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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2610 on: March 05, 2016, 12:52:15 am »
my envy, it knows no bounds. two-handed tomahawk off a couple of steps.

Thanks bud! It's tantalising to think i could be a bit more athletic just by wearing better shoes, not being dead from fasted walking/running etc, not to mention being on a chronic caloric deficit and a bit lighter and use a grippier slightly smaller ball. And more importantly a heck lot stronger via RDL+HTs+2xBW-BS!! I can't wait for Day 21 .. shud be in lifetime PR territory for athleticism!

 :personal-record: :headbang: :ibjumping: :ibsquatting:
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2611 on: March 05, 2016, 07:59:57 am »

:highfive:  :headbang:
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2612 on: March 05, 2016, 03:00:44 pm »
Wow.... standing dunk.  I dont understand it.  I can do all the other dunks.  I caught oops w 40lbs vest and belt added (be 250)... took it off...  i am still a good 6 inches from standing dunk.  I do not understand how you make that look easy..  i swear its impossible!


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The art and craft of athletic orthoxia in pursuit of windmills -- Day 7/21
« Reply #2613 on: March 05, 2016, 11:39:47 pm »

BW: 74.9kg / 165.12lb (2016 PR!!)

The first major milestone has been achieved of getting sub 75kg. It doesn't quite correspond to the <165 milestone yet but very close to that too. Woohooo!

So ballpark i'm 6 days into a 21 day cycle with 2 weeks left to lose 0.9kg -- since 1kg = 7700 kcal, that means 0.9*7770=6930kcal to burn, which corresponds to 6930/15.0 = 462.kcal/day .. which is eminently do-able .. phew .. it was gna be challenging having a daily deficit of 550kcal-ish but im feeling more confident about hitting ~450 without the junk treadmill miles! :)
« Last Edit: March 05, 2016, 11:58:14 pm by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2614 on: March 05, 2016, 11:45:08 pm »

:highfive:  :headbang:

Wow.... standing dunk.  I dont understand it.  I can do all the other dunks.  I caught oops w 40lbs vest and belt added (be 250)... took it off...  i am still a good 6 inches from standing dunk.  I do not understand how you make that look easy..  i swear its impossible!

Thanks both! I think weighted dunking is a game changer for me. I've cut to low bodyweight before but I lose somethign in doing so, probably the strength component to dunking going from heavier -> lighter means each dunk is less challenging to the body in terms of strength and power. Dunks got quicker and submax-ier but that was it -- just easier, not higher -- wasn't jumping out of the gym by any means.

Now with with weighted dunking in addition to cutting i'm getting lighter but not just maintaining my strength with the weighted vest but actually increasing it since i'm going into each dunking workout weighing more, it may lead to even more pronounced athletic improvement. It remains to be seen how this plays out when i've reached my goal weight (both in morning bodyweight AND weighted bodyweight) by end of cycle. Lets watch and see!!

TBH weighted dunking AND hip thrusts AND RDLs are the most exciting thing in my training in a long time. These things are actually improving WHILE cutting which is something ive never been able to do with squats to any meaningful way. Squats go down on a cut but these other things for me are somehow improving, promise some tantalising athletic gains to come. In theory squats should be enough but in practice unless i'm consistently squatting heavy, hard to do while cutting, my (PC & dunking) strength goes down. Now i'm not limited by my squat mid-cut, i can actually work on strength (PC & dunking) outside squats which is a game changer indeed. I can't wait to see how I perform in the tournament. Hopeful.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 12:46:42 am by maxent »
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The art and craft of athletic orthoxia in pursuit of windmills -- Day 8/21
« Reply #2615 on: March 06, 2016, 11:52:12 pm »

BW: 74.75kg / 164.8lb (2016 PR)
Milestones <75kg/165lb achieved. :headbang:
TO start off week 2 with a scale PR is nice but I remind myself I haven't got a full 3 weeks to peak, I mean I do, but the last week is gonna be mostly resting. I only really have this week and next week to train and diet off some adipose. After that, what's done is done, it's just a matter of reaping the rewards by resting. So yeah. Going to be aggressive and chase PRs across the board every workout. No more junk miles on the treadmill - it's either essential and worth doing or not doing at all.

