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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3510 on: February 01, 2017, 02:34:56 am »
genetic potential for your height is 100-105kg lean. you have a big 25% room for improvement.

keep grinding buddy.

5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3511 on: February 02, 2017, 09:09:10 am »
genetic potential for your height is 100-105kg lean. you have a big 25% room for improvement.

keep grinding buddy.

I'd kill to be 85kg lean. 100kg would be amazing. I just cant even imagine but then i look up before and after transformations for first time users of similar height and they go from like 80kg to 95kg and look amazing and meanwhile ive been working my ass off all these years and still havent' made any noticable gains.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3512 on: February 04, 2017, 09:43:50 am »
BP 5x82.5(PR), 4Fx82.5
BS 6x110(p135; PR), 1x125(PR), 2x6x110
Back Xtn 3x8x70(PR)
Back Xtn 12x10x35deg (PR)
TM 2km in 13:25min (2 incline, 9km/hr; PR)

BW: 78.4kg

Mid warmup on the squats i was thinking, too weak, not enough sleep, etc; maybe skip and try again tmr. But then i forced myself to go through with it b/c id rather rest the next 2 days. Glad I did cos i got some PRs. The 125kg pause was interrrrrrrrrrrrresting. My body figured out how to do that kick start our KF does out of his paused squats. I didn't even have to think about it it just happened naturally. My lockout is my weakpoint. I have a video, i would love some feedback. My theory is that embarassingly weak quads are holding me back from locking out reps I can squat otherwise. Like it would be one thing if i was getting stapled out of the bottom but instead i hit a sticking point and then it gets ugly, you know? Along with this ive been considering that if i do my paused squats with a weightlifting shoe, yeah temporarily i'd be a worse squatter -- but -- perhaps that would drag my quads up, screaming and complaining in the long term. Maybe it would put me in a better position to leverage quads. Maybe im just talking shit cos i always go back to my flat heel shoes cos i feel and squat way better in them. Anyone wanna humour me on this topic?

Progressed my back extension with 10kg vest and 3x20kg plates. Now what? Holding 3x20kg plates is a challenge, my grip was giving way on the latter reps. So i guess I could just stick with this weight and master it first, potentially working up to 3x12, while i figure out a way to load them further than 70kg. Honestly i am taking 5kg PR weekly jumps on this exercise, im no where my potential .. and i think eventually they'll actually start benefiting me but right now i dont think im getting anything out of them in terms of carryover to squatting. Oh along with this, the set i did with 35degree -- i found that i could literally wrap my arms around the 10kg plate. Why? cos my legs get short enough to allow FULL range rom on this exercise. I think adarq suggestion along with a change to 35degree and even 0 degree will get me where i wanna be (moving mad weight with full rom). That's pretty tantalising!

Finally, i erred with conservatism on bench press volume. I had to drop my sister off at the airport and i rushed 2 sets of bench presses, unfortunately failing the 5th rep of the 2nd set. I wanted 3x5x82.5kg but it's okay.

Oh and ive decided to set myself a HARD goal for conditioning - i think working up to 12km/hr for 10 minutes, at least once a week, is a wicked goal. And once I get there, it will go on maintenance, maybe i will toggle it upwards 0.1km/hr per week or something because lyle says you can improve fitness incrementally forever unlike sprint intervals and i think that would be a good thing for me considering im a terrible athlete in terms of fitness. Yes  sprints will be added to the mix soon, probably this coming week but long term I dont think i will be able to improve sprints as much as running long term, which is okay too.

