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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3285 on: September 29, 2016, 08:15:39 am »
BS 3Fx130, 0Fx142.5B
Push Press 2x6x68.5(LPR), 5x70(PR)

Was a dream of my mine to use 2x25kg plates for push presses and today i thought to try it, having never got a single rep before with them and was able to do 5?! I may have been abble to do 6 but i stopped at 5 just cos i was so stunned. So cool. If i make this a new setpoint from here i'll be happy
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3286 on: September 30, 2016, 02:44:17 am »
On another note, i clearly over-reached on tuesday. I have not recovered from those heavy doubles at 137.5kg. But the flipside is when i do eventually recover, i'll be a bit more of a beast than i was previously. So that's something to look forward to, as i try to keep up spirits. Been devoting myself to recovery, smr, mobility, all that stuff. Wearing full body compression gear today as well haha. i have been wearing compression tights all the time (day/night) but today also wearing a top, which i hate, cos it feels constricting but whatever, as long as it helps recovery a little, it's okay.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3287 on: October 02, 2016, 04:25:11 am »
BS 6x5x130(PR)
OHP 5x5x60(LPR)
Weighted Chinup 3x5x100(+15kg; PR i think)

BW: 83.2kg (full blown obesity status acquired .. i dont even care .. fk it)

Pretty hard but i got them all in. wooho.

« Last Edit: October 02, 2016, 11:47:11 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3288 on: October 02, 2016, 12:55:24 pm »
??? VMO is a big muscle.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3289 on: October 02, 2016, 03:54:38 pm »
According to RSR proper:
6x6x120✓ -> 5x5x127.5✓ -> 4x4x135 -> 3x3x142.5 -> 2x2x150 -> 1x157.5
6x6x130 -> 5x5x138.125 -> 4x4x146.25 -> 3x3x154.375 -> 2x2x162.5 -> 1x170.625
6x6x140 -> 5x5x148.75 -> 4x4x157.5 -> 3x3x166.25 -> 183.75
6x6x142.5 -> 5x5x150 -> 4x4x160 -> 3x3x170 -> 187.5

last wk i did 6x5x127.5 which shud translate to slightly better than 4x4x135. But i didnt try 4x4 cos it's meaningless and i absolutely suck at repping heavy weight for low reps. Instead i added 2.5kg to my volume workout and went for 6x5x130kg. Got it, so next wk i will go for 6x6x130kg - which shud in theory allow me to do 5x5x137.5kg on paper but bear in mind last week i couldn't get more than 4 doubles at 137.5kg, failing the 2nd rep on the 5th and the first rep on the 6th. And it destroyed me utterly for the remaining week, very difficult to recover from. Yes i dont think im respecting RSR proper, it has recovery workouts which im not doing and im also playing basketball which doesn't help recovery. So something has to give, maybe i can be good for 5x5x135kg if i get the 6x6x130kg? we'll see how it goes.

My overall goal is 5x5x150kg and i couldn't care less about the intermediate milestones, as long as it gets me towards that end, i dont mind what worksets i attain or attempt as long as it's getting me closer to the goal.

Im also making a change, thanks to the weather being awful every single saturday, im giving up on training saturdays and moving to a sunday/tuesday/thursday schedule. This allows me to play bball 3 times a week, with games tues and thurs, and pickup sundays. And i can skip the shitty run of wet/cold/windy/miserable saturdays that have plagued me for months. watch as next saturday is picture perfect and sunday is not. lol.

I just don't get how for example you could go from 140 6x6 to 148.75 5x5 to 157.5kg for 4 sets of 4 in a matter of a few workouts... that just doesn't seem like a logic periodization to me. For someone with quite some experience with squats being pretty efficient in this movement it doesn't seem doable to me... but then again I'm probably just a big wuss.


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3290 on: October 02, 2016, 05:59:37 pm »
trying to compare yourself to entropy is a fool's errand.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3291 on: October 03, 2016, 04:41:15 am »
trying to compare yourself to entropy is a fool's errand.

