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Saturday 15th May 2024

No surprises I'm moderate to heavily sore all over, from all the new exercises. Glute medius in particular from the band side leg raises.
Even my quads are pretty sore.
Upper back, core, obliques/QL is sore from snatch grip back extensions and woodchops, but for some reason my outer tricep head are also really sore...

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

Popliteus bent knee internal foot rotation ISO : 3x33 secs
Popliteus standing leg curl laterally to behind opposite leg -
band attached to forefoot, 10 sec hold at full contraction with foot internally rotated - small light Rogue band 2x5

Walking - 28 mins

Went on a shopping spree this week with all the end of financial year sales going on
On Ebay I picked up a cheap 45 degree back extension unit, and is rated for 200kg.
Crazy for $80AUD and it folds up for space savings in my garage.

I'm just worried the handles might get in the way of a held barbell, but I can use a different grip width, and raise the height of the unit to compensate for loss of ROM.
And if it's unstable, I can always rest it on a barbell in my squat stand, instead of it's support arm

On Amazon last night and picked up Sertt cable pulley system - $72AUD, so cheap.
Already delivered and all items feel solid and as robust as any pulley and attachments I've used in a commercial gym.
Attach one pulley to my chin bar on my squat stands, and the other as a low pulley, to a tie down strap rigged across the bottom front of my squat stands, when needed.
Going to replace most of my banded movements with it, and greatly open up the type of exercises I can do.
Even for adding load to the back extensions

Loading pin can swing a bit, which can be damped by running the cable it's connected to, through a band stretched across it's path etc

And just now, while casually surfing the web, I came across this SMAI belt squat attachment.
It's not made for my squat stands, but the pin size is the same, and I can attach it in several makeshift ways on the stand, safety bars or even a barbell with tie down straps
It comes with a belt, is adjustable in length and has a support arm that automatically swings out of the way once you lift off.
And it's cheap compared to the others I've seen, with more features, and on sale. 

Once I figured I can do belt squats, calf raises/ISOs, Bulgarian split squats, lunges in all directions (when hooked up with a tie down strap) and other single leg moves without loading the spine it seems like a no brainer.
Also add load for the 45 degree back extension, by hooking the belt to the back of your head when your at the bottom of the extension.
Can probably rig up a seated calf raise as well :)

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Last post by CoolColJ on June 14, 2024, 12:06:45 pm »
Friday 14th June 2024

Upper back and erectors still sore, but everything else is starting to taper off.

Trying lots of new stuff this session.

Reboot - Week 27, Day 3 - Lower weights

Body Weight: 89kg with shoes, in winter clothing

snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocate stretch with broom x 1 min

Sartorius leg lift ISO, while pressing foot against wall: 2x 33secs

A. Front plank hold: 33secs
B. Side plank, legs bent and abducted: 33secs
C. Glute bridge hold: 33secs

Rotating sets

Split squat ISO : - half squat depth - BW x33secs
Dip belt +10kg x33 Secs, x20kg

SSB - 33 secs x 30kg, 40kg, 50kg

Power clean:
20kg x10 - 5 low hang, 5 high hang
40kg x7  - 1 floor, 3 high hang, 3 knee hang
50kg x7  - 1 floor, 3 high hang, 3 knee hang
50kg x5  - 1 floor, 3 high hang, 1 knee hang

Felt like trash on these, still recovering from squats 2 days ago

rotating sets

Tibilias Wall raise - standing warmup in oly shoes - BW x8
against side of car, in oly shoes - hold at top - BW x6

Myorep. "+" = 15 secs rest
Dip belt+10kg x 13↓ @RPE 8 +3+3+3+2

Sartorius lying on back, band pull. single leg: - slow. hold at top
Red band 7.5kg x6,
7.4kg  2x8 @REP 8/9

SSB single leg Calf raise ISO: -
10 secs straight, toes out, toes in without rest -   BW x30 secs, x30kg, x50kg, x70kg, x80kg @ RPE 7  (+5kg)

Leg Extension ISO - single leg - front of unit elevated 5 inches, plates moved towards end of arm -
Leaning back, 30 sec hold at 60 degrees - x10kg, 15kg, x20kg

Band rotations, high to low woodchop: - controlled with hold - 7.5kg (red band) 2x10 @ RPE 6/7

SSB Calf raise - single leg - hand supported, staggered stance
Flat on floor, heel not touching, controlled - 70kg 2x12 @RPE 7/8  (+5kg)