In terms of tradeoffs, i think i can still aspire to have a 1.9xbw paused squat at 77kg. Im still fat as fuck at my current 78.5kg so if i shed some adipose and add some lean tissue, yeah, i can improve my paused squat from 125kg to 140kg for 1.9x, right?
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3513 on: February 07, 2017, 09:19:38 am »
BS 2x6x92.5(All reps paused; PR; i couldnt/didnt pause the last rep of 2nd set though)
OHP 2x57.5, 5x5x52.5
Incline Bench 2x62.5 (PR i think), 3x5x57.5(PR), 4Fx57.5 (lol couldnt lock out the damed rep)
Jump rope ~ 200 reps
TM run - 2km in ~12mins, (PR @ 10km/hr, 2 incline)

BW: i think it was 78.6kkg from memory? doesn't matter

Watched clarence do a set of 5 paused squats with 250kg. Decided i can start doing paused sets instead of alternating ones. I know from experience that 110kg is too heavy to do as prettily paused reps and 125kg is downright ugly (see my insta) - but i wasnt sure what i could do for reps as heavy as possible? I know ive done 70kg easilyy but i decided upon 92.5kg, went okay actually, considering my lower back was TORCHED af from saturdays training - so i can prob work up to pretty sets of paused reps with 100kg-ish? From there i will take sensible jumps. I want to get up to 180kg worksets paused one day, but theres no cheating now, have to be honest and keep my form super nice and chase those long term kingfisher gains.

what else can i say, i failed 65kg incline bench lol lol, without safeties it's scary. my memory was i did a set of 8 with 60kg last week? so i shud be able to do 65kg for some reps right? well no. anyway, i will progress up from 57.5kg, next time go for 5x5x60kg and then take smaller jumps. i just wanna get up to 70kg asap cos that will benefit my pressing exercises acrossing the board to move to the bigger 25kg plates.

forced a 1km/hr PR on my treadmill run. Im ok with it, it was very very hard but i wasnt as destroyed afterwards as i was last time with 9km/hr. I want to get up to 12km/hr and then im happy maintaining but til then, gonna focus on this as my main conditioning.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3514 on: February 08, 2017, 11:40:53 pm »
This is prob the least successful cut ive done. And i was trying to figure out why. I think it's b/c i didn't lowcarb.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3515 on: February 09, 2017, 12:10:26 am »
This is prob the least successful cut ive done. And i was trying to figure out why. I think it's b/c i didn't lowcarb.

Without wanting to read through your entire journal, have you ever had a 'successful' cut? What defines it?


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3516 on: February 09, 2017, 12:14:39 am »
This is prob the least successful cut ive done. And i was trying to figure out why. I think it's b/c i didn't lowcarb.

Without wanting to read through your entire journal, have you ever had a 'successful' cut? What defines it?

yes several of them have been successful but this one relatively less. success is reduction in bodyfat% or positive body comp change
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3517 on: February 09, 2017, 12:30:33 am »
This is prob the least successful cut ive done. And i was trying to figure out why. I think it's b/c i didn't lowcarb.

Without wanting to read through your entire journal, have you ever had a 'successful' cut? What defines it?

yes several of them have been successful but this one relatively less. success is reduction in bodyfat% or positive body comp change

It might have seemed like an obvious question but I was thinking you need to have a performance aspect associated with a successful cut. I feel I've said it a bit here but body recomp-ing isn't much use unless it has tangible benefits down the road performance-wise. Otherwise you're just a bodybuilder. So I wouldn't think you could grade a cut as successful or not until you've done some training/testing. It's dangerous to assume that because you lose x% bf that you'll gain y% performance. I think you know all this but you always seem to get down when body recomp-ing doesn't go the way you wanted. [/$0.02].


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3518 on: February 09, 2017, 12:41:23 am »
This is prob the least successful cut ive done. And i was trying to figure out why. I think it's b/c i didn't lowcarb.

