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60 x 3
50 x 7, 6

Lateral Raise
20 x 12, 10

Hammer Incline Curl
20 x 13, 10

Stationary Bike x 15 mins


Hmm, tempted to make BW OHP a goal
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Loopie's Log
« Last post by LoopieMclooperson on Today at 09:36:50 am »
1/24/25 Friday
Treadmill 45 mins 2.45 miles

1/29/25 Wednesday
Treadmill 45 mins 2.39 miles

1/30/25 Thursday
Treadmill 30 mins 1.60 miles

1/31/25 Friday BW = 188.8
Ohp 12x105, 12x105, 12x105.
Pull up bar 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.
Dip 20, 20, 20, 20.

2/4/25 Tuesday
Squat 5x45, 5x135, 5x135, 5x135, 5x135.
Deadlift 8x185, 8x205, 8x205, 8x205.
Dumbbell lunge 10x35, 10x35, 10x35.
Ab machine 15x115, 15x115.

2/5/25 Wednesday BW = 187.0
Treadmill 60 mins 4.39 miles

2/6/25 Thursday BW = 185.8
Bench 5x175, 5x185, 5x195, 7x195, 5x195, 5x195.
Row 15x80, 15x80, 15x80.
Ab machine 20x115, 20x115, 20x115.

2/7/25 Friday
Ohp 12x105, 12x105, 12x105.
Pull up 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.
Dip 20, 20, 20.
Ab machine 20x115.

2/11/25 Tuesday
Bench 5x175, 5x185, 5x195, 5x200, 5x200, 6x200.
Row 12x80, 12x85, 12x85.
Ab machine 20x115, 20x115, 20x115.

My Knee has been sore. Every-time I try to run or lift, the issue flares up. So hopefully with a little time it will be good as new.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Last post by AGC on February 10, 2025, 10:19:54 pm »
found out yesterday that i am 95% likely to get furloughed (i.e., placed on leave without pay) on february 14. there's a 3% chance that i keep my full-time post and a 2% chance that my position is terminated altogether. deep breaths.

ribs continue to improve: they are now just sore, no acute pain. really, really glad that they're healing in time for my ski trip, which starts this weekend! i'm not going to run before then, just in the interest of not pushing my luck with recovery. will do some walking today, probably outside as i'm taking a sick day and so will have time during the day for it.

Wow sorry to hear that. I've got my fingers crossed for the 3%. Is this from Trump 2.0 by any chance?
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Last post by Joe on February 10, 2025, 07:50:36 am »

Run - 7k, 42 mins
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Last post by Joe on February 09, 2025, 07:49:23 am »

120 x 6, 5

Rev Nord
30 x 6, 5

+55x9 + BWx14

Inc Fly
20x12 + 12 presses

Inc Curl
20 x 15 + 7

47.5 x 9

Bike x 15 mins


Easier to standardise ROM with SLDLs [stiff-legged deadliftts] than GMs, so might try those out for a while. Certainly felt like I was getting a better hamstring stretch from them.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Last post by Joe on February 08, 2025, 07:45:01 am »

Run - 7.83km, 47:55
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Last post by LBSS on February 07, 2025, 06:04:32 pm »
thanks, looking good as of today but fingers crossed!

- dreadmill hill walk x 30 mins + 6 mins very slow running + some more walking
run did not hurt but took it very slow (12 min/mile pace).

- stretch
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Last post by Joe on February 06, 2025, 07:24:42 am »
found out yesterday that i am 95% likely to get furloughed (i.e., placed on leave without pay) on february 14. there's a 3% chance that i keep my full-time post and a 2% chance that my position is terminated altogether. deep breaths.

ribs continue to improve: they are now just sore, no acute pain. really, really glad that they're healing in time for my ski trip, which starts this weekend! i'm not going to run before then, just in the interest of not pushing my luck with recovery. will do some walking today, probably outside as i'm taking a sick day and so will have time during the day for it.

yikes, fingers crossed for you man! hope you can at least fully enjoy the ski trip
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Last post by Joe on February 06, 2025, 07:19:25 am »

Reverse Lunge
120 x 5

Lat Prayer
42.5 x 13, 10 + 30x11 + Pullups @20x5

Deficit Pushup
+20 x 15, 11 +BWx11

Incline Curl
20 x 16, 12

EZ Tricep
47.5 x 8, 5

Side Bend
50 x 8, 6

10 min bike


Played around with different degrees of incline for the curls and tricep extensions. Conveniently, think a lower incline for curls and higher incline for triceps works better, so I can just do the midpoint and not adjust the bench while supersetting them exercises.

Enjoying that I am getting some slow but real progress even with low-volume/low-freq training.
Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Last post by LBSS on February 05, 2025, 10:53:04 am »
found out yesterday that i am 95% likely to get furloughed (i.e., placed on leave without pay) on february 14. there's a 3% chance that i keep my full-time post and a 2% chance that my position is terminated altogether. deep breaths.

ribs continue to improve: they are now just sore, no acute pain. really, really glad that they're healing in time for my ski trip, which starts this weekend! i'm not going to run before then, just in the interest of not pushing my luck with recovery. will do some walking today, probably outside as i'm taking a sick day and so will have time during the day for it.
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