the way 74kg isn't anything special by itself, the ultimate goal is to get to 72kg but that will take another cut cycle later down the line after another diet break (which i will get right by being even more disciplined than when dieting!).
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2106 on: August 29, 2014, 08:29:26 am »
rocko's modern life, what a show.

"do you know how to use that thing?"
" :raging: DO I?!?!"

Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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chasing athleticism -- W2D3
« Reply #2107 on: August 29, 2014, 09:16:26 am »
BW: 78kg/170lb

BS 5x75, 3x77.5, 2x80, 3x76
WCU 3x82.5, 3x87.5, 3x92.5, 2x97.5, 1x102.5, 5x92.5
CRLZ 8x40, 6x47.5, 8x40

FBS 3x100
FS 3x110 (ugly as fuck 3rd rep, you weak piece of shit)
BS 3x112.5 (lol PR!!), 6x107.5 (depth was bs), 2x6x105 (better depth but i stil wouldnt stand by the last 2 reps or so).

Basketball pickup! ~ 50-60 mins?

Squat notes:
I manned up to get through these challenging sets but on the balance im ok with it even tho it shud be embarassing to work so hard for such modest worksets. I have a lot of room for improvement in both depth and weight, obviously. Have to keep working HARD.

Basketball notes:
I'm playing myself into shape, will make friday night pickup ball a regular feature until im fit. I expect it to take about 6 weeks... but i'll get there. Oh and i could barely dunk, too unfit, too smashed from squats, too fat, too weak.

Ate a LOT! carb refeed brah. Like half a 400g full size toblerone. a big bag of grain waves. That was just my first meal lol. Then for dinner half a roast chicken, rice, palak paneer. For dessert i've got a huge chocolate sponge roll cake lined up.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2014, 09:33:59 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2108 on: August 29, 2014, 09:19:53 am »
rocko's modern life, what a show.

"do you know how to use that thing?"
" :raging: DO I?!?!"


Im so glad someone got the reference. I've only got blank responses whenever ive mentioned it. It's such a brilliant show. If you watch the first episode, they actually join a gym/spa thing to get in shape and Heffer Wolfe actually dunks and breaks the rim lol. Not unlike my present avatar and fatfuckedness :P I can't wait to be bouncy like rocko
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2109 on: August 29, 2014, 02:01:02 pm »
you just need the right jackhammer, man.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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once more into the breach
« Reply #2110 on: August 29, 2014, 11:04:44 pm »
I only had 2 slices of the chocolate sponge roll then binned it. Motherfucker was too dry, never moist as i hoped. Guess the good news is i didn't get fatter as a result.

Right so here we go, day #1 of the cut. To recap, i'm coming off a 2 week diet break which went superbly for the first week and then the wheels came off and i put on like a kilo of bodyfat over 3 days. But lets not cry over split milk. I'm playing ball regularly now so that shud help with getting and staying in shape.

The thing which i want to improve on this time around is my general activity levels. I used my phone as a shitty fitbit and it showed i average under 1000 steps a day. Which is worse than sedentary. I am not going to go crazy and aim for 10k or something, but i should really be doing at least 5000 a day i think, to help with getting my daily caloric expenditure up. My strategy with this will be to walk (fasted or whtaever) while watching SICP lectures (conveniently on youtube) on my phone. Or some other lectures - i find there are a lot of awesome lectures on youtube these days. ive never managed to get through all the sicp so that's prob a good place to start! They're about an hour each, so that shud get my steps up to 2000-3000 i think? Whatever, well see how it goes.

And finally, i'm going to be on a level of 10/10 strictness, no sugars EXCEPT preworkout - yes that means no more fasted training, that's the dumbest thing to do esp when i have some 5kg left to lose, if i was trying to strip of the last pound or something, i cud use fasted training to release catecholamines or some shit  - at my level of fatness though, it's utterly pointless and self defeating. Plus i never figured out how to get the next dose of EC*( i dont actually use EC lol but that's another story) to line up with the postworkout nutrition without blunting insulin response or whatever, so im just giving up on that noise.

lets do this. hopefully i can get to 74kg (or less? i think 73.5kg or so then  post-refeed i'll be a legit 74kg?) in THREE WEEKS!

Morning bodyweight today is77.1kg/169.98lb - lol. Goal weight 74kg. hopeful duration 3 weeks. I'm going to be super strict with healthy, clean refeeds friday IF I need one otherwise skip it. But i might because i'll be lowcarbing and fasting rest days (24hrs, 50g of carb).