It is indeed depressing to anyone who respects your truly exceptional talents to see you of late apparently spending a great deal of time on shallow, negative polemics that contribute almost nothing in the way of real knowledge or deep truths to the subject matter they deal with. Instead of utilizing your major talents in the difficult business of discovering new viewpoints, and new understanding and techniques, you make a spectacle of yourself indulging your minor talent for innuendo and derogation. There are occasions on which it is desirable for a person with an outstanding reputation to devote some effort to pointing ·out the flaws ina significant proposal. But it is fatuous to waste time attacking one so weak that it can be demolished by high school debating tactics that avoid serious consideration of fundamental issues and deal only in hostile innuendoes, unsubstantiated arrogant opinions, and trivial nitpicking.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3292 on: October 03, 2016, 09:46:10 am »
Hey man I'm sorry if I've been hurting your feelings and being a jerk. You are, in fact, inspirational to me in your commitment and consistency. You also baffle me, and lately my response to that bafflement has taken the form of little one-liners instead of actually trying to engage with you. Engaging with you can be frustrating because you're so stubborn. But that's not a good enough reason to be a hater, so, apologies. I'll save the snark for mattyg if he ever comes back and tries to start defending Trump again.

The last comment, about people trying to compare themselves to you being foolish, was meant as a reflection of your unpredictability and iconoclasm, not as an insult.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3293 on: October 03, 2016, 10:49:28 am »
shit bro, i feel sheepish, i saw your reply on my phone waiting in the drivethru. meant to delete this when i came home from work but got side-tracked. i really appreciate you said that though, it's beyond cool. there's no ill feeling here only respect. lets get it done. ive worked so hard to get to this point where i am right now, to push past previous stumbkling blocks after multiple setbacks (injury, life, etc), im brimming with optimism for what's to come in the next few months.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3294 on: October 03, 2016, 11:11:10 pm »
BW: 82.6kg / 182.1lb

Heading in hte right direction. i'd be ok weighing 82.5kg to rep 140kg worksets. It's not justifiable for 130kg worksets tho.

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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3295 on: October 04, 2016, 05:37:30 am »
BS 6x2x137.5(LPR)
BP 2x6x87.5 (LPR), 5Fx87.5, 3x3x87.5

BW: 82.6kg

Last wk i got utterly destroyed by 137.5kg, managing 4x2 and 1F, 0F in 6 sets and took the entire week to recover lol. Today i progressed to 6x2x137.5kg and if im being exact, i tested myself against 140kg with the 2nd double so all things considering, im stronger than i was a week ago. Bad news is that the 140kg double was pretty damn hard and broke down my form, so it's a reminder that i need to get out of the 130kgs asap, it's still baby weight territory. It does make me wonder whether i'll be strong enough to attempt 6x2x140kg next tuesday? or shud i try add reps. not sure.

game tonight .. if i was meh about it last week, im goign towards couldnt give \a fuck about it with a large side  of disdain. it's this new team, they take it soo seriously when they're not even that good and they don't realise i have other priorities (lifting, work) than basketball. oh well whatever. im half thinking of recruiting someone to play in my stead while im focusing on becoming a beast. i do hope to transition back to basketball ofcourse once the transformation from unathletic to athletic has occured..
« Last Edit: October 04, 2016, 10:49:41 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3296 on: October 04, 2016, 10:59:31 am »
aite so im weighing 85kg and i dunked on court 1 which is the proper rim, slightly higher prob regulation. my ankle complained but not too much. so i will test again in a week. game was decent, i spent a lot of time on the bench. played some minutes tho, got an and-1 which i converted and a block. thats about it lol.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3297 on: October 04, 2016, 12:05:26 pm »
^^ from LBSS's reply & maxent's reply to his reply, everything is cool.

trying to compare yourself to entropy is a fool's errand.