Without wanting to read through your entire journal, have you ever had a 'successful' cut? What defines it?

yes several of them have been successful but this one relatively less. success is reduction in bodyfat% or positive body comp change

It might have seemed like an obvious question but I was thinking you need to have a performance aspect associated with a successful cut. I feel I've said it a bit here but body recomp-ing isn't much use unless it has tangible benefits down the road performance-wise. Otherwise you're just a bodybuilder. So I wouldn't think you could grade a cut as successful or not until you've done some training/testing. It's dangerous to assume that because you lose x% bf that you'll gain y% performance. I think you know all this but you always seem to get down when body recomp-ing doesn't go the way you wanted. [/$0.02].

i get ya, wasn't really looking at performance though.  im not sure then, like i stumbled across a page from my log from 2013 when i cut to sub 75kg and i was using similar weights on my squats to now. more or less. But this time im heavier but not much stronger. dont track numbers for running and im not training vertical at the mo, so no real markers of athleticism to compare against which is ok, just disappointed in current level of leanness more than anything
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3519 on: February 09, 2017, 04:20:49 am »
This is prob the least successful cut ive done. And i was trying to figure out why. I think it's b/c i didn't lowcarb.

Without wanting to read through your entire journal, have you ever had a 'successful' cut? What defines it?

yes several of them have been successful but this one relatively less. success is reduction in bodyfat% or positive body comp change

It might have seemed like an obvious question but I was thinking you need to have a performance aspect associated with a successful cut. I feel I've said it a bit here but body recomp-ing isn't much use unless it has tangible benefits down the road performance-wise. Otherwise you're just a bodybuilder. So I wouldn't think you could grade a cut as successful or not until you've done some training/testing. It's dangerous to assume that because you lose x% bf that you'll gain y% performance. I think you know all this but you always seem to get down when body recomp-ing doesn't go the way you wanted. [/$0.02].

i get ya, wasn't really looking at performance though.  im not sure then, like i stumbled across a page from my log from 2013 when i cut to sub 75kg and i was using similar weights on my squats to now. more or less. But this time im heavier but not much stronger. dont track numbers for running and im not training vertical at the mo, so no real markers of athleticism to compare against which is ok, just disappointed in current level of leanness more than anything

OK for apples to apples comparison I've been lowcarbing the last 48hrs. Interesting how it's affected me so far. Couldn't fall asleep but eventually did for a few hours. Got up around 8, hunger has vanished even tho I've had a single shake and a homemade (lean) burger in ~40 hrs. Skinfolds seem smaller and scale registered a PR, pm anyway, at 77.1kg. I have a game tonight but will ride the bench as much as possible. Stopping the cut in 3 days on Sunday. Will do a proper write up
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3520 on: February 09, 2017, 05:00:29 am »
how's your hydration been during the fast?
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3521 on: February 09, 2017, 05:23:51 am »
how's your hydration been during the fast?

Similar id say given it has been cold and we weather so haven't been asv thirsty but that's a good point hydration might be different. Actually I haven't been pissing out water like crazy which might suggest I'm still holding water
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3522 on: February 09, 2017, 05:45:15 am »
Fk tempted to keep cutting now lol lol. Low carb is a game changer
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3523 on: February 09, 2017, 10:07:40 am »
Game was okay, i was surprised how quick i felt with the ball dribbling around on the side before the game. and i couldnt figure out what possibly would have made that happen? maybe jump rope. idk.  im so over training like a bodybuilder/powerlifter tho, will be doing a variety of exercises whenever i feel like it, without worrying about not wrecking my muscles for a scheduled lifting session. to a point anyway. like it makes no sense to avoid doing pushups or jump rope cos you have to squat or bench that day or the following day or what have you, it's just a recipe for mediocrity.

kept up the low carbing, thought about doing a refeed tonight so i can sleep well for lifting tmr, but id rather just lowcarb today and tmr and then do the lifting on saturday on the last day of this cut, go hard and then refeed and bang job done, anabolic rebound etc
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3524 on: February 09, 2017, 05:28:42 pm »
will be doing a variety of exercises whenever i feel like it, without worrying about not wrecking my muscles for a scheduled lifting session. to a point anyway. like it makes no sense to avoid doing pushups or jump rope cos you have to squat or bench that day or the following day or what have you, it's just a recipe for mediocrity.

^^^ this. I'm beginning to think work capacity is king. Once you get over that initial adaptation period it will help you in the long run (that's what I keep telling myself anyway  :D)
"Train as hard as possible, as often as possible, while staying as fresh as possible"
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