BS 1x133.5 (LPR; 1.78xBW PR), 0Fx135, 0Fx135B, 6x105, 3x2x122.5, 8x102.5
BP 2x92.5 (LPR; 1.237xBW PR), 3x85, 6x80, 6x77.5, 6x75
Weighted Dunks @ 95.25kg (~6 makes)
TM Run 2km in 12:55 (LPR), 3.14km in 21ish mins

I'm cooling on weighted dunking, at least in the heavier ones ive been doing lately. It's too different to normal dunking to be almost an entirely different thing altogether. I agree with Todday that 10-15% is the sweet spot, i felt weighted dunks at around 85kg (+10-15% ish) i was still dunking in a way that resembled normal dunking, only more challenging and powerful. And when i took the vest off, i felt quicker and more powerful. Neither of those two things are true with heavier dunks ive done above 90kg. Will make changes.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2016, 09:30:33 am by maxent »
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The art and craft of athletic orthoxia in pursuit of windmills -- Day 9/21
« Reply #2616 on: March 07, 2016, 11:39:49 pm »

BW: 75.2kg / 165.79lb

Decent post refeed spike ^ .. ! And ah yes, familiar post-squats soreness .. how i missed ya. Going to do some decent squat volume and then taper off closer to the comp for gainz.

I reviewed video of the weighted dunking from last night and im not sure if i wanna give up on the heavier version .. it looks a lot better than it felt. May find a compromise, one workout with +10-15% volume, 1 workout with less volume of ~+25% and of course the bodyweight dunks after each? That should cover all the bases. It's purely ego which compels me to chase a 100kg dunk if i'm honest, im not convinced it will actually help me become a better athlete tbh.

Next squat workout might be work up to a heavy single PR and then do 4x3x125kg. That should be challenging but progressive. Of course i may not be recovered enough for that by tmr so may do a light workout instead. Will play it by feel.

In general i do want to taper off volume .. esp on upper body exercises .. but i do also wanna look like i lift, which are competing goals. have to find some decent middle ground there.

« Last Edit: March 08, 2016, 12:22:20 am by maxent »
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The art and craft of athletic orthoxia in pursuit of windmills -- Day 10/21
« Reply #2617 on: March 09, 2016, 03:28:28 am »
Half way point (kinda) and it's a xmas miracle! I have a full court bball game tonight!! mate asked me to fill in!!  Only prob is i'm sore af from monday's squats .. but im sure i'll be fine. Saves me having to do cardio tonight which is awesome. Can't wait! Should be interesting .. :)

BS 0Fx135
JS 2x8x160 (PR)
PP 3x65 (might have done a 2nd set, cant remember)
Weighted dunks @ 97.65kg (PR; +20kg vest)
BBall game

Lifting notes:
So quads are just being annoying.. i cant lock out squats i can bounce out of the hole. FML. Like im getting the thing up to quarter squat level and i just cant lock it out?!  How stupid. Otherwise i had that lift ezy.

BBall notes:
That game was crazy. high level, competitive, best competition ive ever faced. Was pretty quick .. felt like a guard, could run down the court with ease etc. But apart from defence, i dont think i had much of a role on offense.. which is understandable cause i was the odd man out .. but still. IN garbage time i had 2 dunk chances .. blew them both .. lol. so shit.

initial thoughts .. im not ready for the comp .. no way. I need more conditioning .. more skill work.. im def now quick enough to play a guard. only thing is, i need to make my team mates believe it .. i got one really nice assist (even the oppostite team applauded lol). but apart from that, i have a lot of work to do. why cant i dunk during games? my fitness wasnt bad but i just run out of juice and i cant do ME type movements like dunks in that state.

also feel fat and obese looking in the mirror.. but im not sure i have enough time to get rid off this adipose .. so no point dwelling but yeah that's something i shud sort out long term (not that i have plans to play bball beyond march).
« Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 08:48:17 am by maxent »
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The art and craft of athletic orthoxia in pursuit of windmills -- Day 11/21
« Reply #2618 on: March 10, 2016, 10:57:33 am »
Interesting DOMS post my first full court game since last year -- anterior muscles of the lower leg .. i guess that comes from constantly slowing down and decelerating? That's the part i haven't covered in training when i run on the TM or do sprint intervals .. there is no training the deceleration aspect of basketball. So i'm glad i played that game cause it gave me valuable knowledge feedback on improving my training from here on. But the shitty thing is im not sure i'll be able to train well tmr cause ligaments & tendons recover slow.