Adductor band pull: - red band - 7.5kg x10 @7
B;ue band - 12.4kg x12 @8

Side abduction raises banded:
red band - 7.5kg x10 @7, 7.5kg x12 @9

45 degree back extension: - home ghetto setup - BW x10
barbell, Collar to collar Snatch grip - 20kg x6, 30kg x6

5 mins rest
straps - 35.5kg x10 @7  (+2.5kg)
37.5kg x10 @8   (+5kg)
40kg x10 @8.5 (+7.5kg)

Without any squats this session, I kept going up in weight and still not getting close to failure.
Felt uneven, more tension and pump on my right side erectors and hamstrings

Leg curl, single leg : - front lifted up 5 inches, Plates shifted to end of arm - controlled - 10kg x5

Jefferson curl: - Controlled - 10kg x5
barbell - controlled
20kg x20 @RPE  (+3 reps)

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Age vs VO2max
« Last post by vag on June 14, 2024, 06:57:01 am »
13 June

Low aerobic HR zone run 7K @ 53:25 ( 7:37 pace )

Slow but it was again T+DI 155 and had squat-sore legs, so still fine.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Age vs VO2max
« Last post by vag on June 13, 2024, 06:21:18 am »
12 June

5 @ 60 kg
5 @ 62.5 kg  ( +2.5 kg  )
5 @ 62.5 kg  ( +2.5 kg  )

HORIZONTAL BENCH PRESS MACHINE: 4x10 @ 55 kg ( +5 kg )

SEATED CABLE ROW : 4x10 @ 65 kg

SS1a: DB HAMMER CURL : 12 @ 12.5kg each hand
SS1b: ROPE PUSHDOWN : 12 @ 17kg
SS1 info : 3 rounds


Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Last post by CoolColJ on June 13, 2024, 06:16:33 am »
Thursday 13th June 2024

Moderate DOMs all over. Mild tired/drained feeling.
Starting to get used to loading 25kg plates, so arms not so beat up now.

My abs, quads, glutes, erectors, QL/obliques and even my calves are sore from the high bar squats.
Even some hamstring, but I was bending over to move plates, and other things, so it's not all from squats.

Makes me question the need for post squat accessories like RDLs and good mornings when the high bar squat already trashes the erectors and glutes.
I'm just doubling up on the amount of work they do, and prolonging recovery or even inhibiting hypertrophy due to excessive damage...
Only hamstrings need specific targeting that leg curls, nordics, GHR, back extensions and some others do better.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Last post by vag on June 13, 2024, 06:14:44 am »
early morning, was beautiful outside. (but don't worry vag, we'll catch up to you soon.)

haha, i hope you won't
but i see it will approach 100F next week there.
Today is the hottest day of the year in Greece, there is prediction for 45C / 113F in a couple of places wtf!
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: AGC's journal
« Last post by AGC on June 13, 2024, 12:17:47 am »
Thanks for the tips CoolColJ.

Training last week:

I've felt pretty good overall, definitely getting some "beginner's" gains so I'm dropping the BSS-only session and changing it to 4x10 and 5x5 + BSS across three sessions/week:

Day 1: Squat 5x5@90kg, 100x3, 90 // BSS 3x10/leg@16kgs
Day 2: Squat 4x10 @80kgs (this was pretty easy so going up next time)
Day 3: Squat 5x5@100kgs // BSS 3x10/leg@16kgs (also felt pretty easy, I feel like 5x5@105kgs is doable.)

Each session:
- 3xF back ext. @ 10kgs, working towards 20+ reps for 3 sets.
- SL calf raise 3xF/leg @ 12kgs, getting about 30/25/20 reps here.
- some anti-rotation and leg raising ab exercises.

BW: ~78kgs

I'm mostly getting volume up, 4x10 and 5x5 are great for this. Eventually it'd be nice to hit 4x10@100kgs - I think that's the most I've done for 4x10, and ~125kgs 5x5.

An essay on vertical measurement:

I missed testing my SVJ on the weekend, aiming for this weekend. I've been thinking a lot over the last few years about the well-worn topic of the best way to measure vertical. It's something so fundamental but also very difficult to accurately measure compared to a horizontal jump.

Hang time based calcs with video are more popular now but are still hit-and-miss. The variance is always going to be high - even with 120fps+ footage minimum there's too much uncertainty about when exactly to start and end the jump (foot up/down, toes touching etc.). These have been discussed a lot here. (Vag had some good corrections in this thread.)

Never used jump mats, but regardless of their accuracy, they are prohibitively expensive.

[Head touch height - height] removes the standing reach error, but if you don't actually hit your head on the object, you need film to see how close you got.