Recap: Daily macros will be 120g protein, 50g fat, 50g carb. Total calories will be therefore b 1200 a day. This is a high limit, realistically i wont be eating that much fat but i'll allow up to 50g a day because sometimes you need to allow for tag along fats esp when cooking food or eating dairy or whatever. So some days i might eat less than 1000 cals. I'll be strict with observing the high limit though, weighing and measuring everything like a madman.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2014, 11:16:41 pm by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2111 on: August 30, 2014, 01:45:24 am »
This is a graphical summary of what happened to my bodyweight while on diet break

today's morning weight is the last point (which coincides to the first data point of the cut too!)
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chasing athleticism
« Reply #2112 on: August 30, 2014, 08:12:13 am »
Day #1 food & activity log

Bodyweight: 77.1kg/169.98lb
Fast ended: 1955
Fast starts: 2000.
Acitivity Logged: 5000 steps

Not logged is a cup of pumpkin and spinach/ricotta i had, which is just near enough zero-calorie that it's not worth tracking. Oh and also about 4 teaspoons of salsa which is also low/zero cal. So i kinda went on the low side today. It's okay, i feel full. I have a stock pile of about 15 protein bars but i thought i dont need them just yet. Maybe have one tomorrow idk.

Im still using my phone as a fitbit. I don't trust it at all. I am thinking of getting a fitbit but hard to justify the expense..

So day one went well, now to sleep and rest up :) have to fast 24hrs til my next meal.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2014, 08:31:59 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2113 on: August 30, 2014, 10:21:13 pm »
Day #2 Food and Activity log

Bodyweight: 76.5kg/168.65lb
Waist: Just under 32"

So the first night was miserable, expected, sleep was very shallow, feel sluggish and tired in the morning and my skin looks awful and this is just the 2nd day lol.

Will aim for 5000 steps again but im really disliking my phone for tracking steps. i figured out the way i had it strapped to my arm (using a sweatband) on my arm doesn't work very well for counting, it hardly registers steps there. You have to hold it a certain way to count, which is quite inconvenient because i don't really wanna walk around holding my phone infront of me lol.

i'll update tonight with food and activity.

Fasted duration: 24hrs
Fast Ended: 2010
Fast started: 2040
Total steps: 4982 (fasted, i'll obviously go over 5000  by bed time though but not fasted)

Similar eating to yesterday except no pumpkin or ricotta or salsa. Oh and i had two cups of sagh (spinach). It was yum had to have another lol.  Tonight added a quest vanilla crunch protein bar for dessert. Disappointing it wasn't very good, it was ok, just not amazing for a treat like my favs which are the quest bars flavours of mixed berrries and choc brownie. Oh well, only have another 11 of these left to eat hah. By the way my carbs arent 55g, if you read the fibre column, the stupid quest bar is 20g of fibre so they're not actual proper carbs...
« Last Edit: August 31, 2014, 08:59:26 am by entropy »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2114 on: September 01, 2014, 03:29:12 am »
Day #3 Food and Activity log
Bodyweight: 76.6kg/168.87lb
Waist: <32"
Fasted duration: 17hr
Fast broken: 1430
Fast Started: 2000
Total steps: 6000 logged

Update on fasted training: I decided to abandon fasted training because it's antiprogress and has just made me weaker with no real (fat loss) benefit

My first preworkout meal: a whey shake  + 2g of fish oil, some 'fast' carbs (12 potato chips == back of bag serving size; and a 50mL scoop of coke). Crazy that is half of the daily calories ive been having so far lol.  2nd preworkout meal is just 1 scoop coke.

Right so calorieking sucks and wont let me change the names of these meals. But Breakfast is preworkout #1 and  Lunch is preworkout #2 and Dinner is postworkout after the 2nd training sesh. Hope that's clear enough.

FBS 3x100
BS 3x100, 6x102.5, 6x100

BP 4x77.5, 5x76, 5x75
WCU 5x92.5, 5x91, 5x90

Squat notes:
Weekend of hardcore fasting and low calorie intake made for a hard day of squatting. I was going for a light set of 6s, the last set was nice enough depth wise, that triple was bullshi depth and the 105 was prob borderline. I can squat deep ofcourse, it's just a mental/strength form/form strength/ thing right now that heavy sets are not deep enough...
« Last Edit: September 01, 2014, 08:46:16 am by entropy »
Goals: Cutting to 6-8% bodyfat