Anyway this explains why basketball conditioning training involves so called suicides. It always seemed dumb to me but it covers the deceleration part well. So will add that from here on. I don't think my fitness is that bad honestly, I just need to augment it with more specific basketball work. I'm also thinking it might help to use the weight vest when i run the suicides, cause it will be make it more psychologically tenable to me cause I loathe basketball drills and think basketball training is invented by and for dumb ppl in a cargo cult fashion.

Funny how i thought just training my fitness/conditioning/energy system/ was enough to be "fit" -- i had overlooked fully half of basketball conditioning which is the slowing down efficiently part. All good, still have 2 weeks to get this done. 

I am increasing calories too but will try to keep each day a deficit to achieve a recomp affect. As long as protein intake is high (200-250g) i shud be able to +muscle and -adipose. Let's see how it goes, into the last half of the peaking phase. One thought i had today is to temper my addiction to lifting .. it should give me a performance boost to lay off lifting if i can convince myself to (hard though).
« Last Edit: March 10, 2016, 11:04:21 am by maxent »
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why cant i dunk during games? my fitness wasnt bad but i just run out of juice and i cant do ME type movements like dunks in that state.

A questions for the ages. Maybe it is basketball conditioning that allows for these ME movements during a game situation. It's one that's largely escaped me. May be a slight mental hurdle as well. I know I jump far higher when not thinking about dunking than when thinking about dunking.

Btw, where is your tournament?
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why cant i dunk during games? my fitness wasnt bad but i just run out of juice and i cant do ME type movements like dunks in that state.

A questions for the ages. Maybe it is basketball conditioning that allows for these ME movements during a game situation. It's one that's largely escaped me. May be a slight mental hurdle as well. I know I jump far higher when not thinking about dunking than when thinking about dunking.

Btw, where is your tournament?

Lol .. must be one of the most embarrassing moments when you get rimchecked while wide open for a dunk you'd never miss if not for being fatigued! I think we're on the right track that its a conditioning thing .. more specifically energy system related .. we'd never normally be in that state when dunking in training (at least i wouldn't)? or if you were in that state you wouldn't bother trying to dunk cause you know it would be a losing proposition and yet in a game you can't pick and choose what opportunities you will get to dunk, so when you get one and you're not able to take advantage it feels pretty devastating.  After the game was over and i sat down for some minutes i went to the rim and did some dunks which told me it was a fatigue thing but hten i also missed a dunk straight after. It was pretty humiliating. It's in Brisbane.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2621 on: March 10, 2016, 09:30:02 pm »
Anterior tibial soreness not from deceleration!
Suicides are stupid.
I know why you have trouble in game dunking.
I will add more later (remind me if i forget).
Very excited by your progress.


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The art and craft of athletic orthoxia in pursuit of windmills -- Day 12/21
« Reply #2622 on: March 11, 2016, 06:03:39 am »
BS 1x134.5 (LPR; 1.787xBW PR), 6x2x122.5(LPR)
BCR 8x140, 10x190, 10x200 (LPR)
Depth Jump 3x7x20"

RDL 6x162.5(PR), 8x170(PR)
BHT 8x162.5 (PR)

BW: 75.25kg / 165.9lb
« Last Edit: March 11, 2016, 10:23:35 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2623 on: March 12, 2016, 12:49:38 am »
Woke up feeling an inexplicable desire to make a compiler. Not even sure I wanna make a new language but now i'm trying to think of a compiler i'd like to create but without any goal language.
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The art and craft of athletic orthoxia in pursuit of windmills -- Day 13/21
« Reply #2624 on: March 12, 2016, 05:29:39 am »
OHP 8x3x60 (LPR vol)

WCU 3x100, 3x3x99
LPD 2x8x47.5
CROW 2x10x47.5
CURL 8x40, 8x37.5, 8x35
« Last Edit: March 12, 2016, 09:49:24 am by maxent »
Training for balance in GPP and SPP.