I'd say the most common is [highest touch height - standing reach] (provided the jumper is accurately reporting their std reach). It is probably the most consistently accurate measurement. The major practical issue with this is getting access to a training space that allows you to jump at an object of known height.

Gyms can be OK if there's a jump target, but often space is an issue.

Indoor bball courts are great, but they usually cost money to access and aren't always clear enough to jump.

Outdoor bball courts are feasible but the ring height is usually variable and sometimes surface is an issue. If you have a good spot with a measured ring and not too slippery, then that's ideal.

Additionally, similar to head touch, when jumping at a ring or something of fixed height, you also need to know how much of your hand you get over the ring - usually not a huge issue but knowing exactly how high you touched is better. Vertecs are obviously awesome for this but are also awesomely expensive. Home-mades are doable (I've done two) but they are very labourious.

Thus (and don't laugh), I am considering buying this:

which I found by searching amazon for 'vertical jump tester' just for fun. Super cheap, has a small but sufficient range of 25cm, plus suction cups. I have a spot outside I could put this for jumping at. Could be a bit of fun to track SVJ vs squat again, maybe not as serious as in the past but I do enjoy this type of training while the weather is cold. (It's also a very time-efficient training. I simply can't fit in >1hr long runs etc. yet.)
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Last post by CoolColJ on June 12, 2024, 03:34:49 pm »
Wednesday 12th June 2024

Upper back was achey from BBall, but I had a good nights sleep, and felt fairly good.
Legs and hips also felt ready after 6 days without any squats, and yesterday's BBall activity was not that taxing to them.
So I did squats today, 2 days earlier than planned.

Kinda much like "Street workout" type session - chin, dip, squat :)

In hindsight I probably should have thrown in some leg curls, but even so my quads, glutes, hamstrings and abs are all feeling achey as I sit here

Chin, Dip, Squat - Reboot, Week 27, day 2

Bodyweight with shoes - 88.7kg in winter clothing

External foot rotation ISO, bent knee, against opposite foot: 5x33 secs
Bent knee Internal foot rotation ISO 5x33 secs
Single leg kneeling deadlift, supported : 4x33 secs

Calf raise ISO push against wall, sitting on floor, back against wall:
33 Seconds Straight
33 Seconds Straight
33 Seconds Toes out
33 Seconds Toes in

Sartorius leg lift ISO, while pressing inside foot against object - 4x33 secs

Tricep bench dip: paused x5

Rotating sets - 2 mins between

Band external rotation activation: - while slow overhead pressing -  Light band x2 x 3sets
done between warm up sets of the chin/dip

Chin Up: BW x 10 leg assisted , BW x3
Belt+5kg x4, x3, x3 @RPE 7.5 on last set  (+1 rep on first set)

RPE is dropping, so getting stronger

Dips: - Power rack setup - 10 dip shrugs, BW x10 leg assisted
BW x6
Dip belt +5kg x6
+12.5kg x12 @ RPE 8.5  (+2.5kg)
+12.5kg x12 @9.5

Band 3 axis cuff wall slide: - each side - light band x12,
medium band x15, x16 @RPE 7

Subscapularis band rotations: - each side - light band x12
medium band x15, x15 @RPE 7

Sartorius, lying on back, band pull - single leg - Slow, hold at top 7.5kg (doubled red band) 2x10 @RPE 7/8

High Bar squat - Flat shoes (Avancus Apex Power v2) - 20kg x10, controlled 40kg x10
4 sec eccentric - 40kg x10, 60kg x6, 80kg x6, 100kg x4

Belt, 4 sec eccentric - 115kg x3, 125kg x1, 135kg x1,
145kg x1 @ RPE 8.5  (+5kg)

belt - 6 mins rest
128kg x6 @RPE 8.5  (+2kg)
6 mins rest
128kg x6 @9

After the 135kg single flew up, I bumped up the top single to 145kg which felt OK, hard, but it  looked relatively easy
Same for the 128kg sets, felt kinda hard, but they looked easy on video.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Last post by LBSS on June 12, 2024, 01:11:13 pm »
- tennis w/dad x 45 mins
early morning, was beautiful outside. (but don't worry vag, we'll catch up to you soon.)
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Age vs VO2max
« Last post by vag on June 12, 2024, 09:02:45 am »
11 June

Run 5K @ 29:10 ( 5:49 pace )
Low aerobic HR zone run 2K @ 17:48 ( 8:53 pace )

Fkn heat wave hit us too early this year. Last night it was T+DI 156 (88+68) at 11pm for christ's sake!
Had to break the run, last year i didn't break runs until late July that TDI was 165, previous years i would endure/fight the heat and start breaking runs around early July.
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