It is indeed depressing to anyone who respects your truly exceptional talents to see you of late apparently spending a great deal of time on shallow, negative polemics that contribute almost nothing in the way of real knowledge or deep truths to the subject matter they deal with. Instead of utilizing your major talents in the difficult business of discovering new viewpoints, and new understanding and techniques, you make a spectacle of yourself indulging your minor talent for innuendo and derogation. There are occasions on which it is desirable for a person with an outstanding reputation to devote some effort to pointing ·out the flaws ina significant proposal. But it is fatuous to waste time attacking one so weak that it can be demolished by high school debating tactics that avoid serious consideration of fundamental issues and deal only in hostile innuendoes, unsubstantiated arrogant opinions, and trivial nitpicking.

but wow god damn what a post. I feel like saving that and using it in case I want to make someone feel bad about a post on a forum/facebook etc. scathe factor 9001. :wowthatwasnutswtf:

that's definitely overboard when you look at it from the perspective that LBSS does respect you, your consistency, your hard work etc.. (as you basically mentioned in your last reply to him). when I read his comment I personally didn't perceive it as an insult - seemed more directed towards your tendency to flip the script, go off on tangents, focus on things that many perceive to be insignificant (certain bodyweight goals etc).. stuff like that.

but that same stuff could also be said about me. It's hard to compare people's training to my own. Both my dunk training & now my run training are very unconventional. I usually end up in a spot after lots of trial and error, which often doesn't make sense to most people. For example, with dunking -> high frequency (multi-day sessions) of squatting + high rep squatting etc.. For running; High frequency (multi-day sessions) + low volume + no long runs to improve my 1-mile/5k times. I'm also testing a theory with this low volume approach. I've also had very low bodyweight goals for both training phases (~145 lb. for dunking), (~140 lb. for running/sprinting).

As far as bodyweight goals go, maybe having a goal of ~140 lb. and still being at 149 lb., is simply a way to keep me around ~149 lb? Maybe if I had a goal of 149 lb., i'd be more liberal with my eating, and get to ~155 lb. Regardless, i'd love to get to ~6-7% bodyfat @ 140 lb. and see what happens to my sprinting/running.. It could potentially be futile, or, it could be my optimal structure.. Not sure yet. I know when I was dunking way back, I felt amazing @ 145 lb.. was flying off 1-leg too.

It can be hard to compare people to overanalyzer/experimenters.. we do lots of dumb stuff, but also some good stuff.. The key is to surf that "good stuff" wave once we find it.. :F :ninja:



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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3298 on: October 04, 2016, 12:57:34 pm »
I just wanted to write down on the remarkable present situation where im able to say i squatted a PR while weighing much less (15kg/30lb less) than when I set the record broken and im not even doing them in a high state of arousal (like with stimulants, psyching up, or other such tricks which i'd rather not disclose lol). Im not supplementing creatine. Not using a belt (save for 2 sets of 2 reps per week as assistance) or any other gear (sleeves etc). And most of all, im doing it while playing my sport regularly. Im sure when i set those PRs i was all-in on lifting. So that's kinda cool. In season PRs given all of the above is pretty sweet. This is just groundwork though, the real results/achievements will happen when i use 150kg for worksets of 5x5 and eventually 6x6. That by year end would be amazing.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3299 on: October 04, 2016, 01:18:14 pm »
I just wanted to write down on the remarkable present situation where im able to say i squatted a PR while weighing much less (15kg/30lb less) than when I set the record broken and im not even doing them in a high state of arousal (like with stimulants, psyching up, or other such tricks which i'd rather not disclose lol). Im not supplementing creatine. Not using a belt (save for 2 sets of 2 reps per week as assistance) or any other gear (sleeves etc). And most of all, im doing it while playing my sport regularly. Im sure when i set those PRs i was all-in on lifting. So that's kinda cool. In season PRs given all of the above is pretty sweet. This is just groundwork though, the real results/achievements will happen when i use 150kg for worksets of 5x5 and eventually 6x6. That by year end would be amazing.

sick!  :headbang: